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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"The Cold-Stricken Professor"-Harry Potter (Snape)

I love Alan Rickman

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I just recently finished up my first Snape Sneezefic and had a lot of fun with it, so I decided to write another one. This one takes place as Harry and Ron are under the invisibility cloak, trying to sneak out of the grounds to see Hagrid while several teachers, obviously including Snape, are keeping watch. I am open to all feedback, including any constructive criticism that you may have. Enjoy! :)

Title: The Cold-Stricken Professor
Summary: As Severus Snape is keeping watch, he realizes he has come down with a bad case of the cold, however he doesn't want to show the weakness to his students or fellow professors. He wants to ask for help but doesn't know how to. Will he end up getting the help he so badly needs?

Part One:
Snape stood watch at the oak front gates of Hogwarts. With students being petrified, Professor Dumbledore wanted some teachers to watch and make sure nothing came in and no one left the castle. 
Snape ran a long finger under his hooked nose, which was beginning to run. He hoped it was from the cold air and that he wasn't getting sick. Sniffing, he looked around. No one seemed to be wandering, thank goodness. He was tired and wasn't in the mood to yell at a student to go back to their common room.
Suddenly, Snape felt a small tickle at the back of his nose. As it crawled down to the tip, it gained intensity and caused his nose to twitch violently. Giving another sniff, Snape rubbed hard at his nose, hoping to get rid of the tickle. 
He heard a small thump from behind. He went to reach for his wand, but the tickle immediately turned into a full-blown sneeze, which overtook his body without giving him any time to take out his handkerchief, "HYIEHSHH!" Snape folded in half from the first sneeze, which he aimed uncovered at the ground. He brought his cupped hands up to his face as quickly as possible to catch the next sneezes, which followed the first very quickly, "HAARRRSSSHH! EHHHSHOO! Hih-CHIIHSHH!" The resulting spray left his hands and nose damp, and we wiped his hands on his robes in disgust. With a wet sniff, he dabbed at his nose and looked back around to where he heard the thump. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. He listened closely for anymore signs of movement, and when he heard none, he turned back around, his nose running more than ever.
He stood there for a little longer until he felt another sneeze approaching. He brought his cupped hands up to his nose as his brow furrowed and his jaw slackened, "Heh, heh...ehh..." He breathed slowly through his irritated nose, "Ehh...hahh...hahh..." He rubbed at the bridge of his nose, trying to coax the sneeze out. 
Snape inhaled sharply through his nose again, which finally caused the sneeze to take over, "Hahh...ehh...EHH...EHHSHOO! IHSHOO! HAARRRSSSSHHH!" The final sneeze made him lose his balance, and he fell to the floor. He sniffled weakly, sitting on the floor with his back to the open gate. He wiped at his nose with the back of his wrist and stared ahead. 
Dumbledore noticed Snape on the floor, "Severus, you don't seem well."
"I don'd deed your help," Snape said when he saw the concerned look on Dumbledore's face. He winced at his obvious congestion. He took out his handkerchief and blew his nose to get rid of it, moaning when he felt it immediately start to come back.
"Severus, come," Dumbledore beckoned Snape, who rolled his eyes but followed. He knew the man would keep insisting he would come until he listened.
Dumbledore led Snape down the dungeons. "Albus, whad are you doihg?"
Without looking at Snape, all Dumbledore said was, "You need to rest." He walked to Snape's office.
Snape strolled into his office, scrubbing at his nose, which was now running like a faucet, with his handkerchief. He gave a strong sniff before blowing his nose, slightly cringing at the sound. He looked back at Dumbledore, "Albus, I don'd deed you to...Ehhhh...KTCCHH!" Snape directed the sudden congested sneeze over his shoulder, knowing he wouldn't be able to cover it, but not wanting to spray Dumbledore. He gave his nose another loud blow and turned back to Dumbledore. "Sorry aboud thad. Sniff!"
"Gesundheit," Dumbledore said before slowly lowering Snape into the chair. "Rest for me, will you?" Snape nodded while pinching his nose with his index finger and thumb, obviously fighting the urge to sneeze again. Dumbledore gave a small chuckle before adding, "Severus, you can sneeze. Don't be embarrassed."
Snape cupped his hands to his face as his eyes snapped shut and his head pitched forward, causing his black hair to fly in his face, "Ihh...IHKTCCHH! KIHTCHH! Ehh...heh...EHTCHMP! Ihh...ihh...IHHH...IHHHCHH!" When he was done, Snape blushed at the scene before grabbing a tissue from Dumbledore to blow his nose. 
"Thand do," he said feebly, brushing the curtains of black hair out of his eyes. With a sniff, he looked at Dumbledore, "Thad was very...very kind of you."
Dumbledore waved a hand, dismissing the subject, before conjuring a pillow out of midair and passing it to Snape, whose eyelids were slowly starting to close from drowsiness. "Sleep well, Severus," he added kindly, and he turned on the spot before walking out the door, leaving a now unconscious Snape alone in his office to sleep-at least we hope-peacefully.

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That was so good! I hope... just maybe... there might be more? *Puppy eyes*

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18 hours ago, Daughter_of_Apollo said:

That was so good! I hope... just maybe... there might be more? *Puppy eyes*

Yes, indeed. That's why it says "Part One." I'm hoping to have many more parts coming! ;) 

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Meant to comment on this yesterday before work, oops! Love this! I will never grow tired of a sneezy Snape! :D 

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On July 14, 2016 at 8:47 PM, Daughter_of_Apollo said:

That was so good! I hope... just maybe... there might be more? *Puppy eyes*


On July 14, 2016 at 3:20 PM, sneezyholmes said:

Meant to comment on this yesterday before work, oops! Love this! I will never grow tired of a sneezy Snape! :D 

Guys I'm sorry this is taking so long for part two. I started it and then became busy. Just a couple minutes ago, I continued working on it but iCloud screwed up and deleted all my notes...now I need to restart. I will make sure this never happens again by emailing the fic to myself every time I finish working on it each day. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. :/

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This is perfect! I always thought that scene with Snape sneezing just as Ron cursed under the invisibility cloak was just begging for a fic to explain what caused him to sneeze. Well done! I can't wait to read the next parts!

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On July 14, 2016 at 8:47 PM, Daughter_of_Apollo said:

That was so good! I hope... just maybe... there might be more? *Puppy eyes*


On July 14, 2016 at 3:20 PM, sneezyholmes said:

Meant to comment on this yesterday before work, oops! Love this! I will never grow tired of a sneezy Snape! :D 


On July 24, 2016 at 3:39 PM, spirkestielgirl87 said:

This is perfect! I always thought that scene with Snape sneezing just as Ron cursed under the invisibility cloak was just begging for a fic to explain what caused him to sneeze. Well done! I can't wait to read the next parts!

I am happy to say that part two is now done! Sorry for the long wait, Daughter_of_Apollo and sneezyholmes. And I agree, spirk, which is exactly why I decided to write this. I hope all of you like it! :)

Part Two
Snape awoke to see Dumbledore looking down at him. "Severus, it's great to see you've finally awaken," Dumbledore said kindly, and he held out a vial of turquoise potion emitting a silver vapor to Snape. "Drink this, please."
Snape eyed the potion closely before recognizing it as a perfectly brewed Draught Of Peace. He took the vial from Dumbledore and gulped it down, immediately feeling the effects. His muscles loosened, his headache was rapidly disappearing, and he couldn't help but smile from all the positivity flowing through his veins. "Thank you, Albus," he said with a respectful bow of his head.
"Is there anything else you need, Severus?" Dumbledore asked kindly.
Snape help up one long finger to tell Dumbledore to wait as he felt the start of a sneeze. The tickle slowly spread throughout his hooked nose, and he held his handkerchief a few inches from his face. Eventually, the tickle reached its peak, and Snape's breath hitched before his head snapped forward and his handkerchief came up, clutched tightly to his nose, "H-Heh...HEHSHH! EHSHH! Ih...IHKTSHHH!" He blew his nose until he felt all the congestion disappear before he looked back up at Dumbledore, "Just one more thing, Headmaster." Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "Thank you for the potion. It really helped."
"Anytime," Dumbledore replied, realizing this was the closest he would get to having Snape ask for help, even though that wasn't really what this was. "I'll see you later, Severus." He turned on his heel and walked out the door, locking it behind him and leaving Snape alone with his illness in his own office.
Snape decided he wasn't in the mood to go back to sleep just yet, so he stood up and rummaged through his bookshelf for a book to read. Little did he know as he walked over to them: he hadn't grabbed a book from there in so long, therefore the bookshelf had built up a heavy layer of dust, which just bothered Snape's large nose even more. "HYIEHSHOO!" The sneeze snuck up on Snape, making him snap forward violently, almost hitting his head on the bookshelf. He had his feet positioned awkwardly, and the sudden outburst caused him to trip and almost lose his balance. He decided to do the smart thing and backed up as he noticed the tickle hadn't gone away. In fact, it was still at its peak. 
He tried to get his hands up to his face in time, but the second sneeze was too quick and was followed by two more, "YEHSHH! Ehh-TIHSSHHH! HARRSSHH!" Snape pinched his nostrils tightly to try to make the tickle back off, but it stayed in place, and his eyes slowly closed once more. However, he kept his fingers still, trying to stifle the next few, "Hehhh...hGXT! Huh-XTchoo!" He was relieved to feel the tickle had finally disappeared. He went to reach for a tissue from the box on his desk. He was relieved to feel the tickle finally disappeared. He went to reach for a tissue from the box on his desk. 
"HYIEAHSHOO!" Snape sneezed  again, sending the tissue box to fall to the floor after the sneeze caught him off-guard. He sniffed wetly and walked to the front of his desk to pick the box back up. He placed it back on his desk before grabbing a handful of tissues and blowing his nose with a loud gurgling noise that made him wince. He sniffed again. Deciding he wasn't going to continue searching for a book today because of all the dust, he put his head in his hands and attempted to fall asleep. 
"HEETSHOO! KEHTSHOO!" He felt the sneezes approach and build up, but he was too tired to cover them-plus, it was only him in the room, and he planned on it being that way for as long as possible-so he just backed his chair up slightly and directed them at the floor. He went to his original position and sniffed again before letting the drowsiness overcome his body as he fell back asleep.

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Yay another part! He is soooo sneezy! I love Albus bringing him a potion. I could see him as one of the few people Snape would allow to take care of him. I would see him trying to hide his illness in front of other teachers/students (but failing due to not being able to hold in the sneezes!)  Will there be another part? Pretty please? 

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7 hours ago, spirkestielgirl87 said:

Yay another part! He is soooo sneezy! I love Albus bringing him a potion. I could see him as one of the few people Snape would allow to take care of him. I would see him trying to hide his illness in front of other teachers/students (but failing due to not being able to hold in the sneezes!)  Will there be another part? Pretty please? 

So glad you love it so far! :D Yes, I will keep updating until I say a certain part is the last part. Even after that, I may put one last one just cause I felt like it

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  • 2 weeks later...
On July 14, 2016 at 3:20 PM, sneezyholmes said:

Meant to comment on this yesterday before work, oops! Love this! I will never grow tired of a sneezy Snape! :D 


On July 13, 2016 at 8:47 PM, Daughter_of_Apollo said:

That was so good! I hope... just maybe... there might be more? *Puppy eyes*


On July 29, 2016 at 1:13 AM, spirkestielgirl87 said:

Yay another part! He is soooo sneezy! I love Albus bringing him a potion. I could see him as one of the few people Snape would allow to take care of him. I would see him trying to hide his illness in front of other teachers/students (but failing due to not being able to hold in the sneezes!)  Will there be another part? Pretty please? 

Part three is done, and it seems like a longer one to me. It also took a lot longer to write than I expected! I hope you like it. :)

Part Three
Snape awoke once again, feeling the beginning of another headache, which told him the Draught Of Peace had worn off. He slowly rubbed his temples, trying to get it to go away before breaking into a harsh coughing fit, which made his head hurt even worse. When he was done, his throat was scratchy and tears were streaming down his cheeks like rivers from the pain. 
Snape dabbed at his eyes with the back of his hand as he felt an oncoming sneeze. Why, out of all times, did it have to be now? His throat was already hurting like crazy, and his sneezes were strong enough that they would only worsen it, even if he didn't stifle them. He thought deeply of how he could stop the sneeze before it came. He'd tried a few times, but it didn't usually work for long, just delayed it for a minute or two. Maybe he could try pinching his nostrils or holding his breath.
"Heh-KIHTCHH! KUHSHOO! KSHXT!" He had been paying so much attention to how he would stop the impending sneeze that he didn't even realize when it took over completely with full force. Even after he'd realized the problem, he had so little time to react that he decided to completely go against what he was originally thinking and stifled the last one, which left him nauseous as his headache turned into a beginning of a migraine. The world swam in front of his eyes, and he tried blinking several times to get it to stop. He could really use a calming draught now, but he definitely couldn't brew it himself when he was in this condition. He didn't dare to stand up, either, as he feared he would pass out. Speaking of which, he slowly sank deeper into his chair as his head started to throb and his vision turned blurry.
"Severus?" Poppy Pomfrey bent over an unconscious Snape, who had fallen out of his chair. She looked at the fire and threw in some Floo Powder. "Albus Dumbledore's office," she said. A second later, Dumbledore's face appeared in the fireplace.
"Sev-" he began, but then he realized what looked like the lack of a Severus Snape in the office, "Poppy? What's going on?" He asked with concern in his voice. He knew Snape wouldn't dare let Madame Pomfrey into his office, especially when he was sick. He would wave her off and claim he was fine until she eventually had no choice but to leave. Seeing Pomfrey in Snape's office was very odd, especially because he couldn't seem to find Snape in the first place.
"I need your help," Pomfrey's voice was full of concern. At this, Dumbledore stepped into Snape's office and looked around. When he noticed Snape was on the floor, his eyes widened in shock.
"We need to take him to the infirmary," Dumbledore said.
Poppy nodded her head in agreement, "Can you help me?"
Dumbledore conjured a stretcher before grabbing ahold of Snape under the arms as Poppy grabbed his legs. With a little difficulty, they lifted him off the ground before slowly lowering him onto the stretcher and heading to the hospital wing.
"Huh...hah...HAH-YIEHSHOO! TISSHOO!" Snape had been slightly awake, aware of every sound in the hospital wing, but when he sneezed so loudly, he woke himself up the rest of the way. His eyes snapped open, and he sat up quickly-too quickly. A wave of nausea hit him, causing him to collapse back onto the pillow. He held his pounding head in his hands and closed his eyes, swallowing hard. He couldn't watch the earth spin, because it would only make the situation worse. His nostrils flared as his breath continued to hitch. The third sneeze was stuck at the very tip of Snape's twitching hooked nose, unsure whether to be released or to disappear. "H-Heh...heh, hah...huh...HUH-"And it was gone, leaving not even the smallest trace behind. Snape shook his head in frustration and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. He gave a small sniff before attempting to sit up again to look around, examining the place he was in.
"HAHISHOO! IHSHOO! Ehh...Uh-HUSHSHOO! KTCHH! EH-KETCHH! ERKSHH! Hihh-HIHSHOO!" The tickle reappeared quickly and suddenly, and he sneezed each sneeze freely, snapping forward so much that his red-tinted nose almost touched his knees. As Snape was caught in his fit, Madame Pomfrey walked into the room without him noticing.
"Severus?" She asked, making him jump slightly.
"Wh-wh-hah-whad-hehSHXT!-do y-you...eh, HEH-NXGHT!-" he stifled, "w-wah-ah-AHSHH!-wand f-f-f-EH, CHEHSHH! CHEHSHH! CHIHSHH! KITCHH!-frob b-heh-be?-ATISHOO! IHSHOO! CHIHSHH! Ehhhh...KETCHH!" The rest of the sneezes were too violent to contain and threw his body forward even more as he attempted to speak. His cheeks were flushed from embarrassment, and his nose, however, was red from all the sneezing. Tears were pouring down his face, and he sniffed liquidly before his nose twitched again, and he cupped his hands to his face as the fit continued. "Ahhh, HUHSHOO! ITSHH!-Oh, B-berlid's beard-Sniff!-wh-whend-KETCHH!-whend will I s-s-uh...KUHTCHH!-stob s-s-sdee-heh-sdeezihg? KTCHH! Sniff!"
Madame Pomfrey stared sympathetically as the man continued to sneeze into his hands. She held out a handkerchief, which he quickly took to blow his nose into. It relieved the tickle slightly, but it was still lingering. "Hah-KTCHH! Heh-CHEHSHH!" He took a deep breath, "HAHHH-HARRRSSSHH! HARRRSSSHH! HEHSHOO! KEHSHOO! Ack-KERSHH!" Finally, he removed his left hand from his face, rubbing vigorously at his wet red nose with the back of his right hand. He sniffed again before wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
"Severus, I'll get you a PepperUp. Just wait here," Madame Pomfrey said softly.
Snape puffed out his chest and lifted his chin slightly. He tried his best to look and sound intimidating, despite the terrible congestion, red nose, watery eyes, and being in a hospital bed, "Badamb Pobfrey, I don'd deed you to brew be a BebberUb. I am perfedly find. Sniff!" He wiped his nose on his sleeve before continuing, "I'mb nod sidck. Jusd...alldergies." He subconsciously swiped a long finger under his nose, feeling uncomfortable at this lie.
Poppy shook her head, "No. I know you're sick, Severus, and you do too. I'm a nurse. You can't hide it from me. You need a PepperUp to help you get better."
"Doh. I'mb nod goihg do dake a BebberUb. I don'd wand do be smodihg oud of by ears for da nedxt couble hours," He insisted. "You're nod goihg do chadge by bind. If you really wand do helb be, give be somedihg else. Agaid, I'mb nod dakihg a BebberUb, bud I may dake somedihg else."
Suddenly, both Snape and Poppy heard a loud pop. "Lemon drop?" Asked Dumbledore's voice from the left side of the room.
"Doh thags, Headbasder."
"They contain a Calming Draught. It will help. Severus, please," Dumbledore insisted, holding out a lemon drop to Snape's left.
Snape rolled his eyes, "Find, bud jusd dis once." He took the lemon drop and went to pop it in his mouth, but his nose gave a twitch. "Th-Thand do. W-w-hah-waid a m-minute," Snape said quickly. He covered his face with his hands again, "Heh, KEHSHH! ETKSHH! EHSHOO!" Snape shook his head and looked around before noticing a box of tissues on the nightstand. He took one and blew his nose loudly to relieve the congestion. He gave another sniff before looking up at Dumbledore and finally popping the lemon drop into his mouth, immediately feeling the calming draught kick in. "Excuse me."
Dumbledore smiled, "Now get some rest, Severus."
"I will," he said in the same tone as if he were making an Unbreakable Vow. This made Dumbledore smile even more. Snape laid down in the bed and pulled the covers up over his chest, closing his eyes. It was the most comfortable he had felt in so long, so he fell asleep almost immediately.

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I'm really enjoying this story. I love how helpless he is, yet still trying to save face and be intimidating. Will the students find out he's not well? I wonder how they'll react. I bet he'd hate them, especially Harry, knowing he was ill! 

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14 hours ago, spirkestielgirl87 said:

I'm really enjoying this story. I love how helpless he is, yet still trying to save face and be intimidating. Will the students find out he's not well? I wonder how they'll react. I bet he'd hate them, especially Harry, knowing he was ill! 

I'm glad you're enjoying it. And to answer your question, you'll see. ;) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Daughter_of_Apollo @sneezyholmes @spirkestielgirl87 In celebration of my validation and since its been a while since I've posted in this topic since I've been quite busy, I'm giving you guys a excerpt of part four, which is actually my favorite part of it so far. I'll probably have the whole part done by tomorrow. Feel free to tell me what you think.


He sat there as his breath hitched, and he waited impatiently for the sneeze to release. To urge it out, Snape blew his nose hard into his handkerchief. He knew that if a tickle was lingering in his nose and wouldn't come out, if he blew his nose, it would sometimes help the sneeze on its way. Usually, it would relieve it, but he decided to try this anyway. Luckily, it worked as he wanted, and he felt the tickle build up even more. The only problem was that now there was no way of stifling it, so he'd probably wake up Madame Pomfrey in the process. This was going to be wet, violent, and loud. 
"Heh, heh, HEH-CHEHSHISHH! EHKTCHH! HRUSCHH! Hehhh, HEHSHOO!" Snape's body shook from the force of his sneezing, and he took a deep breath, tilting his head back before snapping forward as his eyes closed tighter and he sneezed strongly once again, "HIEAHSHOO!"

Edit: Also, I'm thinking of making another fanfic with Snape in the time of Harry's seventh year with the Order Of The Phoenix and Grimmauld Place. Snape's probably going to have terrible allergies to dust or have another cold. Which would you guys prefer?

Edited by I love Alan Rickman ?
Read "Edit:" section
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Ooh what a treat! I can't wait to read the whole thing. And that sounds like a great set up for your next fic. I'm partial to colds myself, but I really like your writing so I'd read it either way. :-) 

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@Daughter_of_Apollo @sneezyholmes @spirkestielgirl87 Woo hoo! I finished part four! I'm pretty happy with it. :) Tell me what you think!

Part Four
"Heh, eh, HEITCHH!" Snape sneezed for the thirteenth time in a row, his eyes watering terribly and his hands, which were now quite wet from the spray, cupped tightly around his red beak-like nose.  He scrubbed his nose, trying to fight off the tickle that was still building in his sinuses. He could feel his finger starting to gather more moisture from his irritated runny nose as he looked around the hospital wing once more. He realized it was no use, and the tissues were gone from his nightstand. He quickly brought his cloak up to his nose as he continued to sneeze, "Eh, KETCHH! CHIHSHOO! Heh, eh...EHH, IHSHOO!" He pinched the end of his hooked nose with his index finger and thumb as his breath continued to hitch. He could feel his nostrils flaring beneath his fingers, but he kept them in place. When he felt the sneeze had disappeared, he let go of his nose.
"HEITSHOO!" The tickle had reappeared with full force immediately after he removed his fingers from his nose, catching him off-guard and causing him to sneeze freely and violently onto the covers. He pinched his nose again, this time holding his fingers there until he was absolutely sure the tickle had backed off. When he let go, he gave a sigh of relief, pulled out his wand, and muttered a spell under his breath to conjure a box of tissues. He took a few and blew his nose loudly before using another spell to clean his hands and the spot on his cloak that he had used to cover his previous sneezing. When he was done, he put his wand away, sank back down into the pillow, and closed his eyes.
"HRRUSCHH! Heh...HEHSHH! Eh, heh, HEHHCHH!" Snape sneezed over the side of the bed. He closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep yet again, as it was now four in the morning, but the need to sneeze was not going to leave him alone. He sat up, grabbed a few tissues from the box he'd conjured earlier, and held them to his twitching nose, "H-Heh, heh..." He sat there as his breath hitched, and he waited impatiently for the sneeze to release. To urge it out, Snape blew his nose hard into his handkerchief. He knew that if a tickle was lingering in his nose and wouldn't come out, if he blew his nose, it would sometimes help the sneeze on its way. Usually, it would relieve it, but he decided to try this anyway. Luckily, it worked as he wanted, and he felt the tickle build up even more. The only problem was that now there was no way of stifling it, so he'd probably wake up Madame Pomfrey in the process. This was going to be wet, violent, and loud. 
"Heh, heh, HEH-CHEHSHISHH! EHKTCHH! HRUSCHH! Hehhh, HEHSHOO!" Snape's body shook from the force of his sneezing, and he took a deep breath, tilting his head back before snapping forward as his eyes closed tighter, and he sneezed strongly once again, "HIEAHSHOO!" He looked up, his nose still tickling, and saw Madame Pomfrey looking down at him. This stopped the impending sneeze in its tracks, and it disappeared immediately. "Sniff! Mordihg, Poppy. Excude be for awakihg you," he said awkwardly, beginning to scrub his nose, which was slowly becoming more damp by the second.
"I was just coming in to check on you before I went back to sleep. I'd heard you sneeze a couple hours ago and a little bit ago, so I wanted to be sure you were alright." Poppy smiled and continued, "Don't worry. I'm not here to give you a PepperUp." Snape relaxed at this, which caused his nose to remember it was irritated.
Snape looked down his large nose and saw it twitch rather visibly as the tickle continued to build and his breath began to hitch as he fought to keep his eyes open, "Heh...h-hah, h-hah..." Snape quickly began to bring his left hand up to try to pinch his nostrils, but he was too late, and he turned to his right, bending far forward to sneeze into his arm, "HAHSHH! Huh-" As his breath caught in his throat, he took the opportunity to bring his hand up the rest of the way and half-stifled the next sneeze, "huhXTchh!"
Poppy shook her head at Snape's behavior and walked back to her room, leaving Snape alone to continue sneezing helplessly, now unable to stifle from the intensity of his sneezing, "HYIEHSHH! HARRRSSSHH!" He tilted his head back as his eyes began to water horribly and his extremely red nose twitched uncontrollably. "HAHHH-HAHHISHOO!" He snapped forward with another powerful sneeze, his chest beginning to hurt terribly from the force. "HEETSHOO! Oh, God...Make id stob...P-p-huh-please." He struggled to keep himself from sneezing again. "Oh-please-nod-agaid," he begged quickly as he buried his face in his hands to sneeze some more, his congestion beginning to show in his sneezing, "Hehh, KETCHH! Eh, eh, EHKTCHH! HRRKTCHH!
At this point, tears began dripping from his runny hooked nose, and he sniffed wetly. He held his breath, attempting to ward off the next sneeze, but he lost the battle, snapping forward once more as the sneeze choked its way out, "HKSHH!
Snape shook his head. He was always under control, and he wasn't going to let some pesky sneezes and a runny nose change that. He was going to teach today, no matter what Madame Pomfrey were to say. And he absolutely wasn't going to take a PepperUp; that was for sure. "Hih, hih-" He scrunched up his nose, clenched his teeth, and closed his eyes tightly, concentrating on stopping the next sneeze. "Guhhuh..." His lips parted slightly, and his nose burnt with the need to sneeze, but he insisted it would go away. He swallowed, second-guessing himself, now thinking that stopping a sneeze was going to be a lot harder than he thought... "Hih, hih...HUH-KIHSHH!
...That was the one thing he got correct, but he was still going to teach...after he got some rest, of course. He grabbed a few tissues and blew his nose. When he was satisfied, he lay back down in the bed and sneezed one last time before dozing off.

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Poor Snape!! And the humiliation he'll suffer, sneezing in front of his students!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I thought I'd already commented on the latest installment. As always, a pleasure to read! His sneezing is out of control! I'm really looking forward to seeing him in all his stubbornness trying to teach when it seems like he can't even get through a sentence without sneezing! I'm interested to see how the students respond. Will they be happy to see their mean professor suffering, or will they show concern? I could see Ron calling him a snotty git instead of the usual greasy git lol and the Slytherins showing fake sympathy in an attempt to kiss up. I love your sneeze spellings btw. That for me is the hardest part-making each one distinct and reflective of the intensity, wetness, and willingness to let it out. You do it very well. Have you started the next part yet? Not to rush you...but I will be making a point to check the updates :-) 

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On September 2, 2016 at 1:11 AM, spirkestielgirl87 said:

Sorry I thought I'd already commented on the latest installment. As always, a pleasure to read! His sneezing is out of control! I'm really looking forward to seeing him in all his stubbornness trying to teach when it seems like he can't even get through a sentence without sneezing! I'm interested to see how the students respond. Will they be happy to see their mean professor suffering, or will they show concern? I could see Ron calling him a snotty git instead of the usual greasy git lol and the Slytherins showing fake sympathy in an attempt to kiss up. I love your sneeze spellings btw. That for me is the hardest part-making each one distinct and reflective of the intensity, wetness, and willingness to let it out. You do it very well. Have you started the next part yet? Not to rush you...but I will be making a point to check the updates :-) 

Sorry I haven't replied! My friend was over for about a week and I'm working on looking around to get a cello. Yes, I have started the next part, and I think it's going to be done soon! I'm starting school again and probably going to look at some cellos tomorrow, so I won't have as much time, but I will work on it a bit (it's fun to work on!). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Daughter_of_Apollo @sneezyholmes @spirkestielgirl87@frenchposie Okay. I have finally finished part five. It's a lot longer than I expected, but that's good, right? I hope you enjoy it.

Part Five
Snape sat in the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey insisting that he doesn't teach. He pointed a long finger at her in a confronting manner and began, "Poppy, I'm going to teach no matter what you...what you..." Snape's eyelids began to flutter, and he felt his brow furrow as his nose twitched. Quickly, he turned his head to his left and grabbed the pillow from the bed. As the violent sneezes took control of his body, he pitched forward and covered his face with the pillow, "AHSHMP! Hah, HAHMPH!" he lifted his head, took a deep breath, and continued to sneeze so violently that now even the pillow couldn't muffle the noise, "HAH, HARRSSHOO! HEISHH! Ah, KTCHH!" He sniffed liquidly and wiped his nose with the back of his left hand before attempting to continue his sentence, congestion beginning to appear in his voice, "Doh madder whad you...hah...Need to...sdeeze...EHH-HXTCHOO! HEHGXT! HSHHXT!" He pinched his nose tightly to stifle the sneezes, and his eyes began to water. Luckily, the tickle was gone now, so he was able to finish his sentence as he rubbed his runny nose, "Doh madder whad you say." Realizing Madame Pomfrey shaking her head at his actions, he continued, "I'mb find. Sniff!"
Madame Pomfrey held out a box of tissues to Snape. Snape scratched his nose before crossing his arms at his chest and raising a single eyebrow at her, trying to look intimidating. She ignored him and placed the box on the table next to the bed. "Severus, I know you really enjoy teaching, but you need to rest."
Snape took one of the tissues and blew his nose hard to clear it of congestion before responding, "You've babied me enough against my will, and I will not tolerate it anymore. I shouldn't have in the first place. Plus, I feel much better." He sat up before standing and glaring down at the nurse, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my classroom before Mr. Longbottom or Mr. Finnegan blow something up." With that, he swept across the room and out the door, his black cloak billowing behind him.
When Snape reached the dungeons, the change in temperature began to bother his already-irritated hooked nose. He crinkled his nose and hurried to his office as the tickle built rapidly. When he arrived, he ducked through the door and closed it behind him as the tickle reached its peak, "HTSHH! Hahh, HIHSHH! HEISHH!" His eyes closed tightly as he sneezed into his hands. He then rummaged through his desk until he found his handkerchief, and he blew his nose hard into it. Finally, he walked out of his office and headed to his classroom to teach the second-years.
Snape watched as he saw Hagrid leading the second year Gryffindors and Slytherins to his classroom. He scowled as he noticed Potter and Weasley, but on the inside, he was slightly joyed that the know-it-all Granger wasn't there to see him ill. He was sure she wouldn't shut up about it.
As the last of the Slytherins, including Draco, filed in, Snape felt his nose begin to run. He wiped it gently with a single finger and gave a tiny, barely audible sniff. To his disappointment, those two small actions were enough to attract Draco's attention. "Sir, are you alright?" He asked, seemingly concerned for his potions professor.
Snape's black eyes looked straight into the young Slytherin's gray eyes. Snape smirked and replied, "Quite, Mr. Malfoy. I do appreciate your concern. However, I highly suggest you hurry into my classroom before you get in trouble from another teacher. Don't want to ruin the Slytherin reputation, you see."
"Yes, sir," Draco replied respectfully, and he walked into the room with once last glance at Snape, the rest of the Slytherins following closely behind.
Now, Snape entered his classroom after the Slytherins and walked to his desk. He glared at his students before speaking, "Today, you will not be brewing a potion. You will instead be writing an essay on the uses of Flobberworm Mucus in potions. I expect this essay to be done by the end of class. Anyone who does not finish...Let's just say, they won't like the consequences." When everyone continued to stare, Snape raised and eyebrow  and said, "Well, do you really expect I'm going to have you sit here and wait for the grass to grow? Begin." 
As Snape walked around the room and reached Harry's desk, he began to feel the start of a tickle at the top of the bridge of his nose. As it crawled down the tip, his breath hitched once, and he stopped in his tracks. He felt everyone's eyes on him and fought not to blush as his breath continued to hitch, "Guh-huh..." He swallowed hard, and as he held his breath and forced his eyes open, he stated while fighting the sneeze, "Get back to...back to w..." The sneeze was clearly refusing to stay any longer. Snape pulled out his handkerchief as quickly as possible and held it to his twitching nose, bending far forward and trying his best, but unsuccessfully, to stifle the sneezes, "EHshht! Heh, IHshh! KTchoo!" As the tickle continued to build, he attempted to speak, "E-excude be. Huh, HEIshh! EIshh!" At this point, it was extremely difficult for him to not show his embarrassment as the whole class-even (to Snape's surprise) including Potter and Weasley-blessed him. Snape sniffed and wiped his nose with his handkerchief, thanking the Slytherins before glancing at the Gryffindors with pure hatred. He stuffed his handkerchief back into his robes and continued around the room. When he reached his desk, he ducked behind it and blew his nose. "HRUSCHH! EHSHOO!" He sneezed suddenly just as he stood back up and was removing his handkerchief from his nose.
"Bless you, sir," said Draco, who looked up from his essay at the sound. Snape nodded his thanks as he felt his ears turn red with embarrassment. Luckily, they were hidden beneath his black hair, so no one saw. This time, he was able to put the handkerchief back into his robes and relax. The only problem was that he was already struggling with the need to sneeze once more. As he went to grade homework from the week before, he dropped his quill on purpose for an excuse to duck under his desk. When he was out of view, he pinched his nose and clenched his teeth, stifling a sneeze with a barely audible "Hihnxt!" that no one seemed to hear. Thanking Merlin as he rose with his quill, Snape continued to grade homework. 
Suddenly, Snape heard the sound of an explosion. He looked up to see Seamus Finnegan rising from his desk with ash all over his face, his cauldron seeming to have vanished. "Mr. Finnegan, I believe I said at the beginning of class that you would not be making a potion today. Fifty points from Gryffindor for not following directions and for your...idiocy. Hopefully, that will teach you to cooperate in class."
"Fifty?" Potter spoke up.
"Mr. Potter, five more points from Gryffindor for speaking in class without raising your hand." Potter rolled his eyes. "Detention, Mr. Potter. Six o'clock, tonight, my office. I will not tolerate attitude from anyone." That shut him up.
It had been ten minutes since Potter's outburst when Snape realized his cold had been acting a lot nicer to him at the beginning of class and had stopped its ways now. He felt an overwhelming tickle in his nose that wouldn't go away, no matter what he'd do. 
Snape took out his handkerchief and prepared himself to sneeze, hoping (but knowing he wouldn't be able) to stifle. His breath hitched, and he pitched forward, bringing the handkerchief to his nose as he began sneezing loudly and embarrassingly in front of his students, "HEITCHH! KARSHH! AHSHH! Hah-HAISHOO!" His nose continued to burn with the need to sneeze as he heard some Slytherins bless him and heard Weasley mutter something under his breath. Suddenly, the urge went away, and Snape turned to look at the Gryffindor. "What was that, Mr. Weasley?" He asked in a daring tone.
"Nothing," the ginger replied.
"He called you a sneezy git!" Potter chirped.
"Harry!" Longbottom squeaked out while chewing his nails in fear.
"Twenty points from Gryffindor, Mr. Weasley," Snape snapped. He then turned to Potter, "And ten more points from Gryffindor for being so confident to say that to my face, Mr. Potter." At this, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle began to roar with laughter at the two Gryffindors. "Silence!" Snape spat, and the Slytherins stopped in surprise. Snape had never snapped at them like that. 
"I expect all of you to cooperate for the rest of class," Snape continued. "If anyone...attempts to get even one word out without my permission again, they will find themselves in my office for detention for the rest of the week. Do I make myself clear?" He scanned the class. After seeing everyone nod in understanding, he rubbed his nose and sniffed as he felt another sneeze approach. Luckily, it subsided. "Wonderful. Now, you...you may..." He felt his nose twitch as the sneeze quickly returned at the back of his sinuses. As his breath hitched and his brow furrowed, Snape turned around and began sneezing once more, too suddenly that he was unable to cover it, "Hih, HEICHH! Huhh...HWUHCHH! EHSHH!" He sniffed and wiped his nose before turning back around, "Excuse me. Just a little bit of allergies. As I was saying, you may..." He turned once more, this time pinching his nose at the tip to stifle, "HIHCHXT! Hah, IHSHXT! Gah, hah...HAHNXGT!"
Snape lowered his hand and shook his head, frustrated that he wasn't in control, especially in front of his students. As he turned back around, cursing himself in his thoughts for his stupidity, he was unaware that the urge to sneeze was still lingering in his nose, a tickle much more intense than the previous. Suddenly, his eyes widened as he came to realize his competitor, but he was too late.
"Hahhh, EHIHSHOO! Heh...HAISHOO! HARRSHOO! Ih, IHSHOO!" Snape sneezed freely, aiming the spray at the floor. As his nose was still irritated, he felt as if all the sneezes he had tried to suppress for the past couple days had just now decided to come together in one violent fit to try to embarrass him in front of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. However, he would not show this emotion. He held his breath, in an attempt to cancel the impending sneeze. His nose twitching furiously, Snape brought his right hand to his face as he realized he was going to fail no matter what, "Hehhh, HEHSHIHSHH! Eh-CHIHSHOO! CHUHSHH!" He sneezed wetly, his eyes closed tight and his hooked nose pressed hard against the back of his hand. He winced in disgust when he saw his hand was now damp from the sneezes. He took out his handkerchief and folded it before blowing his nose hard. 
By this point, he could barely even care anymore that his students were watching his every movement in befuddlement. He only cared that he was going to immediately brew himself some tea after this class was over to hopefully ease his symptoms. For now, he glared at his students, who looked back down at their essays, before tending to his runny nose, which was now so red that he could've been a humanoid Rudolph dressed up as a Snape. Snape looked up from his handkerchief. "Get back to work," he demanded.
By the time he was supposed to tell the students their homework, Snape had sneezed at least thirty more times, and his students had just gotten used to their professor having sneezing fits every minute or two. "You do not have any homework today, but-," Snape felt another tickle in his sinuses and quickly turned to his right, bringing the crook of his elbow up to his nose just in time as the first sneeze struck, followed by several more, "AEIsht! IH-NGXT! KTCHXT! Hah-Tchoo! HRUSCHH! HRSHH! Excuse be. Sniff! I still expecd you do-" he shook his head, took out his handkerchief, and blew his nose before restarting his sentence, "I still expect you to practice for next class. Recently, you have...huhhh-Hhhrrrssschhhhh!" The wet sneeze snuck up on Snape and caused him to pitch forward so much that his nose hit the desk, thus causing more sneezes to follow closely behind, each one progressively more violent than the last, "HHHRRRssshhhhhh! Ah-AEISHHSHOO! EHHSHAHSHOO! HARRRSHHOOO!" The final sneeze left Snape's throat terribly scratchy. His eyes swimming with tears, he raised his head once more and continued his sentence, not even attempting to "Recedly, you have mosdly beend strugglig ind by class. I highly suggesd...hih-KTchhh! KITchoo!" He sneezed into his handkerchief. Once he'd recovered, he wiped his nose and continued, "I highly suggesd you pracdice hard for nexd lesson." He turned to Longbottom and spoke. Even with congestion and a red nose, Snape could be very intimidating, "Espedcially you. C-c-heh, KTchxt! KERshxt! C-class dismissed. And hurry. Sniff!" He blew his nose loudly. "I need to take you to Herbology."
Snape watched as the Gryffindors half-ran to the door and the Slytherins followed slowly behind. Malfoy was clearly stalling and taking much extra time so he could be the last one out. He even told Crabbe and Goyle he'd talk to them later in Herbology.
As Snape got up to get to the front of the line and lead the students, Malfoy was suddenly done with his packing and ran up to his professor. "Sir, I was just wondering. You seem ill. Are you sure you're alright?" He asked.
Snape looked down at the second-year Slytherin, "I am perfectly fine, Mr. Malfoy. It's just my allergies acting up. That's all."
"What are you allergic to, sir?" Malfoy seemed very curious at this.
"Oh, just...uh..." Snape hadn't thought this over. He quickly racked his brain for something to say, but Malfoy, realizing the sudden lack of response, was too quick.
"Sir?" He asked, his face showing concern.
Wishing for a sneeze now to have an excuse for his silence, Snape came up with the idea of the regular: dust. "Dust. Just dust."
"But sir, it doesn't seem dusty at all," The Malfoy was clearly getting more befuddled each second.
"Well, we must go."
As Snape led his students to the greenhouses, a sneeze began to build in his nose once more, gaining intensity with each step. He held his breath until they reached the greenhouses safely. By this point, the sneeze that he had wanted to come earlier to give him an excuse for being silent had decided to appear at the time he wanted it least. The newly cut grass had immediately irritated his nose when he'd walked out, but now it was even worse. Madame Pomfrey was standing just inches away, talking to Professor Sprout about mandrake draughts to cure petrified children, when Snape's sneezes burst out of him without warning, making him hunch forward and sneeze freely onto the grass, luckily not spraying any of the children on the way down, "Hrrrrsssschhhh! Errrshh! Heh, eh, EH-CHEHshoo! CHIHSHH!"
"Bless you, Severus," Pomfrey spoke up, looking straight at the sneezing professor with concern in her eyes.
"Th-Thank you, Poppy. I-It's just the-huh, huh-huhXTchh! EHshxt!" Snape quickly pinched his nose to stifle the two sneezes before continuing, "Excuse me. It's just the grass b-bothering my n-nose. Hehhh-GUHSHXT! NGXTshh! Oh...no..." He shook his head in annoyance. "I'd better get inside." 
"Get well soon, Severus," he heard Professor Sprout say. Ignoring her, he turned and headed off toward the oak gates, stopping only to stifle a single sneeze with his fingers pinching his nostrils before continuing onward to the dungeons to brew his tea.

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
Phone died and cut off the rest of the story from the post
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Ahh, I will never grow tired of Snape sneezes~ <33 Very nice story from start to finish!

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Aw it was exactly how I imagined it would be. I love how flustered he got especially at the end when he was trying to warn them to practice but couldn't get his sentence out. And I literally LOL'd at the awkward silence when Draco asked what he was allergic to haha. Great story :-D

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16 hours ago, sneezyholmes said:

Ahh, I will never grow tired of Snape sneezes~ <33 Very nice story from start to finish!

Thanks! So glad you like it so far!

16 hours ago, Artygirl22 said:

Oh snape......poor thing.

Yeah, especially when he's sneezing in front of his students.

9 hours ago, spirkestielgirl87 said:

Aw it was exactly how I imagined it would be. I love how flustered he got especially at the end when he was trying to warn them to practice but couldn't get his sentence out. And I literally LOL'd at the awkward silence when Draco asked what he was allergic to haha. Great story :-D

Haha! I knew someone was going to mention that part with Draco like that! I especially liked writing that part as well, to be honest. ^_^ Glad you're liking it and that it was how you imagined it. That's cool too!

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