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Louis Tomlinson Sick Fic


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Louis's POV

I woke up today feeling like I was extremely hungover, except I stayed in last night and didn't drink. I push my self up, wincing at how weak I was at the moment. As soon as I get up on my feet, cold air enters my nose, making it tingle extremely bad. "Huh- Ngg't! `Xxxt! C`hhtt! *Sniff* "  I rub my eyes, entering the bathroom to get dressed. I throw on some jeans and a black top and run my hands through my hair to make it look semi-decent.

I rest my elbows on the sink and my head in my hands, slightly sniffing, keeping my nose from dripping. Once I recover, I go downstairs, to meet up with the lads. "Morning Tommo." Harry says, flipping a pancake. Liam was sitting at the table sipping his coffee. Niall and Zayn must still be asleep or something. I plop down in the seat in front of Liam and put my head down. "You alright Louis?"

I really didn't want to be babied so I thought of just passing it off as a headache. "Umm, yeah I just have a- N`xxt! H'cchht! *Sniff* It's just a headache." I say stifling two sneezes in the middle of my sentence. "Are your allergies acting up?" Liam asks suspiciously. "No, I just had to sneeze." I reply hoping he buys it. He nods and drinks his coffee. I soon burry my head in my arms closing my eyes.

I'm pretty sure I fell asleep, because when I looked up Niall and Zayn were eating pancakes. So were Liam and Harry. "Did you fall asleep or something, because you were like that for a while." Harry says, taking a drink of whatever was in that ginormous mug. When did we even get that? Why is he drinking out of it? It's bigger than his head. "Louis!" Zayn says shaking me a little bit. "Wh-what?" I ask confused. "You like zoned out. Are you okay?" Niall explains. "Oh. I was just thinking about something." I say looking back at the huge mug in Harry's hands.

"About what?" Liam asks. "Why we even have the gigantic coffee mug." I say pointing at Harry's mug. They all laugh, making fun of the mug, while I let out three inaudible sneezes, making sure they didn't hear me. I sniff lightly, rubbing my head. "We need to be at the studio in twenty minutes boys, we need to go." Liam says heading for the front door. The boys soon follow, while I bring my elbow to my nose. "N'ggt! E`xxcht! N'choo." I wipe my nose and leave the door as the boys were already outside. I know this is already going to be a long day.


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9 hours ago, myloveforfun said:

This was amazing!

Thank you!


4 hours ago, sneezelover3 said:

This is so awesome please continue soon if u can

I can do that :)


Louis's POV

I get into the car, after the rest of the boys. I inhale, one of the boys aftershaves making my already sore nose even more tickly. I rub it a bit, struggling to hold it back. Harry looks at me weird. "Lou, just sn-" I cut him off, cupping my hands around my mouth and nose. "Ishoo! Hishoo! HuhEhcoo!" I rub my nose with my index finger while the rest of the boys bless me. "Okay, now how do you explain those Louis?" Liam asks. "I'm allergic to one of your aftershaves." I say, my eyes watering. "Oh, woops." Zayn says with a guilty face.

"I'll wash it off later." He says looking back at his phone. I simply nod, falling asleep, with my head resting on the window.

"Louis. Lou. Louis wake up. We're here." Niall says gently in my ear. I wake up, feeling a thousand times worse. I groan and leave the car lie I was one of those dolls whose limbs could move in every direction. The boys pass me up while I stifle a couple sneezes in my hand. "C`ggt! Nxxgt! Hxxt! *sniff*" I groan once more, as the stifles made my headache into a migraine. I catch up with them and enter the building. "Let's go wait for Lou to do our hair and makeup backstage. Like always, and then head off to our first interview yeah?" Liam says entering the room. Everyone agrees, while I just nod my head. I sit on the red leather couch, while Liam and Niall sit on my right. Zayn and Harry sit on the other couch.

"N`ttt! X`chht! `Cxxt! *sniff*" I sneeze through pinched fingers. "Bless you." Niall says not even thinking about it. "Doesn't that hurt?" Zayn asks. I roll my eyes and lean against the arm rest. "Are you sure it's just a headache?" Liam asks, unsure about what I said this morning. "Yeah, I'm sure Liam. It's just the aftershave really got to me." I lie rubbing my nose. Liam nods as if he understands, and goes back to whatever the hell he was doing. "Morning guys! Louis your first." Lou says walking in with a straightener. I nod my head walking to Lou's room.

I sit down in the designated chair while, Lou plugs in the straightener. "nggt hxxt chhtt." I stifle three quiet, yet, rapid sneezes in my palm. I sniffle and wipe my nose with my t-shirt. "Bless you. Are you feeling alright?" She asks automatically feeling my forehead. I duck away even though she already knew I had a fever. It was useless at this point. I sigh, and look at her in defeat. "Do the boys know you're ill, `cause I'm not letting you go to interviews like this. You're burning up." She states, moving my fringe out of my eyes. "I'm gonna talk to management. Stay here." She says unplugging the straightener. I nod leaning back on the chair closing my eyes. But before that happens, "Hishoo, Ishoo, Huhshooe! K`tChoo! *sniff*" After that I finally get a rest.

I then realize Lou hasn't left the room yet. "Why don't you lay on the couch instead." She says pointing to the small couch in the corner. I nod, almost falling over, getting out of the tall seat. "Careful." Lou whispers, putting her hand on her hips. I lay down on the couch, quickly falling asleep.

Harry's POV 

After ten minutes passed, Lou came into our room. "Hey guys, I had to talk to management. You have three weeks off. Louis's ill." She explains. "I KNEW IT!" Liam shout standing up. Niall rolls his eyes handing him 5 pounds as they made a bet on whether Louis was sick or not. "He's asleep on my couch." Lou says walking out. "Come on lads." I say walking to Lou's room.

I walk in to see a pale, sleeping Louis on the small couch in the corner. I slowly him up so where his feet could wrap around my waist and his head rests on my shoulder. "C'mon lets get him out of here. Zayn says, Niall nodding in agreement.

I place Louis in the car and kiss his forehead. "Feel better."


Part 3?


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3rd person POV

The boys got back to their flat, Liam now carrying Louis in and setting him on the couch. As soon as he places him on the couch, Louis's eyes flutter open. "W-when did we get here?" Louis slurs, looking up at Liam. "Just now. Lou told us your sick, so don't try to hide it mister." Liam says, pointing his finger in his face. Louis rolls his eyes and brings his wrist up to his nose, keeping his mouth shut. "N`xxxt! Hxxt! Heh'ngxst!" "Bless you. Don't sneeze like that. You'll blow a vessel or something like that." Harry says, cuddling Louis on the couch from behind him.

"Whatever." Louis mumbles.

Harry's POV

We were all watching TV together on the couch, me cuddling Louis to my chest. He kept stifling his sneezes in his wrist even though I told him not to. "NggtUh, K`ggt! *sniff* " He stifles. "Lou, I already told you not to do that. One more stifle, and I'll do something dramatic." I warn. He pouts at me at looks back at the TV. "Louis stay here, lads can I speak to you in the kitchen?" I ask. They all nod and walk to the kitchen including me. "Is this about Louis, `cause he really needs to stop doing that." Zayn says, putting on his glasses, that were in his pocket. 

"Yeah, how do we force him to stop?" I ask. It's quiet for a minute until Niall says something. "Well he's been sneezing into his wrist, and I know this sounds kinda sexual but we could tie up his hands, because it gets harder to stifle when you don't have something to close up your nose." He says fixing his hair.

"Yeah, but then he'll be sneezing openly, and probably will get us sick too." Zayn explains. "Well, Harry is closer to Louis, so he could hold a small towel and whenever Lou needs to sneeze, he just sneezes in to the towel." Liam suggests. "Yeah I guess I could do that. Let's go back." I say going back to the couch, and going behind Louis once more. "Huuh C`tch! Heh`ccttch!"  He stifles again. "We warned you Louis." Liam says going to go get the stuff. Louis sighs and rolls his eyes.

Liam soon comes back with rope and a small towel. "This so isn't fair! Liam stifles his sneezes too." Louis complains. "He only does it interviews though so it's okay." Zayn says. Louis rolls his eyes once again. "Give me your hands Louis." Liam says grabbing them. He ties up his hands behind his back. "You're mean." Louis says pouting, and putting his head on my chest.

Liam hands me the towel. "If you need to sneeze, sneeze into this." I explain. "Fine." Louis says upset.

Louis POV

It couldn't be that hard to stifle them without my hands. Right? But, I was so wrong. Harry heard my breath catch, and he held up the towel. "Uh, nggt! Heh'exxt Huh, N`ishew! K`chew! Hah, IChew! *sniff*" He wipes my nose with the towel and puts it down. "This isn't fair." I complain. "Well you have to learn a lesson." Harry says softly. "Can we go to the bedroom Harry?" I beg.

"Fine. Only because your ill." Harry says picking me up bridal style and taking me to our shared room. He puts me down on the bed, and turns on the TV in our room. "Huh..." He brings the towel to my nose. "Heh, Ishew,Ha`tchew,K`chew, Echoo, huh, Huh,HUh,HUH, ISHEWWW!" I sneeze rapidly, the last one really high pitched. "Bless you. Do you think we can take off the tie now or are you gonna still stifle them?" Harry asks me.

"We can take them off. I won't stifle I promise." I say giving him puppy dog eyes. He smiles a bit, and take the tie off. "Owww. That hurt." I say moving my arms to the front stiffly. Harry chuckles and puts his attention on the TV.

Niall's POV 

Okay, I'm 99.99% sure I've caught what Louis has. I've laying in bed for the past hour feeling like crap. "Heh, Ishew cashew! *sniff*"


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4 hours ago, CuteQueen69 said:

3rd person POV

The boys got back to their flat, Liam now carrying Louis in and setting him on the couch. As soon as he places him on the couch, Louis's eyes flutter open. "W-when did we get here?" Louis slurs, looking up at Liam. "Just now. Lou told us your sick, so don't try to hide it mister." Liam says, pointing his finger in his face. Louis rolls his eyes and brings his wrist up to his nose, keeping his mouth shut. "N`xxxt! Hxxt! Heh'ngxst!" "Bless you. Don't sneeze like that. You'll blow a vessel or something like that." Harry says, cuddling Louis on the couch from behind him.

"Whatever." Louis mumbles.

Harry's POV

We were all watching TV together on the couch, me cuddling Louis to my chest. He kept stifling his sneezes in his wrist even though I told him not to. "NggtUh, K`ggt! *sniff* " He stifles. "Lou, I already told you not to do that. One more stifle, and I'll do something dramatic." I warn. He pouts at me at looks back at the TV. "Louis stay here, lads can I speak to you in the kitchen?" I ask. They all nod and walk to the kitchen including me. "Is this about Louis, `cause he really needs to stop doing that." Zayn says, putting on his glasses, that were in his pocket. 

"Yeah, how do we force him to stop?" I ask. It's quiet for a minute until Niall says something. "Well he's been sneezing into his wrist, and I know this sounds kinda sexual but we could tie up his hands, because it gets harder to stifle when you don't have something to close up your nose." He says fixing his hair.

"Yeah, but then he'll be sneezing openly, and probably will get us sick too." Zayn explains. "Well, Harry is closer to Louis, so he could hold a small towel and whenever Lou needs to sneeze, he just sneezes in to the towel." Liam suggests. "Yeah I guess I could do that. Let's go back." I say going back to the couch, and going behind Louis once more. "Huuh C`tch! Heh`ccttch!"  He stifles again. "We warned you Louis." Liam says going to go get the stuff. Louis sighs and rolls his eyes.

Liam soon comes back with rope and a small towel. "This so isn't fair! Liam stifles his sneezes too." Louis complains. "He only does it interviews though so it's okay." Zayn says. Louis rolls his eyes once again. "Give me your hands Louis." Liam says grabbing them. He ties up his hands behind his back. "You're mean." Louis says pouting, and putting his head on my chest.

Liam hands me the towel. "If you need to sneeze, sneeze into this." I explain. "Fine." Louis says upset.

Louis POV

It couldn't be that hard to stifle them without my hands. Right? But, I was so wrong. Harry heard my breath catch, and he held up the towel. "Uh, nggt! Heh'exxt Huh, N`ishew! K`chew! Hah, IChew! *sniff*" He wipes my nose with the towel and puts it down. "This isn't fair." I complain. "Well you have to learn a lesson." Harry says softly. "Can we go to the bedroom Harry?" I beg.

"Fine. Only because your ill." Harry says picking me up bridal style and taking me to our shared room. He puts me down on the bed, and turns on the TV in our room. "Huh..." He brings the towel to my nose. "Heh, Ishew,Ha`tchew,K`chew, Echoo, huh, Huh,HUh,HUH, ISHEWWW!" I sneeze rapidly, the last one really high pitched. "Bless you. Do you think we can take off the tie now or are you gonna still stifle them?" Harry asks me.

"We can take them off. I won't stifle I promise." I say giving him puppy dog eyes. He smiles a bit, and take the tie off. "Owww. That hurt." I say moving my arms to the front stiffly. Harry chuckles and puts his attention on the TV.

Niall's POV 

Okay, I'm 99.99% sure I've caught what Louis has. I've laying in bed for the past hour feeling like crap. "Heh, Ishew cashew! *sniff*"


Omg yes u should get the others sick too later on in the story

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  • 4 weeks later...

Niall's POV
Now you see, I'm not like Louis, I'm actually gonna tell someone I don't feel well. Mainly because I really don't. I feel like I crawled through hell, and then back to my bed...Of fire. It burns in here. "Chew! Ishew! Hashhoe!" I sneeze into cupped hands. I look at my clock. 1am. I groan, getting up to tell Liam I don't feel well. Now you see, I sleep upstairs so I had to go down, feeling really dizzy. I finally make it outside of Liam's room, steadying myself on the wall. I slightly crack the door open, seeing Liam in a peaceful sleep. I walk in slowly and go to the edge of his bed. "Liam," I whisper, "Wake up."

He opens his eyes slowly. "N-Niall? What's wrong?" He asks. "I don't feel well." I state, letting a tear flow down my cheek. He immediately sits up. "Have you caught what Louis's got?" He asks putting a hand on my forehead. "Choo isheww eshow! *sniff* I think so. *sniff*" I say rubbing my nose. "Why don't you stay with me. You don't need to be walking back upstairs. And I'm still scared you might hurt your knee." Liam says, pulling me into his bed. "Thanks Liam." I whisper before falling asleep.

Louis's POV

I woke up, still feeling horrible, but maybe not as bad as yesterday. I turn over to see Harry still asleep. "Heh, Cnngt! Hxxt!" I really didn't want to stifle because I might get my hands tied up again, but what could I do? He was asleep. But I wasn't quiet enough. "Lou, I thought you stooped doing that." He mumbles into his pillow. "I-ishoo! I just didn't want to wake you up. *sniff*. " I say grabbing a tissue from the night stand. "Ble- Hetchoo! *Sniff* Bless you." Harry says, sneezing into the duvet. I raise my eyebrows. "You're not sick are you?" I ask. "N-Hetchoo! Icchoo! Huh-Hishoo! *Sniff* No, it's just my hay fever. It...EChoO! It always acts up around this time." He says rubbing his nose with his wrist. "Oh..." I say looking at the floor "How are you feeling?" He asks me. "A little better." I reply. I sit up in bed only to jump at the knock on my door. Harry laughs at me while I tell who was at the door to come in. It was Liam. "Hey lads, Nialler's sick too." Hey says crossing his arms. "How are you two feeling?"

"I'm a bit better *sniff* Hitcheiw!" I say rubbing my nose with a Kleenex. "What about you Harry?" Liam asks. Harry puts up a finger telling him to wait as he turns his head to the side. "Eh Hechoo! Cheww! C`Tcheiw! Choo!" Seeing as he wasn't going to get very far into a sentence, I answered for him. "His hay fever's acting up. It's summer, the pollen count's usually he- Itchiew! Kitcheiw! Cheiw! *sniff* It's usually high `round th-thi- *sniff* this time." I say trying to get rid of the tickle in my nose.

"Oh yeah. No one else has hay fever right?" Liam asks. "I though you were allergic to ragweed." I said, confused. He stares at me for a minute, then says, "Oh yeah...you're right." He pouts. "Well...should we have breakfast?" Harry asks standing up and popping a Claritin pill in his mouth. "We need to check on Zayn, make sure he's okay." I said also standing up." Liam nods his head, and walks to the kitchen. I walk to Zayn's room, knocking on the door first. No reply. I turn the knob and walk in without permission. I slightly shake him and say, "Zayn...Zayn wake up. Zayn..." "Go `way Louis." He says throwing his arm at me. I start to drag him out of the bed by pulling his arm. "Come. On. Zayn." "I thought you were ill." He whines. "That's why I'm going easy on you." I say. "This is easy?!?!" He questions loudly, jumping to his feet. I nod my head, sniffing slightly.

"You feel fine right? `Cause Nialler's ill, Liam and Harry both have allergies, and I'm still sick so...how are you then?" I explain. "I'm fine. I don't feel ill at least." He says. I nod and say, "C`mon let's go get breakfast." I rub my nose once more and sit down at the table. "Hey Zay- Cheiw! Heh Ishoo!" Harry starts. "It's hay fever right?" Zayn questions. Harry nods his head, blowing his nose into a tissue.  "Bless you." I say to Harry, wanting to sneeze myself. I excuse myself from the table, and fast walk to mine and Harry's room. I close the door behind me, and walk into the joined bathroom and close that door too. I stare at the light for a moment, trying to get the sneeze out.

"Heh, Ishee! Chew! HehIChOe! Cehiew!! KetcHoO! Cheiw,chiew,chiew,cheiw,chiew Heh ICHeiW! *sniff*" I look in the mirror to see that my nose has gone from white to red. I roll my eyes and walk back to the table. "Hey Lou, you okay?" Liam asks me. "Yup." I reply sarcastically. He gives me an understanding look and continues to cook his pancakes. "How's Niall?" I ask trying to make conversation. "I just checked. He's feeling a bit better. He went back to sleep though." Harry replies. I nod my head, as Zayn sits down on my right. Why does he have use so much aftershave I swear to god.  I bring the collar of my shirt to my nose, in attempt to muffle the pitch-e-ness of it.

"Uh, Hesheiw! Choo! Heh IChoo! *sniff*" "Bless you." Harry says, not thinking about it. "Actually, I'm not that hungry...I'm just gonna go back to bed." I say twiddling my fingers. "Well go sleep with Niall in my room, so hopefully the rest of us won't get sick." Liam says, flipping a pancake. I nod my head walking off to Liam's room.I slowly open the door to see Niall asleep, with his back facing the wall. I get in the other side of the bed and close my eyes, falling asleep next to Niall.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
On 8/29/2016 at 9:47 PM, Irelephant said:

That was amazing!!! Please make more please pleassseee. You should make Harry get sick now, the more sneezing men the better lol

Please continue this story with what this said 

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