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Sims Urbz in the city fanfic


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Hello everyone. I haven't written a fanfic since the beginning of this year. So please pardon my errors. This  fanfic is based on a game called "Sims Urbz in the city" for the Nintendo Gameboy Advance. it is about my favourite character Berkekey Clodd. if you're not familier with the characters you can check them online. The game is nice and interesting i recommend it. 

All the charcters and places used in this story are owned by EA (Electronic Arts) Maxis and Graphonite Games.

 Happy reading. If there is any gap in the story . Its an error. Ignore it. The App i use gives space for no reason.

One last thing :)  i have never posted a fanfic here before. If i did anything wrong please pardon me.

If you want to download it just visit this link :http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2832


        ~*~x~*~x A new Beginning of an existing friendship x~*~x~*~ 


A bright morning in Miniopolis, Berkeley Clodd was walking along the streets of Glasstown. Not feeling jolly as usual. He felt miserable. He has had a cold for quite some time and he has been inside his house all through and all alone. And he needed to step out to get some medicine and tissues to nurse himself back to health. He has done nothing about his cold since because, he has been too exhausted to leave bed due to his illness. Today he just managed to step out to get some things.

"HhhT..H'tchu!". Berkeley sneezed violently. "Ughhh, it's too early for this" he said as he wiped his pink nose with a handkerchief. It was just another dull day in Miniopolis. He passed the shortcut linking from Glasstown to the Miniopolis Chronicle in Urbania. His vision was hazy. He looked pale, dull and flushed. His eyes were half closed and a very light shade of light pink, his nose and cheeks also a light pink. He looked terrible. He has had this cold for quite some time and has been keeping it to himself and managing to cope with it. Sometimes his clients and friends would think he has gone missing or something had happened to him because of how scarce his face has been since he has had the cold. He was walking on the streets of urbania trying to make his way to the Thrift emporium to buy some stuff. He walked past the Police station and garden. Grandma Hattie, a strict no nonsense fighter for justice whose favourite spot has always been the garden. Infact She's always there. She loves the sight of flowers and it's peace. She's not as young as she used to be...Infact she's not young at all. Grandma Hattie was on her way out of the little garden when she saw Berkeley passing by. Grandma Hattie observed this young man. He looked terrible. She has always been seeing him around but hasn't seen him till now for the past four days. He looked like he needed help and Grandma Hattie couldn't let him just pass her by.

"Excuse me, Mr. Clodd" Grandma Hattie said and waved at him cheerfully "can I speak to you for a moment?" 

Berkeley looked at her. Eyes narrowed, dull face. It would be rude to ignore her and walk away; which he did almost every day but now she just kept calling him. "What now?" Berkeley muttered under his breath and started to walk over to her. 

"Oh goodness gracious my dear boy, you look terrible" Grandma Hattie's face lit up with surprise.

"Thanks, but I..i-i'm okay actually" Berkeley said and sniffed a little as an itch began to form in his nose. 

"Are you sure you're alright, boy?" Grandma Hattie asked raising an eyebrow.

"I...i ahh..assure you..." Berkeley said again and paused because the itch in his nose grew giving him difficulty talking. With his nose betraying him like this he was sure to sneeze. Grandma Hattie just raised an eyebrow all through Berkeley's little mishap at lying. Berkeley closed his eyes "Hhh..." he began. "p-pardon me" he excused himself and unfolded his handkerchief, turned and sneezed painfully into it "Haah'Tchu!, HhhT'Chu!" and he sighed. 

"Oh dear, have you got a cold?" Grandma Hattie asked a little disgusted but tried her best to not show it; it didn't work.

"No..Hhh..H'Tchu! Aa'tchu!" Berkeley sneezed twice and blew his nose. Still denying.

"How have you gone about it?" she asked again having gotten her first question answered by the signs he was showing.

Berkeley surrendered and sniffed. It was pretty obvious anyway. 

"Been busy" he said and coughed. Admitting that he had a cold.

"Oh dear!, you have to do something about it soon" Grandma Hattie advised narrowing her eyes and faking her pity for him.

Berkeley knew she was faking it all along. She doesn't care about him ever since their last encounter. After he duped her. Berkeley was done with this conversation. Why is she even pretending to care?!

"I've had this cold for about four days now and if you don't want it, I suggest you..you g-go- HhhH'chhuu!...Hhhh'Tchuu!" Berkeley caught his wet sneezes in his handkerchief just in time. "Ughh" Berkeley groaned and was disgusted at himself. He caught the expression on Grandma Hattie's face. She raised an eyebrow and half frowned. His intimidation did not work. He was totally going to get it. Berkeley sniffed with his handkerchief still at his nose. He looked pathetic.

"There's no need for you to punish yourself like this, boy...even though you deserve it" She began "i've seen you around, you are always so joyful, laughing and having fun deceiving people. But now, you're all mushy, ill and ugly. I'd help you but I don't want to gets my hands dirty from helping you...literally" Grandma Hattie said and narrowed her eyes

"Listen, Mrs. Hattie. I don't want your 'advice' or your 'help' and I don't have time to stand here and listen to your pathetic attempts to ridicule me. Thank you for your 'concern', and have a 'nice day' " Berkeley said and turned

"Berkeley" Grandma Hattie called out once more

"What is it!?" Berkeley snapped and turned. And she hit him in the head with her walking stick and Berkeley yelped in pain.

"That's for selling me that used old saxophone. James did not like it" she hmphed and walked away. Yep, she was still mad about that incident. Berkeley boiled in anger.

"Who the heck is James!? you crazy old-" he said then he was interrupted by a tickle in his nose. Just when he was about about to give this woman a piece of his mind "Hhh...H'Tchu!, H'Tchu! Ughh HeT'chu! HhhH'chhuu!..ahh Ahhh H'Tcho!" he sneezed wetly into his handkerchief and sighed. He blew his nose and coughed. Those sneezes really hurt his chest. He was angry and he left that place. 

                      x~*~x~*~ x~*~x~*~x~*~x~*~x~*~x ~*~x~*~x

He walked to the Thrift Emporium and stood in front waiting for someone to pass by so they can help him buy some items. He couldn't buy them himself because Phoebe Twiddle, the store owner banned him from the store because of another incident that involved duping her. Berkeley however, looked terrible. His nose running and pink. His eyes were light pink due to his cold and his eyelids halfway dropped. His sickness showed heavily on his face. Where is everyone?! He really waited for someone to pass and help him so that he can go home. 

"Heh..HeT'chu!" Berkeley sneezed and coughed afterwards. He cleared a gunk of mucus from his throat and nose he looked around for a trash bin and spat it out. Disgusting, but it gave him a little relief. He could breath well a little but for a short period of time. He stood waiting for a single soul to pass him by. And no luck. He sighed. 

"Hey! I thought I told you to stay away from here!" an angry pretend voice came from behind him. He recognised the voice. It was another annoying female. It was Phoebe Twiddle. Just when he thought this day couldn't get any worse. "Hey! I'm talking to you! She said and Berkeley turned. 

She was speechless. He looked terrible. "Are..you okay?" she said in a soft tone.

"Do i LOOK okay to you?" Berkeley said with a blank expression. 

"Wow, still so grouchy" She said "Where have you been?, I haven't seen you for the past five..four months...or weeks" she said confused. 

"Days, you mean days" Berkeley said, amazed on how small things still confused her.

"Haha! Right! Days" she said and smiled. "I've also sent you messages, and you haven't been returning my calls, haven't replied my emails-" she said going around him as she mentioned 

"I don't ever recall us exchanging numbers" Berkeley raised an eyebrow 

"...what carnival..?" Phoebe said and look away nervously

" you collected my number from the carnival?!" He was shocked. What kind of sneaky person is she? He too was sneaky..but still!

"Nah, I collected it from Roxanna...but don't tell her" Phoebe told him with a serious face.

"okay..." Berkeley said and sniffed. He felt like sneezing. His eyes flickered and his mouth quivered.

"Berkeley, You okay pal?" Phoebe said studying his facial expression.

"Hhhh'T'chu!" Berkeley suddenly sneezed and his eyes squeezed shut. He looked dazed.

"Oh my. Do you need some tissues? I think I have some used ones in my pocket"


"Of course, I forgot. The awesome Berkeley Clodd, whose nose is only wiped with the fanciest and finest brands of tissues" she said and rolled her eyes "but i don't get it... Aren't tissues still the same?" she shrugged. 

"Phoebe, do you have tissues?" Berkeley said and sniffed.

"Yeahh, I have used ones in my pocket...pretty sure i've said that before" she said

"What?" Berkeley said tiredly out of disgust. Is she being serious?!

"I have mentioned that plenty times already! Why do you want me to keep repeating myself!" she raised her voice a little

"What the heck are you talking about? Mentioned what?" this woman was seriously confusing him.

"That I have used tissues!. Try to keep up dude. Don't make this weird" she rolled her eyes again

"..." he was speechless "No, I meant do you SELL?"

"Sell what?" 

Berkeley face palmed and quickly snapped at her "Phoebe for goodness sake do you sell tissues!?"  

"i banned you from my store, meaning you can't buy from me. But we can still be friends" she smiled. he said nothing and got out his wet handkerchief. He looked for a dry spot and blew his nose into it. 

"I still have those used tissues if you're interested.." 

Berkeley just ignored her and turned. 

"C'mon Berk. I was just joking. Where's your sense of humor?" she laughed and grunted a little.

He turned back and glared at her

"I don't have tissues though. I haven't gotten any lately. But I have something better! used tissues! Goes for half the same price...each" she smiled with all her teeth showing

"No, and that's disgusting" Berkeley said.

"its still in good shape!. I only used them to wipe my tears..aren't my tears good enough?" she pouted 

"No. They're not. you have no use for me" Berkeley sighed and turned once more. He was getting pretty tired. He didn't think he could stand much longer

"Berkeley... if you're tired of standing.. you can come in and sit for a while..with me of course" she smiled. Berkeley turned back and looked at her with pleading eyes and she nodded. It was like she read his mind. He walked close to her and they both walked to the door. "But of course, I charge for the air you breath. Just 5§ (simoleons) per breath " she laughed and Berkeley just stared at her. She always told some really boring jokes.

They walked in and a few people were inside. 

"Just stay on that couch right there and you should be fine" Phoebe said with a smile. 

Berkeley smiled for the first time today but that immediately changed when he felt a sneeze coming on. "Hhhh" he began and had a pre-sneeze face

"Want towels? I got used towels, hot towels, wet towels" Phoebe said while looking through a rack of clothes then she looked back and saw Berkeley's struggling face. "Berkeley?" 

"Hhh" Berkeley said tearing up. "Hhhhh" his teary eyes half way closed. She quickly slid her finger under his nose to give him a little relief. She had seen it happen in cartoons but having doubts it will actually work. Berkeley stopped huffing and exhaled. Hey, it actually did work. And she removed her finger. Then he sneezed "H'TTSSSH!" he loudly sneezed uncontrollably and stifled it at the end which resulted in him shooting snot out of his weak nose. He sighed. He was both embarrassed and disgusted at himself for getting the attention of the store like that. He seriously hated it when he or anyone draws attention to him. He opened his light pinkish eyes a little and noticed how people were looking at him. He coughed harshly. His nose was clogged, pink and running. His moustache was stained with snot. He sniffed. Phoebe had pity in her eyes and touched his shoulder.

"...now, how about those tissues?" She said and Berkeley glared at her with his pink eyes.

"This is the worst day of my life" Berkeley muttered under his breath

"What was that? Did you say something?" 

"I just want to go home" Berkeley frowned and turned to leave

"Before you go. You have to meet someone!" 

"No, I refuse to embarrass myself in front of anyone else"

"He has medicine that can cure you" Phoebe said and Berkeley thought about it

"I hope you're not taking me to the hospital" Berkeley looked at her with a serious face

"Nope" she said and led the way. 15 minutes later they were in front of the hospital

"I thought you said we weren't going to go to the hospital or even near it!"

"We're not going to the hospital. We're just going to go see the doctor" Phoebe said and rolled her eyes. 

"What's the difference?!" Berkeley said and raised his arms. 

"The hospital is made of Lego bricks?" she said and entered. Berkeley touched his temple. This woman is something else. 

They entered the hospital and Phoebe led Berkeley straight to the doctor's office. On the door of his office there was a golden colored plaque with his name written in black. "Dr. Maximillian Moore"

                     x~*~x~*~ x~*~x~*~x~*~x~*~x~*~x ~*~x~*~x

Dr. Maximillian Moore was in his office spraying some germ repellent in every area of his office. He was an Hypochondriac. He despised germs more than anything! After spraying the product, he sat down in his chair looking at the door. He was less busy. People say he's a good doctor...well, that's because he's the only doctor in Miniopolis.

He got out a book from the drawer under his desk titled "how to operate on lawn gnomes" (he actually does operate on lawn gnomes in the game :/ ) he was reading it and then heard a knock on his door.

>knock knock<

"Who's there?" Dr. Max said from his seat

"Doris" Phoebe said from behind the door

"Doris who?" he raised an eyebrow

"Doris locked! That's why i'm knocking!" she said and laughed and an audible sigh was heard behind the door

"Haha, really funny. When you're done joking let me know" Dr. Max said and kept reading his book

>knock knock<

"Who's there!" Dr. Max said getting annoyed this time.

"Berkeley!" she said again

"Berkeley who?"

"Berkeley, lettuce and cabbages are all vegetables" she said and laughed more.

"If you keep joking over there I will call security!"

"Okay okay okay..It's me Phoebe!"

"Phoebe who?!" he shouted 

"Fee be too expensive mmatey. Arrgghh" she said mimicking a pirate and laughed till her eyes welled up . Berkeley just stared at her. What manner of woman is she??!

Dr. Max sighed "fine, stay behind the door all day then. See if I care" he said and continued reading his book

"Okay seriously. It's Phoebe Twiddle. From the Thrift shop!"

"Ah, Phoebe Twiddle from the Thrift shop who?" Dr. Max answered and narrowed his eyes

"Huh?" Phoebe said out of confusion and he rolled his eyes.

"Of course, Phoebe. Nice of you to visit. And I hope you didn't bring any chickens this time! I'm a doctor, not a vet!"

"I didn't bring Juno. I promise" 

"Juno? Who...?" Dr. Max said

"My chicken! Jeez keep up man." phoebe said "why can't guys keep up?" she said under her voice to Berkeley who was beside her and he sneezed softly. 

"Alright whatever. Come in and enough with the jokes!" Dr. Max said and kept reading his book. The door knob twisted and the door opened revealing Phoebe and a sick Berkeley.

"Phoebe, you brought a frien-" Dr. Max paused and observed Berkeley's face. Pinkish eyes, running nose and pale face and widened his eyes.

"Dr. Max. Berkeley-" Phoebe was interrupted by the doctor's loud ear splitting scream. Berkeley and Phoebe were both shocked as he ran behind his chair got on a surgery mask and a baseball bat.

"Dr. Max what are-" Phoebe said coming closer

"STAY BACK! I have a baseball bat and I know how to use it!" he threatened and Phoebe stayed back. "Phoebe! What have I told you about bringing sick people into my office!?"

"That I get a free bandage...?"


"A free tongue depressor?" 


"Ohh...so what do i get?" she said and smiled.


"Aaaww" she frowned. Berkeley however was battling with his nose. Great, why now?!

"Hhh.." Berkeley began. His shoulders rose and his head slowly leaned back. and Dr. Max widened his eyes

"Don't! Dr. Max shouted

"Hhh!...HhhT'Chu! Hek'Tchu!" Berkeley sneezed and sniffed. And Dr. Max screamed again. 

"Sorry Doc, he can't control himself sometimes" Phoebe said and patted Berkeley's shoulder. And he glared at her to stop, and she did.

"Berkeley, I don't know how you must be feeling because i've never fallen ill and if I fall ill I might Die!" Dr. Max said anxiously and Phoebe and Berkeley looked at themselves then back at him. "Please wait for me outside, I will be with you shortly" Dr Max said. They looked at each other again and left his office. Phoebe muttered "weirdo" on her way out and Berkeley looked at her. Look who's talking. 

Dr. Max quickly got up and sprayed his germ repellent everywhere around his office and sighed in relief. There was a knock again and Phoebe entered 

"Hey Doc, got some tissues?"

"Here! Take it!" Dr. Max said and tossed her a nearby box of tissues and it hit her head

"Ouch! I guess that's for all those knock knock jokes" Phoebe said and left his office.

                   x~*~x~*~ x~*~x~*~x~*~x~*~x~*~x ~*~x~*~x

Phoebe and Berkeley waited in the reception along with a few people. Lottie Cash, Sue Pirnova and Grandma Hattie. There were two couches opposite each other. Lottie Cash, and Grandma Hattie were sitting on the couch opposite Berkeley and Phoebe. And Sue Pirnova just stood marking something. Lottie Cash was petting her dog. She wanted to see Dr. Max concerning her dog even though he had told her plenty of times that he's a doctor and not a vet. But she brought it anyway. Grandma Hattie was holding her purple purse, reading a small purple novel and of course, wearing her usual purple dress. Sue was playing Sudoku in the newspaper section. Berkeley was reading a magazine and Phoebe was looking around slightly moving her head and shoulders from left to right and her long blonde hair followed the rhythm. She was lightly kicking her legs. She looked beside her at Berkeley who was reading a magazine. A thought crossed her mind and she smirked. She leaned closer to him and he didn't noticed. he just flicked a page of the magazine.

"BOO!" she shouted. Berkeley was startled, his nose flared and he let out an unexpected sneeze 

"H'ttssh!" Berkeley sprayed as a result from her little jump scare. There's nothing he hated more than sneezing in public. Everyone in the hospital stared at them and he glared at her angrily with a face red from embarrassment. Grandma Hattie looked at Berkeley with an eyebrow raised and shook her head In pity and looked back at her book. he saw that

"I..." Phoebe said. Her smile faded and she bowed her head. Berkeley looked her. Berkeley sighed and could not believe what he was about to do. He touched her shoulder.

"Phoebe..its...okay" He had difficulty saying it. She looked at him and tears shimmered in her eyes.

"Okayy" she squeezed her eyes shut smiling and hugged him. Berkeley was confused ...when did they become this close? He handed her the box of tissues she got from Dr. Max earlier to wipe her tears.

"Nahh" she refused the box of tissues "I have even better ones!" she said and brought out her used tissues and wiped her tears "Ahhhh, more tears for the price of one!" she laughed. The corners of Berkeley's mouth went down and he quickly diverted his eyes from her and kept reading his magazine

"Whatcha reading?" she said and rested her head on his shoulder. Berkeley didn't mind or even cared

"I have no idea" Berkeley shook his head and kept reading. 

Ewan Watahmee, a construction worker. walked into the hospital and spotted Berkeley and Phoebe together. Anger and Jealousy filled his face and he went to approached them.

"PHOEBE!" he shouted

Phoebe heard her name and jumped out of her skin and Berkeley was startled

"Ewan? What is it!" Phoebe asked still trembling

"Not funny now, is it?" Berkeley said to Phoebe because of her little scare earlier.

"WHAT YOU DOING HERE WITH HIM!?" Ewan said again

"Are you normally this loud?" Berkeley said and touched his ear

"NO!" he shouted again

"Then why are you shouting!?" Berkeley said and everyone in the hospital stared at them again.

"I DIDN'T NOTICE!" Ewan shouted again

"Ewan are you okay at all!?" Phoebe asked getting a little bit angry

"DANG IT PHOEBE. WHY YOU HERE WITH HIM WHEN YOU KNOW I GOT EYES FOR YOU GIRL!" Ewan shouted and everyone in the hospital stared at him like he was crazy.

"What's going on in here? What's with all the noise?" Dr. Max said entering the reception

"There are three men in this room!!" Lottie Cash was freaking out for no reason and everyone looked at her.

"..what?" Dr. Max asked. 

"What?" she said with a straight face

"DOCTOR MAX!" Ewan shouted at him

"YES?! WHAT IS IT?!" Dr. Max shouted. He was stressed out. Being the only doctor in Miniopolis is a lot of work. 


"It appears that your voice box was triggered to be loud. I will adjust it soon" Dr Max said and pointed at a couch for him to sit down.  

"GOOD!" ewan shouted and sat down beside Grandma Hattie and she looked at him like he was a crazy person. "GOOD AFTERNOON!" he shouted at her and she held her ears in pain. 

"Now that you're all here I just want to clarify all your problems" Dr Max began "Berkeley you have a cold and you need medicine" Dr. Max said and Grandma Hattie snickered muttering "weak" under her breath and Berkeley rolled his eyes 

"Grandma Hattie, you have a minor fracture on your hip from the motorcycle accident... Mrs. Hattie, I understand you want to get extreme and all but you have to be careful. This is the fourth time you're here this week and its just beginning! ..and you're old" Dr. Max said and Berkeley snickered mimicking the sound of a 'crack' under his breath looking at her smiling and she gritted her teeth with anger. She suddenly stood up 

"Back in my days I have survived and battled many-" she said 

"Yeah yeah" Dr. Max interrupted and shushed her and went on with his clarification. Grandma Hattie fumed and sat down folding her arms angrily glaring at Berkeley. And he winked. 

Phoebe saw this and punched Berkeley's arm "Respect the elderly" Berkeley held his arm and he face was skeptical. So much power for a little lady.

"Ewan, you need an adjustment on your voice box-" Dr. Max continued


"Sue, you need me to tutor you in your Biology assignment. And for the last time Lottie! I'm a doctor, not a vet!" Dr. Max shouted

"...what's a vet?" she asked and gave half a frown. He sighed.

"Now, Berkeley. In my office" Dr. Max said. Berkeley got up so did Phoebe. He looked at her and then at Dr. Max and shrugged. "Alright, you can come too" he sighed and she grinned and he led the way.

"So...what's a vet?" Lottie Cash asked again

"A VET IS AN ANIMAL DOCTOR!" Ewan shouted. The pitch of Ewan's voice scared her dog and it jumped up from her arms and started running around the hospital

"Foopssie wait! get back!" she said and ran after the dog.


Dr. Max led them into his office and he sat. His Office was filled with many awards, trophies and medals. a periodic table and a diagram of the human brain. There was a long desk in his office and his name was written in black on another golden colored plaque. His chair was in front of the desk and two more chairs were on the other side

Berkeley and Phoebe looked around his office. And Dr. Max gestured them to have the two empty sits in front of him.

"How are you feeling today?" Dr. Max asked

"Terrible" Berkeley said and sighed

"Hmm, and how long have you been-" Dr. Max paused and noticed Phoebe wasn't in her seat anymore. He scanned the office and spotted her touching his "Neer'some Neuro-scientist Trophie" 

"Ooooh shiny" she said and was about to touch it.

"Phoebe!" Dr. Max called out and she hid her hand at her back.

"Wait a sec," she looked back at the award and put on a thinking face "this one wasn't there last week when I broke one"

"That's because I recently got that one" Dr. Max said from his seat

"Oh" she smiled. Dr. Max diverted his eyes from her and focused on Berkeley

"As I was saying. How long have you-" Dr. Max stopped again when he saw Phoebe trying to touch it again. "Phoebe!" he called out harshly again and she froze. He pointed at her seat gesturing that she should sit down. She walked over to them and she sat. 

Both Dr. Max and Berkeley looked at her angrily

"What?" She said and looked at them

"Alright Mr. Clodd i'm gonna ask you some questions" Dr. Max asked

"Don't worry Beck, i've taken this test plenty of times" she said and winked

"...." Dr. Max paused and cleared his throat "how's your body feeling?"

"Well, my nose is runny" Berkeley replied

"His nose is runny" Phoebe said reassuring Dr. Max and he was speechless.

"...what else?" Dr. Max said and jotted on his paper.

"My throat is sore" 

"Really sore" she said again and Berkeley glared at her.

"Phoebe please, i'm talking to Berkeley"

"Oh right!" she said.

"And how is your Chest?"


"Yeah, painful." she said again and Berkeley glared at her furiously

"Are your lungs clogged and congested?"

"All of the above!" Phoebe shouted 

"Phoebe!" Dr. Max shouted

"Yes, they are" Berkeley said

"Well, Mr. Berkeley. It appears that you have a cold which I fear may involve to Acute Bronchitis"

"What kind of grade is Acute Bronchitis?. We talking A+ or B- ?" phoebe said and raised an eyebrow and Dr. Max sighed.

"Phoebe, Acute Bronchitis is an illness. Mr. Berkeley stayed in his house for too long without seeking any medical help-" Dr. Max said

"Eww, if its an illness then what makes it cute?" the corners of her mouth dropped

"Phoebe!" Berkeley shouted at her

"Ok ok sheesh. Just tryna help." she said and Dr. Max sighed bowing his head with his fingers on the bridge of his nose. She sure knows how to give someone a headache

"Well, with all that said. have these items to help with your cold" Dr Max said as he reached to get some items from under his desk. He got out a jar of vicks vapour rub, some tablets, a cough syrup and some granulated orange juice powder one by one.

"Wow Berkeley! You got all the answers correctly and now you've won all these prizes" she gasped

"Leave my office!" Dr. Max slammed his fists on his desk and pointed to the door. Her attitude was overwhelming. 

"Ok ok ok sheesh" Phoebe said and got up and left. They both heard the door close and Dr. Max sighed and continued.

"The common cold has no cure. So my advice for you is to stay in bed and drink plenty of vitamin-" Dr Max was interrupted by a knock on the door

>knock knock<

"Who is it!!?" he shouted angrily 


"Lemmy?" he and Berkeley looked at each other "Lemmy who??"

"Lemmy know when y'all done" she said and laughed. 

"Dang it Phoebe!" Berkeley shouted and violently coughed.


"As I was saying, these are all yours"

"Thank you so much" Berkeley said gratefully. 

"And of course" Dr. Max said and threw in a box of tissues. And Berkeley smiled 

"No worries, its totally free. Just don't dupe me in the future...again"

"I will remember that" Berkeley said and carried the items and turned. He wasn't even out yet and Dr. Max quickly got out his germ repellent spray and started spraying his office muttering "germs germs!" under his breath he looked at his door and saw Berkeley staring at him speechless. 

"..what spray..?" he looked at his hand and hid the product behind him. Berkeley just turned and left.


Berkeley was out of his office and he closed the door behind him. 

"How was the test?" Phoebe said and ran to Berkeley.

"Good." Berkeley said and Dr. Max came out of his office. 

"Take care! And remember what I told you! " he said

They nodded and walked towards the reception that leads to the main door and she followed him

"Where to next?" phoebe said

"Home..Hhtchu!" Berkeley sneezed and blew his nose with a tissue from the box Dr. Max gave to him. And Phoebe laughed. Berkeley looked at her. "What's funny?" he asked and pinched his nose to prevent him from sneezing again

"Been a while since you sneezed" she laughed and Berkeley smiled. Phoebe may be annoying at all but today, she stood beside him all through.

"Phoebe, i.." Berkeley began. He didn't know where to start. "Phoebe...thanks for... aiding me today. I really appreciate it" he said and smiled.

"Awww, Berke-" she said and paused. Her nose twitched and her mouth quivered. "Hih'chew!" Phoebe let out a cute sneeze and sniffed.

"Oh dear! Have you caught my-" Berkeley too paused and sneezed "HehT'chu!"

"Bless you" she said and held a tissue up his nose

".....i hope this is not one of your used tissues!" Berkeley shouted

"Umm" she said and laughed sheepishly and he just sighed. "So, what's next for you?" she sniffed.

"We're going home" Berkeley said.

"w-we?" she said and her face lit up with happiness

"If you don't want to I completely understand-" Berkeley said and she hugged him. There was silence. Her sudden move made him speechless. He gently wrapped his arms around her too and she blushed. Their hug lasted for a minute, they felt each other in their embrace. Different thoughts roamed around their heads as they hugged. They broke their hug and their eyes met. Her cheeks were pink and they were both shy for the first time together. 

"w-we..have to get going.." Berkeley stuttered 

"Awesome! Let me go get my things...Hishheeewww!.. ugh" she sneezed and sniffed. She looked back and him "dang it Berkeley! You gave me your acute cancer" she said with a dull face and a pink nose. Berkeley was shocked. Then a smile formed on her face. Oh, she was just joking and he shrugged.

"Alright, Little Lady" Berkeley offered his hand and she held it whilst looking into his green beautiful eyes. They both smiled and walked home

"Knock knock!" she said snickering

"Who's there?" Berkeley sighed


"Lettuce who?!"

"Lettuce the shortcut!!" she laughed and he sighed

"Berkeley! What do you call a big bad guy?"

"I don't know" Berkeley said

"A Maxi-Villian" she winked and Berkeley smiled. She used Dr. Max's full name "Maximillian" for her joke

"He would totally deal with you for making that joke. Go to 'GERMany' and you should be safe" Berkeley laughed.

"You tell jokes too?!" Phoebe said and her mouth cur ved into an 'O'

"Sometimes" Berkeley smiled.

They both laughed and walked into the sunset "Hhh'Tchu!" "Aisheww" they both sneezed and sniffed.

"Can I interest you with some of my tissues?" Phoebe winked

"No!" Berkeley shouted

                                     x~*~ x~*~xThe Endx~*~x~*~x


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