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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sick birthday party (OUAT, Rumple)


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Hi @all!

This is my first fanfic in here and I hope you enjoy it. My mother tongue isn´t english and apart from school english I had to teach myself so excuse me if it´s not perfect. Until now I only wrote fictions in german. But there is nothing like this forum so i decided to post in here. *blush*


Part 1

It was 8pm when Belle and Rumple arrived at Granny´s. Today was Neals birthday. The first one since a very long time Rumplestilskin could celebrate together with his son.

Unfortunately he didn´t sleep well and felt like he was coming down with something the whole day. He had a slight headache and a sore thoat - nothing bad. Even Belle or any of his customers in his pawn shop didn´t notice and he hoped it wouldn´t get worse. Only thinking of missing his son´s birthday was just too painful.

It seemed like everyone from Storybrooke was gathered at the Diner tonight. One table on the left near the entrance was reserved for five people. Baelfire, Emma, Henry, Belle and Mr. Gold. Rumplestilskin took a seat after he gave his son his birthday present. Every five seconds someone joined the table to congratulate Bae or talk to Emma or something else. The Dark one now felt kind of observed and in his state of health he hated it. When Ruby served cake, Belle went to give her a hand. Rumple used this moment to go to the bathroom. His nose had begun to tickle horridly and he didn´t want to draw any attention.

He was barely able to close the door behind him when the tickle overwhelmed. Gold had no time to grap his handkerchief and sneezed three times harshly into his sleeve before he could catch a paper towl. He covered his nose and triple sneezed again. Thankfully no one had heard him and this annoyingly sensation in his nose almost vanished. He dared a look at his own reflection in one of the mirrors. He looked quite normal and decided to go back to his family.

Luckily music had started to play and most people were dancing. Among them Bae and Emma. Even Henry had left the room - probably to keep Regina company who prefered to sit outsite. Only Belle was there waiting for him. She expected her boyfriend to offer her a dance but he had no ambitions to do so. She watched him dropping onto the seat like he just had finished a marathon.

"Rumple, are you alright?"

"Yes, I´m perfectly fi... he... hechew!"

He turned away from her to sneeze loudly before he managed to whip out his handkerchief and muffled two more sneezes.

"Oh, bless you."

He wanted to thank her and tell her that it´s nothing more than a tiny cold but he forcefully sneezed five times in a row instead. Belle came closer to touch his forehead while he was still sneezing.

"My goodness! You are burning up!"

"I´m fine. Really. Just a cold", he sniffled.

Although Rumplestilskin had tried to be quiet, the music was drowned by some of his sneezes. For those who stood near the table it was impossible not to hear ist.

"Papa, are you okay?", Baelfire asked after he had realized it was his father who had sneezed and not Sneezy. 

"Of course I a... a... achoo!"

"He´s not!", Belle interjected. "He´s running a fever."

Rumple felt like the whole town was starring at him. "Bae, I promise, I´m fine. It´s nothing. You should keep on enjoying your birthday."

"You´re definitely not fine, Papa. You look awful."

Gold tried to hold back another sneezing fit and somehow succeded. "I could never forgive myself to miss your borthday. One again!" His voice hitched and the need to sneeze got worse. He rubbed his nose to make the tickle go away.

"You are here and you missed nothing. Don´t be so stubborn. You are sick!. Now come on, I´ll bring you home."

"Bae, you ca... can´t... leave..." He sneezed desperatly six times in a row.

"I assuredly can. I´ll show you." Neal said and climed on a chair. "May I have everyone´s attention, please?"

Someone turned the music down and it got mostly quiet. Rumple tried really hard not to sneeze while everybody was listening. But he failed and muffled two other sneezes.

Neal continued to fill the silence: "Party´s over. Sorry, guys."

"Did something happen? Something we should know about?", Grumpy asked.

"Nah, everything´s okay. Trust me. Just family affairs." - this was clearly. Nobody asked further questions. It took five minutes and the Diner was almost empty. Granny and Ruby started to clean up. Regina and Henry came inside to see what happened.

"Dad, what´s going on?", Henry wanted to know.

"Don´t worry. It´s..." Neal begun but he was interrupted by two intense sneezes from Rumple.

Regina raised an eyebrow and asked Rumplestilskin: "What´s wrong with you?"

"Nothing", he hissed.

"Okay, enough", Neal intervened. "Regina, this is none of your business."

"It is. I won´t Henry to get whatever he" - she pointed at Gold with disgust while he was suppressing a sneeze - "has."

Snow and Charming appeared behind their grandson. "We could drive Emma and Henry back home if you need the car, Neal", David offered. Regina had nothing to oppose and gave up. She said good night to Henry and disappeared without another word.

Meanwhile Rumple sneezed again. This time in his elbow. The handkerchief had become unusable. He just felt terrible and wished everyone would go away. 

"Bless you", Mary Margaret and David said simultaneously. Snow digged in her handbag and handed Gold some tissues. 

Belle thanked them and apologized because Rumplestilskin didn´t react. "Thank you. Sorry, he really don´t feel well, I think."

"No matter. Hope he get´s well soon. And we should go so he can rest."

"Right, Come on, kid", Emma told Henry. She kissed Neal on farewell. "Call me if you need any help."

"Thanks. I love you. See you later."

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Your English is quite good, certainly for a first attempt! :)

Also: OUAT fiction! YAY :D I've been wanting to read a Rumple fic for ages, so thank you!

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Thank you very much! I´m glad you like it :)

I love Rumple so I decided to write a fic about him and this was just Part one. It´s fun and I can improve my english skills. Quite perfect. I´ll definitly write more and it would be wonderful to know that out there are people who enjoy it, too. 

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Just a little cheapter in between. I´d be happy hearing your comments :) 

I noticed my spelling and typing mistakes in the last one (sorry, it was late and my Laptop always wants to write in german ^_^) but I can´t edit it by now.  


Part 1.5

“Can you walk to the car by your own, Papa?” Neal asked.

“I have a cold. Not a bullet wound.” Rumple sniffed. He didn´t want Belle and his son to take care of him. Nobody had ever taken care of him before. As Dark One he never got sick. And before this time – uncountable years ago - Milah had taken her heels to not get his germs each time he had just a tiny cold. He had taken care of Milah and Bae. And as the Dark one he had taken care of Belle sometimes. Not the other way round.

“Flu, I guess. And you are as pale as a sheet of paper.”

“Baelfire is right. We only want to help you.” Belle agreed.

Mr. Gold got up cumbersome. He indeed felt dizzy but tried to ignore it. Belle gave him his cane. He limped more than usual as if he had problems with his balance. Both Neal and Belle stayed close to his side in case he passed out.

Rumplestilskin stopped in front of Granny´s Diner and searched his pockets for something to cover the upcoming sneeze. No tissue was left and he couldn´t hold the sneeze in any longer.

“Heh... hehhh… HESHUU!”

Neal drew his own handkerchief and gave it to his father. 

“Bless you.”

“EHHSHOO! Eh… SHHEW! Ehh… ehh… hehh…”

The last sneeze got stuck and turned into a coughing fit.

Now he leaned against the banisters hoping to get back the control over his own body soon. He was sweating and shivering at the same time.

“Oh, Rumple” Belle whispered while she helplessly caressed his back.

“Yeah. Just a cold. I see.” Baelfire muttered in concern. “Now let me help you.” He supported his dad to walk down the stairs and get into the car.

“Thank you” Rumple gasped and slumped down on the back seat.

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Part 2

“Found it!” Baelfire shouted out of the bathroom.

His father was lying in bed, covered with two blankets and still shivering. Belle sat beside him, a cool cloth in her hand to wipe the sweat off of Rumples forehead.

“Thank you so much, Neal! I wouldn´t know what to do without you right now.” Belle admitted.

“Nah. It´s no rocket science. This-“ he showed her a bottle with paracetamol “is medicine to reduce the fever. In this land, you can´t do much more against the flu.” He gave his father two pills and a glass of water while he was speaking.

“Thanks, Bae.” Rumplestilskin croaked and swallowed the pills. He had never taken any kind of medicine from this world before. He never needed to. But, to be truthful, in this moment he would have taken nearly everything. He felt miserable.  And there were nothing he could do by himself. Indeed, magic to cure different kinds of diseases exists. For example some poisons. But in his condition he was unable to brew anything. And in the past months he had never wasted only one thought on something like the flu.

“Hehh… ehh…”

“Bless.” Bae anticipated and reached his dad a tissue.

Rumple turned his head away from Belle and stifled three sneezes. “Hehxght!Hxght!Etshh! Pardon me. I think the two of you should stay… stay away…” the urge to sneeze built up again and he tried his best to fight it. “Should stay… heh… awa… heey… from mehehh…”

“Bless you again” Bae said.

“Achoo!” Rumple sneezed desperately and weak into a tissue.

 “Don´t be silly, Rumple! I won´t go anywhere as long as you are feverish and ashen and suffering like hell.” Belle explained upset.

Mr. Gold´s eyes were watering from all the sneezing, so luckily neither his girlfriend nor his son noticed that he was close to tears after this statement.

“She´s right. Someone should look after you at least until the fever is down. Either Belle stays or I do.”

Rumple grabbed a new tissue to muffle a coughing fit followed by an exhausted sneeze. He didn´t want to infect the only ones he loved. But he would not be able to convince them as long as he looked like crab – and also felt this way.

Neal went to search the bathroom cupboards for more helpful items. He knew that Belle wasn´t familiar with most things from this land after she had been locked away nearly the whole time she had spent here. A few minutes later he came back with a basket full of small boxes.

“Well-“ he started “here are coughing drops and nasal spray aaand…” he continued with a long list of medicine and was astonished how complete his fathers medical chest was. “Wow, Papa, you really made provisions for every imaginable case, didn´t you?”

“Before I remembered who I truly am it seemed reasonable” he sniffed.

Neal showed Belle the leaflets in the tiny boxes so she could glean if anything remained unclear and gave her all emergency numbers she may needed.

“Get some rest, Papa. I´ll visit you tomorrow noon.” He squeezed his father hand fondly.

“Thanks. I love you, Bae.” Gold murmured sleepy, his eyes already closed.

“Goodbye Belle. Call me if you need any help.”

“I hope this won´t be necessary. Thank you!” 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11.8.2016 at 6:58 AM, frenchposie said:

Omg you stopped! More please!

Oh, I´m glad that you like my fic! I´ll continue soon :) 

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"Part 1.5"? You're adorable omg :) Your English is phenomenal! If only my German were that good haha. I'm endlessly impressed by your writing, because though I've never seen this show, it was still an enjoyable read. Keep up the good work!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 14.8.2016 at 7:11 AM, groundcontrol said:

"Part 1.5"? You're adorable omg :) Your English is phenomenal! If only my German were that good haha. I'm endlessly impressed by your writing, because though I've never seen this show, it was still an enjoyable read. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very, very much! It´s a huge compliment that you like the fic even if you didn´t see the show :blushsmiley::blushsmiley:

@frenchposie I´m sorry that it took so long. I have to admit that I had no idea how to end the story. But at last I finished it :)


Some noise woke up Belle. She had been fallen asleep in an armchair near her husbands’ bed sometimes during the night. It took her some time to orientate. She stood up and found Rumple still sleeping. He didn´t look feverish anymore and it seemed like the medication and the sleep helped a bit. Maybe he said something in his dreams. Maybe that was what had woken her. She made sat down on the edge of the bed and soflty kissed his hair to soothe him.

A moment later she heard something downstairs in the kitchen. She heard dishes rattling, a water tap and then someone sneezed. She went downstairs quietly to see who was in their House. It took a load off her mind when she saw Baelfire preparing some tea.

“Neal! Why didn´t you rang the doorbell? You scared me to death.”

“I dind´t want to wake you or my father. I think both of you need to rest after yesterday.” He explained with a hoarse voice.

“Are you alright? I thought I heard someone sneezing down here.”

As to proof that Belle was right, Neal tuned away and double sneezed into his fist. “Hetchh! Ethch! Sorry. I fear I caught my fathers illness.”

Worriedly Belle came closer and touched his forehead. “You feel warm. Why are you here? You should stay in bed!”

“I wanted to help you. I saw how miserable my father was yesterday.” He slightly coughed.

“You do not look any better than Rumple did at your party.”

“Emma´s at work so I thought I could pop in to check on the two of you and make some tea. I don´t feel that bad.” In fact, he felt damn bad. Much worse then at the point when he decided to show up. His head was killing him and a wave of dizziness took over every now and then.

“That´s nice. But you shouldn´t be as stubborn as your dad.” During their conversation a coughing fit resounded from above. “Seems like he´s awake. Go upstairs, I´ll bring the tea.”

“Thank you, Belle.”

Ten minutes later the young women appeared in the bedroom, a tablet with three cups, a teapot and some little snacks in her hands. A bright smile spread over her face when she saw the two men. Rumple was sitting at the edge of the bed where Belle had been this morning and she he was just covering his boy with a blanket.

“Bae don´t feel well” he whispered with a congested voice.

They left some tea at the nightstand and went down to the living room. They made themselves comfortable on the couch, cuddled in two blankets.

“You look better.” Belle determined.

“And I feel better. The…” His nostrils fluttered and he grapped a tissue from the box on the table in front of him. “Heeh… Hechew! Echheew! Pardon. The worst is over, I think. I have to thank you.”

“No, you don´t. I love you.” She took his hands when she saw the sadness in his eyes. Of course she knew what was wrong. What bothered him. She always understands – without a word. “It´s not your fault. Neal loves you, too. He wanted to help you. He´ll be fine tomorrow.”

“I don´t know how I deserve someone like you, sweetheart.”

In spite of his nose turning red and his nostrils started to twitch, Belle moved forward and kissed Rumples cheek exactly in the moment his body was shaken by another sneeze.


~ END ~

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