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Sectionals & Sneezes (Finchel Sick fic ~ Glee)


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Hi! I love Glee, if you don't know already. I'm on about season 4 on Netflix and I love love love it. So I decided to write about it. I usually don't write sick fics, but I was like "Finn sick and Rachel caretaker would be soooo cute" so I went out of my comfort zone and wrote this. I haven't written a full story in so long, and I forgot how much fun it was, so expect more from me :). I hope you like it!


“Finn!” Finn blinked and looked around, getting snapped back into reality by none other than his girlfriend, Rachel Berry.


“We’re doing our number for Sectionals after Tina does her song from this week’s assignment,” She explained.


Finn sighed internally. He had a pounding headache, and all he really wanted was a nice nap. But, sectionals were less than a week away. And he needed all the practice time he would get.   


           But, at the moment, Finn was focusing on the prickle spreading through his nose. He rubbed his nose, and smiled at his girlfriend before the tickle became unbearable.

    “hhhiiihhh...Hiihh…” Finn rubbed his nose, desperately not wanting to sneeze. But, it was too late to stop the sneeze, or stifle it at all. His eyebrows furrowed together, his eyes fluttered, and his head tipped back, his nostrils flaring. “Hhhh...HITSSSHOOO! TSSSHOOO!” Finn sneezed. He sniffled a bit wetly, and everyone seemed to scoot their chairs away from Finn, except Rachel.


Bless you,” Rachel said, as Mercedes said in her loud voice. “Oh hell to the no! Please tell me you didn’t catch that nasty flu virus that’s been going around, and brought it in here a week before Sectionals,” Mercedes said, causing some others to move their chairs farther from Finn’s.


“Dno, it’s just allergies,,” Finn said, cringing at the congestion shown in his voice.


Santana raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Allergies? I’ve known you my entire life, and all I know that you’re allergic to is cats” Santana looked to Quinn. “You’ve known him just as long as I have. Any other allergies besides cats?” Santana asked.


“Not that I know of,” Quinn said, looking worriedly at Finn. Santana looked around the room dramatically. “Don’t see any cats,” Santana said.


   Mr. Schue looked at Finn. Finn looked pale, but his cheeks were flushed, and his nose was 50 shades of pink.    


“Finn, you don’t look too good. Maybe you should go home,” Mr. Schuester said, not wanting his male lead to be sick for Sectionals.


   “Dno, I’ll be...huuhh...HUHTSSHHH! Fide,” Finn said, his eyes half closed. He had attempted to stifle that sneeze, and it just multiplied the pressure he was feeling in his head. Finn fought the need to sniffle, but he couldn’t in front of the entire club. They would make him go home. He was feeling horrible, but he couldn’t miss Glee practice. But he also couldn’t get his other members sick…


   “Bless you,” Rachel said


    While Finn was pondering, he barely even realized Rachel laying a soft hand onto his forehead. Her hand was so cold. It felt nice, but she took it off after a couple seconds.


    “Finn, you’re burning up. I’ll take you back to your house. You’re in no condition to drive,” Rachel said, taking his hand and standing up.


   Mr. Schue nodded. “Finn, go home and rest. We need you for Sectionals,” He said.


   Finn was in no condition to argue. He stood up with Rachel by his side, using her to steady himself. He rubbed his nose and tried to quell the impending itch as he walked towards the exit of the choir room.


“Hhuuhh...Huh…” Finn desperately tried to hold back this sneeze. He rubbed his nose, walking into the hallway. He couldn’t holdback any longer. “Huuhhh...HUTSSSHHHOO! TSSHOOO!” Finn sneezed. He smiled sheepishly as he heard a chorus of ‘bless you’s coming from the choir room, and one from Rachel.


“Bless you,” Rachel said. Finn sniffed liquidly.


“Thangs,” Finn said. They both signed themselves out at the office, and walked outside.


Finn smiled as he followed Rach to her car. She opened the door for him as he rubbed his nose. Finn slowly got into the car and sniffled. Rachel started the car and pointed to the glove compartment in front of Finn.


 “There should be tissues in there,” Rachel said. Finn nodded, not wanting to talk in his congested voice again.


  Finn opened the glove compartment, seeing a packet of tissues. He gratefully took the pack, and wiped his nose softly as Rachel started to pull out of the school parking lot.


    “Thanks for dr...drivink bme homb,” Finn said, rubbing his itchy nose with the tissue again.


    “It’s really no trouble,” Rachel said, turning onto Finn’s street.


   “Ihhh…” Finn started hitching, his head raising upwards, and his hand moving up under his nose to catch the oncoming sneeze.

    “uuhhhh...HU’TSSHHOOOO! HUTTSSHHH!” Finn sneezed, muffling the last sneeze into the tissue, practically ripping it apart.


  “Bless you. Bless you,” Rachel said, pulling into Finn’s driveway. It was empty. “Hey,  Finn, where’s your mom?” Rachel asked.


   “She’s *sniff* up in Columbus with Burt for the dnext couble days,” Finn said.


   “You can’t stay at home sick alone,” Rachel said. “I’ll stay with you,”


  “Dno!” Finn exclaimed. “Regiodnals is in like, a week. You can’dt get...gehhhh….HITTSHOOO! HITTSSHHHOOOO!” Finn sneezed into his arm and grabbed another tissue.

“You can’dt get sick for it,” Finn finished.


  “No, I’ll be fine. I’ll take some Emergen-C, and I won’t get sick,” Rachel insisted.


Finn sighed. He couldn’t fight with her right now. And, he would do the same thing for her.


Rachel opened her door, and jumped out, running around the car, and opening Finn’s door. She took Finn’s hand helping him out of the car, and then feeling all of his weight transfer onto her. How was he so fit, yet weighed so much more than her? He put her arm on her head, smiling.


  “You dnow, your head mbakes a great armrest,” Finn smiled and walked up the walkway with his girlfriend.


  Finn fumbled with the key to his house, until Rachel took the key from his hand, and easily unlocked the door.


“Now,” Rachel started, once they were both inside the house. “You go upstairs, get into some comfy clothes, and get into bed. I’ll be up there in a couple minutes,” Rachel said.


Finn nodded, and started to make his way up the stairs. He stopped and turned around. “Rach?” Finn said quietly.


“Yeah?” Rachel said, turning to him.


“Thangs,” Finn said, and turned back around, walking up the stairs to his room, seeing Rachel’s smile as he turned.


Finn walked up to his room, every step causing the pounding in his head to spike. FInn quickly changed into a tank top and some sweatpants.


Rachel smiled and went to the kitchen. She rummaged around in Finn’s medicine cabinet. As she looked around, she jumped at the sound of a big sneezes coming from Finn’s room. She found a thermometer and some Tylenol, that she took out, and put on the counter.


Rachel quietly walked up the stairs, and opened the door to Finn’s room slowly. Finn opened his eyes and rubbed his nose.


"I need to take your temp,” Rachel said, holding up the thermometer.


Finn nodded. “Okay,” He said, sitting up in bed.


Rachel walked over to Finn. “Aaahhhh,” Rachel said, and opened her mouth, gesturing for Finn to do the same.


Finn opened his mouth and Rachel slowly put the thermometer under his tongue. Of course, at that moment, a huge tickle had to erupt throughout Finn’s nose. Finn started panicking. He didn’t want to sneeze all over Rachel. Or sneeze out the stupid thermometer.


“R-Rach…” Finn started, before he was cut off by Rachel.


“Finn, if you talk, the thermometer reading won’t be accurate,” Rachel said.


“But I r-rea-ly ghh-got t-to-” Finn tried to talk through his hitching.


“Finn,” Rachel said sternly.


Finn couldn’t take the itch anymore. He wasn’t good at holding back as it was, but with the thermometer in his mouth, he couldn’t hold on one more second.


“R-rachhhhh...HITTSSHOOOO!” Finn sneezed, the thermometer flying onto the ground and spraying Rachel. “S-so...sorry. Huuhh… HUUTTSSHHOOO! HUUUTTSSHOOO! HUTSSSHH!” Finn said, surprised to feel a soft tissue pressed against his nose for the last sneeze. He opened his eyes to see Rachel holding the tissue to his nose.


Finn looked to the ground. “Thanks,” He said sheepishly. He took the tissue from Rachel’s hands, and wiped his nose with it softly.


“Okay, that’s not going to do anything for your congestion,” Rachel said. She plucked a new tissue from the box that she brought up. “Here. Blow your nose,” Rachel said.


Finn shook his head. She would think he was disgusting. “I’b-hhuuhh... finde,” Finn said.


Rachel shook her head. “I can barely understand you. Just blow your nose, don’t be a baby,” She said, lightly shoving him.


Finn put the tissue to this nose, and softly blew for a couple seconds. He then blew harder as the soft blow was doing nothing except making a soft gurgling noise.


“Doesn’t that feel better?” Rachel asked.


“Yeah, thanks HUTTSSHOOO! Rach,” Finn said, already feeling some of the congestion leave. Then, he watched Rachel pick up the thermometer, and wipe it off.


“You ready?” Rachel asked, holding up the thermometer.


Finn held up one finger, telling her to hold on. “Hhhuuuhhh...HUUTTTSSSHOOOO! HUUUUTTSSSHHOOO!” Finn wiped his nose. “Ready,” He said.


Rachel cautiously inserted the thermometer under his tongue, holding onto it as the numbers went up. Finn reached up and rubbed at his nose, a tickle forming, but not big enough to cause a sneeze.


After what felt like forever, the thermometer beeped. Rachel took it out of his mouth, and checked the final temp.


“100.6. You’re not going to school tomorrow,” Rachel said, putting the thermometer on the nightstand to her left.


“But sectiodals is combing up! I dneed to be at Glee to pr...pra...hhuuhh..praahhhHEHTSSHOOO! Practice” Finn said, not wanting to let his friends down.


“What you need to do is rest up, so you can feel better and go to Glee the next day,” Rachel said.


Finn sighed. Why was she always right. Oh yeah. Cause it was Rachel. He readjusted himself in his bed to make himself more comfy.


“There’s chicken noodle soup downstairs, do you want it now?” Rachel asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.


The thought of food right now made Finn’s stomach do somersaults. “Dnot right now,” He said, pawing at his nose.


“Wanna sleep?” Rachel asked, knowing the answer.


Finn nodded and slid down in the bed, his eyes already closed.


Rachel opened up the covers a bit, and slid down into the other side of the bed with Finn, giving his head a small kiss before she did so.


“You’re warm,” Finn whispered, his eyes closed, cuddling into Rachel.

She smiled and ran her hand through his hair. “I’ll see you later,” Rachel said as they both drifted off to sleep.


Comments are appreciated. Hope you liked it! <3

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Ahh, Season 4. The last good season unfortunately. :( 

It's so awesome to see fics based on the old Glee up!!!! Keep going, this is adorable! :) 

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I totally agree with WD (except seasons 5 and 6 weren't THAT bad, but they weren't super great either.) This is awesome! I'd love to see more... Finchel is just too cute for words :wubsmiley: :blushing: 

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