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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Induce (Supernatural)


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“Oh God, Sammy. It has been three frikin’ hours that this sneeze has been buggin’ the hell outta my nose. I can’t take another damn second! Sammy, I what do I do, I’m gonna go crazy! I’ll try anything at the point.” Dean’s mouth was open, and he was violently scrubbing at his nose.

Sam thought for a minute, and then came up with an idea, a weird one, but Dean said he would try anything. “I may have an idea?” Sam said slowly, watching his miserable brother. “Well, tell me!” Dean said frustrated. “I’ll be right back.” Sam walked off to the bathroom. He grabbed a q-tip, and walked back in the other room. “I’ve seen somebody induce a sneeze with one of these. You can try it if you want.” Sam told him, hoping Dean wouldn’t punch him.

“Give it here.” Dean said. Dean carefully inserted it into his nose. After a few seconds, he looked up expectantly at Sam. “Move it around some,” Sam told him. Dean obeyed, moving it around in small circles. “Hih reh huh - ugh it won’t work” Dean said. “Give it here.” Sam instructed. Dean looked at him like he was kidding, but then handed it to Sam.

He kneeled down in front of Dean for a better angle. Sam inserted the q-tip into Dean’s right nostril. He moved it around in circles, up and down, and tried to tickle every part of his nose. Suddenly, Dean jerked back from Sam. “huhreshuuh, shuxuuh, oh g- hurreshuuckxu” Dean sneezed openly to the side.

“Do it again, Sam” Dean said, his eyes closed tightly. The tickle was stronger than he’d ever felt. Sam inserted the q-tip into the other nostril and began to move it slowly. “Huh - faster dammit” Dean said writhing in seat. Sam did as he said “Move to the sid- reshuuh, hurrusshheh,  it’s so goo- hyehreshuuh-chuh, hareushuh” Dean had his hands on his knees panting.

“We will never speak of this.” Dean said. Sam just smiled innocently.

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