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You're Overreacting (Hawaii 5-0, Steve)


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Okay, so I think I'll actually finish this one. There aren't many Hawaii 5-0 fics, which makes me sad.  So, I know in the show, Steve is kinda dating Catherine, but I was having trouble writing her character, so I created an OC.  I'm also not sure I'm writing Steve right, so forgive me. 



The Navy SEAL was about ninety nine percent positive he was dying. No, he hadn’t been shot.  He wasn’t even on a case, it was seven in the morning, and he was at home, in bed.  


Dying was the only plausible explanation as to why he felt so awful.  He guessed that catching some God-awful bug was another possible explanation, but that was basically impossible - Steve didn’t get sick.  


He didn’t.  His wife did, often, but he didn’t.  


His body was aching, and every fiber of his being was screaming at him to go back to sleep. Surely sleep would be an escape from the hell his body had decided to put him through.  


“Steve.” Alyssa murmured, not opening her eyes.
“Hmm?” He mumbled, grimacing at the pounding in his head.  He rolled on his stomach and hid his head under the pillow.  

“Your alarm had been going off for the last ten minutes.” She said. He knew that, he was just too tired to make any move to shut it off.  

“Oh.” He mumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow.

“Steve?” She frowned, propping herself up on her elbow.  “Are you okay?” 


Her frown deepened as she stared down at him. He didn’t move, and she put a hand on his back.  

She retracted her hand, and stood down at him in shock. “...Steve.”


“Are you sick? I think you have a fever, I can feel the heat radiating through your shirt.”

“You’re imagining things.  I’m completely fine.” He lied, but making no effort to convince her. 

“Look at me, babe.” She said softly, putting a hand on his shoulder and trying to roll him over - too bad he was a large man, and she was a tiny woman.  In other words, he didn’t even budge.

“I’m fine, leave me alone.” He grumbled moodily. 

She chuckled. “Steve, you’re sick.”

“No I’m not.”

“You sound terrible.” She said, pursing her lips.  He finally rolled on his back to look at her, and she sighed. “And you look terrible.”



“Alyssa, I’m-”

“Don’t. Don’t finish that sentence, just don’t.”

“I’m fine.”




“Alyssa, I’m fine.” He croaked. 

She raised her brows. “Okay.  Get up and walk to the bathroom.”

He scoffed, and then choked back a cough as he threw the blankets off of him.  As soon as he was standing up, he swayed heavily on his feet, and fell back onto the bed with a groan.

 I’m gong to call Danny and tell him you won’t be coming in.”

“Alyssa, I can-”

“-You get shot at.  On a daily basis.  I’m not going to get a call from Danny telling me you were shot because you were too out of it to focus on dodging bullets, okay?” She said, her voice taking on a slightly hysterical tone at the end. 


He was so, so tired, and felt awful.  Maybe taking a day to just sleep would help, and then he could kick this thing.


His eyelids drooped, and he nodded.  “Okay...okay, fine. I think you’re overreacting, but fine.”

She rolled her eyes.  “I’ll be right back.”

Once she was gone, he let out a low groan of pain and rubbed his forehead.  His head was killing him.  


Alyssa pulled her phone out and walked into the kitchen in search of medicine.  



“Hey, Danny!” She chirped, balancing her phone between her ear and shoulder as she grabbed a bottle from the cabinet. 

“Morning.” He chuckled. 

“Hey, so, Steve won’t be in today...and probably not for the next few days.” She sighed, closing the cabinet and getting some water out of the fridge. “He’s sick.”

There was a beat. “Sick? Did hell actually freeze over? Steve’s never sick. I didn’t even know his body knew how to be sick.” 

“I know!” She cried, shutting the fridge, and then laughing lightly.  “But he has a fever and everything...he sounds really hoarse and congested, too.  Poor guy looks exhausted.”

“Damn.” Danny murmured. “Tell him to feel better.”

“Will do, bye, Danny.” She said, hanging up. 


She brought him some DayQuil, and placed the two pills on the night stand, and then got into bed next to him. 



“Mmm?” He mumbled, half asleep. 

“I have some medicine for you.”

“I don’t need medicine.” He mumbled stubbornly, sounding like a petulant child. 

“Humor me, okay?”

“...Yeah, okay.” He said, looking at her sleepily.  She handed him the pills (he swalloerd them dry, because he was a Navy SEAL, and he could), and then put a hand on his forehead. She frowned, and got back up to go retrieve the thermometer. 


Steve sniffled, coughing lightly as he rolled on his side.  She came into the room again, and walked over to his side of the bed.  She stuck it in his ear, and put her free hand on top of his head, stroking his burning forehead with her thumb.


It beeped, and she looked at the numbers, a frown on her face.  


“One oh one.  Geez...I can’t believe you’re actually sick.  When was the last time you actually had a fever?”

“...I dunno, *Snff* it’s been a few y-years....Ehhhtchuh! *Snff*

“Bless you.  How are you feeling? And don’t you dare lie to me, I can see right through you.”

“Um...I’m okay” He sniffled, rubbing at his nose. She reached over and plucked a tissue from the box on his night stand. 

She handed it to him. “Here.” 

“Thanks.” He mumbled, sniffling into it.  He blew his nose, and then looked at her groggily. “I really just feel run down.”

“Didn’t I tell you not to lie?” She scolded.  “You have a one hundred and one degree fever, that can’t feel good.”

He groaned. “I don’t want to complain.  It’s nothing.”

She sighed in frustration. “Steve, just tell me what’s bothering you.”

He went into a coughing fit, and then sneezed an upward of five times before sniffling miserably. 

“I’m exhausted.” He groaned, rubbing his forehead. 

“Does your throat hurt?” He nodded, blinking slowly as he fought to stay awake. “And your head?” 

“Mmhmm.” He mumbled. 

“Get some sleep, the medicine should be kicking in soon.”


He nodded, his eyelids drooping as a wave of exhaustion hit him. 




“Lyss.” He sniffled, rolling on his back a few hours later.  

“You’re up.” She said softly, shifting her position in bed so she could look down at him. “How are you feeling?”

He coughed lightly.  “I’m fine.”

She frowned, and put her hand on his forehead. “Liar. I think it’s time for some medicine.  Is it still just your head and throat that hurt?”

“Mmhmm.” He sniffled, sneezing exhaustedly into the blankets. She stood up and walked out of the room. 


He felt much worse than when he fell asleep.  He just felt like he had no energy to do anything but lie there and feel awful. He hated complaining though, and if he didn’t feel so out of it, he would be pretending he was fine.

Alyssa walked back into the room with some meds. 


“Hey, baby.” He mumbled, looking at her tiredly.

“Yeah?” She asked softly, walking over to him and handing him two pills and some water.

“Please don’t catch this...it kind of sucks.”

She chuckled. “By ‘kind of sucks’ you mean, ‘this is the most terrible thing to have ever happened to me’?”

He sniffled. Yes. That’s exactly what he meant. “Well I wouldn’t put it like that.”

She rolled her eyes. “Alright tough guy.  Take your meds and then it’s time for a temp check.”

He swallowed them (dry again), and then sniffled and scrubbed at his nose.  Alyssa grabbed the thermometer and put it in his ear.  

“Well, your fever’s holding steady.  It’s still at one hundred and one.”

“Yay.” He sighed, going into a coughing fit. 

She grimaced. “Sleep, sickie.  We’ll see how you’re feeling when you wake up.”


She got to work cleaning the apartment.  He never got sick, ever, and she felt useless.  She couldn’t do anything to actually make him better, but she could clean.  


Once their apartment was clean, she walked back upstairs.  He was still fast asleep, snoring slightly, which was an indicator to how congested he was (he never snored).  She located a spare piece of paper and pen, and then scribbled out a note that she was going to the store and would be back soon. 




“Alyssa!” She heard someone cry happily, and she spun on her heel to see her best friend of eight years.

“Ohmigod!” She chirped, dropping everything she was holding on the floor. “I’ve missed you!”

Kelsey grinned happily, and they threw their arms around each other. “I’ve missed you too! I was going to text you later today to see if you wanted to get coffee sometime this week.”

They pulled away from each other, and Alyssa picked up the boxes of medicine and vitamin C she dropped on the floor. 

“No way! I’d love to.”

“Cool! We just need to figure out a day. So how have things been? How’s Steve?”

“He woke up sick.” She sighed. 

“That explains the medicine.” Kelsey said, nodding towards Alyssa’s basket. 

“Yeah.” She sighed.  

“But he’s like, actually sick? He’s never sick.”

“I know! I’m so worried...he had a fever, which never happens.  He still has one, but he’s sleeping right now, so hopefully he can kick this thing soon.”

“Yikes.” Kelsey grimaced. 

“Yeah...anyways, how’s Lance?”

“Oh my gosh.” She grinned.  “Amazing. We got some really good news this morning.”


“I’m pregnant.”

“What?!” She shrieked, her eyes widening. “That’s amazing! Congratulations! Aww, I’m so happy for you!”

“Thanks! Lance is ecstatic.  He had to go to work, but he’s taking me out tonight when he gets home.”

“You guys are going to be such great parents.” Alyssa said, sighing happily.

“Thank you.” Kelsey said quietly.  “When are you and Steve going to have babies? Soon, I hope, so our kids can be friends.”

“We’ve only been married a year, we haven’t really talked about when we want kids.  I’d be happy starting now, but I don’t know where Steve stands on all that.”

“Really? You guys haven’t talked about it yet?”

“We have.  We both definitely want them, but I don’t know when.”

“You guys should discuss it.  And by ‘discuss’, I mean ‘have sex and get knocked up.’”

She rolled her eyes. “He has a one hundred and one degree fever.  Poor guy looks like he has no energy to do anything but lie there-”

“-Then you do all the work.”


She burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, I had to.”

“Yeah, I don’t think he’s up for sex right now.” She laughed. “I should get going though, I want to get back before he wakes up.  Congrats again on the baby, text me later.”

“Will do!” Kelsey grinned. 


Steve woke up a few hours later, his head feeling like cotton, and his chest heavy with congestion.  


He sniffled, rubbing at his nose. 


“Alyssa?” He called out, or tried to.  His voice was basically shot, and all that came out was a weak, hoarse croak.


The front door opened, and he cleared his throat, coughing.  


“Steve?” She said, setting the bags down on the kitchen table. She grabbed the medicine, and walked back upstairs.

“Lyss?” He mumbled when she came in their room. 

“Hey.  Have you been up for long?”

“Only a few minutes.”

“How are you feeling?”

He shrugged listlessly. “Eh.”

“I got you some stuff that’ll hopefully knock this bug out.”

He sniffled. “Ehhhtchuh...tchuh! *Snff* Sounds good.”


Her phone buzzed with a text. 


“Danny texted me.” She said, unlocking the phone. 

“What did he say?”

“‘How’s our boy?’ Aww that’s so cute!” She grinned, looking at her sick husband.

“Shut up.” Steve grumbled.  “Tell him I’m fine.”

Alyssa grinned, shooting Danny a text that Steve was okay, and he’d be back on his feet soon enough.

She handed him two Vitamin C pills, and then climbed into bed next to him.  He took them, and then snuggled up to her, and she began rubbing his back.  

“So, I ran into Kelsey at the store.”

“You went to the store?”

“Yeah, we were almost out.”

“Oh...how is she?” He asked, coughing into the blankets.

“She’s pregnant.”

“That’s great!” He croaked, a sleepy smile crossing his face. 

“When do you want a baby?”

He shrugged. “Whenever.  I’d be happy to have kids now.”

“Me too!”
“But not right this second.  I’m tired.” He mumbled. 

She chuckled. “You have a fever.  Of course we’re not doing anything now.”

He nodded sleepily, nuzzling his face into her side as his eyelids drooped.  “How am I so tired? All I’ve been doing is sleeping.”

She put a hand on his shoulder, and then his cheek and stroked it with her thumb. “Because you’re sick, probably with the flu.  If you weren’t exhausted, I’d be worried.”

Another sleepy grin crossed his face, and he pulled the blanket up higher. He sniffled, allowing himself to fall asleep.

Edited by CHOCOLATE <3
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  • 5 weeks later...

This is so cute! I really like the dialogue. I love Steve and he's so adorable when he's sick, more please!

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On August 4, 2016 at 2:47 PM, remuslupin said:

This is so cute! I really like the dialogue. I love Steve and he's so adorable when he's sick, more please!

Thank you so much for commenting! It means so much and I'm glad you're enjoying it :)

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