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Purple Rain (SPN, Dean)


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I really like when we get to the caregiving parts of h/c fic, and you do it really well.  I just want to wrap him up in blankets. 

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Dean had sweated through 4 t-shirts, 2 pairs of sweat pants, they’d changed the sheets twice, used 3 towels, 6 wash cloths, and a whole bag of ice before morning. Sam didn't exactly remember the fairy realm, it was like he was in limbo, and then he was back, and all of a sudden Dean was much worse. He’d started to worry when he’d seen the news, and realized what Dean was really battling with. His temperature got high enough that he considered calling an ambulance but that’d just get them into trouble, and Dean couldn’t run like this.

Sam was sitting next to the bed in Katie’s guest room, bouncing his leg up and down with furious speed. Dean was finally still. Sam could hear his lungs rattling as he breathed through his mouth, too congested to breathe through his nose. Katie was putting on another load of towels.

“Creepy, dude,” Dean’s raspy voice cut through, low and gravelly, thick with mucus.

Sam started in his seat, Dean’s eyes were still closed.

“You godda wadch be all dight?”

Sam sat forward, “It’s morning.”

Dean groaned, “Of course it is…”

Dean’s hand went to his face to rub over his eyes before he finally opened them.

“Why do I feel like I’ve been swimbing?”

“You were really out of it, man. Had to bring your fever down.”

“Ab I covered in water or swead?”

Sam wrinkled his nose, “Mostly sweat.”

“Delightful,” Dean muttered sarcastically.

“Influenza K?” Sam quirked an eyebrow.

Huh’TTSSHHeh!” Dean whipped forward, sneezing into his elbow. It was forceful, wet, and sounded like it hurt his throat. “Guh,” Dean moaned.

“Here,” Sam handed Dean a bunch of tissues, coming to sit on the edge of his bed.

Dean tried to blow his nose but launched into a coughing fit, wet hacks, shaking his weak, dehydrated body.

Sam patted him on the back, cringed at the damp warmth of it.

Eventually Dean flopped back in the bed.

“This sugks, Sabby.”

“I know,” Sam furrowed his brow, wrinkled his nose, “You should probably take a shower.”

Dean rolled his eyes back, “Probably a good thig I cand’t sbell andythig, huh?”

Sam gave a tight smile.

Flat out on the bed Dean looked like a turtle stuck on it’s back. He coughed again, the mucus choking him. He struggled to sit up urgently. Sam helped him, leant him forward and held him there as he coughed and coughed.




Dean finally emerged from the bathroom trembling like a newborn calf.

“Feel better?” Sam smirked.

Dean leant against the wall. Sam had an arm thrown over his shoulder and was ready to take the weight by the time his brother’s knees buckled.

“You’re a mess.”

Dean coughed, went weak in Sam’s arms.

“Alright, back to bed, sicky.”




The next time Dean woke up, Katie was sitting in the chair and it was dark outside.

“Hey,” she sat forward, seeing he was awake.

“Hey,” he croaked, clutched at his throat when pain burned anew.

“Here,” she grabbed a glass of water off the nightstand and supported the back of his head to take a sip.

“Where’s Sam?” he tried, swallowing a cough.

“He fell asleep on the couch.”

Dean nodded, flopping back against the pillow.

“Katie…” he whispered, eyes opening wide once he’d remembered what had taken place with the fairies, what she’d sacrificed to bring Sam back, “Why did you,” he swallowed painfully, “Why Sam?”

She shook her head, “My sister’s gone,” she shrugged, “I grieved her years ago… You and Sam… you’re important.”

“What do you mean?” he sniffed, feeling his nose run.

She handed him a tissue, “No one knows about what you guys do… the evil that’s out there. I just think, you know, you’ve got a job to do.”

Dean flashed back to Roy LeGrange.

An important purpose. A job to do… and it isn’t finished.

It felt like a lifetime ago.

“Well, thanks,” Dean’s throat clenched and he started coughing.

“You should sleep.”

Katie fed him cough syrup and Tylenol and he went to sleep.



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Awesome as always...and again I thank you. Nothing like ridiculously sick Dean to get you out of a funk! (that's just wrong lol)

Love ya lots. Great stuff

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It was another two days before Dean could get out of bed for longer than half an hour. The flu was bad, and one of the worst things was the muscle cramps. Even when he could get up to have a shower, his legs would ache so much he’d have to sit again, popping pills like they were going out of fashion.

They were still at Katie’s place because Dean hadn’t been strong enough to survive another car trip to the motel, and also, it was a motel. And Dean was really appreciating the fact Katie’s had air-conditioning.

He rolled onto his side in the bed, feeling damp, sticky, and overly warm. He was wearing sweatpants and nothing else, the sheets kicked off hours ago, cold air blowing from the unit above him, across his tender, prickly skin. He coughed, feeling his chest heave, ribs and muscles tight and sore, like he’d been punched repeatedly. He choked on mucus, his nose so plugged up. His face hot with pressure. He gasped, snuffled thickly.


“Hey,” Sam opened the door, hovered over him, “You okay?”


“Bless you.”

“I cand’t tagke this, Sab,” Dean curled, coughing more.

“It’s a nasty virus, dude, I’ll give you that. I’ve never seen you this sick before.”

“Big brother’s cand’t ged sigck.”

“Well,” Sam sat on the edge of his bed, “I hate to break it to you but…” he shrugged.

“We gotta ged out of here,” Dean sniffed, but made no move to get up.

“Just sit tight. Wait till you can make the trip back to the bunker.”

Dean sniffed again, indignantly, and rubbed a hand across his chest.

“Sore?” Sam wrinkled his brow.

“Don’t evend thingk about touchig be with that tigerbalm,” Dean pointed to the tub on the nightstand, “You are ndeither pretty enough, or a girl enough to do thad.”

“I wasn’t gonna,” Sam laughed, shaking his head, “She was.”

Dean looked over his shoulder and Katie was leaning on the doorframe.

“You rang?” she smirked.

“Oh, God, yes.”




Dean sat hunched at the table, tissue fitted around his nose. He blew forcefully, finishing up with two exhausting sneezes.
Sam appeared at his side, “Are you sure you’re road ready?”

He cleared his throat and swallowed in order to speak, “Yeah, ban. Let’s go homb.”




Sam bent to hug Katie. The sun was hot, bouncing off the roof of the impala. Dean leaned heavily against his baby.

“Thanks for everything,” Sam said, patting Katie on the arm as he straightened.

“It’s no trouble at all.”

“Will you be okay? You might have to leave town, now that the fairies are gone.”

She looked around, tilted her chin a little skyward, “Nah… I think I’ll stay.”

Sam nodded, smiled like he understood, before turned to get in the car.

He nodded towards Dean and slid into the passenger seat, giving his brother a bit of privacy. 

“So,” Katie said, slowly shuffling towards him.

“Guess this is goodbye,” Dean shrugged.

“I guess so,” she stepped closer again.

“You kndow, I –“

She held a hand up, “It’s okay. Really.”

He nodded, pursed his lips.

“You can stay,” she said, a bit of want in her voice.

Dean looked in her eyes, “Under…” he cleared his throat, “differendt circumbstances…”

Dean trailed off, raised an eyebrow at her.

“You mean if you weren’t dying of the plague, we would have…?” She said, as if she were daring him.

“Damnb straight,” he winked.

Katie laughed, then softened her expression and leaned forward, getting up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. Dean bent to meet her lips against his cheek.

“Look after yourself, Dean.”

“You too, Katie,” he said, clearing his throat again. “I’ll see you around.”

“With any luck,” she smiled, stepping away as Dean opened the passenger door.

Dean looked in the side mirror and saw Katie watch them go, standing out on her driveway.

“You wanna lie down in the back?” Sam’s voice broke through the silence.

Dean coughed, “Mbaybe later.”

He flicked the radio on and let Zeppelin fill the car, then he crossed his arms tight and slid down to rest his head on the back of the seat.

“Are you going to sleep?” Sam asked.

Dean didn't move, “If you’d keep it down over there,” he smirked.

He heard Sam laugh, “Jerk.”

Dean cleared his throat loudly, “Bitch.”




The End.


One more down. Thanks guys :) 

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Awww, I'm so happy and so sad at the same time.. :sad:

This rocked, my dear.. too short, but then again.. it could go on for years and it would be too short in my eyes lol.. 

Much love and thanks for sharing this with us.. 

Hopefully you have more in the works! (no pressure)

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