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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Old Nemesis [Marvel Cinematic Universe - Steve/Sam, sneezy Steve]


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Hi everyone!  I felt like inflicting a little bit of torture on Steve, and this story just sorta came to me.  It's set before Civil War, and contains spoilers for The Winter Soldier.  Steve and Sam are on their "missing persons case" together when Steve encounters an unexpected irritant.  I hope you enjoy!




Sam Wilson, cell phone in hand, paused in his dialing.  It was a truly strange sight: Steve Rogers, the world’s best supersoldier, the pinnacle of human perfection, who had fought off aliens and robots and Nazi death cults, now snuffling messily into a handkerchief after yet another thunderclap of a sneeze. 

It was this damn safehouse.  They had done a stealth raid in the heart of Chicago, destroying remnants of a HYDRA cell and locating files, actual paper files, that might lead them to Bucky.  They had a lot to study.  But in the meantime, Sam and Steve had gotten the hell out of the city, speeding down poorly-lit, nighttime back roads for hours until they located the abandoned farmhouse Natasha had secured for them. 

But perhaps the place was a little too well-secured: the scent of an incredibly abrasive soap had hit them as soon as they walked in.  Sam had scrunched up his face in irritation, although that was the worst of his reaction.  Poor Steve had sneezed immediately, and hadn’t been able to stop.

Now Steve blew his nose, but it was only a brief wet snort.  There was little point.   The red irritation of his nose was starting to blossom across his cheeks, and his eyes were blotched red and glimmering.  Even so, he held the handkerchief to his irritated nostrils, rubbing it back and forth.

Abruptly, Steve moaned into his handkerchief, and then inhaled a sharp, wet sniffle.  He blinked rapidly, his massive shoulders hitching.  They had only arrived twenty minutes ago, but Sam had already learned the signs that Steve was trying to fight off another sneeze.  Steve moaned again, a little pathetically, as if he were pleading with some invisible entity for mercy.

“Bless you,” Sam said pre-emptively as he finished dialing and held the phone to his ear.

“HhhhEEIIIHKSCHOO!”  The sneeze bent Steve double, his handkerchief vibrating with the force of it.   As his head came up, his eyes were fluttering again already.  His face flushed bright red, and again he drove forward helplessly into the handkerchief.  “Haaaah-EEEPTSCHHH!”  

“Hey,” Sam said softly, lowering the phone.  He heard ringing, but Natasha hadn’t picked up yet.  “Go outside and get some fresh air.  I’ll handle this.”

“Ohhh.” Steve was back to groaining into his handkerchief.   “Are you… are you… heeeIIISH! … are you sure?”

“You do remember that you trust me to raid leftover HYDRA bases with you, right?” Sam answered.  “I think I got this.”

“Of course I… hee-EIIITCCCHH!” Steve exploded uncontrollably, a burst of spray flying into the air, while his face turned an even brighter shade of red.  “…I know.  Of course.”

“Then get your ass out the door, Rogers.”

Sam had slipped into his seargent’s voice.  The one that always got new recruits’ attention when he’d been serving in Afghanistan, and it seemed to work on Steve too.  A soldier was a soldier, Sam supposed.   

Meanwhile, Natasha finally picked up, her voice sharp and unmistakable.  “Yes?”

“Natasha.  Hey,” Sam said.

At the same time Steve, almost out the door, ducked forward with a “HihEESSSS’CHOO!” before closing it behind him.

It was loud enough, and shrill enough, that Natasha heard it even on her end of the phone.  “Sam, was that you?  Did you breathe within 10 miles of a cat again?”

“Very funny, Romanoff.  That was one time,” Sam answered.  He moved across the room towards the window.  “Look, the raid in Chicago went great.  But we do have a problem.  We’re at the safehouse, but Steve’s ridiculously allergic to something here.”

There was quiet, and Sam swore he could hear Natasha frowning.  “That isn’t supposed to happen.”

“No kidding,” Sam responded. 

Through the window, Sam watched Steve pace around in front of the house.  Steve held the handkerchief to his face two-handed, and was blowing his nose as if his life depended on it.  When he finished, he lifted his head; his face crumpled, and he promptly ducked forward with a miserable-sounding “…’TCHEW!”

“I think it’s some kind of cleaning solution fumes,” Sam said.  “No offense, but this place reeks of antiseptic chemicals.”

Natasha swore under her breath.  “Figures.”

“What does that mean?” Sam demanded.  “You know what this is?”

“Calm down, Wilson, it’s not like anyone knew it was going to make him sick,” Natasha said. 

Sam was half-paying attention.  Outside, Steve’s pacing grew more agitated.  He swiped down the long angle of his nose with big, almost violent strokes of the handkerchief.  When that did not ease his obvious irritation, he pressed the palm of his hand against the tip of his nose, and blinked rapidly, as if that would help dissipate the impending sneeze.  It did not, of course.  It was muffled, but even through the window Sam could hear: “aaaaAAAA’IGGTSHOO!”  Steve stumbled off his feet slightly. 

“It was standard SHIELD procedure,” Natasha informed him.  “Detoxing all safehouses with a specially-developed chemical formula.  It was designed to more or less scrub the place of biological matter.  It was a running joke how annoying the smell was, but it was harmless to most agents.”

“I guess Steve’s always got to be the exception,” Sam said. He frowned. “But I thought this safehouse was off the grid, even from SHIELD.”

“It is.”  Natasha was quiet for a long moment, and then sighed.  “Look, you know I’m not setting up these safehouses for you two by myself.  Clint and I may have… liberated some of SHIELD’s old wares when the organization fell.  And sent trusted people to do the usual decontamination procedures.”

“Oh,” Sam said. 

“It’s probably not a true allergy.  Just the smell irritating his nose,” she said. 

“Either way SHIELD’s getting its revenge, I guess,” Sam said.

“Like I said,” Natasha replied.  “Figures.”

Steve had now backed up against one of the porch railings, as if to brace himself.  He was dabbing at his nostrils, which flared wide and pink.  Then his shoulders lifted sharply, and he cupped the handkerchief over his face.  Through the window Sam heard a ground-out “nnnnTSCHOO!”  But barely had Steve caught his breath when another overtook him: “….iiiIIISSSH!”  He jerked his head back, trying to get his breath, only to fall to another “AIISH!... hhhhEEESH!... K’TTTSHOO!  …eh’EEESH!”  Again, and again, and again, Steve sneezed, helpless against the fit. 

“It’s really getting to him,” Sam murmured into the phone.

“Awww.  Listen to you, mother hen,” Natasha said affectionately.

Sam rolled his eyes.  “Look, are there any other safehouses in the area?” he asked.  “That, y’know, haven’t been chemically nuked recently?”

On the other end of the phone, he heard the clicking of a keyboard.  “Nothing I can guarantee,” Natasha said after a moment.  “But that property is safe.  You could always do car camping.”

“We’ve been car camping for the last week…” Sam groaned.

But he peered out the window, and to his dismay, promptly witnessed Steve duck his head for three more sneezes. 

Sam sighed loudly into the phone.  “Fine.” 

“Well, I’m glad I could persuade you,” came Natasha’s wry voice.  “And hey.  Tell Steve he better be in shape for the Prague job I’m about to send you two.”

In spite of the situation, Sam smiled to himself.  Coming from Natasha, that was about as close to get well soon as anyone was likely to get.  “I’ll make sure his ass is in gear.”

“And you make sure you’re up for it too,” she added.

“Ooh. I had no idea you cared.”

“Come on, Wilson, where else are we going to find someone crazy enough to operate those wings?” she said, and hung up.

Sam chuckled to himself as the call ended.  But as he put his phone away and looked out toward Steve, his smile faded.  Usually the shoe was on the other foot.  Usually it was Sam, the mere regular human, who suffered from battle injuries, the occasional cold (or, as Natasha had so kindly reminded him, cat allergies).  Sam hated it when his own weaknesses slowed down their search, knowing how desperate Steve was to find Bucky.  But Steve had never once begrudged him the delays, always tending to Sam patiently, and reassuring him that time was no object if it meant getting him back to full health.

He hoped Steve would have the same patience with himself, but somehow, Sam knew that wasn’t going to happen.

Quietly, Sam emerged onto the porch.  He hissed a little bit and pulled his coat tighter as the cold air struck his skin.  It was December, after all, and the air was decidedly wintry.  But at least the worst of Steve’s fit seemed to be over.  He was still red-nosed and miserable, but he at least wasn’t gripped by rapid-fire sneezes anymore.

“The good news is that we’ve probably identified the problem,” Sam said, and repeated Natasha’s explanation about the cleaning fluid fumes. 

“Are you kidding me?” Steve said.

“Sadly, no,” Sam said.  “The other good news is that it’s probably not a true allergic reaction, so if you were worrying about anything serum-related, you can probably stop.”

“Sure feels like one,” Steve muttered.  “Eeehh-ICHOO!... So what’s the bad news?”

“The bad news is that there are no other viable safehouses within range.”  Sam pulled his coat tighter around himself, and nodded towards the van. “Looks like we’re back in our usual digs.”

“The van?” Steve’s face fell.  “But you wanted a bed and a hot shower.  It’s all you’ve been talking about.”

“Yeah, well…” Sam shrugged.  “Next time, I guess.”

“You could – hiiiiINKSHUU! – stay inside,” Steve suggested.  “Just let me sleep in the car.”

As the December wind whipped around them, Sam was sorely tempted.  But – he couldn’t.  It was stupid, but he didn’t much like the idea of leaving Steve all alone outside, no matter how isolated and secure this farmhouse was.  Besides, there were other reasons.

“No,” Sam said.  “The last thing I want is to come out tomorrow smelling like the thing that’s bothering you.  You’ll be sneezing all the way to Prague.”

Steve frowned.  “Prague?”

“Oh, right,” Sam said.  “Natasha picked up a lead there. She expects you to be in fighting shape.”

Steve smiled to himself, the same way Sam had.  “She better.”

“So,” Sam said.  He hoped his dismay didn’t show too clearly.  “Let’s get those sleeping bags out.”

He really just wanted to sleep.  They’d risked eating at a diner earlier, during their road trip out of Chicago, so Sam’s belly was full.  But his muscles ached and his eyes were starting to feel heavy.  He was starting not to care if he slept in a barn, so long as he could just conk out for a while.

They went to the brown minivan they’d been using, a deceptively boring-looking family car.  The middle seats had been removed and there was room to sleep on the floor of the van – cramped, uncomfortable sleep, but sleep all the same.  They both laid out their sleeping bags and climbed in, Sam not bothering to remove his coat or socks. The wintry air had settled into his bones, and he just wanted to turtle down under as many layers as possible and sleep.

But he couldn’t.

The van was quiet, and through the window, Sam could see a clear night sky overhead.  And Steve, the occasional sniffle aside, had apparently found comfortable rest.  But Sam turned over again, and then yet again, unable to chase the chill away completely.  He retracted his hands into his sleeves and pulled the sleeping bag tighter around his head and shoulders. 

“Sam,” eventually came Steve’s voice.  Stuffy and sniffly, but warm.  “You’re shivering.”

“I’m f-fine,” Sam insisted, and cursed his chattering teeth.

“You hate the cold,” Steve said.  He couldn’t keep a touch of regret out of his voice.  “You shouldn’t have to stay out here just because of me.”

“For G-God’s sake,” Sam said.  “I’ll live.”

“Hey.” Steve rested a hand on Sam’s cheek.  Oh God, that was heavenly.  It was like having a hot bottle of water pressed against his skin, and it gave Sam goosebumps.  “I do still have the elevated body heat, you know.”

Sam made a noise that was most certainly not a whimper.

“C’mon, Sam, get over here,” Steve said.  “I promise not to sneeze on you.”

Sam honestly probably would not even care at this point, although he wasn’t sure he wanted to let Steve know that.  He scrambled over. 

It wasn’t their first time sharing a sleeping bag.  They’d roughed it in much more windy, snowy terrain than this.    Sam did hate the cold, and he knew that while Steve could physically endure it, psychologically it called up too many memories of his plane crash so long ago. 

So it was for both of their benefit that he slid into Steve’s sleeping bag.  Sam had no shame whatsoever about plastering himself against Steve, nor about sighing contentedly when Steve began rubbing at his arm and back to warm him up.  Steve was still a little bit of a mess but even so they kissed, before Sam lay his head against Steve’s chest and closed his eyes. 

So good.  So peaceful.  For how ridiculously strong and muscular Steve’s body was, he cuddled like nobody’s business.  Sam let Steve’s body heat seep into him, let his aching muscles relax.  The HYDRA raid, the harrowing drive out here, the weird SHIELD cleaning fluid… it all fell away, pushed out by the slow, steady sound of Steve’s heartbeat.

Sam didn’t know how long he’d been drifting in contented half-sleep when the sleeping bag hitched.

His eyes opened, and he mumbled sleepily: “You OK?”

“Oh—Sam,” Steve said urgently.  “I’m sorry – I think I have to—”

Through his sleepy daze, Sam rolled his eyes, and pressed down on a laugh.  He prided himself on his ability to roll with whatever weirdness came his way. But being curled up in a sleeping bag with Captain America who was scrunching up his nose in a desperate effort not to sneeze was really a new level of how is this my life.

Eventually, unable to prevent it, Steve sat up, half-tearing himself out of the sleeping bag.  He didn’t manage to cover, but he turned his head away from Sam and issued a spraying “HahhhkZSSSCHOO!”

The sneeze rang out in the enclosed van, and fuck, it was loud.  Sam winced and wriggled his ears.  He’d felt the force of it rocket through Steve’s entire body, shake their sleeping bag. 

"Bless you,” Sam said.

“I’m so sorry,” Steve said breathlessly, sniffling.  He was bright red, and this time, Sam knew it was from plain embarrassment.  “Ugh, Sam, I’m so sorry. God…”

“Steve.” Sam patted at his chest reassuringly.  “You’re allowed to be physically imperfect once in a while.  OK?”

“I know.”  Steve sagged.  “I just… forgot how much I hate this.”

“You’ll forget it again in no time.  I promise.” 

Sam might’ve had a little bit of that firm seargeant’s tone in his voice again, and again, it seemed to work.  A relieved smile spread across Steve’s face.  He sniffled.  “Thanks, Sam.”

“Yeah, yeah.”  Sam grumbled.  “Now get back down here before I catch cold and start sneezing.”




Edited by fufufufu
formatting hates me lol
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Oh this is quite lovely. So nice to read. That is such a realistic reason for Steve to sneeze. I enjoyed the descriptions of just how rough life on the road is.  But would you hate me if I said what I loved the most were all the little hints at Sam yumminess?  He is in my top 5 but never gets any love.

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dlafj;ladfkjd;lfkjdldjfld I LOVE SAM WILSON SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA.  It's my headcanon that he asked T'Challa about the cat thing because he's super allergic.  I've been trying to write a story about that too. But if somebody else wants to use that idea I 10000000% approve.  

Thanks so much for your comment!!

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HNNGHNN this was such a beautiful read. I have a huge weakness (that I never come out and admit :lol:)  for sneezy!Steve - be it pre-serum, or post-serum. Your descriptions are mouthwatering, and you managed to include one of my favorite sneezefic tropes (someone sneezing in close physical proximity of someone else and having to rip away from them [the sleeping bag part]).

Like Phlox, it was a VERY realistic reason/scenario to bring out some super!soldier!sneezes and ajsdfalsdksl;f; sO GOOOOOD. :drool: I'll be re-reading this one for a while~

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26 minutes ago, Spoo said:

HNNGHNN this was such a beautiful read. I have a huge weakness (that I never come out and admit :lol:)  for sneezy!Steve - be it pre-serum, or post-serum. Your descriptions are mouthwatering, and you managed to include one of my favorite sneezefic tropes (someone sneezing in close physical proximity of someone else and having to rip away from them [the sleeping bag part]).

Like Phlox, it was a VERY realistic reason/scenario to bring out some super!soldier!sneezes and ajsdfalsdksl;f; sO GOOOOOD. :drool: I'll be re-reading this one for a while~

This. I don't know how to describe it better than this. I didn't expect there to be anything since the forum's been a bit slow the past few days but here this is. It's always a wonderful thing to wake up and find a gem like this waiting for me. 

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Ayyyyy thank you so much guys!  I really appreciate it!  I love sneezy!Steve as well.  The supersoldier aspect does present some challenges but where there's a will there's a way I suppose :D  

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5 hours ago, fufufufu said:

For how ridiculously strong and muscular Steve’s body was, he cuddled like nobody’s business. 

Well this makes me want to cuddle with Chris Evans even more XD 


This was amazing, well done!

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Oooh, I'm always excited to see new fic or drabbles from you, they're the best! This is no exception. While I still haven't seen The Winter Soldier or Civil War, like Spoo I am way more woo'ed by the idea of a big, strapping supersoldier sneezing than I tend to admit to myself. I am also a huge sucker for scent!sensitivities, so this is a double whammy.

Also, not fetish related, but I really enjoyed this line:


Steve was still a little bit of a mess but even so they kissed, before Sam lay his head against Steve’s chest and closed his eyes. 

I had been reading them as friends/team-mates until this point (and continued to do so afterwards) but I really, really enjoyed that little moment of casual intimacy. It's just a warm, nice moment without any fuss over it. I love.

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2 hours ago, CHOCOLATE <3 said:

Well this makes me want to cuddle with Chris Evans even more XD 


This was amazing, well done!

Hahaha thanks.  You and me both!  XD


1 hour ago, Garnet said:

Oooh, I'm always excited to see new fic or drabbles from you, they're the best! This is no exception. While I still haven't seen The Winter Soldier or Civil War, like Spoo I am way more woo'ed by the idea of a big, strapping supersoldier sneezing than I tend to admit to myself. I am also a huge sucker for scent!sensitivities, so this is a double whammy.

Also, not fetish related, but I really enjoyed this line:

I had been reading them as friends/team-mates until this point (and continued to do so afterwards) but I really, really enjoyed that little moment of casual intimacy. It's just a warm, nice moment without any fuss over it. I love.


Oh man, I am so happy you said that.  I ship them but I wasn't sure how slashy I wanted to make this particular story.  I'm so glad that worked for you!  Thanks so much for such a wonderful comment, this was fun to write.

BTW, Winter Soldier is a great movie, it's probably my personal favorite Marvel film.

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This pairing is best mother hen Sam is best sneezing Steve is best I love everyone in this bar the end 

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9 hours ago, batmansgirl said:


How can you go wrong?!  Lol.  Thanks for reading!


7 hours ago, queenie said:

This pairing is best mother hen Sam is best sneezing Steve is best I love everyone in this bar the end 

YAY thanks.  I do indeed love mother hen Sam too :)  

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Aahhh, this is such a lovely fic! :wub: Can I just say that this whole passage at the beginning:

On 31/07/2016 at 0:37 PM, fufufufu said:

It was a truly strange sight: Steve Rogers, the world’s best supersoldier, the pinnacle of human perfection, who had fought off aliens and robots and Nazi death cults, now snuffling messily into a handkerchief after yet another thunderclap of a sneeze. 

Seriously got me, because that's so damn adorable! I love the observation about Steve being "the world's best supersoldier", compared to what he's currently doing. :lol: It's really adorable!

Also, the sleeping bag scene is the CUTEST! I'm not entirely sure about whether I ship Steve and Sam, but that scene is a convincing argument as far as I'm concerned. :blush: And the way you wrote Natasha giving it to Sam about the cat allergies was brilliant, too. :heart:

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5 hours ago, MaiMai said:

Also, the sleeping bag scene is the CUTEST! I'm not entirely sure about whether I ship Steve and Sam, but that scene is a convincing argument as far as I'm concerned. :blush: 

Join us... join us!! ;)

Thank you for a wonderful comment!  

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This was lovely. I don't understand why there aren't thousands hundreds of Steve and Sam teaming up/road-tripping type fics set between The Winter Soldier and Civil War but I'm so happy that this exists. I love Sam so I'm thrilled to see more of him in fic.

I love the spellings and the variety of spellings for Steve's sneezes too.

On 7/31/2016 at 0:37 PM, fufufufu said:

“You hate the cold,” Steve said.  He couldn’t keep a touch of regret out of his voice.  “You shouldn’t have to stay out here just because of me.”

“For G-God’s sake,” Sam said.  “I’ll live.”

“Hey.” Steve rested a hand on Sam’s cheek.  Oh God, that was heavenly.  It was like having a hot bottle of water pressed against his skin, and it gave Sam goosebumps.  “I do still have the elevated body heat, you know.”

Sam made a noise that was most certainly not a whimper.

“C’mon, Sam, get over here,” Steve said.  “I promise not to sneeze on you.”

Sam honestly probably would not even care at this point, although he wasn’t sure he wanted to let Steve know that.  He scrambled over. 

This is one of my single biggest weaknesses in fic (I write it an embarrassing amount) and you hardly ever see it in allergy fic and at this point I may have melted with happiness.


On 7/31/2016 at 0:37 PM, fufufufu said:

“Oh—Sam,” Steve said urgently.  “I’m sorry – I think I have to—”

Through his sleepy daze, Sam rolled his eyes, and pressed down on a laugh.  He prided himself on his ability to roll with whatever weirdness came his way. But being curled up in a sleeping bag with Captain America who was scrunching up his nose in a desperate effort not to sneeze was really a new level of how is this my life.

Eventually, unable to prevent it, Steve sat up, half-tearing himself out of the sleeping bag.  He didn’t manage to cover, but he turned his head away from Sam and issued a spraying “HahhhkZSSSCHOO!”

The sneeze rang out in the enclosed van, and fuck, it was loud. 

Ah, I loved Steve's embarrassment here. I don't usually go for that but him turning red from embarrassment, yes please?! And the irritating reminder it brings Steve about being sick when he was younger was great too. As was him responding to orders from Sam. I really like that bond that they share. And there was even bonus Natasha in this story! :D:D:D

/Goes to re-read again and again

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Oh, this is very nice. And hit all kinds of buttons, several of which I didn't even know I had. Steve sneezing helplessly? Check. Sam and Natasha looking out for him in their own ways? Check. Not-quite-platonic bed(er, sleeping bag)-sharing, complete with cuddle-interrupting sneeze? Check. And did I mention Steve completely overwhelmed? Phew. *fans self* Getting to see that through Sam's eyes (in specific detail) was perfect, and separating them inside/outside through the window added this very appealing voyeuristic quality - even though Steve technically knows Sam can see him, it's just enough privacy for him to let go of any inhibitions and totally succumb to the fit. Like I said: Things I didn't know I needed until just now. I, too, will be re-reading this one. :-) 

Edited by phoenix
forgot to mention one of my favorite parts!!
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14 hours ago, Bruyere said:

This was lovely. I don't understand why there aren't thousands hundreds of Steve and Sam teaming up/road-tripping type fics set between The Winter Soldier and Civil War but I'm so happy that this exists. I love Sam so I'm thrilled to see more of him in fic.

I love the spellings and the variety of spellings for Steve's sneezes too.

This is one of my single biggest weaknesses in fic (I write it an embarrassing amount) and you hardly ever see it in allergy fic and at this point I may have melted with happiness.


Ah, I loved Steve's embarrassment here. I don't usually go for that but him turning red from embarrassment, yes please?! And the irritating reminder it brings Steve about being sick when he was younger was great too. As was him responding to orders from Sam. I really like that bond that they share. And there was even bonus Natasha in this story! :D:D:D

/Goes to re-read again and again

I ADORE SAM/STEVE ROADTRIP FIC SO MUCH, sneeze fic or not, and I love Sam on his own too. He was the best addition to the Cap movies. I just loved their connection in TWS. 

P.S. I just saw the drabble you wrote for him in the Avengers drabble thread, from like, two years ago... I must have missed it when that thread was finally bumped up.  I was so delighted to discover there's Sam sneeze fic!


11 hours ago, phoenix said:

Oh, this is very nice. And hit all kinds of buttons, several of which I didn't even know I had. Steve sneezing helplessly? Check. Sam and Natasha looking out for him in their own ways? Check. Not-quite-platonic bed(er, sleeping bag)-sharing, complete with cuddle-interrupting sneeze? Check. And did I mention Steve completely overwhelmed? Phew. *fans self* Getting to see that through Sam's eyes (in specific detail) was perfect, and separating them inside/outside through the window added this very appealing voyeuristic quality - even though Steve technically knows Sam can see him, it's just enough privacy for him to let go of any inhibitions and totally succumb to the fit. Like I said: Things I didn't know I needed until just now. I, too, will be re-reading this one. :-) 

Oh thank you! This story was definitely a lot of fun to put together :D  Overwhelmed!Steve is just kind of... the dream. And I really love to explore Sam and Natasha worrying over him in their own ways. Thank you so much for your comment, I am really happy to know what worked!

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On 8/5/2016 at 1:43 PM, fufufufu said:

P.S. I just saw the drabble you wrote for him in the Avengers drabble thread, from like, two years ago... I must have missed it when that thread was finally bumped up.  I was so delighted to discover there's Sam sneeze fic!

Ah, thanks. That's lovely to know. There needs to be more Sam sneeze fic!

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  • 2 years later...

I read this so many times ... and I had not told you how much I love this fanfic even though I did not shipp them? ❤❤❤

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Lol this is old but since it was bumped already, gotta say this was a great fix with one of my very favorite characters/tropes. Something about the combo of Steve sneezing frequently like he did when he was a sickly kid but with some of that new, healthy lung supersoldier oomph behind it is, uh... very hot, lol.

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