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Niall Horan Sickfic


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Guys... I'm so sorry!

I started school in the beginning of August, and I've had loads of homework to do, so I hadn't got very much time. But today I made time to write the fifth part.

Hope you enjoy!

Part 5 

*2 hours later* Niall woke up, his eyes burned, throat sore, sinuses totally blocked, making it impossible for him to breathe through his nose and his entire body was feeling achy. Because of his blocked nose, a tickle started annoying him as soon as he woke up. He sneezed three quiet sneezes into the blanket wrapped around him. He looked at the clock. I’’ll just rest for another five minutes,’ he thought to himself. As he closed his eyes, he heard the door open. He pretended to be asleep but quickly had a look, at the person who had just entered the room. It was Louis. He placed his body in the big, cozy armchair. He sighed. He sounded exhausted. Then Niall heard another noise, coming from the older boy. “Heh… heh…” The sound of a hitching breath filled Niall’s ears. He opened his eyes the tiniest bit, the small crack revealing Louis trying to withhold, what seemed like a sneeze. After about 10 seconds of hitching, the sneezes caught the older boy, leading him into a series of quiet sneezes. “Chiew! Heh- heitchiew! Itchier! Chiew! A-hachiew!” Niall decided to drop the fake-sleeping-act and sat up. He groaned as if he’d just woken up. “Bless you Lou,” Niall said with a croaky voice, “are you alright?” Louis made a little jump, as if he got scared by Niall’s voice suddenly speaking to him. He sniffed. “Oh, Niall. Ye-yeah I’m totally fine. Sorry if I woke you up… I didn’t mean to… How are you feeling?” Louis asked. He sounded nasally and hoarse. “Uh! I feel horrible… absolutely miserable… I-” Niall began, but got interrupted by the tickle. He brought the collar of his shirt to his face and covered his mouth and nose with it. “He’choo! He’ichoo! He’ichiew! Choo!” Louis smiled weakly and shook his head. “Bless you… Maybe you should go back to the hotel, get some more rest. It’s not like this sofa is very comfortable,” Louis described. “Maybe you should too Lou… You don’t look very well either.” Louis didn’t feel that well, but he denied being sick. One member was already ill, it’d be horrible if two of them weren’t feeling the best. “Pfft. I’m totally fine Ni! I think I’m allergic to my cologne, that’s all,” Louis faked a smile. Since Niall’s head wasn’t very clear, he believed the older boy. Then the door opened and Liam entered the room with his hands full of medicine. Both Niall and Louis looked towards him. “I’ve got your medicine Ni,” Liam said and threw the medicine boxes at Niall one at a time. Niall sniffled. “Thanks… Wher- he’echho! Where’s Har- heh- Harry? He’ichiew!” he sneezed uncovered. “Geez Niall, at least cover your mouth when you’re sneezing,” Harry teased and walked through the door. Niall looked up, and Harry saw his bloodshot eyes, red nose and stained cheeks. “Oh my Lord! Niall, you look terrible,” the youngest stated. “Thanks…” the Irish lad said ironically, “I feel miserable.” Harry sat down next to him and Niall leaned against the younger lad. “You better take your medicine then Niall, I didn’t run all the way to the shops to get it for nothing,” Harry teased. Niall chuckled and took the medication. “So… Are you going back to the hotel?” Liam asked. Niall hesitated. “I don’t know… When’s our next interview?” Louis, Liam and Harry looked at each other. “Niall, you really don’t have to do the rest of the interviews. Just look at what happened, like, a few hours ago,” Louis reminded him. “I’ll be fine… If it happens again I’ll go back to the hotel,” Niall promised. They all agreed that Niall could participate in the interviews.


Again, sorry for nor updating. I hope I'll get more time to write soon, but I'm very busy atm with school, assignments, and I also broke my hand I few weeks ago so I just got my cast off on Tuesday, and since then I've been practicing a lot, since I play sports on quite a high level. But I hope you enjoyed, and I'll be sure to upload the next part as soon as possible!

Have a lovely nice <3


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I thought you said you broke your head and I'm like "uhmmm how are you alive..." and then I read it and realised that you broke your hand xD. I would say "Hope your hand 'feels better'" but that doesn't even make sense. Anyway... I love love love loveee this story!!! You should add more contagion, mess, EVERYTHING! Harry should get sick next!

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2 hours ago, Irelephant said:

I thought you said you broke your head and I'm like "uhmmm how are you alive..." and then I read it and realised that you broke your hand xD. I would say "Hope your hand 'feels better'" but that doesn't even make sense. Anyway... I love love love loveee this story!!! You should add more contagion, mess, EVERYTHING! Harry should get sick next!


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  • 6 months later...

So guys... It's been a while. I've been so busy with school and sports. I hope this part pays for the long wait... I don't know if anyone still wants to read this, so if you do, please comment if you do, and also comment suggestions to what I should add next. 

Here you go! Enjoy <3

Part 5 

*2 hours later* Niall woke up, his eyes burned, throat sore, sinuses totally blocked, making it impossible for him to breathe through his nose and his entire body was feeling achy. Because of his blocked nose, a tickle started annoying him as soon as he woke up. He sneezed three quiet sneezes into the blanket wrapped around him. He looked at the clock. I’’ll just rest for another five minutes,’ he thought to himself. As he closed his eyes, he heard the door open. He pretended to be asleep but quickly had a look, at the person who had just entered the room. It was Louis. He placed his body in the big, cozy armchair. He sighed. He sounded exhausted. Then Niall heard another noise, coming from the older boy. “Heh… heh…” The sound of a hitching breath filled Niall’s ears. He opened his eyes the tiniest bit, the small crack revealing Louis trying to withhold, what seemed like a sneeze. After about 10 seconds of hitching, the sneezes caught the older boy, leading him into a series of quiet sneezes. “Chiew! Heh- heitchiew! Itchier! Chiew! A-hachiew!” Niall decided to drop the fake-sleeping-act and sat up. He groaned as if he’d just woken up. “Bless you Lou,” Niall said with a croaky voice, “are you alright?” Louis made a little jump, as if he got scared by Niall’s voice suddenly speaking to him. He sniffed. “Oh, Niall. Ye-yeah I’m totally fine. Sorry if I woke you up… I didn’t mean to… How are you feeling?” Louis asked. He sounded nasally and hoarse. “Uh! I feel horrible… absolutely miserable… I-” Niall began, but got interrupted by the tickle. He brought the collar of his shirt to his face and covered his mouth and nose with it. “He’choo! He’ichoo! He’ichiew! Choo!” Louis smiled weakly and shook his head. “Bless you… Maybe you should go back to the hotel, get some more rest. It’s not like this sofa is very comfortable,” Louis described. “Maybe you should too Lou… You don’t look very well either.” Louis didn’t feel that well, but he denied being sick. One member was already ill, it’d be horrible if two of them weren’t feeling the best. “Pfft. I’m totally fine Ni! I think I’m allergic to my cologne, that’s all,” Louis faked a smile. Since Niall’s head wasn’t very clear, he believed the older boy. Then the door opened and Liam entered the room with his hands full of medicine. Both Niall and Louis looked towards him. “I’ve got your medicine Ni,” Liam said and threw the medicine boxes at Niall one at a time. Niall sniffled. “Thanks… Wher- he’echho! Where’s Har- heh- Harry? He’ichiew!” he sneezed uncovered. “Geez Niall, at least cover your mouth when you’re sneezing,” Harry teased and walked through the door. Niall looked up, and Harry saw his bloodshot eyes, red nose and stained cheeks. “Oh my Lord! Niall, you look terrible,” the youngest stated. “Thanks…” the Irish lad said ironically, “I feel miserable.” Harry sat down next to him and Niall leaned against the younger lad. “You better take your medicine then Niall, I didn’t run all the way to the shops for nothing,” Harry teased. Niall chuckled and took the medication. “So… Are you going back to the hotel?” Liam asked. Niall hesitated. “I don’t know… When’s our next interview?” Louis, Liam and Harry looked at each other. “Niall, you really don’t have to do the rest of the interviews. Just look at what happened, like, a few hours ago,” Louis reminded him. “I’ll be fine… If it happens again I’ll go back to the hotel,” Niall promised. They all agreed that Niall could participate in the interviews.

And so, they continued the interviews. Niall let out a few sneezes here and there, but the medicine really helped him. He didn’t feel nearly as miserable, he could finally breathe through his nose and he could actually go minutes without being interrupted by sneezes. 

“That’s a wrap!” The interviews of the day were finished. Niall let out a sigh of relief when he got in the car and rested his head against the window. First he looked at the small dots of a darker grey colour on his light grey hoodie and then glared outside. Children were playing, stamping in the small puddles, businesspeople were hiding under their umbrellas, trying to look cool - which was nearly impossible - and then there were the ones, young and old, that were already soaked. Niall felt sorry for them, but could help but be exited about the warm and cozy bed he was coming home to. While this happened, a slow melody started playing. Without noticing, he started humming along to the chords the guitar played, and suddenly his body gave under, his eyelids closed and he dozed into a dream of sweet music.

“He- heitchoo!” Niall woke to the sound of a desperate sneeze and groaned as he rubbed his swollen eyes. “Good morning sunshine,” Harry said. Niall snorted and shook his head. “How ya feeling?” “I feel a bit light-headed, and a bit confused as well… Other than that, I’m fine,” Niall sighed. “That’s go- heichtoo, good,” Harry said, though he muffled a sneeze into the collar of his shirt in the middle of his sentence. “God bless you,” the blonde mumbled, “getting ill now are we?”. Harry turned his head towards Niall, and revealed a pair of watery eyes, and his usual pre-sneeze expression. And then it came again; “He’ichtoo, choo! He- Hethcoo! Ithcoo! HeITCHOO!” The last sneeze was so strong and forceful, it looked like it hurt. He took a deep breath before he could continue talking. “Nah, just hay fever you know. It’s been acting up like crazy ever since I went to the shops earlier.” Niall felt a sense of guilt as he was the reason Harry had gone to the shops, but  remembered that he has offered it himself. “Oh… okay. Just tell me if you need anything” Niall said, and as he said that, the car stopped outside their hotel. Harry smiled as he opened the door and thanked him. Right before the youngest closed the car door, Niall stopped him. “Harry?” Harry looked at Niall with warm and welcoming eyes; “yeah?”. “Bless you by the way.” Harry laughed and closed the door.

The four boys met outside their rooms, and said goodbye for the rest of the day… Even though it wasn't late, they were exhausted after a long day of interviews. Just as they were about the walk in the doors, Louis, Harry and Niall sneezed at the exact same time. “Ichiew!” Louis’ sounded. Harry were a lot stronger, like “Ha-ACHO!” and Niall stifled a total of three quiet sneezes into back of his hand. All three of them looked at each other. “That was hella creepy guys… please don’t ever do that again,” Liam said and closed the door behind him as he entered his room. The other boys laughed it off and went their separate ways. But inside, they all felt horrible. And that was just the beginning of the sneezes from three of four members. The worst had yet to come.

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1 minute ago, myloveforfun said:

So guys... It's been a while. I've been so busy with school and sports. I hope this part pays for the long wait... I don't know if anyone still wants to read this, so if you do, please comment if you do, and also comment suggestions to what I should add next. 

Here you go! Enjoy <3

Part 5 

*2 hours later* Niall woke up, his eyes burned, throat sore, sinuses totally blocked, making it impossible for him to breathe through his nose and his entire body was feeling achy. Because of his blocked nose, a tickle started annoying him as soon as he woke up. He sneezed three quiet sneezes into the blanket wrapped around him. He looked at the clock. I’’ll just rest for another five minutes,’ he thought to himself. As he closed his eyes, he heard the door open. He pretended to be asleep but quickly had a look, at the person who had just entered the room. It was Louis. He placed his body in the big, cozy armchair. He sighed. He sounded exhausted. Then Niall heard another noise, coming from the older boy. “Heh… heh…” The sound of a hitching breath filled Niall’s ears. He opened his eyes the tiniest bit, the small crack revealing Louis trying to withhold, what seemed like a sneeze. After about 10 seconds of hitching, the sneezes caught the older boy, leading him into a series of quiet sneezes. “Chiew! Heh- heitchiew! Itchier! Chiew! A-hachiew!” Niall decided to drop the fake-sleeping-act and sat up. He groaned as if he’d just woken up. “Bless you Lou,” Niall said with a croaky voice, “are you alright?” Louis made a little jump, as if he got scared by Niall’s voice suddenly speaking to him. He sniffed. “Oh, Niall. Ye-yeah I’m totally fine. Sorry if I woke you up… I didn’t mean to… How are you feeling?” Louis asked. He sounded nasally and hoarse. “Uh! I feel horrible… absolutely miserable… I-” Niall began, but got interrupted by the tickle. He brought the collar of his shirt to his face and covered his mouth and nose with it. “He’choo! He’ichoo! He’ichiew! Choo!” Louis smiled weakly and shook his head. “Bless you… Maybe you should go back to the hotel, get some more rest. It’s not like this sofa is very comfortable,” Louis described. “Maybe you should too Lou… You don’t look very well either.” Louis didn’t feel that well, but he denied being sick. One member was already ill, it’d be horrible if two of them weren’t feeling the best. “Pfft. I’m totally fine Ni! I think I’m allergic to my cologne, that’s all,” Louis faked a smile. Since Niall’s head wasn’t very clear, he believed the older boy. Then the door opened and Liam entered the room with his hands full of medicine. Both Niall and Louis looked towards him. “I’ve got your medicine Ni,” Liam said and threw the medicine boxes at Niall one at a time. Niall sniffled. “Thanks… Wher- he’echho! Where’s Har- heh- Harry? He’ichiew!” he sneezed uncovered. “Geez Niall, at least cover your mouth when you’re sneezing,” Harry teased and walked through the door. Niall looked up, and Harry saw his bloodshot eyes, red nose and stained cheeks. “Oh my Lord! Niall, you look terrible,” the youngest stated. “Thanks…” the Irish lad said ironically, “I feel miserable.” Harry sat down next to him and Niall leaned against the younger lad. “You better take your medicine then Niall, I didn’t run all the way to the shops for nothing,” Harry teased. Niall chuckled and took the medication. “So… Are you going back to the hotel?” Liam asked. Niall hesitated. “I don’t know… When’s our next interview?” Louis, Liam and Harry looked at each other. “Niall, you really don’t have to do the rest of the interviews. Just look at what happened, like, a few hours ago,” Louis reminded him. “I’ll be fine… If it happens again I’ll go back to the hotel,” Niall promised. They all agreed that Niall could participate in the interviews.

And so, they continued the interviews. Niall let out a few sneezes here and there, but the medicine really helped him. He didn’t feel nearly as miserable, he could finally breathe through his nose and he could actually go minutes without being interrupted by sneezes. 

“That’s a wrap!” The interviews of the day were finished. Niall let out a sigh of relief when he got in the car and rested his head against the window. First he looked at the small dots of a darker grey colour on his light grey hoodie and then glared outside. Children were playing, stamping in the small puddles, businesspeople were hiding under their umbrellas, trying to look cool - which was nearly impossible - and then there were the ones, young and old, that were already soaked. Niall felt sorry for them, but could help but be exited about the warm and cozy bed he was coming home to. While this happened, a slow melody started playing. Without noticing, he started humming along to the chords the guitar played, and suddenly his body gave under, his eyelids closed and he dozed into a dream of sweet music.

“He- heitchoo!” Niall woke to the sound of a desperate sneeze and groaned as he rubbed his swollen eyes. “Good morning sunshine,” Harry said. Niall snorted and shook his head. “How ya feeling?” “I feel a bit light-headed, and a bit confused as well… Other than that, I’m fine,” Niall sighed. “That’s go- heichtoo, good,” Harry said, though he muffled a sneeze into the collar of his shirt in the middle of his sentence. “God bless you,” the blonde mumbled, “getting ill now are we?”. Harry turned his head towards Niall, and revealed a pair of watery eyes, and his usual pre-sneeze expression. And then it came again; “He’ichtoo, choo! He- Hethcoo! Ithcoo! HeITCHOO!” The last sneeze was so strong and forceful, it looked like it hurt. He took a deep breath before he could continue talking. “Nah, just hay fever you know. It’s been acting up like crazy ever since I went to the shops earlier.” Niall felt a sense of guilt as he was the reason Harry had gone to the shops, but  remembered that he has offered it himself. “Oh… okay. Just tell me if you need anything” Niall said, and as he said that, the car stopped outside their hotel. Harry smiled as he opened the door and thanked him. Right before the youngest closed the car door, Niall stopped him. “Harry?” Harry looked at Niall with warm and welcoming eyes; “yeah?”. “Bless you by the way.” Harry laughed and closed the door.

The four boys met outside their rooms, and said goodbye for the rest of the day… Even though it wasn't late, they were exhausted after a long day of interviews. Just as they were about the walk in the doors, Louis, Harry and Niall sneezed at the exact same time. “Ichiew!” Louis’ sounded. Harry were a lot stronger, like “Ha-ACHO!” and Niall stifled a total of three quiet sneezes into back of his hand. All three of them looked at each other. “That was hella creepy guys… please don’t ever do that again,” Liam said and closed the door behind him as he entered his room. The other boys laughed it off and went their separate ways. But inside, they all felt horrible. And that was just the beginning of the sneezes from three of four members. The worst had yet to come.

Sorry guys! I added the wrong part! I mixed part five and six! 

Here you go, part 6 only:

And so, they continued the interviews. Niall let out a few sneezes here and there, but the medicine really helped him. He didn’t feel nearly as miserable, he could finally breathe through his nose and he could actually go minutes without being interrupted by sneezes. 

“That’s a wrap!” The interviews of the day were finished. Niall let out a sigh of relief when he got in the car and rested his head against the window. First he looked at the small dots of a darker grey colour on his light grey hoodie and then glared outside. Children were playing, stamping in the small puddles, businesspeople were hiding under their umbrellas, trying to look cool - which was nearly impossible - and then there were the ones, young and old, that were already soaked. Niall felt sorry for them, but could help but be exited about the warm and cozy bed he was coming home to. While this happened, a slow melody started playing. Without noticing, he started humming along to the chords the guitar played, and suddenly his body gave under, his eyelids closed and he dozed into a dream of sweet music.

“He- heitchoo!” Niall woke to the sound of a desperate sneeze and groaned as he rubbed his swollen eyes. “Good morning sunshine,” Harry said. Niall snorted and shook his head. “How ya feeling?” “I feel a bit light-headed, and a bit confused as well… Other than that, I’m fine,” Niall sighed. “That’s go- heichtoo, good,” Harry said, though he muffled a sneeze into the collar of his shirt in the middle of his sentence. “God bless you,” the blonde mumbled, “getting ill now are we?”. Harry turned his head towards Niall, and revealed a pair of watery eyes, and his usual pre-sneeze expression. And then it came again; “He’ichtoo, choo! He- Hethcoo! Ithcoo! HeITCHOO!” The last sneeze was so strong and forceful, it looked like it hurt. He took a deep breath before he could continue talking. “Nah, just hay fever you know. It’s been acting up like crazy ever since I went to the shops earlier.” Niall felt a sense of guilt as he was the reason Harry had gone to the shops, but  remembered that he has offered it himself. “Oh… okay. Just tell me if you need anything” Niall said, and as he said that, the car stopped outside their hotel. Harry smiled as he opened the door and thanked him. Right before the youngest closed the car door, Niall stopped him. “Harry?” Harry looked at Niall with warm and welcoming eyes; “yeah?”. “Bless you by the way.” Harry laughed and closed the door.

The four boys met outside their rooms, and said goodbye for the rest of the day… Even though it wasn't late, they were exhausted after a long day of interviews. Just as they were about the walk in the doors, Louis, Harry and Niall sneezed at the exact same time. “Ichiew!” Louis’ sounded. Harry were a lot stronger, like “Ha-ACHO!” and Niall stifled a total of three quiet sneezes into back of his hand. All three of them looked at each other. “That was hella creepy guys… please don’t ever do that again,” Liam said and closed the door behind him as he entered his room. The other boys laughed it off and went their separate ways. But inside, they all felt horrible. And that was just the beginning of the sneezes from three of four members. The worst had yet to come.

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  • 2 months later...

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