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Daniel Desario (Freaks and Geeks)


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Hey everyone! I've been lurking around the site for a while now but I finally decided I'd write something.  This is my first post, so constructive criticism is welcome!  Anyway, I just finished watching the tragically short Freaks and Geeks on Netflix and I thought Daniel (James Franco's character) would be so cute with a cold...so here goes!


Daniel Desario was opening his locker one Wednesday morning.  He was already late and barely got any sleep the night before.  His throat was bothering him since he got up and he could feel the pulse in his head.  His nose was stuffy and he felt awful, but The Rolling Stones was tonight, and he knew that if he stayed home from school his friends would be suspicious. He could see Nick walking up to his locker.  

“Hey, man,” he said.  Danny nodded in reply.  He sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand.  “Are you going to the concert tonight?”

“Uh, yeah,” he coughed into his fist. “You?”

“Yeah.” The bell rang.

“Listen, man, I’m late.  I gotta go.”  He slammed his locker shut.

“Okay...bye,” Nick replied.  

As he was walking away Daniel stifled a sneeze into his hand.  He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.  Ugh, math class, he thought.  Not only was he sick, but it definitely sucked that he had to deal with Kowchevski.  He pushed open the door.  Everyone whipped their heads around to stare at him.

“You’re late again, Desario,” Kowchevski growled.  Daniel rolled his eyes, not feeling up to saying anything witty.  The math teacher plopped a worksheet onto his desk.  As he was walking away, Daniel sneezed,  “Ha-NXXT! *snf* Ha-CHH!”

Kowchevski looked up from his notebook “Sounds like you’ve caught yourself a cold there, Daniel.”

“Ndo, sir-- just allergies,” he replied, rubbing his nose.

“Good, don’t want anyone else catching whatever diseases you carry-- God knows where you’ve been.”

The rest of the class started giggling, but Daniel didn’t think it was funny.  His head was absolutely killing him and his nose wouldn’t stop running.  His eyes were itchy and watery and his body was tired from shivering.  He set down his pencil and put his head in his hands, slowly letting himself drift into a nice easy sleep.


“Desario? Desario.  DESARIO, WAKE UP!!”

There was hard smack on the back of his head that shook Daniel awake.  He woke up to a horrible pain in his head and Mr. Kowchevski standing inches from his desk.  “Hey, what’s the big idea?” Daniel asked.

“Detention! That’s the ‘big idea’.”

“What? That’s not fair!”

“Oh, yes it is,” Kowchevski replied with an evil smirk on his face, “First you stroll in late, then you fall asleep, and then have the nerve to talk back to me, just ‘cause you’re all grumpy that I woke you up from your little siesta.”

“Oh yeah? Maybe if you weren’t such a--heh-ha-CHNXT!”

“Such a what? Be glad that sneeze finished your sentence, Desario, 'cause I certainly wouldn’t mind finishing up class by suspending you.”  The bell rang.  “Alright, everyone, page 263 for homework tonight, and Daniel, why don’t you come to class tomorrow on time with a better attitude.”

Daniel stuffed the unfinished worksheet into his backpack.

“And hey,” Kowchevski pulled him aside, “I know you think you’re invincible or whatever, but you’re clearly not feeling well.”

“I told you, it’s just al--”

“Save it, Desario.  You look terrible and,” he put his hand on Daniel’s forehead, “and you’re burning up!  For God sakes just go home instead of infecting the rest of the school.”

“Yes, sir,” he said.  On the way out of the room he sneezed, “Ha-NXXT!” and grabbed a tissue off the file cabinet as he walked through the door.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On July 24, 2016 at 10:03 AM, CharliesGirl said:

This is a great start. I loooove James Franco! More please!


Thank you! Here's Part 2


Nick, Ken, and Kim were sitting outside on the patio.

“Hey, have you guys noticed Daniel acting weird lately?” Nick asked.

“I don’t know,” Ken replied, “he has been around Kim a lot lately… maybe it’s just his time of the month.”

“Shut up, Ken Miller!” Kim punched his arm, “I’ll kick your ass.”

“See?” said Ken, “She’s having mood swings.”

“Oh, look here he comes!” Nick said.

Daniel sat down at the table and sighed angrily, putting his head in his hand.

“Hey, what’s your problem?” Ken asked.

“Kowchevski just gave me another detention.”

“What’d you do?” Kim asked.

He cleared his throat.  “I fell asleep.”

“HA!” Kim laughed, “You baby.”  She leaned in to kiss his cheek, but Daniel shrugged her off.

“Daniel, you sound weird,” Nick said.

“Yeah?  What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know, your voice just sounds…like…lower and raspy.”

“You sure you’re not just high, Andopolis?” Daniel asked.  “Ha-NXXT!”

“No, I think you’re finally becoming a man, Daniel,” Ken patted him on the back, which sent him into a coughing fit.

“Are you sick?” Kim asked.

“No, just my stupid allergies,” he replied, rubbing his nose.

“Good, you better not be sick ‘cause The Stones are totally gonna rock tonight, man,” Nick pumped his fist.

Daniel pulled his leather jacket tighter around his shoulders.  He shivered and slowly zoned of the conversation.  His head still hurt, and Kowchevski didn’t make it any better.  If he could tell he wasn’t feeling well, what made him think he could smack him on the back of the head?  The small tickle in his throat was beginning to burn, and every time he swallowed it felt like daggers.  He started to feel a tickle in his nose.  Not wanting to bring any more attention to his cold, he twitched and rubbed his nose, but he couldn’t hold it back.  “Ha-NXXT! He-CHXXT! Hur-RSHOO! *snf*”

“Jesus, Daniel!” Kim exclaimed as Lindsey walked over.

“Hey guys,” she sat down next to Kim.  As she pulled out her notebook she did a double take at Daniel.  She narrowed her eyes, “Daniel, are you sick?”

“Ndo, why?”

“I don’t know, your cheeks are red and your eyes look kinda glassy.”

“It’s just my allergies *snf*”

“What are you allergic to?” Lindsey asked.

“Uh...I don’t kdow, the air? Ha-NXXT!” he stifled into his jacket collar.

“The...the air?  What--?”

“Fuck this I’m going inside.” He grabbed his backpack, sneezing on his way to the door.

“Jeez, what’s his problem?” Lindsey asked.

“See? I told you he was acting weird,” Nick said.

“Yeah, I mean, I’m no doctor, but I didn’t think allergies turned you into a jerk,” Ken added.

“Guys, I think he’s sick,” Lindsey said.

“Should someone go check on him?” Nick asked.

Ken looked across the table at Kim.  “Kim, why don’t you do it, you’re his girlfriend.”

Kim rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, I guess I should.”  She got up and followed him inside.

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