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Niall Horan Sickfic


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Hi guys!

I was wondering if anyone wanted a Niall Horan sickfic?

If you do, I will try to write some. But I'll just inform you that the spelling and grammar may not be perfect, as English isn't my first language. Please comment on this if you'd want me to write the story.

Thank you :-)

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(Sorry for the lack of sneezes in the first part, I promise there'll be a lot more in the next parts :)

Part 1

“Niall? … Niall, wake up!” ‘Oh God, not again,’ Niall thought to himself. He knew by the tone of Harry’s voice, he’d slept over his alarm. Niall groaned as he heard Harry’s voice shouting at him again: “Niall, get your Irish ass out of bed, we’re already 20 minutes late.” Niall slowly sat up in his bed, and looked at his phone. 8.24 am. As he looked at the bright screen on his phone, he felt his head pounding. His throat was sore, he was freezing and he couldn’t breathe through his nose, as it was totally blocked. ‘Seriously? Why me?’ he thought to himself as he got out of the warm hotel bed. He grabbed the clothes lying on top of his suitcase and went into the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, his eyes widened. The bags under his eyes were puffy and a kind of purplish color. He ran his finger through his hair, and just by that, his arm started aching. He looked in the mirror one last time, before getting into the steaming shower and whispered to himself with a hoarse voice: “C’mon Niall, you can do this. It’s just a few interviews.” 

The warm water felt amazing on his freezing body. All of his muscles loosened a bit, which made him a bit more comfortable. When he stepped out of the shower, the cold air hit him hard, as if he’d just run into a brick wall. He grabbed a towel and started drying his hair. Suddenly he felt a tickle in his right nostril. He rubbed his nose in hope of getting rid of the annoying tickle, but in only grew stronger, and about 5 seconds later, Niall was stood on the bathroom floor, sneezing 5 harsh, though adorable, sneezes into the crook of his arm. “Heichtoo! Itchoo, itcho. Heh… heitch! Itchooo!” The sneezes let him into a violent coughing fit, which caused him fighting for air the next 30 seconds. ‘This is going to be a long day,’ he thought.

“There you are sleepyhead,” Harry said as Niall walked through the door into Lou’s room. “You took your time, eh?” Louis teased. As soon as he’d gotten into the room he sat down in the chair in front of the big mirror. When Lou came to fix his hair she noticed his puffy under-eyes straight away. “Whoa, what happened to you? Did you get into a fight or something?” she joked. “Ha ha, very funny,” Niall said ironically. “Seriously, Ni, you look disgusting,” Harry commented. “Shut up Harry, he doesn’t look disgust…” Liam didn’t finish his sentence as he saw Niall’s face in the mirror. “I’m taking that back, you do look disgusting Niall.” They all laughed at Liam’s comment. All, except Niall of course. He just rolled his eyes and sighed. He knew he looked horrible, and he felt even worse, but he didn’t want to let the boys, and the interviewers down, so he tried to pull himself together. Niall was sniffling and rubbing his nose, the entire time whilst Lou was doing his hair, trying to get rid of the annoying tickle, that was stuck in his nostrils. He tried looking at the light multiple times, desperately trying to get the sneeze that was stuck out, but it just wouldn’t get out, which cause his face expression being in pre-sneeze position every now and then. The other boys didn’t notice as they were busy laughing and giggling, while waiting for Niall to be done, so they could leave the hotel, and get to the interviews. Once Niall was done, Lou patted him on the back. “I think you’re finished now. Your car is waiting for you outside,” she said. Niall got off the chair and followed Louis, Liam and Harry, who was already on their way to the car. Niall closed the door to Lou’s room, and took a deep breath.

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Thank you so much! I love writing stories, but I wasn't sure if anyone would like them.

I'll upload part 2 asap!

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This part is very short, and I promise the next part will be longer. I just wanted to upload this as soon as possible :)

Part 2


Niall sat next to Harry in the car. Liam and Louis were sitting in the row in front of them, as the car was kinda like a mini-bus. Harry was on the phone with his sister, and the two older boys were showing some viral videos to each other. Every now and then, you’d hear them giggling and other times they would burst out in laughter. Niall was feeling miserable and had his head leaning against the window, eyes closed. He was trying to relax, maybe even get a bit of sleep, since the it was a 30 minut car journey, but was sniffling and stifling coughs all the time. The tickle in his nostrils was still there, but he hadn’t noticed it, as he gradually was getting used to it being there, but suddenly the tickle, which still was annoying Niall's nostrils, grew. He rubbed his nose, desperately trying to stop it. It didn’t work, cause about 2 seconds later, he stifled a rapid of sneezes, 4 to be exact, his head turning away from Harry, in hope he wouldn’t notice. “Hey, Gem, I  gotta go. I’ll call you later. Bye,” Harry said and hung up. “Bless you there, Ni,” Harry said. Niall turned around and looked at him. “What,” Niall responded. “You know, you shouldn’t stifle your sneezes, it’s not good for you.” “I didn’t sneeze,” Niall denied. “Sure you didn’t, cause I totally didn’t feel your waist bend over, as I heard some very stifle-like noises coming from you,” Harry smirked. Niall turned away from the younger guy as the tickle returned. This time he couldn’t hold it in. “Hetichoo! Achoo… heh-heitch! Itchoo,” Niall sneezed, another four cute, this time quiet sneezes into his palms, making him wheeze. Harry chuckled, but when Niall turned around again, he noticed how miserable and pale Niall looked. “Bless you… Are you alright Ni, you look a little pale?” Harry questioned, with a concerned tone to his voice. Niall cleared his throat before he replied. “Sure. I’m fine,” Niall tried to fake a smile, but realized he failed as Harry spoke up. “I don’t believe you,” Harry squeezed his eyes and gave Niall a killer-look. “Seriously Haz, I’m fine… Just a bit tired,” Niall lied. He wasn’t fine, he felt nearly twice as bad as when he woke up, his eyes were watering, his throat was burning every time he swallowed anything, and his nose was still annoyed by that horrible tickle. “Really? Then what’s causing the sniffling and sneezing huh?” Harry commented. Niall shrug his shoulders. “Allergies…” Then Harry bursted out in laughter, which made Liam and Louis turn their heads to look at him. They hadn’t even noticed Niall sniffling or sneezing, which Niall was thrilled with. He didn’t want the attention, especially not when he looked, basically like a zombie. “Oh please, Niall, you don’t even have allergies.” Niall sighed, as he realized he’d lost the discussion. He turned around again and began sneezing, the cute, quiet sneezes once again. Harry smiled for himself. “God bless you… like 10 times.” Niall coughed into his fist. “Thanks,” he mumbled and leaned his head agains the cold window once again.

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This is literally one of the best fanfictions there is.:thumbs_up:


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9 hours ago, CuteQueen69 said:

This is literally one of the best fanfictions there is.:thumbs_up:


Thank you! I'm glad you like it! I'll start writing the next part very soon!

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Sorry I havn't uploaded in a couple of days! But here's part 3 :)

Part 3


When they got to the studios, Niall had fallen asleep in the car. He woke up to Harry whispering in his ears. “Niall, we’re here now… Wake up…” Niall groaned. And stretched his back and arms. He couldn’t open his eyes, cause whenever he tried the light would make his headache even worse. “Niall, we know  you’re awake c’mon, we’re already late,” Louis’ voice came out of nowhere. “I can’t open my eyes,” Niall moaned. Liam, Louis and Harry sighed. “C’mon Niall, we don’t have time for this,” Liam sounded a little bit annoyed. Niall opened his eyes as much as he could, without feeling like he was going to faint. He open the door and stepped out into the cold air. It was windy, and the cold breeze tickled the blonde boy’s nostrils when he breathed. His breath started hitching and his eyes were tearing up. He covered his nose and mouth with his palms, then exploded in a series of forceful sneezes, making his waist bend over every time he sneezed. “Heh- hehitchoo! Hgn’ttxg! Itchoo! Hehchoo! Itch-itcho… Heh- heh- hgn’ttxg!” He tried stifling his sneezes, but was only succesfull with a few, as the rest was too forceful. He started coughing, making it impossible for the poor boy to breath. He began to feel dizzy and lightheaded, and he would’ve fallen to the ground if Harry hadn’t seen it all and grabbed him the moment before he fell. “Niall, are you alright?” Harry asked concerned. When Niall didn’t answer he got nervous. “Liam! Louis!” Harry called. He sat the Irish boy onto the ground, his back leaning against a wall. Non of the older boys heard Harrys call, and continued walking to the building. Harry didn’t know what to do, cause he was alone with Niall and neither Liam and Louis or the security guards were there, so he ran after the 2 other boys. “Liam! Louis! Help!” Harry shouted when he was near them. They turned around and started walking back with confused looks on their faces. When they saw Harry back, they got a little concerned. They started walking quicker and soon they saw Harry sitting with  Niall. “W-what is going on?” Liam stuttered nervously. “I- I don’t know. Um, well he had a sneezing fit, and then started coughing. Soon his legs failed, but I grabbed just in time, before he hit the ground.” Louis sighed. “Is something wrong with him? Is he okay, I mean, he was perfectly fine yesterday.” Liam then started to wake Niall up by shaking him lightly. The blue eyes fluttered open. He opened his mouth to say something but before any words came out, sneezes were taking over his body. “He’choo! Echoo! Heh’ hechoo! Choo!” He sniffled and removed his elbow from his face. The three concerned boys, were relieved. “God bless you,” Liam smiled and patted Niall on the back. The purple color under Niall’s eyes had gotten darker, and his eyes were completely bloodshot. “Oh my, Niall, you scared us so badly… What happened?” Louis asked. “I- I’m not quite sure… I’m just really tired. I’m fine,” Niall defended himself. Harry rolled his eyes. “Can we get you anything? A sandwich- ” Liam started. “Can we get inside before you’re going to babysit me? Which I really don’t need, I’m fine,” Niall cut him off. They all nodded and went inside.

Liam was standing by Niall’s side all the way inside, making sure he was okay, whilst Harry and Louis were right behind them. Niall sneezed a few times on the way inside, and overtime he did so,  Louis and Harry turned around reassuring Niall was fine whilst blessing him, and Liam would grab his arm, making sure he wasn’t fainting. They had gotten their own little backstage room, including a mini fridge, a tv and a sofa, which Niall lay on. “So. Did you fancy anything? A sandwich? Juice? Water?” Liam offered. “Just water please,” Niall smiled weakly. Then Louis and Harry bursted in through the door. “Could you grab me one as well Payno?” Louis asked as he sat down next to Niall. “Sure,” Liam said, whereafter he pulled out two bottles of water out from the mini fridge. “There you go,” he said as he gave the two boys their water. Niall opened his right away and took a zip. The cold liquid felt amazing in his burning throat. It was the nicest feeling he’d gotten in a while, caused by the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, headaches, tiredness and even fainting. He sat the bottle on the small table next to the sofa, on the left from Louis’ bottle. (When he looked at it from the sofa, it was left from Louis’ bottle.) Then a guy who worked there told them, the interviewers had arrived and was ready to do the first interview. All of them walked out of the door, but Louis turned around. “I’ll be right back, I just forgot to get some water,” he told the boys who continued walking. Louis grabbed the water bottle from the table and took a big gulp. But what Louis didn’t notice was, it wasn’t his water bottle. It was Niall’s…

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Of course Louis would do that. Like literally only Louis would do that. Seriously.

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5 hours ago, CuteQueen69 said:

Of course Louis would do that. Like literally only Louis would do that. Seriously.

Haha, yup! ?


4 hours ago, sneezelover3 said:

*squeals* omg yes this is so amazayn I can't wait for more!!!!!!!

Aww, you're too sweet! Thank you so much for reading! I'll start writing the next part tonight hopefully!


Have an amazing day, lovelies! x

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Guys! I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while! I'm on holiday with my family, and I really want to soens time with them. I'm home by Thursday, and I'll hopefully upload part 4 Friday!

Thank you for your patience <3

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On 7/25/2016 at 4:57 PM, myloveforfun said:

Guys! I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while! I'm on holiday with my family, and I really want to soens time with them. I'm home by Thursday, and I'll hopefully upload part 4 Friday!

Thank you for your patience <3

Yay thank u so much can't wait ur amazayn haha

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Yay! I finally finished part 4. Hope you enjoy <3 

Part 4

The first interviewers were two girls aged 17, named Alice and Courtney. They sat in a smaller sofa opposite the boys, who sat on a larger, black leather sofa. Liam was sat next to Louis on his left, Harry on Louis’ left, and lastly Niall was sat next to Harry. They introduced themselves and then the interview began. “Hello everyone, today we are joined by the guys of One Direction!” Courtney started. “How are you guys doing?” Alice asked. “We’re very well, thank you, how about you?” Liam answered for all of them. Niall just nodded, even though he still felt horrible. He was still a bit dizzy, he couldn’t breathe trough his nose and he was so sure he sounded weird when he talked.  “We’re great!” Courtney answered Liam’s question. Suddenly the tickle in Niall’s nose kicked in. He buried his face in the crook of his arm and let out 5 soft sneezes: “He’choo, e’choo, choo, he’echoo, heh-he’choo!” Then all eyes turned to Niall. Liam and Louis blessed him quietly, but Harry spoke out loud. “God bless you Niall. Are you alright?” Harry patted Niall on the back. The blonde guy looked up. “Sure I’m fi- he’echoo, fine,” he nodded and faked a smile. Harry didn’t look convinced. “So guys, of course all of your fans have your songs on repeat, but which song are you currently obsessed with?” Alice asked. Louis knew what his was straight away. “Oh that’s easy! Mine is definitely ‘Can’t Stop The Feeling’ by Justin Timberlake!” he chatted and started humming the melody and dancing on the sofa. Everybody laughed. “I think that’s mine too,” Liam stated. The two boys high-fived. “What about yours Harry?” Courtney asked. “Uhm.. It’s a very hard question, but I think it’s either ‘7 Years’ by Lukas Graham or, okay this is old, but it always puts me in a great mood,  ‘All About The Bass’ by Meghan Trainor. Niall?” Harry looked at Niall. Niall opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by a couple of sneezes: “He’choo! I-ithciew! Heh- he’choo!” he sneezed into copped hands. “His favourite song is ‘Sneeze’ by Niall Horan,” Harry joked, which caused everyone in the room to chuckle, even Niall, thought it was hilarious. He sniffed before he answered. “That’s a very nice song though.. No, I think my favourite has to be - he’choo, choo - ‘scuse me, I really like ‘Treat You Better’ by Shawn Mendes at the minute.” Niall said, a bit embarrassed. “That’s a great song, we’ve been obsessed with it since it came out,” Alice said. “Next question is from a fan on Twitter named Ella saying ‘Hey boys, firs of all I wanted to say that I love so much! My question is, if you could choose any song of yours that wasn’t made into a single, which would you make into a single?’ Thank you for your question Ella,” Alice read from their cards. “Personally, I really like ‘More Than This’ and a know that was a very popular song in the start, so I think the fans would’ve loved that,” Harry started. They all nodded and mumbled ‘yes’ and ‘I agree’. “That’s a great one, but I also would’ve loved ‘No Control’ being a single. After the ‘No Control Project’ I think the fans would be crazy about that,” Louis spoke up. Before Liam could answer, Niall’s nostrils began to tickle really badly, and just as Liam started his sentence, Niall broke out in he huge sneezing-fit. “He’choo! Choo! Ischiew, schiew! Choo! I’m so- Choo! I’m sorry, will - he’hechoo! Hgn’xtt! Ng’xtt! Choo, itchoo! Will you have me ex- he’choo, e’choo! excused. He’choo!” Niall got off the sofa and went backstage. Harry immediately followed him calling his name: “Niall! Niall wait up!” The interviewers got very concerned and confused. “Is- is he okay?” Courtney stuttered. Louis sighed. “I don’t know, I certainly hope so,” Liam said looking after them. “Poor boy, I donut think he’s very well. He’s been sneezing and coughing all day. He even fainted just when we got here, but he told us he’s just tired,” Louis explained. “Oh no! Poor boy, I hope he’ll be better. He has been sneezing quite at lot though, maybe he shouldn’t have done the interview,” Alice shared her thoughts. “ We said we could do the interview without him, but he insisted… I feel so bad for him,” Liam added again looking behind trying to see if Niall was okay, but he was out of sight. 

“Niall! Niall wait up!” Harry shouted. When Harry got backstage Niall was out of sight, so he followed the sound of a sneezing, Irish boy. It lead him to the room with the big sofa, the tv and the mini fridge. He was relieved when he saw Niall sitting on he sofa. His face was buried in his palms sneezing every other second. Harry sat next to him and stroked his back, comforting Niall. “It’s okay… Let it all out,” Harry whispered ever now and then. They were sat as so, for about 1 minute, until Niall stopped sneezing. He was totally out of breath and looked like a complete mess. Niall sniffled and wheezed, still his palms covering his entire face. Harry pulled a blanket out from under the sofa and wrapped it around Niall’s shoulders and gave him a short hug. Niall removed his hands, revealing tears streaming down his face. “Make it stop Harry… Please,” Niall begged. Harry felt so bad for his bandmate. “Hey… It’s okay,” he comforted. “Please make it stop,” Niall sobbed. “I wish I could, but I can’t… I really wish I could Ni,” Harry spoke softly. Niall leaned his head against Harry shoulder, making Harry smile. “Come ‘ere,” Harry said and opened his arms. They had a long cuddle and when they got out of the hug Harry told Niall to lay down. Niall nodded, and did as told. Harry wrapped the blanket around Niall full body, and sat on he ground next to his head. “You need rest Ni… Get some sleep.” Niall groaned. “It hurts…” Niall claimed. “What hurts, mate?” “Everything,” he cried. Harry was so sorry for his ‘brother’. “I’m so sorry Niall. I’d do anything if I could, but right now you just need to sleep… I’ll be back with some medicine, when you wake up, okay?” Harry offered. Niall nodded. Harry get off the ground. “Feel better mate,” Harry said as he stroked Niall’s cheek before he left to get medicine for his sick friend.

Louis and Liam finished the interview. They met Harry on his way out. “He’s sleeping. Don’t wake him up,” Harry quickly said and continued to walk to the cap he just called. Louis and Liam nodded. “We probably shouldn’t go in there,” Louis said, referring to the room Niall was sleeping in. “Yeah, you’re right… I need go to the restroom, see you in a bit,” Liam said. “Sure,” Louis said and then went to another room they’re aloud to use, and sat down in a comfy armchair. When he sat down a weird feeling hit him. His eyes started watering, his nose scrunched up and soon it came. “Ichiew! Ichiew! He’ichoo!” Louis sneezed. He sighed. ‘Fuck,’ he thought to himself.

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On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 11:40 AM, myloveforfun said:

Yay! I finally finished part 4. Hope you enjoy <3 

Part 4

The first interviewers were two girls aged 17, named Alice and Courtney. They sat in a smaller sofa opposite the boys, who sat on a larger, black leather sofa. Liam was sat next to Louis on his left, Harry on Louis’ left, and lastly Niall was sat next to Harry. They introduced themselves and then the interview began. “Hello everyone, today we are joined by the guys of One Direction!” Courtney started. “How are you guys doing?” Alice asked. “We’re very well, thank you, how about you?” Liam answered for all of them. Niall just nodded, even though he still felt horrible. He was still a bit dizzy, he couldn’t breathe trough his nose and he was so sure he sounded weird when he talked.  “We’re great!” Courtney answered Liam’s question. Suddenly the tickle in Niall’s nose kicked in. He buried his face in the crook of his arm and let out 5 soft sneezes: “He’choo, e’choo, choo, he’echoo, heh-he’choo!” Then all eyes turned to Niall. Liam and Louis blessed him quietly, but Harry spoke out loud. “God bless you Niall. Are you alright?” Harry patted Niall on the back. The blonde guy looked up. “Sure I’m fi- he’echoo, fine,” he nodded and faked a smile. Harry didn’t look convinced. “So guys, of course all of your fans have your songs on repeat, but which song are you currently obsessed with?” Alice asked. Louis knew what his was straight away. “Oh that’s easy! Mine is definitely ‘Can’t Stop The Feeling’ by Justin Timberlake!” he chatted and started humming the melody and dancing on the sofa. Everybody laughed. “I think that’s mine too,” Liam stated. The two boys high-fived. “What about yours Harry?” Courtney asked. “Uhm.. It’s a very hard question, but I think it’s either ‘7 Years’ by Lukas Graham or, okay this is old, but it always puts me in a great mood,  ‘All About The Bass’ by Meghan Trainor. Niall?” Harry looked at Niall. Niall opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by a couple of sneezes: “He’choo! I-ithciew! Heh- he’choo!” he sneezed into copped hands. “His favourite song is ‘Sneeze’ by Niall Horan,” Harry joked, which caused everyone in the room to chuckle, even Niall, thought it was hilarious. He sniffed before he answered. “That’s a very nice song though.. No, I think my favourite has to be - he’choo, choo - ‘scuse me, I really like ‘Treat You Better’ by Shawn Mendes at the minute.” Niall said, a bit embarrassed. “That’s a great song, we’ve been obsessed with it since it came out,” Alice said. “Next question is from a fan on Twitter named Ella saying ‘Hey boys, firs of all I wanted to say that I love so much! My question is, if you could choose any song of yours that wasn’t made into a single, which would you make into a single?’ Thank you for your question Ella,” Alice read from their cards. “Personally, I really like ‘More Than This’ and a know that was a very popular song in the start, so I think the fans would’ve loved that,” Harry started. They all nodded and mumbled ‘yes’ and ‘I agree’. “That’s a great one, but I also would’ve loved ‘No Control’ being a single. After the ‘No Control Project’ I think the fans would be crazy about that,” Louis spoke up. Before Liam could answer, Niall’s nostrils began to tickle really badly, and just as Liam started his sentence, Niall broke out in he huge sneezing-fit. “He’choo! Choo! Ischiew, schiew! Choo! I’m so- Choo! I’m sorry, will - he’hechoo! Hgn’xtt! Ng’xtt! Choo, itchoo! Will you have me ex- he’choo, e’choo! excused. He’choo!” Niall got off the sofa and went backstage. Harry immediately followed him calling his name: “Niall! Niall wait up!” The interviewers got very concerned and confused. “Is- is he okay?” Courtney stuttered. Louis sighed. “I don’t know, I certainly hope so,” Liam said looking after them. “Poor boy, I donut think he’s very well. He’s been sneezing and coughing all day. He even fainted just when we got here, but he told us he’s just tired,” Louis explained. “Oh no! Poor boy, I hope he’ll be better. He has been sneezing quite at lot though, maybe he shouldn’t have done the interview,” Alice shared her thoughts. “ We said we could do the interview without him, but he insisted… I feel so bad for him,” Liam added again looking behind trying to see if Niall was okay, but he was out of sight. 

“Niall! Niall wait up!” Harry shouted. When Harry got backstage Niall was out of sight, so he followed the sound of a sneezing, Irish boy. It lead him to the room with the big sofa, the tv and the mini fridge. He was relieved when he saw Niall sitting on he sofa. His face was buried in his palms sneezing every other second. Harry sat next to him and stroked his back, comforting Niall. “It’s okay… Let it all out,” Harry whispered ever now and then. They were sat as so, for about 1 minute, until Niall stopped sneezing. He was totally out of breath and looked like a complete mess. Niall sniffled and wheezed, still his palms covering his entire face. Harry pulled a blanket out from under the sofa and wrapped it around Niall’s shoulders and gave him a short hug. Niall removed his hands, revealing tears streaming down his face. “Make it stop Harry… Please,” Niall begged. Harry felt so bad for his bandmate. “Hey… It’s okay,” he comforted. “Please make it stop,” Niall sobbed. “I wish I could, but I can’t… I really wish I could Ni,” Harry spoke softly. Niall leaned his head against Harry shoulder, making Harry smile. “Come ‘ere,” Harry said and opened his arms. They had a long cuddle and when they got out of the hug Harry told Niall to lay down. Niall nodded, and did as told. Harry wrapped the blanket around Niall full body, and sat on he ground next to his head. “You need rest Ni… Get some sleep.” Niall groaned. “It hurts…” Niall claimed. “What hurts, mate?” “Everything,” he cried. Harry was so sorry for his ‘brother’. “I’m so sorry Niall. I’d do anything if I could, but right now you just need to sleep… I’ll be back with some medicine, when you wake up, okay?” Harry offered. Niall nodded. Harry get off the ground. “Feel better mate,” Harry said as he stroked Niall’s cheek before he left to get medicine for his sick friend.

Louis and Liam finished the interview. They met Harry on his way out. “He’s sleeping. Don’t wake him up,” Harry quickly said and continued to walk to the cap he just called. Louis and Liam nodded. “We probably shouldn’t go in there,” Louis said, referring to the room Niall was sleeping in. “Yeah, you’re right… I need go to the restroom, see you in a bit,” Liam said. “Sure,” Louis said and then went to another room they’re aloud to use, and sat down in a comfy armchair. When he sat down a weird feeling hit him. His eyes started watering, his nose scrunched up and soon it came. “Ichiew! Ichiew! He’ichoo!” Louis sneezed. He sighed. ‘Fuck,’ he thought to himself.

It' so good

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Ok so I'll start writing next chapter VERY soon, but I need a little inspiration from you guys... Who would you like to get ill after Louis? Liam or Harry? Or do you have any other recommendations? Let me know, I'm open for a lot of different suggestions :)

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2 hours ago, myloveforfun said:

Ok so I'll start writing next chapter VERY soon, but I need a little inspiration from you guys... Who would you like to get ill after Louis? Liam or Harry? Or do you have any other recommendations? Let me know, I'm open for a lot of different suggestions :)

U should do Liam then harry and maybe u could put Harry's hayfever into the story somewhere too

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2 hours ago, myloveforfun said:

Ok so I'll start writing next chapter VERY soon, but I need a little inspiration from you guys... Who would you like to get ill after Louis? Liam or Harry? Or do you have any other recommendations? Let me know, I'm open for a lot of different suggestions :)

U should do Liam then harry and maybe u could put Harry's hayfever into the story somewhere too

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2 hours ago, myloveforfun said:

Ok so I'll start writing next chapter VERY soon, but I need a little inspiration from you guys... Who would you like to get ill after Louis? Liam or Harry? Or do you have any other recommendations? Let me know, I'm open for a lot of different suggestions :)

U should do Liam then harry and maybe u could put Harry's hayfever into the story somewhere too

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16 hours ago, sneezelover3 said:

U should do Liam then harry and maybe u could put Harry's hayfever into the story somewhere too

That's a great idea! I've been trying to write a few other stories (most about Niall, but also some about Harry's hay fever) and Harry's hay fever is so much fun to write about! I'll defiantly include that! Have a nice day <3

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