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Seemingly Effortless Coadunation(SU,Garnet(Ruby+Sapphire)


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Hi so I'm in pain and decided to make my two favorite gay space rocks suffer. Enjoy? 

Inspired by Spoider's art piece of Garnet sneezing and seeing the internal struggle of Sapphire and Ruby. 

Ruby+Sapphire form a fusion called "Garnet". They work as one entity.  

I'm torn on writing pronouns for Garnet so I'll refer to the leader as She/Her okay?  

Set somewhere in season 3 of Steven Universe but I'll try not to spoil anything. Mentions of  other Crystal Gems and acquaintances in the show. 

I'm trying to colour coordinate and not sure how well it will work.

I'm writing this as if it was kind of like Osmosis Jones or Inside Out, where Ruby or Sapphire can control what movements and whatnot Garnet does. Might be a bit confusing to get across, sorry in advance. 

Anyways I'm garbage at writing but please enjoy :) 


Seemingly Effortless Coadunation 


Garnet was cleaning up her room in the temple, looking for something when she felt a sharp tickle in her nose. She hadn't felt that sensation in her life. Sapphire was confused whilst Ruby made Garnet pinch her nose. Ruby secretly had struggled with a sensitivity to dust her whole existence. She hadn't told anyone though as she thought that would make people see her as a defective gem. 


 Homeworld already had a grudge against her for being half of the first fusion, a fusion not within her own gem kind. Homeworld wasn't keen on two different gems fusing with each other and Ruby didn't need Homeworld knowing of her weakness to small meaningless particles. 

Ruby felt the tickle in her tiny nose get stronger "Ahh-Ahh", her breath hitched, her nostrils flared and her eyebrows furrowed. It was getting harder to fight off the tickle. On the outside, Garnet's lips started to open and take gasps of air. The leader's nostrils flaring and her expressionless face contorting as she lost control of her facial features to give into the harsh tickling sensation in her nose.Sapphire didn't know what was happening to Garnet and it was getting hard to stay fused together. Ruby finally sneezed "Heh-heh-Uh'SHII", making Garnet sneeze herself without covering. 


Garnet collected herself, sniffling and rubbing at her appendage. She continued cleaning up her room, she had foggy memories of doing that thing.. What was it that humans did .. was it sneezing? No, that couldn't be the right word. She'd have to ask Peridot or perhaps Steven on this matter. Sapphire remembered when Garnet did that before, on the battlefield or even during a fight against Jasper. That tickling unpleasant sensation and the vibration she felt when Garnet exploded with those bursts as if to get rid of something. 

"Breakfast time!" Steven called, Sapphire and Ruby always found it amusing and endearing  that he prepared breakfast when only one of the gems would even touch or look at the food he made. Garnet got herself to the kitchen, taking her usual seat at the dining table finding Amethyst, Steven and Pearl already there. Pearl as usual only picked at the plate of waffles in front of her, she didn't want to be ungrateful to Steven's efforts while Amethyst stuffed her face with the waffles in front of her. 


Garnet was aloof as usual, having an internal conversation with herself. "What was that, what happened when we cleaned our room?" Sapphire thought. "Oh uh well you see sometimes I'm err sensitive to dust or other small particles. I'm so sorry Sapphire I don't mean to do it on purpose" Ruby thought, apologetically thinking that Sapphire would be angry with her. "Oh, its quite alright. I just thought it was Garnet malfunctioning." Sapphire thought, calmly. Ruby on the other hand could not respond to her right away, a familiar sensation crawling in her nose. Sapphire tried to focus on keeping Garnet's facial features without expression while Ruby fought off whatever was going on with her nose. Sapphire made Garnet speak,"E-excuse me" Garnet stuttered, uncharacteristically and Sapphire made Garnet walk to the bathroom to lock herself in.  


The internal battle of the itch vs Ruby was getting to much for her to control. Her breath hitched, Garnet on the outside matching Ruby's pre-sneeze face. Ruby finally gave in, making Garnet sneeze "Heh-heh-Uh-SHIII uh-SHIII Uh-SHIII Uh-SHIII Uh-SHIII Uh-SHIII Uh-SHII Uh-SHIII". Sapphire didn't have the time to make Garnet stifle them with a fist so they came out as Ruby's violent high pitched explosions. Sapphire had only sneezed once or twice in her existence, when she got too warm she could malfunction. The blue gem's sneezes were much more calm and collected. When she accidentally made Garnet sneeze, she made sure to make her sneeze into her elbow politely due to being very scared of Pearl's anger when Garnet did not. Pearl always reminded everyone, mostly Steven "Sneeze into your fossa". Sapph tried to remember that while Ruby couldn't care less. 


"Garnet, I need to err use the bathroom. Is everything alright in there?" Steven said, waiting outside the bathroom. Sapphire made Garnet wipe her nose with some tissues and blow her nose quietly, collecting herself and showing no trace that Garnet had malfunctioned for lack of better word. Sapphire made Garnet say, in the most calm voice "Yes, I'm quite alright Steven thank you. You may use the bathroom" and Garnet exited the bathroom leaving it free for Steven to use. 

Later that evening, while cleaning her room she found a dusty portrait of Rose Quartz that made Ruby malfunction again making the leader give into a sneezy ticklish fit "UH-SHII UH-SHII UH-SHII UH-SHII UH-SHII UH-SHIII UH-SHII UH-SHAAA UH-SHAA". Sapphire had managed to make Garnet dip her head into the crook of her arm to cover her sneezes this time. The sneezing fit lasted too long though and Garnet lost control of her fusion. Sapphire fell and landed beside her sneezing girlfriend, giving her kisses on the nose and cheeks. She rubbed Ruby's back, unsure of what to do and they sat their just cuddling for the night. It was hard to stay fused sometimes especially when they lost control of their individual bodies. 


Sapphire thought of a time this happened before, the first time they met. Garnet malfunctioning that time wasn't the red gem's fault that time, but it was hers. They had escaped to a forest when Homeworld banished them for fusing outside of their own gem type. Sapphire hadn't went to that forest before and something there was making her sinuses malfunction. She had made them defuse once or twice while in that forest, but they were just getting use to their new form after all so Ruby didn't get cross with her and Sapphire wouldn't get cross with her girlfriend for doing something so involuntary 


From that day on, Ruby protected Sapphire from flowers although she had forgotten that Sapph had a bad reaction to them once and gave some to her during a baseball game but luckily it was a kind that Sapphire didn't react to badly. Sapphire returned the favor, trying to protect the red gem from dust or other particles that would make her miserable 


Uhhh I hope someone enjoyed! :) feel free to comment but I don't think I'll continue. I just got the writing bug today for some reason. Thanks so much for reading if you did!

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