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Purple Rain (SPN, Dean)


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I am sometimes a little late to get here but I guarantee I always love it.   Here I'm excited about the rescue but even more excited about Dean's inevitable crash, muhaha.  Sorry, Dean.

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  • MissBayliss


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  • Pyrus_Fangmon


Amazing! Love this, as always. But, my poor baby! :-(

((Sorry, life has been getting in the way. ? Just got caught up now. ))

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I just caught up with this and IT'S SO GOOD I am addicted

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I am really enjoying this! You do a great job of keeping them in character, which is something I always appreciate. It makes it feel like it could be a real episode. I can't wait to see Dean in full big brother mode as he rescues Sam. I love when a character is sick and feeling awful, but sucks it up to help out someone in more dire need. Definitely something Dean would do especially for Sammy. Please continue!

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On 22 July 2016 at 8:45 PM, Pyrus_Fangmon said:


The hunt begins with big brother to the rescue!!! Looooving thiiiisssss!!!

Thank you so much, chicken :hug: 

On 23 July 2016 at 0:28 PM, telltale said:

I am sometimes a little late to get here but I guarantee I always love it.   Here I'm excited about the rescue but even more excited about Dean's inevitable crash, muhaha.  Sorry, Dean.

Hehe, I feel you! Thank you for your support as always :love: 

On 23 July 2016 at 2:52 PM, Wow Really? said:

Amazing! Love this, as always. But, my poor baby! :-(

((Sorry, life has been getting in the way. ? Just got caught up now. ))

No worries at all! As long as you find it a nice escape. Always here for you :hug: 

On 23 July 2016 at 2:03 AM, Sitruuna said:

I just caught up with this and IT'S SO GOOD I am addicted

Thanks so much! :smile: 

On 23 July 2016 at 5:02 AM, BlueKeeper said:

Finally caught up and glad I did!

Woohoo! Thank you, glad you like it :P 

On 24 July 2016 at 5:44 AM, spirkestielgirl87 said:

I am really enjoying this! You do a great job of keeping them in character, which is something I always appreciate. It makes it feel like it could be a real episode. I can't wait to see Dean in full big brother mode as he rescues Sam. I love when a character is sick and feeling awful, but sucks it up to help out someone in more dire need. Definitely something Dean would do especially for Sammy. Please continue!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I love it too when they're forced to push through it. It's what drew me to the prompt in the first place. I hope you enjoy the rest :) 

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1 hour ago, MissBayliss said:

No worries at all! As long as you find it a nice escape. Always here for you :hug: 

Same sweetheart, thank you :kisscheek:

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 “Fairies?” Katie’s eyebrows were so high she had three distinct wrinkles on the forehead, “Fairies?

Dean nodded, face pressed into a bunch of tissue, sitting on this girls couch trying not to shiver.

“I’m taking you to a hospital. You’re delirious,” she went to stand up, but Dean grabbed her arm and she stopped.

“By brother is bissing… taken. Just like they took your sister. I’b askig you to trust be.”

“You know you sound insane, right?”

“I ged thad a lot… huh’TTSCHew!

“Bless you,” she pressed her fingers into her eyes.

Dean sniffed, “Sab found out it was a fairy, or a sprite or sobethig. It seebs to be takig sacrifices every seven years. What for, we neber found out…”

“Sacrifices?” Katie perked up, began rifling through her pages in front of her.

“Yeah,” Dean coughed, “Thad bean sobethig to you?”

“There’s this…urban legend,” she shrugged, “Um, back in the 40s the town was going through this major depression. There were no jobs, the crops were dying, the lakes drying up… and then all of a sudden these rains came. Here,” she said, grabbing an article from the pile, “witnesses described the rain as ‘purple, and carried light inside each raindrop’.”

“Purple rain?” Dean arched an eyebrow.

Katie shrugged and continued, “After the rain, everything started growing. Lakes and rivers filled up. The town was saved… and then seven years later, the first people went missing. The urban legend was that the Mayor at the time, who was a frankly shady character, had made a deal with the devil, and the people that went missing, were taken as sacrifices to keep the town alive.”

“Well, they’re ndot wrong,” Dean cleared his throat, “’Sept it’s ndot the damn devil… He’s buch worse.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

Dean looked at Katie, then away and shrugged.

“So you’re saying he made a deal with a fairy? And you think Sam is still alive?”

“Tibe’s differedt in the fairy realm… They’re still collectig. They only have 2… baybe they deed theb all before they…” Dean sighed, brought his shaking hand to massage his temple, his head pounding.

“So, how do we get them back?”

“Well, luckily, I’be got the gift.”

Katie frowned.

“I can see fairies. Ndorbal people cand’t.”

Katie looked away, “Dean, I’m not sure you can even stand right now.”

“I’b fide,” Dean pushed to his feet, gripped the back of the couch for support, “By brother is out there. I’b godda do everythig ind by power to brig himb back.”

“Okay… well, I’m coming with you.”



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This was definitely nice to wake up to : D

Like others have said you are doing a great job on making this feel like something that could be an actual episode.

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14 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

“Purple rain?” Dean arched an eyebrow.

Roll Credits!

Gaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!! FAIRIES. It had to be fairies, of ALL things. :rofl: I'm rolling in my own giddy feelings on this whole story!!! :D

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Fight the Fairies Dean!!!

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“My dad wasn’t an easy man to get along with,” Thomas Vickery said, setting a cup of tea in front of Dean, another in front of Katie, “Even before he became Mayor.”

“How so?” Dean asked, the teacup rattling against the saucer as it shook in his hands.

“He was always just… distant. But he cared a lot about the town, and the people in it. Something changed though. He started going away for periods of time, and he never explained what he did or what it was for.”

“Do you kdnow where he went?” Dean sniffed.

“I was just a kid,” the old man shrugged, “but one day I followed him. He went down to the river, started on the walking track into the woods… I followed him but… I must have got turned around because I lost him. He came home that night though.”

Dean’s cup and saucer cluttered as he hastily plonked them down on the coffee table, bringing his hands to his face.

Huh’KKCXHUuh! Hi’TTSCHhhu!

He sniffed thickly, left his face buried in his hands, eyes watering.

“Bless you,” Thomas muttered, looking concerned.

“What happened when he came home?” Katie asked.

Dean took one hand away from his face to dig in his pocket for a tissue, sniffling, face flushed.

“Nothing,” Thomas shrugged, “He didn’t say anything. But he seemed shaken…”

Dean wiped his nose and cleared his throat, “Cad you tell us egsactly where your father wendt the tibe you followed hib?”

Thomas nodded, then moved to stand up, “I’ll grab a map.”

Katie’s hand found Dean’s knee as Thomas disappeared into the other room, “Are we going out to the river? You think that’s where Sam is?”

Dean coughed into his fist, “I’b goig to the river. This is as far as you go.”

“Dean!” Katie whispered angrily.

“It’s ndot safe for you. I’b doig this alonde.”




“Ged ind the car. I’b gonda drop you hobe,” Dean’s legs shook as he leant against the hood.

“Dean,” Katie put her hand on his back of his bare wrist. She recoiled quickly, “Oh my god, Dean,” her hand found his forehead, trailed down to his cheek and jaw, “You’re burning up.”

Dean leaned away, resting his hip against the car, “Katie, please… ged ind the car.”

“You need a hospital, like yesterday.”

“I ndeed by brother back!” he raised his voice, bent double coughing.

“Whoa, hey,” Katie wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her hand into his stomach as his legs buckled.

“I’b okay… I’b good,” he sniffed, blinked owlishly and pushed himself away from her.

“Do you want me to drive?”

Dean raised an eyebrow, “By car? Ndo thangks, I got it.”

“Dean,” Katie grabbed his face, forcing him to look at her, “You’re not going after your brother alone. This is my fight too. They took my sister, and because of it I lost my dad too. You can’t do this alone.”

Dean forced her away and twisted to the side, “Huh’KKSCHu! Et’TTSSSHUh!

“You need me.”



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Yay!! Thanks so much for this! Beautifully written as always. I just wanna hug him right now. He'd probably deck me, but.. darn it, he needs a hug! :consoling:

Bring on the next chapter! 

(Whenever you can, that is) ;) 


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Oh my gosh, I love Dean.  Always with the best game-face he can pull off.  And  I :heart: you too, for being awesome.

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Dean sat in the drivers seat coughing into his wrist.

“Why do we need all this cream?”

“Fairies ligke creab,” Dean sniffed, rubbed his face with both hands.

He was so incredibly sick. The pain was so deep his bones hurt. He couldn’t think straight. He couldn’t walk straight. It was a miracle he’d been able to drive to the river at all, and stop off at the shops for cream. But Sam was out there, taken to the fairy realm. Who knew what they were doing to him? Or even if he was still alive. Dean shook his head. Of course Sam was alive.

“Hey,” Katie was staring at him, huge blue eyes.

“Okgay,” Dean sniffed, “I deed you to wait in the car. If I don’t cobe bagk, ged the hell outta dodge.”

“You’re crazy if you think I’m waiting in the car,” she said, before grabbing the cream and jumping out, slamming her door behind her.

“Wow,” Dean mouthed, before dragging himself out to follow her.




Dean and Katie popped the lids off the cream and set them down where the old man had said he’d lost track of his father. It was only a short walking track but it had taken them a lot longer with Dean the way he was.

“So, what now?” Katie asked, straightening, wiping a bit of cream off her hand on her jeans.

“We wait.”

Dean found a fairly hidden spot where they could hole up and watch for any fairy activity. He probably could have used some sort of summoning spell but he hadn’t thought of that until now.


“Huh?” Dean snuffled, rubbed the back of his hand across his eye.

“You were saying something about a spell?”


Great, he was thinking out loud. His fever had to have been getting out of control by now. He shouldn’t have left the meds in the car.

“Dean?” she prompted.

He startled, forgetting she was still there beside him, “Ndothig… I just ndeeda ged Sabby bagk.”

“How’re you doing?” she asked tentatively.

He crumpled forward in a coughing fit, which was great timing.

“Ask be whend this is over.”



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On 8/1/2016 at 5:26 AM, MissBayliss said:

“How’re you doing?” she asked tentatively.

“Ask be whend this is over.”

Just.....just this.....Dean....you lovable idiot.

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I must say, I usually am not a fan.. but, for the first time in any fic I've read, I am thoroughly enjoying Dean's congested dialogue.  Not sure why.. Maybe it's just escalating the illness to another level of misery in my mind.. but I love it :) 

This fic is... magic.  :eat:


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(I don't think I'll ever be happy with this part. So, I'm just posting it anyway. lol)





“Our presence in this town is the only reason it’s still standing,” the fairy said, glinting like the river in the sun, “The people we take, that’s just our payment for tending to it the way we have.”

When the fairy had appeared Dean had legged it out into the clearing, with no thought in his head other than ‘Sam’. He arrived in front of it coughing so hard he almost couldn’t stand up, but he was up long enough to drop the salt, which gave them time to talk. Thankfully he had brought Katie with him, because she was the one doing all the talking.

“Well, the people are more important to us than that,” Katie said, guard up.

The fairy looked up with a smile, “That’s not what Mayor Vickery thought.”

“We don’t care,” she blurted out.

“So, you want them all back?” the fairy asked, still muttering numbers as he separated the grains.

Dean panted, too out of breath to respond.

“They’re alive?” Katie stammered.

The fairy nodded, “They can be.”

“You give us our people back, and leave. The man who made this deal is gone. He’s dead. And we don’t want you here anymore,” Katie said, voice strong even though she was trembling.

Dean’s hand clutched his knee to keep himself upright.

“Brig by brother bagk, or I will kill every last onde of you,” Dean growled.

The fairy cocked his head in almost amusement.

“You can’t ask for something, without having an offer of your own.”

Dean sneered, “Ndobodies bakig any deals.”

“Dean…” Katie whispered.

Dean stood up straight, glared at her, “Ndo.”

“You think I’m here because you laid out some cream? I’m here because I could sense you. The passion… the desperate need to lay your life out for your loved one.”

“What do you want?” Katie asked the fairy.

“We dond’t care!” Dean raised his voice, having it cut out on him.

“Do you want me?” she asked.

The fairy glanced at her, “One soul? For all of those we’ve collected? Not a chance.”

“What then?”

“We can give you one.”

“Whad?” Dean snuffled into his wrist, legs shaking.

“You can pick one, in return we will leave this place.”

“Whad’s the catch?” Dean pressed his sleeve against his nose, fighting off another sneeze attack.

“When we leave we will sap all the energy from this town, all the life from the trees, the crops, the rivers. You get to live… but there won’t be much to live for anymore…”

Dean looked at Katie.

“Okay,” she said.

Dean looked hesitantly at the fairy.

“You can kill me,” it said, “but there are thousands more of us, millions. You can’t fight us all. This is our final offer. You can have one back. Choose.”

“Ndo, you brig themb all bagk… alive and unharmbed.”

“Do you think you scare me?” the fairy looked up at him, then chuckled, “Clock’s ticking.”

Dean and Katie stared at each other.

Tears filled her eyes, “We want Sam.”


“Sam,” she said again, looking at the fairy.

He nodded, and disappeared in a puff of yellow sparkles, leaving a pile of counted grains.

“Why did you do thad?” Dean asked, voice gravelly.

Katie shrugged, as a tear slipped from her eye.

Sam came wandering out of the woods moments later towards them both.

“Dean!” he called.

“Sam!” Dean bent over as his head spun.

“Dean,” Katie was struggling to hold him up once again as Sam broke into a run.





Sam raced across the forest floor. Obviously Dean had still been standing just by sheer will power, getting his brother back the only thing driving him forward. Now he’d got him back and all bets were off. Katie’s legs were buckling beneath her trying to keep Dean standing, but he was just going to bring them both down by the look of it. Sam flew to Dean’s side and helped guide him backwards. If he wanted to pass out they had to get him on the ground.

“Sam?” Dean mumbled, fist gripping his shirt.

“Yeah, Dean. It’s me. I’m alright. Wish I could say the same for you. You look awful, dude.”

“Bitch…” Dean muttered, then closed his eyes and went limp in Sam’s arms.

“Should I call an ambulance?” Katie asked.

Sam noticed her hand wrapped around Dean’s and tried not to raise an eyebrow.

“Hospital’s probably not the best idea,” he thought out loud, his rough palm pressed into Dean’s clammy forehead, “Son of a bitch…”

“He’s really bad,” she tightened her grip on Dean’s hand.

“You live nearby?” Sam asked, rubbing a hand back and forth across Dean’s chest, trying to rouse him.

“Yeah, but we have to get him to the car. It’s about 20 minutes that way,” she pointed.

“That’s okay. Dean’s gonna walk, aren’t ya, brother?” he said, tapping his face. “Come on, dude. Don’t make me carry you.”



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This is great!!!  I'm not sure what you aren't happy with, but... I, speaking for many I'm sure, adore this :)

Hoping there's more... ? I have the feeling this is winding down.. and it makes me sad. 

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8 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

“Come on, dude. Don’t make me carry you.”


Dean!!!!!!!! Sammy!!!!! Have I mentioned I loved this chick? Yes? No? I LOVE HER!

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This was great! I love how Dean holds out until he's sure Sammy's safe then gives into the sickness. I'd love to see a little caretaking from Sam now. I'm really enjoying this!

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Dean lay in the back seat, curling in on himself as he coughed up a lung.

“Geez, Dean, you sound terrible,” Sam cringed.

Dean would have made a comment, but he missed his moment when his breath was stolen from him again.

Katie was in the front seat, turning around to look at him, “Do you want a lozenge?”

Clearly she’d found his bag of goodies in the front. What he really wanted was drugs and that tigerbalm smeared all over his body. He couldn’t name a muscle that didn’t hurt.

He struggled to sit up and gestured for her to hand him the bag.

She passed it over the seat.

Hhh’KKSSHh! Huh’KTSHCuh! Hh..hh’TTSHHT!

He didn’t get to the tissues in time before he was hit with a sneezing fit. He directed the wet sneezes towards the crook of his arm, snuffling in the aftermath.

“Bless you,” Katie muttered.

Dean groaned out loud, throat rumbling with phlegm. He was hot, he was cold, he was sweating and sticky, and drowning in mucus.

“I feel like crap,” he leant back, panting, forgetting what he even wanted the bag for in the first place.

“Have you taken medicine?” Sam asked.

Oh, right. That's what the bag was for.

Dean sluggishly began searching the bag again, popping some pills in his mouth. He thought too late that he probably needed water to swallow them, considering how abused and raw his throat felt. The cooler was in the back, so he bent and got a beer out, fighting the dizziness.

The top was off and the pills went down before Sam even had a chance to glance in the rearview.

“Dean! What the hell?” he exclaimed.

“Whad?” Dean snuffled back more snot.

“Just… don’t drink beer, please. Not when you’re this sick.”

A wave of dizzying nausea washed over him, and his grip on the bottle went slack, dropping it. His head lolled back on the seat and the bottle spilled out over his pants, toppling onto the floor.


Dean felt the impala rattle across gravel as Sam pulled over.

The back door was opened and the bottle collected off the floor.

“You just spilt beer all over your precious baby.”

Dean just groaned.

Hands pushed him to lie down across the back again.

“Man, you’re on fire.”

“Just ndeeda sleep…”



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