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My first fic! Set in season one and I have to make will a bit mean at the beginning.


"First things first." Mr.shue said at that afternoon rehearsal. "The animal shelter is in need of volunteers to help with the cats and dogs so I volunteered you guys! Nobody is allowed to miss this unless for a important event like a funeral or serious ilness. Understand?"  He asked.

  Everybody muttered a quite yes and they continued with the rehearsal. 


  Later that day after rehersal Finn walked up to mr.shue. "Sir, I won't be able to go to the animal shelter on Saturday. I have bad allergies to cats and medicine doesn't work." He said.

  "Finn. I don't care we'll put you with the dogs or something." He replied.

  "But-" he gut cut off by mr.Shue walking out.


  Finn was on his way to the animal shelter. His mom had made him take some benedrill before he left hoping it might work, but he knew it wouldn't.


  The moment he walked in he felt his nose begin to tickle. He sniffed and walked over to where Kurt and Rachael were standing.

"Hi Finn!" Kurt smiled,"what do you think of my new jacket?" He asked.

  "It's *sniff* it's nice." He offered. He sat dine on the ground and waited for the rest of the kids to get here. 


  "Okay! We have one group of kids who will be with dogs first and one group of kids who will be with cars first." Mr.shuester said. "Mercedes, Kurt, Rachael, Artie, puck and Finn will be with the dogs first and the rest of you will be wth cats.


  "Hemp-tsh." Finn muffled into his sleeve. He wiped his eyes and poured some more water into the bowl for the puppy. He sneezed again but this time it was unexpected. ?"HAT-SHOO!" He sneezed right in the puppies face leaving it bewildered. He walked over to Rachael. "Hey, Rachael? Do you mind watching lucky over there well I go to the washroom?" He asked. 

  "Not at all. Are you feeling okay?" She asked but got cut off by another huge sneeze.

"HASHHOO! HEMT-SHE! Imb fide. It's just by allergies." He said extremely congestedly. Rachael silently handed him a pack of tissues and he walked off.


  "HEMPT! HASHOO! KEMPSH! ACSHOO! HAPSHIO! HECKTSHOO! He sneezed into the destroyed tissue and sighed. He blew his nose for what had to be at least the 7th time. This was going to be a long day.

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I love this! Excellent work. Finn being forced to go help with the animals even though he's allergic is so mean but so, so yummy. :) please continue!

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4 hours ago, EmilyRose said:

I love this! Excellent work. Finn being forced to go help with the animals even though he's allergic is so mean but so, so yummy. :) please continue!

Thanks you so much! I sort of based this off the wheelchair episode. I hate making mr.shue mean but it doesn't make sense any other way so 

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Yeah! Part 2


. Finn walked back into the room nose still running and eyes still watering. Rachael walked up to him, "Finn, you look terrible, go home."

  "Bister schue won't det be." 

  "At least blow your nose. I can barely understand you." 

  "Fide." He pulled a tissue out of the pack she'd given him earlier and blew his nose. He quickly turned around buried nose in his arm. "HEXTCHOO! ISHOO! HEPTCHOO! XTCHO! EMTCH! ICSHOO! NXXTCH! HESSHOO!" He leaned against the wall breathing heavily. 

  "Your obviously not ok. I'm gonna go talk to mister Schneider be fore you die from sneezing."


"Mister schue. Please, he's miserable. Just let him go home." Rachael begged with the teacher. 

  "Fine. Let me see him." Mister Schue said finally giving in.

  "Thank you!"


  "Finn?" The older man said shaking the boy. His tear filled eyes opened slightly.  "I'm really sorry that I made you come, we're gonna leave now. Can you walk do you think?" He asked.

  "Mm-hm." He mumbled pulling himself up. 

  "I'm going to drive you back to your house and then-"

. "HETSHOO! ISHHO! ACCHO! HXXTCH!" He doulbled over with each sneeze making him look even more miserable then already was. That's when the teacher felt the heat radiating off of him. 

  "Finn? Do you feel ok? You have a fever." He said.

  "Dot really."

  "I'm so sorry." 



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I need to share this somewhere and this is the only place I can cause I'm not validated yeti! So it's common knowledge that Finn Is allergic to cats and people say that they just say that once and forget about it but whil I'm watching the Christmas episode from season 2 Rachael says, "well at least u didn't get you a kitten!" I'm fangirling so armed right now

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