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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Comic Con {Sebastian Stan / Chris Evans}


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This is based off when Seb and Chris took pictures with animals for a comic con photo op session. In an interview recently, Sebastian has admitted to loving cats but being allergic to them. Hope you enjoy!


It was eight thirty am and entirely too early for either mans liking as Chris and Sebastian walked into the large convention center. They had a photo session at nine with a few dozen people who had payed to get pictures with them and their pets. Chris was happy at the idea of meeting a bunch of dogs, getting to pet them and fawn over them, and really, Sebastian was too. The Romanian was also nervous because he'd forgotten about this specific session and he'd not thought to bring any allergy medication. Maybe there wouldn't be any cats, or at least not many. 

Sebastian's always been one to push away discomfort, always pushing through things. He hates showing weakness, something that probably stems from growing up in a communist country. Chris doesn't know about Sebastian's allergies, and frankly, he'd like to keep it that way. 

Their PR's show them to the large booth that has a blue cloth next to it, a camera set up a few feet away. 

"You ready for today?" Chris asks as he sips some of his coffee he has in his hand, looking at Sebastian with his eyes full of love. 

"Da, yes. Very ready. Lots of cute animals, getting to see you fawn over them," Sebastian chuckled, taking a pinch of his muffing between his fingers and popping it into his mouth. Blueberry, his favorite. 

They eat in comfortable silence, both men not very peppy in the morning. They'd had a late night the night before, stupidly deciding to watch Star Wars for six hours straight. When the time becomes five till nine, one of the workers for the con walks over and explains what they should be expecting. One at a time, the person and their animal will come in. They get two minutes to talk and take the picture, and then the next person will come in. Chris has always been amazed at how much someone will pay just to spend not even five minutes talking to he and his boyfriend. It was ridiculous if his opinion mattered. But it didn't, and he was happy to make a fans day. 

He presses a kiss to Sebastian's lips before the first person comes in, making Sebastian grin, humming out an 'i love you' against the taller mans lips. 

The first few people come and go, all cute dogs with wagging tails and excited fans. 

Then on the sixth person to enter, Sebastian feels his stomach drop a bit. The teenage girl os holding an incredibly fluffy tabby cat, orange and white fur and brown eyes. Chris cooes, saying hi to both, scratching the cat behind his ears. Sebastian can practically see the fur floating in the air as Chris continues his actions. As if on queue, the younger mans nose tickles, not bad enough to sneeze, but enough to irritate him and keep him on edge. He presses his wrist to his slender nostrils, sniffling softly. His nose is already starting to run, which only makes the tickle worse. 

"How are you sweetheart?" Chris asks the obviously nervous girl who smiles and says she's good. She tells them that her cats name is Mushu, like the dragon in Mulan, which makes Chris brighten. "That's fucking awesome!" 

Sebastian can only nod, the itchy tickle in his nose making his breath hitch slightly. They walk over to take the picture and the girl asks them to stand on either side, bend down to get closer to Mushu. They both bend down and Chris beams while Sebastian struggles to keep his composure together, the tickle intensifying as the dander is spread around. They take the photo quickly, and as soon as the flash goes off, Sebastian's turning around as fast as he can, pulling the top hem of his black shirt up over his nose and mouth. 

"heh'GNXXT! eh'TSCH!! B-Bless m- gHXT! Bless me," Seb sniffles, the hem of his shirt rubbing upwards against his aggrivated nostrils, still flaring slightly. 

The girl blesses him as well, and Chris puts a hand on his boyfriends shoulder. The girl thanks them both and walks out. 

Sebastian's still struggling slightly, and he can't help but let another small sneeze out, ticklish and not helpful. 

"Gh'TSCHH! Ugh, sorry," he blushes a bright red, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Bless love, it's fine. People sneeze," Chris shrugs, not thinking anything of it. Sebastian's grateful enough as a few more dogs come in but then a woman and two cats make their way in a bit later and Sebastian swears he can feel the allergy attack building before the cats are even close to him and his sensitive nose. 

He says hello, along with Chris and the woman starts talking about how they've made such an impact on her life. Sebastian's smiling and nodding along but one of the cats, the smaller one with longer fur, leaps over to him and brushes himself against Sebastian's arm. The woman apologizes and Sebastian shakes his head, trying to keep calm. 

"It's fine, he's not doing any h-har...harm.." Sebastian's eyes flutter shut and Chris looks over slightly confused but then catches sight of his boyfriends nostrils flaring, slightly damp from irritation. He watches Sebastian pull his shirt back up over his face. 

"Ehh'itcCH! huh'NXGTT! I'm sorehh'ETCH! Excuse me," Sebastian tries to apologize but the tickle in his nose is unbearable, making him uncharacteristically push his fingers up against his nose, trying to relieve the itch. 

"eh'GTCHH! hu'PTSCHH!" Chris frowns at the small fit his boyfriend seems to be enduring and apologizes to the woman who's obviously embarrassed. Sebastian excuses himself a moment, walking away from the cats, over to the corner where he presses his shirt to his itchy nostrils, rubbing desperately. 

"huh'GXXTCH! eh'ISCTHH! huh'Eishhh'uhhh!" One of the PR's has made her way to Sebastian with a few tissues, the man thanking her gratefully as he tried to make himself small, hunch his shoulder inwards as he blew his nose wetly, rubbing his eyes afterwards, itchy and watery. He's not had an attack like this in a long time, and he's completely embarrassed at the fact it's not only been in front of Chris, but also a fan. 

When he turns back, the woman is gone and Chris is walking towards him. He wraps his arms around his boyfriend, pressing a kiss to his head. 

"Are you okay honey? You think you're coming down with so-" 

Chris is cut off by Sebastian sucking in a shaky breath, pressing his face into Chris's shoulder. 

"ehh'GXXXTCH! huh-Chrihhh-eh'NGGGXT!" Sebastian rubs his face against his shoulder, his twitching nostrils pressed damply against Chris's dander-laden flannel, not helping whatsoever. 

"Baby," Chris frowns, rubbing his boyfriends trembling back as he feels him tense and let out a wet, harsher sneeze. 


Sebastian leans back, nose flushed pink and dripping up against his upper lip, slick rimmed nostrils, eyes watery and irritated. Chris grabs a few tissues from the desk where the PR had set them and presses them against Sebastian's upturned nose, feeling it dampen. 

"Chris...I'mb r-really allehh-eh'GTSHH! Allergihh'ITCH! Allergic," Sebastian finally manages out, not even caring as his boyfriend catches his desperate, tickly sneezes into his hand. He needs relief. 

Chris nods, chuckling softly. "Really love? I couldn't tell," he teases, grabbing a new tissues, rubbing at Sebastian's nose. Sebastian lets out a shaky breath, finally able to think a bit more clearly. He looks at Chris and then narrows his eyes slightly. 

"You're liking this aren't you?" 

Chris grinned sheepishly. "Can you blame me? You're kind of hot when you don't have control..." 



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I recently heard about Sebastian's cat allergies and thought it was such a shame because he seems to love them so much. Thank you for thinking of a story like this which involves him having to face his allergen while remaining polite and strong. I love the concern that Chris has and the affection between them. This is another story that I will read over and over again. 

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Love this, would love to see you continue (maybe throw in some Chris allergies along the way).

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  • 11 months later...

*aggressively supports allergic Chris Evens Idea*

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