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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Suppress (Star Trek - Spock)


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From the moment he opened his eyes, Spock knew that something was wrong. He lay in bed and did a quick assessment of himself to find out where the problem may lay. The first noticeable thing was that he felt worn out despite having slept the whole night. This struck him as odd since he had slept the optimal number of hours and had awoken exactly when he had planned to. Next he noticed that there was a notable throbbing pain in his temple and that sinus were slightly in flamed. Having cataloged all that was causing him discomfort, Spock knew that he had some how contracted the illness that had been circulating throughout the ship. Since this was a simple illness, Spock believed that he could overcome it simply by taking back control of his body. After all, vulcans had superior biology and he should be able to simply suppress whatever he was feeling until it passed.

Having a full understanding of what was effecting him, Spock knew that the best way to begin his day would to be meditate and bring his body and mind into alignment. As he moved to stand up, the pressure in his head shifted and a distinct need to sneeze hit him but he steadied his breathing and was able to make the feeling pass. With the need to sneeze gone, Spock moved to his meditation area and began to center himself. As soon as he let himself relax, the need to sneeze returned with a vengeance. He tried to control his breathing once again but the need would subside. In an act of desperation, Spock brought a finger up to his nose and began scrubbing at it. As he continued to rub, he noticed some wetness but he was too caught up in the desire to prevent a sneeze to stop and properly wipe his nose. Finally when, the itch became too much, he gave up rubbing at the nose and instead made a move to hold back the sneeze. Hh'GNXT! Despite all of his efforts, the sneeze had escaped him. Meditation was obviously not going to help him today.

With his attempt at meditating having failed, Spock instead decided to try a shower. As he was making is way over to the shower, he perceived a wetness  creeping towards his lip. He tried to sniff the liquid away but just as soon as he as sniffed, the mucus returned. Not wanting to thwarted again, Spock made a few more attempts at sniffing away the problem but the problem did not want to be controlled. Having given his best attempt, Spock gave in and went to find a tissue. He gave a good, long blow and an immense amount of liquid came out. After a few minutes of continuous blowing, Spock was worn out and hoped that what he was able to dispel would be good enough for awhile.

Edited by *Dark_Side*
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Yay! Sick Spock is literally may favorite (hence my profile pic lol) Something about how self-controlled he always feels he needs to be, and how having a sneezy cold just completely breaks his control so deliciously. I like  how he tries to use his Vulcan meditation techniques to supress it. I always imagined that would be his first reaction to having a cold since that's what he always does when he gets injured on the show (side bar: love that scene where Nurse Chapel thinks he's sleeping only to find out he's aware of everything she's doing lol) Anyway I have to agree with ickydog- some caretaking would be amazing! You're doing a fabulous job with this!

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I'm really happy that you both like it. The plan right now is to eventually have Kirk come and take care of Spock but it may take a little while before we get there. Truthfully, I wasn't sure how this would turn out since I usually don't write fiction but it's great that someone is getting enjoyment out of it. 

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Part 2:

After setting the shower to an optimal temperature, Spock stepped and let the heat penetrate his muscles. He could feel all the tension in his body being released and the pressure in his head easing away. While he was not one to be wasteful, he couldn't help just standing in the shower, letting the water rush over himself, and enjoy the sensations that were rolling over him. Knowing that he still had the whole day ahead, he did not allow himself to enjoy this pleasure for long and commenced with his washing rituals. 

Having completed what needed to be done, Spock could dawdle no longer and stepped out of the shower to dry himself off. As he was finishing drying himself off, Spock noticed that his nose had begun to drip again. Wetness was once again collecting underneath his nose. Since his nose seemed to be clear and not in need of blowing, he decided not to waste a tissue and instead used his already dirty towel to wipe away the moisture under his nose. 

Once he was dry, Spock exited the bathroom to find his uniform and get dressed. Upon leaving the steamed filed bathroom, and entering the much cooler bedroom area, Spock's immediately felt the return of the pressure in his sinuses. While his nose did not appear to be running yet, he tried to sniff away the pressure but was unsuccessful. Realizing that there was not much he could do to bring himself relief, Spock continued with getting dressed and prepared for the long day ahead of him.

With his assigned time on the bridge approaching quickly, Spock finished his preparations for the day and made his way to the bridge to report for duty. The whole way to the bridge, he could feel his nose trying to drip but he kept the drips at bay by sniffing them away. Eventually, after what felt like a much longer time than usual, Spock made it to the bridge. As the doors began to open, he sent up a silent plea that he did not look the way he felt and that no one would notice his current state. 

Having made it the bridge, Spock swiftly made his way over to his station in the hopes that Kirk would not notice him. Today, Spock had no luck with anything he was trying and Kirk turned to look at the bridge's entrance the moment Spock came in. As Spock made his way to his station, Kirk tracked Spock with his eyes.

"Good morning Mr. Spock. I was just about to send a search party to come find you"

"Captaid, as I ab still 5.23 bidutes early, your cogcerd was cobpletely uddecessary"

Being the first time that he spoke all morning, Spock did not realize the way his voice sounded. He wanted to clear his throat and sniff his nose but was afraid that those actions would draw further attention. Maybe luck would return to him and Kirk would not notice?

"Hmmm....from the sound of things I may not be as wrong as you think but you are correct, as usual, in saying that you are early to the bridge but there is almost never a day where I am here first."

"I ab dot sure what you are ibplyigg captaid but I will edsure that I do dot bake such errors id by arrival tibe id the future"

"I have no doubt of that Mr. Spock"

From what what Spock could discern, the conversation had come to a close and he could bury himself in his work. While Spock had turned toward his station, Kirk continued to look at Spock with concern. He had heard the stuffiness in Spock's voice and knew that he was ill. Kirk knew that Spock would never allow himself to call out sick and hoped that maybe he could somehow persuade Spock to let himself rest a bit.

Not having an immediate solution as to how to persuade Spock to rest, Kirk reluctantly turned away and tried to return to the report he had been studying. Despite his best attempts to concentrate on what he was doing, Kirk kept being distracted by a small noise that was coming from behind him. This noise was sniffing of Spock. 

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Ooh I love Spock trying to be discrete and going abut his business as usual. But of course Jim is on to him hehe. Do I sense some caretaking will be happening soon? 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Part 3:

Captain Kirk was not the only person who was distracted, Spock was as well. He desperately wanted to escape his current situation by burying himself in his work but, every time he tried, he found that the tickle in his nose distracted him. Instead of focusing on his work, he was focused on his nose. There was an itch buried deep in his nose that only a good blow would fix but he could not allow himself such a luxury on the bridge. Along with an incessant itch, his nose wanted to drip and he couldn't allow that either. He was a Vulcan, he could overcome something as simple as cold. He tried to push through but every few seconds he would try to sniff away his various irritations with no success. 

After listening to Spock sniffing for ten minutes, Kirk could no longer take it. He wouldn't let his first officer suffer like this. With confident strides, Kirk made his way over to Spock's console.

"Mr. Spock, there is something important we need to discuss. Please follow me."

Spock wanted to respond and say that he was busy at the moment, that what he was working on was too important to abandon, but, at the exact moment that he opened his mouth to respond, he was overcome by the itch he had been battling. Without his consent, a sneeze escaped him. Luckily Spock was able to turn away from the Captain in time to sneeze in the direction of his console instead of in the Captain's face. 

"Bless you Mr. Spock."

"Your blessigs are uddecessary.....but thagk you for the....sedtibedt."

Now that he had sneezed, his nose was even more determined to run. Having already embarrassed himself by sneezing in such a public place, Spock could not rub at his nose like he so desperately wanted to.

"I have something important I need your assistance with Mr. Spock, please follow me."

This time, Kirk did not wait for a reply, or to see if Spock sneezed, and walked towards the elevator, expecting Spock to follow. 

Spock wanted to argue but he had already made enough of a spectacle and followed Kirk without a comment. 

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Aw Spock is so cute trying to hide it and be a good Vulcan. Of course the sneeze would finally come right in front of Jim. I can't wait to see what Jim is going to say. I love that he's concerned, but also trying to let Spock keep his dignity. 

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  • 3 months later...

Part 4:

Once the elevator doors had shut Kirk and Spock were alone together, Spock could not restrain his curiosity any longer.

"Captaid how cad I be service to you?" 

"Spock, your unwell, you shouldn't be on duty. I called you away from the bridge to escort you to your quarters so that you can rest."

"Your cogcerd is appreciated but I ab perfectly capable of servigg out the rebaidder of by shift" 

"I don't doubt your ability to fulfill your duty but you're ill and there is no need to push yourself. Wouldn't it be more logical to rest and recover so that you don't end up in worse shape or infect any of the other crew members"

If this was any other day, Spock would have argued with the Captain about his logic but the heavy feeling in his head was preventing him from coming up with any counter arguments.

"While I do dot believe that I ab ill edough *Sniff* to warradt beigg taked off duty, you are right that I should dot idfect adyode else"

As soon as the elevator stopped, Spock took his leave of the captain and headed to his quarters. Kirk had wanted to escort Spock all the way back to his room but insisted that he would rest as promised. Truthfully, Spock was embarrassed that his illness has been so apparent and did not want to be any more of an inconvenience than he already had been. 



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I've just discovered it! It's so cute... Jim's reaction to Spock's illness is very thoughtful and I love it. And Spock, well... is Spock, very Vulcan and quite stubborn. Love that too. Thanks for sharing!

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