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Flower Petal & Heavy Metal (Stucky AU)


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AU: Steven Rogers is a high schooler who partially owns a flower shop. His luck is faulty because it just so happens to be directly next door to a tattoo parlor that’s always scaring off his customers with the loud rock music and intimidating black color.


I had been in the shop all day, tending to each of the colorful flowers that lined the store. It was a cute little vintage shop and I enjoyed being there every day of my summer. It was a family owned store; it had been in the Rogers possession for years and I just got to work there alone over the summer to make some cash before I went back to school for my senior year. I really enjoyed nature anyways so being around the flowers all day didn’t bother me. It was what was next door that bothered me. A few months ago, a tattoo shop opened a few feet from the Roger premises, seeming to suck the joy and energy from my little shop into the depths of its evil, black wall paint. Their rock music even drowned out my soft jazz. So rude. But I wasn’t one for confrontation. I mean, being 5’4 and the size of a malnourished 9th grader, I really wasn’t made for confrontation. So I did the only thing I knew to do. I just turned up my jazz and sat back with a book. (No it wasn’t Twilight, so you can stop thinking that). Our popularity had decreased since the stupid neighboring shop opened. It gave me more time to relax and read but it was annoying still.

    One particular Tuesday afternoon, I was plucking the dead leaves from a rosewood chrysanthemum, the pleasant little ding! from my door sounded and I turned. There stood a male with a look so intense that I swore the flowers wilted a bit. He had nearly shoulder length black hair, and fierce blue eyes. He was decked out in all black except for his left arm. It was a giant silver tattoo of metal with a bright red star on it. I didn’t need to ask, I knew exactly who I was looking at. “Mr. B-Barnes.” I stepped back, dropping the petals to the floor. They could be swept up later. “Hey, sweetheart.” Mr. Barnes’ voice was deep and gruff, like he inhaled sulfur hexafluoride rather than air and his words moved through syrup. And sweetheart? Was that a compliment? No, he was taunting me. Was he? He looked around, his heavy gaze curious, laced with distaste and dipped generously in disdain. He seriously had the nerve to step into my territory and then shoot crappy looks at my stuff? He was sadly mistaken. But rather than giving him some big speech, I did the thing that made me want to stab myself in the eye with a spork. I stood there, ogling at him like a starved wolf would a piece of steak. Did wolves eat steak? Probably. Apparently I had successfully passed the normal “stare limtation” of time because a smirk that could make anyone pregnant, twisted his lips. His eyes glinted with a mischievous light as he moved around the room, towards me. That seemed to snap me into motion because I backpedaled. “Good afternoon, I’m, uh, erm,” I glanced down at my name tag because I actually couldn’t remember who the heck I was,”Steve.” I nodded. That was me. Steve...yup.

    “You work next door.” I motioned to the wall and he didn’t say a word. He continued to approach me slowly, stalking me as his prey. That beautiful smirk of his only turned into a deep stare of concentration and he paused. I tried to move further back but my back bumped into the desk. He had me...pinned...against the desk. His arms held us against the counter, a steel trap of muscle right by my waist. I wasn’t even breathing anymore. He was staring at me, silently, his eyes squinting ever so slightly. He was looking into my soul, finding that I thought he was terrifyingly attractive, that I was horrified of being frozen alive, and I hated trigonometry, and whatever other secrets lurked down in my soul. I wasn’t even sure he was seeing me but then he moved suddenly. Instead of kissing me, which I was sort of wishing he would do, he reached around me and into the jar on the edge of my desk and grabbed a piece of candy. Was he kidding me?

    “Call me Bucky.” He said and sticking the blue jolly rancher in his mouth. Those were my favorite and that, my friends, is my excuse for why I stood there, staring at his lips after he had eaten the candy. I bet he could kiss. Not those sloppy, wet kisses either. The perfect ones, that made you weak in the knees and claimed every part of you. I really needed to just stop looking at him. With an irritated huff, I moved from in front of the mysterious neighbor and back to the flowers. I had to breathe. “Mhm.” I acknowledged his statement with a distracted hum. I plucked a dying petal from a flower, probably because of Bucky’s withering darkness. I looked up, expecting to find Bucky looming over me in his silent, creepy manner but the door was just singing closed, with a soft ding!



Sam Wilson and I sat in the darkness of the tattoo parlor, the blasting rock music shaking our entire fucking joint. It was so loud, I probably would be deaf in a few years but it’d be so worth it. Sam sipped on a cold beer but I could really go for a juice box. “He likes you, Buck!” The male exclaimed. For the last hour or so, he had been trying to convince me to go next door and introduce myself to Mr. Prissy Princess with his perfectly quaffed hair and ironed pants. That was some crazy koolaid I wouldn’t be sipping. “Have you asked him?” I fired back. “Well not re-”

“Then you know nothing, shut up, I’m not going.” And I was serious. It was final. “I’ll give you twenty bucks.” Sam offered, lifting his bottle to me. I was already on my way out the door. Anything for some money. “What’s his name?” But I knew the answer to that. Sam just laughed in turn. How did Sam even know he was playing batter for my team? Did he have a gay radar or something? I paused outside the little and snorted. Rogers’ Floral was painted on the front in tacky calligraphy. It was obviously a family business, cute and small but worn out from it’s age and popularity around holiday and proms. I entered before I thought what I was doing. The first that caught me was the boy standing in the middle of the shop, aisles of flowers on either side of him. “Hey sweetheart.” I flirted innocently, watching the petals from the flowers float to the ground. Sweet baby Jesus, the boy was eye candy. Insanely small for his age, he had to be seventeen and he was short and scrawny but his blonde hair was parted and combed back to perfection. High cheekbones and full, expressive lips completed his pretty face. But his sparkly grey-blue eyes held a depth of wisdom that was definitely boxer-dropping sexy. But then I became suddenly aware of the fragrant stench of flowers and the pollen infested room. It dawned on me, hey Buck, you Senor Fucktard, you’re incredibly allergic to this shit. And now I was completely distracted. I didn’t want to be distracted from Steve’s beauty but I couldn’t help but start to breathe out of my mouth. Maybe if I focused on Steve better, the itchy feeling would leave. So I studied him as he struggled to get ahold of himself. How cute, he was all flustered and whatnot. But this was a mistake. I was a tough guy, tatted out and strong. I couldn’t march into his shop and then turn all helplessly allergic. That would be lame as shit. But hell, I had to sneeze. I focused in on Steve’s intelligent gaze, and tried to distract myself. Pineapple. Pineapple and boobies. Dude, you don't even like boobies. Pineapple and dick. Not together. They’re supposed to be enjoyed separately. And shit, I still really, really, gotta sneeze. In a rash decision, I began toward Steve and he stumbled back. He looked absolutely horrified. Silly boy. I reached around him, grabbing a piece of candy and shoving it in my mouth. I didn't know if candy cured allergies but it would work for now before I could make an exit. Then I realized, I had poor Steve, looking up at me with horror and anticipation, pinned to the desk. Fuck. “Call me Bucky.” I interjected. I pulled away and moved backwards toward the door. My breathe caught and I jammed my finger beneath my nose as Steve turned toward the flowers. As soon as his attention was off me, I beelined for the door, leaving the kid in the store alone. Once safely outside, I pulled the right side of my jacket over my face, burying my nose into the hot material. “Huhh’ISHH! HehHHTSCH! Hih’ESCH’ehh!” I stormed back into my shop, praying my nose wasn’t visibly pink in the dim lights. “You better make it 25 dollars, Wilson.” I slumped down in my seat. He laughed, spinning around. “Bucks, you’re like a sexcraved woman in her midthirties. I don’t know why you didn’t kiss him.” Sam shrugged. “Screw you,” I threw a pen at him. “Famous last words, Barnes.”

Hh’tshh’eh!” All Sam did was laugh.




A/N: Hey ya'll! This is my first fanfic really. I don't know what to think. Let me know if I should continue. Ideas are always welcome and please let me know what you think. Much love! xx - K.

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Aww this was so cute!! I love the flower shop and tattoo parlour au so much and love love it when the tattoo artist is allergic to the flowers! Thanks for writing!~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all so much for your feedback! It means a lot to me. I think I'm planning on a little sick Steve in the future. Just know, that I am not really following Marvel's comics or movies in anyway besides the name. I don't own the characters, though I desperately wish I could. Keep up the feedback, and I'll keep writing. Here's another part. Much love! - K



The rest of my day was rather uneventful. It was always uneventful. Who had fun on Tuesdays? It wasn’t until Wednesday at 3 pm did I have my next exciting adventure. It was a man who had forgotten his wife's birthday so he demanded I give him anything pink and under 90 dollars so I grabbed vase after vase of pink Daisies and rushed with him to his truck. He was in his car, making dinner reservations and I turned and ran back for the last few vases. With a vase in each hand, I held them to my chest as I staggered from the shop. My vision was blocked by the thicket of stems and leaves, giving sight of green. Rushing toward the car, I didn’t realize there was an extremely handsome boy in front of me until I molotoved him, nearly plowing him into the ground. I heard a sharp inhale, and a deep chuckle and I immediately knew the victim of my idiocy. Bucky Barnes. “Whoa, easy there sweetheart. Something chasing you?” I laughed softly, shaking my head. He squinted at me before taking a vase and following me to the car. “I was  helping this guy.” I smiled and waved the man off, since he already paid. I turned to Bucky, biting back a laugh. He had a few petals on his shirt from when I almost floored him. “You’re stronger than you let on. But it was cute.” He commented, his expression one of something I couldn’t place but he was definitely distracted. “Oh, easy for you to say! You were the one getting plowed and I was doing the plowing. It isn’t cute.” I winced. Could I have chose my words more horribly? Bucky looked clearly amused as he began to laugh but it faded out shakily. “Are you okay?” I asked, placing my hand on his arm. I felt him tense, his chest rising with a breath. I looked up at his expression and his gaze was distant, nose scrunched. Was he gonna - Bucky turned quickly, pulling his collar over his face with his tattooed hand. “EHh’TISHH! HEP’tSCHH!” He straightened, shaking his head. I opened my mouth to bless him but instead, I laughed. He looked me over and crooked a smile. I didn’t know what to think really. Such a tough, intimidating alpha male, taken down by something as simple as pollen? I couldn’t help but laugh harder. Bucky probably thought I lost my mind. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “You know, sweetheart, it isn’t nice to laugh at an impaired person.” Bucky nudged the tattoo parlor door open. “I’d hardly call allergies an impairment.” I muttered, pausing at the door. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go in it. The building seemed like it’d suck out my soul and eat me alive. Bucky glanced over his broad shoulder. Amusement turned his lips up in a smirk. “You coming?” He asked. I looked around and nodded, taking a step into the parlor. So far, I wasn’t attacked by needles and permanent skin paint. Following Bucky, I moved behind the counter and into a backroom where apparently the employees ate lunch, given the kitchen-like setting. He motioned to the table and went to the fridge. I shuffled to the table and plopped down in a seat. He pulled out a beer. “Want one?” I shook my head. Unlike him, I didn’t drink. He was quiet as he moved around. Resting my chin in my palm, I was unable to tear my gaze from him. He was extremely graceful for someone that was six-something feet tall. He popped open the beer and took a sip. “So, you garden?” He asked. I tore my eyes away and at the bottle in his hand. How long had I been staring? It was getting ridiculous but he was gorgeous. “I guess you could call it that. I love nature. Well, simple nature. Hiking isn’t my forte. I’d probably trip and break every important bone in my body. But, I don’t mind pulling weeds and turning soil. It’s calming.” I gave a soft laugh. Bucky eyed me over the rim of his bottle. “That’s cute.” He commented. I felt my face grow hot and I shrugged. I didn’t think the hobby was cute but whatever. “I like art. Body art, obviously. It’s so expressive to each person that gets it done. It sort of helps me not to think.” He paused, giving a lazy grin, pushing the bottle away from him. “You have something you’re trying to escape thinking about?” I asked. Bucky shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in his seat. “Don’t we all. It’s funny because we can’t really escape. Sure, temporarily, but when you come back, it’s still there.” I just gaped at him. I didn’t think Bucky was shallow but darn. Something about his soulful words made my heart swell. Unsure of how to reply to such deep thought, I motioned to his bottle. “Are you done?” When he nodded, I grabbed it and walked to the trash can. “Well from what I can see, you’re good at what you do. You did steal all my customers.” I rolled my eyes. Business had been low since the tattoo shop opened. “Ever consider they stopped coming because you’re too cute to handle?” His breath stirred the hair around my neck. Gasping, I turned around. He stood directly behind me, smirking as he loomed a good half foot taller than me. Placing my hand on my chest, I sunk against the wall. “Don’t do that! You almost put me into cardiac arrest.” Bucky’s laugh rumbled deep in his chest. His hands landed on the wall by my waist and his pink flushed nose almost brushed mine. He was too close. I needed to breathe. I mean, I was breathing then but...but he was just overall too close. I stepped past him and shuffled toward the front of the store. I was probably blushing down to my toes. Then, the door swung open and unfortunately, they didn’t have the pleasant little ding! like my store did. Two males slipped in and I was saved by the nonexistent bell. Standing there was Pietro, a kid I went to school with his fingers laced with Clint’s. Clint was a local, always around. We weren’t the best of buds but we knew each other. He was 21, fresh into college. I wondered if Bucky went to college. I doubted it. He didn’t seem like the “obedient school boy” type. College dropout seemed more accurate for him. “Steve, you should really lock up the shop. Anyone could just wander in there and steal your stuff.” Annoyance flashed across Pietro’s face, because, seriously, I even doubted in this little saint-filled town, anyone would steal flowers. Clint slipped a fully bloomed, luscious red zinnia, from my shop into Pietro’s hands. It was so beautiful, which reminded me Bucky’s voluptuous lips. Speak of the devil. “Pietro, Clint, what’re you guys doing here?” Bucky asked, coming from the back. I glanced up at him but his vision was zeroed in on the flower in Pietro’s hand. I didn’t know how bad his allergies were, but by the look on his face, I could tell pollen and his body did not get along well. “We were looking for my sister. I thought she was on her shift.” Pietro said, setting the flower down on a desk. He had a heavy accent since he had only moved from Sokovia with his sister a few years back. “She left with Vision a few hours ago.” Bucky moved around the room, straightening things. I also didn’t expect him to be so domestic but it added to him and all his glorious person. Pietro huffed, shaking his head as he took a seat. “Vision isn’t a bad guy, ‘Tro.” Clint said. “Shut up, old man. You know I don’t like him with her.” Pietro grumbled. I had only heard of the famous Vision. He had a black mohawk with red tips, ear piercings and an abundance of tattoos. He didn’t seem mean though. But Pietro apparently wasn’t a fan. I shook my head and turned to Bucky as Clint and his boyfriend began hushed conversation. “Since you have company, I’ll head to the shop and close up.” Bucky nodded. “I’ll walk you over there.” My heart did a gymnastics trick. He was extremely flattering. “You don’t have to. It’s literally next door. I think I can manage.” I said, gently patting his arm. Did he work out because...whoa. “I’d hope so. But I want to.” He told his friend’s he’d be right back and taking the lead, he walked out the door.



I wasn’t sure if it was Sam’s insidious little voice in my head that told me it was a good idea to walk Steve back to the shop, or the fact that I was rendered fucking hopeless around the damn boy, but I insisted on walking him back. We both knew that I was allergic but that didn’t seem to stop me. Placing my hand on the small of Steve’s back, I began to lead him out the door. Steve’s face flushed a beautiful cherry red. I did the majority of the things I did just to see the beautiful color dust across his face. But his blue eyes were still sharp, intelligent even though he seemed unnerved by me. Was I really that intimidating? Probably, but walking into work with bows in my hair and a pink shirt wasn’t up my alley either. I opened the door for Steve and followed in behind the shorter male. Like the other day, the florally potent air slammed into me and immediately my body began to screw around. My eyes brimmed with tears, and the tickle in my nose caused me to sniffle. Bad move. Really fucking back move. The tickle flared and I quickly rubbed my knuckle beneath my nose. That helped. Barely. Shit, Steve was saying something. “- you allergic to one flower or all pollen in particular?” He asked, grabbing his keys, and then moving toward his jacket. Huh? Oh. “I don’t know. I never tested the th-th...hhh...theory.” I forced out the word. I was probably allergic to everything. Blinking rapidly, I cleared my eyes of the allergic tears. “It might just be one or a couple types of flowers but I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to all pollen. Anything that grows. Life. I’m allergic to life in general.” I said, rubbing at my nose as my sensitive nostrils quivered, flaring as I pressed my knuckle beneath my nose. I don’t know why I continued to fight the inevitable. Maybe because I still wanted to appear strong to Steve. Man, Steve this, Steve that. My world revolved around him now. Fucking Sam drop kicked me into a crush. But if this was love, then I didn’t mind it. Doing stupid things for someone as adorable and poised as Steve didn’t bother me. And that bothered me that it didn’t bother me. Steve made my brain stop working. “That was very...dark...of you.” Steve giggled. Man, I’d give my left arm to hear him do that again. “Welcome into the world of -Hh’itshh!” My head dipped with the soft, contained sneeze. What the shitballs was that? My sneezes were never - “hh’TSCH!...Ehh....sh-shit...nnghh...ehpt’exCHEH! IHTSCHHOO!” - contained. With a sigh, I ran my hands through my shoulder length hair and leaned against the wall. “You should get out of here before you pass out.” Steve shrugged on his jacket and his eyebrows drew together as he regarded me with a deep expression. I quickly realized it was concern. Squirt here was concerned for...for me! Because of a few sneezes? If anything, I should be concerned him with how small he was. He needed a cheeseburger...or twelve. And maybe some pizza. He was incredibly tiny. I felt the urge to pat him on the head. That was really friggin’ weird. “I’m alright. A few sneezed won’t kill me.” I gave him a charming smile. Or what I thought was a charming smile. When his expression didn’t change from one of worry, I knew my nose was red as were my eyes and my hair probably got messed up in the wild fit. As I grew older, I expected my body to tackle allergies and leave them in my past youth but they tagged along to adulthood, dragging me down. Prescription medicine made me drowsy, and generic was just about as good as taking no medicine. “I’m okay. I’ll walk you out, sweetheart. Come on.” He hit the lights and headed for the door. I trailed behind him. The fresh evening air was nice but only made the tickle in my nose flare. Considering Steve’s size, weight and looks, I expected him to be the one allergic to everything and sick all the time but in some sick role reversal, I was the real weak one, despite my size. A vulnerable bad boy. Complete shit. Steve stepped by me and locked up the door while I tried to hush my hitching breaths. Finally, Steve stepped in front of me. “Thanks for today, uh, Bucky.” My arm instinctively snaked around his waist. “Ain’t no thing, sweetheart. See you tomorrow?” I asked. Steve lifted onto his tiptoes and pressed his warm lips to my cheek. “Tomorrow.” And he turned, and walked off, leaving me shocked and sneezy under the street light with the impending darkness growing neigh. Fuck.

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