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Purple Rain (SPN, Dean)


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Another Tarotgal LiveJournal comment meme thing happening. Not even up on LJ yet because I'm not quite finished! But I wanted to get some of it out there. :) Starting slow, trying to do a scene by scene, very episode-like fiction. Some spoilers for season 11.

Prompt: Dean is just starting to get sick, and decides he can do one more hunt before his symptoms get worse. Then Sam gets hurt or taken by something and Dean kicks into big brother mode and kind of forgets he is sick. Once Sam is better/safe Dean's symptoms hit him tenfold and knock him on his ass.


 Purple Rain


“Dude? Did you go to bed last night?” Sam said, wandering into the kitchen of the bunker, all bed head and bare feet.

“Nope,” Dean groaned, voice like gravel.

Sam picked up the coffee pot and watched a single drip drop into his mug.

“We’re out of coffee,” Dean grumbled, clicking away on the laptop.

Sam sighed, “Dean, you can’t keep pulling all nighters like this. You’re gonna burn out.”

“Yeah, well, it’s hard to sleep lately…”

Sam sat down across from his brother, “Look. We will find Cas.”

Dean closed the laptop and rubbed his forehead with rough fingers.

“I know we will… I just…”

“You’re worried. I get it. But it’s been weeks.”

Dean looked up. His eyes were puffy, the rest of his face pale.

“You’re right. I gotta go kill something. You got anything for me?”

“Maybe,” Sam shrugged, turning the laptop towards himself, opening it up and punching the keys, “Hannibal, Missouri.”

“Hannibal? Seriously?”

Sam huffed, “Yeah, check this out,” he spun the laptop back to his brother, “Girl went missing yesterday.”

Dean shrugged, “So? That doesn’t exactly scream supernatural.”

“That’s what I thought. If it weren’t for the fact 4 people went missing this time 7 years ago… and 7 years before that, all the way back to the 50’s. Every 7 years, like clockwork. Never found the bodies, no trace. It was like they just… vanished.”

“Hm,” Dean’s eyebrows quirked, “Now you’re talking.”

“Yeah,” Sam smiled.

“Well, you can pack up the car. I’m gonna take a shower. We’ll leave in 15,” Dean closed the laptop and pushed himself to his feet.

“Whoa, slow down. Do you wanna maybe get some sleep first?”

Dean frowned, “Why would I wanna sleep?”

“Um, maybe because you haven’t slept in days and I don’t want you wrapping us around a tree.”

Dean rolled his eyes, “I’m fine. Pack your kit.”

Sam sighed and watched his brother stalk out of the room.



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Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and cleared his throat. Sam stopped reading off his laptop and glanced at him.

“Hey, you feeling okay?”

“I’m good,” Dean grunted, wrapping both hands firmly round the wheel.

“Mmhm,” Sam hummed, as if he didn’t believe it.

“I’m fine,” Dean cleared his throat again.

“Look, maybe you’re right. We should be looking into Cas and Amara right now. We should call some other hunters and get them to cover this.”

“What the hell, Sam?” Dean glanced at his brother, “You were the one that wanted to take this case, now you wanna bail?”

“I’m just… I mean, seriously when did you last sleep? I don’t know if you’ve looked in the mirror lately but you look awful, dude.”

Shut up,” Dean moaned, “There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Well, whatever you say, Dean, but if this goes sideways – “

“It’s not gonna go sideways,” Dean smirked, trying to lighten the mood, “We stopped the damn apocalypse. This is a milk run.”



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Ohhh the teeny tiny little nuggets of yummy-ness...I can't tell if I love them, or if it's just plain torture! ;) (Best torture ever.) 

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Warning: brief mentions of suicide.




“Yeah, we have records going back to the first missing person in ’53,” the library assistant said, heaving another dust covered box onto the desk.

Dean coughed.

“Wow, you seem to know a lot about this,” Sam said, raising an eyebrow as the girl pulled all the records out.

“Well, I should… my sister went missing in ’95. Along with three others. My dad was on the police force at the time… It… consumed him.”

Sam furrowed his brow, “Would we be able to speak to your father about his work on the case back then?”

“I’m afraid you can’t. He killed himself 6 years ago.”

Sam shook his head, “I’m so sorry...”

“Just tell me you’re going to find who’s doing this, and I’ll help you in any way I can.”

Her eyes were serious, the pain masked behind anger and the need for revenge. Sam and Dean understood that feeling all too well. She was young though, would have only been a kid when her sister was taken. She couldn’t be more than 25. Pretty too, freckles on her nose and eyes too blue.

Dean pulled his card out of his jacket pocket and handed it to her.

“Please, call us if you remember anything at all,” Dean’s voice was rough.

Sam leaned forward over the articles, “If we need to contact you - ?”

“I’ll be here,” she smiled, “I’m always here. Just ask for Katie.”




Sam and Dean sat going over records in the library for an hour. Dean’s head was pounding. He couldn’t really see the words on the pages anymore, couldn’t force his eyes to focus.

Huh’TTSCHHU!” he sneezed, snuffling quietly, because it was a big library with great acoustics apparently.

“Bless you,” Sam looked up, narrowing his eyes at Dean.

“Would you stop looking at me like that?” Dean snapped, “It was one sneeze.”

“Need a tissue?” Sam raised an eyebrow.

Dean glared and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

“You’re disgusting,” Sam cringed.

Dean coughed lightly then pushed away from the table, “I need some more coffee.”

“Mmhm,” Sam hummed.

Dean ignored him and strolled off in the direction of the bathroom, because he really did need a tissue.





Edited by MissBayliss
added warning
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I think I've mentioned this to you before, but man, you totally Ace their voices and mannerisms. I can totally hear and see them. Brilliant. Intriguing case.

4 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

Dean ignored him and strolled off in the direction of the bathroom, because he really did need a tissue.

And this, LOL.

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Dean coughed towards the sink, hunched over, leaning both hands either side to hold himself up. God, this sucked. Trust him to get sick now. He grabbed as much toilet paper as he could stuff in one hand and blew his nose. Great, he was a complete snot factory already. Sam was going to give him hell for this one.

Heh’TSHU! Eh’KCHXT! HuuhH’SHCHEW! Oh my god…” he blew his nose and threw the toilet paper in the bin, stuffing more in his pocket for later. Glancing in the mirror his nose was red from scrubbing and blowing. Fantastic.

He left the bathroom and almost bumped into Katie on his way back to the table.

“Whoa, sorry, Agent,” the pile of books she was holding teetered in her hands.

“No, my fault. Wasn’t watching where I was going…”

She paused, tilting her head slightly, “Are you okay?”

Dean smiled his best lady-killing grin, “I’m fine, sweetheart.”

She blushed and adjusted the books in her hand, “You should get some rest. My grandma always said ‘never underestimate a cold’.”

“Smart lady,” he smiled, “Excuse me,” he put his hand on her arm and navigated around her.

So, Katie could tell he was sick already. Even more awesome.

“Hey,” Sam said as Dean rejoined the table, “So, I’m thinking we’re dealing with a fairy or sprite or something. I was reading this… Where’s the coffee?”

“Huh?” Dean said, pressing his fingers to his temple.

“You went to get coffee, didn’t you?”

Sam had his worried face on.

“Oh, sorry… got distracted talking to Katie,” Dean waggled his eyebrows.

“Dude, really? Don’t you think that girl’s been through enough?” Sam looked back down at his papers

Dean chewed on his lip.




Sam and Dean stayed until the library was closing, then went back to the motel. By the time they’d left Dean had made 4 sneaky trips to the bathroom to blow his nose, and let out the sneezes he’d been stifling. His throat was wrecked and his head was pounding.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Dean squinted at Sam, "Why do you sound so shocked?"

Sam tilted his head, "Because you're always hungry."

Dean rolled his eyes, sniffed hard and swiped a finger under his nose.

"I guess I'll grab us dinner then?" Sam raised his eyebrows.

"I just said I wasn't hungry."

"Yeah, well I am. We've got research to do. We know next to nothing about this case. I need some food," Sam tapped his belly.

"Fine," Dean sniffed again and pinched his nose, forcing his eyes shut. Eventually he let go and shook his head.


"You're giving me a headache, Sam. Would you go already?" Dean moaned.

“Alright, I’ll grab you something light anyway, and some medicine for your cold.”

Dean glared but didn’t correct him. There was no point. And it always helped them get through a case if they were both on the same page and Sam knew he had to accommodate for his sickly brother.

Dean sneezed into his hands.

“Maybe have a nap or something. I’ll be back soon.”

Dean grumbled as Sam shut the door. He heard the impala start up and lay his head down on the table. The headache he was nursing was getting worse, thumping away inside his brain. Maybe a nap was a good idea, he thought, and promptly fell asleep on the table.



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Pretty damn awesome and absolutely adorable! Looking forward to more. I loved Dean sneaking away to blow his nose. Haha! 

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Dean woke up in a pile of his own drool, face pressed into a spiral notebook.

Urrrgh,” he growled, head in a thick fog, pain all over his body.

Thank God Sam had gone to get medicine.

Dean struggled to lift his head, the curtains were open and it was pitch black outside, the room only lit up by the street light outside.

“What the hell?” he groaned, coughing openly.

He forced his eyes to focus on his watch.

“Holy crap!” he pushed the chair away as he stumbled back onto his feet.

11:48pm. 11:48.

He pushed his hand through his hair. His palm was sweaty. He smelled of sickness.

Sam had left six hours ago. Dean’s hand was shaking as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed his brother.

“This is Sam. Leave a message.”

“Son of a bitch!” Dean bent forward coughing, hands on his knees.

He went to the window and looked outside, “He took the friggen impala.”

Dean pressed his wrist under his nose, “Hih’TSCHK! Dammit.”

He stumbled to the bathroom and grabbed the tissue box off the top of the toilet, taking it with him back to the bedroom. He slumped down on the end of his bed, and blew his nose one handed while he dialed Sam’s number again with the other.

“This is Sam. Leave a message.”

“Where are you, Sam?” he whispered.

Dean turned the TV on and switched it to the news.

Please don’t be dead in a ditch somewhere.

“The new strain of the flu sweeping America is being known as Influenza K, due to the first reported outbreak arising in Kansas...”

Dean snuffled, cleared his throat, “Whad?”

“Influenza K has already claimed the lives of 16 people and the number is said to climb. Pharmaceutical companies have begun working on a vaccination for the particular nasty strain, however completion and distribution of the vaccine is still a long way off. People are urged to take proper precautions in disease control and remain in their homes if they are feeling unwell. Symptoms include, cough, nasal congestion, sneezing, chills, body aches and pains, and a high fever lasting up to a week. Hospitals are admitting patients who are immunocompromised, children, the elderly, and those with extremely high fevers. Otherwise, doctors are urging the public to treat themselves at home, and expect to find themselves in bed for around three weeks…”

Dean palmed his sweaty forehead, “Well, crap.”



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Oh, yes!  I just caught up on it and I love it and the whole concept of it.  Thank-you for your continual awesomeness and for feeding my Dean obsession.  :wub:

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Dean focused. Found Sam’s notes on the table.

“Fairies,” Dean grumbled, “Why did it have to be friggen fairies?”

Okay, chances were wherever Sam was taken, he was alive, but he was getting nowhere like this. It was midnight. He had no car, no leads, and no nerdy brother.

“Hang on, Sam,” he whispered, trying to stop his knees buckling beneath him.

He needed a shower, medicine. He needed to tend to himself a little bit if he was going to be able to do anything at all.

He dragged a hand down his face, trying to open his eyes as wide as he could.

“Influenza K, you son of a bitch…”




Dean found the impala parked in front of a drug store. He’d hot wired a car to get there, dressed in his fed suit in case he ran into any trouble. His shirt was a little crumpled, collar too tight around his throat.

He found the keys close by on the ground, thankfully having his car back, but still no Sam.

Checking the scene he found no tracks, no signs of a struggle. It was just as if one minute Sam was there, and then he was gone. Inside the car was a takeout bag containing some kind of chicken sandwich and salad, Sam’s girly rabbit food, and a container full of tomato soup that he must have picked up at local diner. The food was off. Which was a shame, because soup would have been good on his throat right about now.

Taking advantage of the fact Dean was at a drug store, he went inside to purchase some medicine, something to get him through this.

“Hey, dude, you okay?” the clerk said, watching Dean lean against the shelf by the door, apparently the walk from the car to the store had taken it out of him.

“You got,” he panted, “cold and flu stuff?”

“Aisle three.”

“Thanks,” Dean coughed into his hand, groaned, and made his way to aisle three.

He grabbed some Dayquil, some lozenges, Tigerbalm, and shoved a box of tissues under his arm.

The clerk cleared his throat as Dean swayed in front of him.

“Uh, you look – “

“Just bag it, kid. I don’t have time,” Dean growled.

The kid rolled his eyes, “Whatever.”




Dean sat in the impala and blew his nose again and again. He couldn’t start driving yet because he was sneezing every five seconds.

Huh’KXTCheh!” he panted into the tissues, condensation forming on the window beside him. “Heh’eeehh’SSHHCU!

Dean blew his nose, tiredly, throat in ribbons from the ten thousand razor blades he’d swallowed.

“Dabbit,” he snuffled, scrunching the damp tissues into a ball and throwing them on the floor.

Pull yourself together, Winchester. Sammy needs you.

“Okgay…” he sniffed, “Let’s do this.”



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2 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

“Okgay…” he sniffed, “Let’s do this.”

Awww, that's so very Dean and I am so very ready for this.

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“Agent Perry,” Dean’s clammy hand was shaking as he showed his FBI badge, “I need to see Katie.”

“Oh… okay. I’ll go get her. Do you want to sit down?” The young woman at the library eyed him with concern.

Dean shook his head, gripped the bench when the earth moved under him, “I’b fide. But it’s quite urgent. If you could hurry, please.”

While he waited he pulled a crumpled tissue from his pocket, bringing it to his abused nostrils.


“Bless you, agent. I told you, you should be resting. You know – “

“Yeah, ‘neber underestibate a cold’, I ged it. Look, I deed everythig you ever researched on the disappearances. Your dad’s worgk too, if you have it.”

He coughed into his fist, gripping the bench tighter, knuckles turning white.

“Okay, take it easy. What’s happening?” Katie stepped closer to him, looking like she wanted to put her hand on his but restraining herself.

“Mby br-partner’s bissing. Left at 6pm last dight and I haven’t seed himb since. I deed to kndow whad you kndow.”



“Okay, Dean. Shouldn’t the police – “

“This isn’t sobethig the police cand help us with, Katie.”

“What does that mean?”

Dean rubbed his forehead, felt the sweat collecting there.

“Just ged be everything you have.”

“All my stuff’s at home. I have my father’s records too somewhere, but I have to work…”

“You’re godda takge be there ndow.”

“Uh… okay,” she nodded, “Hold on.”

She darted off into the back room and Dean waited, tried to blink through the greyness that washed over his vision.

“Okay, I’ll drive. Come on,” she came out from behind the desk and started walking. Dean did his best to keep up.

Man, he was screwed.




Give me your feedback, guys! I don't know if y'all like if if you don't say anything! :P 

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The hunt begins with big brother to the rescue!!! Looooving thiiiisssss!!!

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