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One to Five (Teen Wolf)


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I'm back from months of lurking to remind everyone that I am and always will be a huge piece of Teen Wolf trash. It doesn't matter that the show kinda went down the drain and I stopped actually watching it last season. But.... tumblr keeps me informed and I will always be following my trash sons Scott and Stiles. I don't own Teen Wolf and these characters aren't mine; if they were Id treat them a hell of a lot better than the actual writers. Okay enough babbling and here we go:


"That was possibly the best movie I have seen!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Even better than Star Wars?" Scott replied, smirking. They had just seen the newest sci-fi movie and Stiles was animatedly talking about it. More like retelling, actually. Like Scott hadn't just seen the movie with him.

"Well, obviously not. Star Wars will always be number one, this list excludes Star Wars because I know nothing will ever beat it," Stiles rambled back. He couldn't understand how Scott thought Star Wars was a mediocre movie! His favorite movie was Bridget Jones's Diary anyway, so what did Scott know.

Scott chuckled at Stiles' antics as he pushed the door open. The bright, natural light hit them fast and his eyes flinched close as they adjusted. "Ugh, being a werewolf makes this a thousand times worse," he whined. Scott looked over at Stiles who was squinting himself, pulling his collar over the bottom of his face.

"HUR-SHOO," Stiles basically roared, making Scott jump.

"Jeez, dude. Bless."

"Ugh, thanks. Sorry that happens every time the light hits me suddenly."

# 2

"This looks delicious boys!" Melissa exclaimed at the same time John questioned:

"What did you two do this time?"

"What? Is there something criminal to two teenagers taking their turn to make the McCall-Stilinski weekly dinner?" Stiles pouted.

"Well, since neither of you have volunteered the last ten times this makes me highly suspicious," the Sheriff quipped back.

Scott quickly cut in before a Stilinski squabble broke out, "We just wanted to celebrate the fact that none of us has been kidnapped, poisoned, possessed, or were targeted by any supernatural creature in the last month."

Melissa smiled and raised her class, "Cheers to normal." Her boys all muttered cheers and Stiles started dishing out the food. He started to heavily pepper is soup.

"Jesus, son do you want some soup with your pepper?" John asked.

"Ha ha that's so funny and original," Stiles stuck his tongue at his father. "The pepper bri-in, brings, o-out- he-he He'sheww! Hur'shuu!"    Stiles caught a quick double into his napkin and gave a big sniff.

Scott shot him a smile and a quiet 'bless', while Melissa and his father chuckled and rolled their eyes.

"Bless you, kiddo," his father said and took the pepper out of Stiles' reach.


Scott knew Stiles was coming down with something. He could always tell. It started with a few too many throat clear, the occasional sniff, and sneezes that came in three. So when yesterday's pack meeting was littered with throat clearings and a congested nose blow Scott knew today was going to be a lot worse. And he was proved right when Stiles stumbled into homeroom.

"You need to go home," Scott said.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Stiles snarked.

"You're obviously sick and you need to rest before it gets worse."

Stiles spluttered, "How the hell did you come to that conclusion? I literally just walked in. I didn't even open my mouth yet! I don't even think I'm coming down with anything, it's probably just allergies."

"You have a tell." Scott smirked. After not hearing a response, he glanced over at his friend who seemed to be focusing on an impending sneeze. Scott dug around in his backpack and pulled out a napkin and handed it to Stiles who quickly snatched it.

"HISHEWW! HI-HA-Hah HASHOO!" Stiles took a deep breath and rubbed his nose against the napkin. His eyes glazed and a final "Itssch!" snuck out.

"Oh shid." Stiles grumped, he knew what happened when he sneezed in threes.


"Wha?! Whas goind on? Who's id trouble?" Stiles startled as he was rudely awoken from his nap in the library. He looked up to see a concerned looking Mason and a regular looking Liam standing over him. Feeling drool on his face, he quickly tried to scrub it away.

"We have a test to study for our biology test, but it was impossible to focus with your snoring," Liam quipped.

Mason shot Liam a glare and turned his gaze back to Stiles, "You look terrible, still. How long have you had this bug?"

"This is day nubero nide," Stiles coughed out pathetically. "I jusd cadn't seeb to shake id off." He winced at his own congestion and pulled out a crumbled up pile of tissues from his pocket and blew his nose.

Liam grimaced and planted a hand on his forehead, his concern starting to show through, "You're burning up! Have you gone to the doctors at all?"

"Cand't," Stiles ground out, frustrated at how quick the congestion crept back in. "Too expensive."

Mason frowned, "We should call Scott."

"Dnooo!" Stiles whined, "I'b fide, i'ds just a cold." Stiles quickly rose the tissues to his face and caught four messy sneezes, "Hash-oo, hi-hi-hi-hiat'chh, at'chh, SHOO!"

"Bless you! " Mason exclaimed, and shared a look with Liam. Liam nodded and they both moved towards Stiles, each wrapping an arm around him.

"Off to see Scott!" Mason worriedly chuckled.


"I'm gonna kick your ass!" Stiles shouted.

"I'd like to see you try!" Scott growled.

The boys were playing an intense game of Smash Brothers and Scott was beating Stiles. By a lot. Scott killed Stiles' character for the seventh time, and Stiles attacked.

"AAARGGH," Stiles tackled Scott and they rolled off the couch. They wrestled for a little bit, knocking over pillows and jostling pictures on the coffee table. Then Stiles caught a whiff of Scott.

"Are you wearing a new cologne? You smell really good!" Stiles said.

"Uh, yeah it's a new one Kira just bought me." Scott said as Stiles shoved his face back into his neck.

Stiles pulled back to say something else but instead released a huge sneeze, "HUR'SHEWW."

"Gross, bro!" Scot scrambled from underneath him wiping his neck off.

"Sorry, that one sort of snuck up on me," Stiles said sheepishly before his eyes glazed over. "Ish! Ish!"

"Bless you, are you okay?" Scott asked, weary of the three sneezes.

Stiles wiped his nose on his wrist, causing Scott to grimace and get up in search of tissues. "Yeah I feel fine. Just itchy."

Scott handed him a box of tissues and Stiles pulled one out to catch an urgent set of, "Hi'ishh! Hi'shh! Ugh, I think I'm allergic to you."

"I'll go wash this off," Scott replied giving Stiles a pat on the shoulder.

"Noooo, you smell so good!"

Scott just rolled his eyes.





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I'm literally sitting here tearing up right now because I love these boys so much. :cryhappy: And yeah, the last season was definitely not great, but I honestly think the hurt/comfort relationship rollercoaster that Scott and Stiles went through almost counterbalanced it.

Oh, and thank you for not making any of these Sterek drabbles! I'm not sure if you're a fan of that ship but I'm just not. Besides, the best relationship in the show is the brotherly one between Scott and Stiles. More people should take a page out of your book and focus on that. In fact, if you have any hurt/comfort fic recommendations that focus more on that they would be highly welcome! I'm seriously low on material.

Anyway, great drabbles! I hope I get to read more! :)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Thanks so much! I like sterek to a point, mostly just because most fanfiction is geared to it. Scott/Stiles is my number one ship both platonically and romantically so you're comment really means a lot! I'll have to look through my bookmarked fics for any recs!

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