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Prompt Fill For Voodoo Huntress: Avengers AU-M-Peter Parker


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This is for @Voodoo huntress who wanted a Peter Parker story with lots of Peter being taken care of and fussed over with lots of domestic stuff.  This is a Marvel AU, in which Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are a couple, and they adopted Peter Parker at a young age-aka the "Superfamily AU".  I have put Peter at college-age for this story.  That said,  I'm a bit shaky when it comes to AUs-when I take characters out of their normal environment, I'm not always sure if I'm keeping them in character.  Also, I've read material for this AU but I've never tried creating anything for it myself.  Because of those two reasons, I apologise wholeheartedly in advance if I miss the mark or if I've gotten some generally accepted fanon wrong and I won't be offended if it's not what you expected or wanted. 

Oh yes, also I snuck some sick Tony in there because I can't not.  I'm sorry (but I'm not really) :laugh:

This will be posted in two parts because it got a bit long.  The story is fully written, and if my internet stays fixed this time, the second part will follow shortly.


Part 1 of 2

Steve had been up since 6am.

In that time he had made sure everyone's clothes and shoes were ready and he had started on breakfast-pancakes and scrambled eggs.  He had made the lunches:  for himself, chicken and cheese, just butter, no fancy sauces.  Peter still loved the same lunch he did back in grade school-peanut butter and jelly with a layer of sliced bananas.  And of course Tony had a weird thing about not eating any perishables that had not just exited a fridge or oven, but Steve had managed to find some things to pack that would keep him satisfied.

He had also managed to find the time to sort out a bag with other essentials as well.  Water bottles to ensure they all stayed hydrated, sunscreen for Peter because he still somehow always managed to forget how sensitive his skin was, Pepto-Bismol for when Tony turned his nose up at his packed lunch and stuffed himself with hot dogs covered in more raw onions than any human being could safely eat.  And band-aids just in case.  Really, one could never be too careful, that was Steve's motto.

Today was the first day of Peter's first break at home from his freshman year in college.  And for the first time in a while, Steve and Tony both had time off as well.  They had planned family time for the entire week-okay, Steve had planned it and the other two had agreed to go along with it.   Today was the zoo and a picnic, and it was safe to say that Steve could not be more excited.

Tony had woken briefly at 6am as well.  Steve knew this because he had rolled over to remind him that he had promised to get up early and help out this time.  Tony had just covered his head with the blanket and mumbled something about getting up when it was time.

Well, it was time now, gosh darn it!  Everything was ready, it was nearly time to leave, and there was no sign of either his husband or their son.  Honestly, sometimes he thought Peter took after Tony just a bit too much.  He was just as proud as it was possible to be that Peter was following in Tony's footsteps and attending Tony's alma mater, but really, did such a promising young man need to pick up on all Tony's bad habits as well?

He strode into the hallway where the bedrooms were located, and took a deep breath.  He didn't like to use his "Cap" voice on his own family, but sometimes, they really did leave him no choice.

"Anthony Edward Stark and Peter Rogers-Stark!  Get your hineys out of bed and report to the dining room this instant!"  His voice was clear, crisp, and carried his words loudly and efficiently down the hall.  When his order was not immediately responsed to, his poked his head into his and Tony's bedroom, prepared to scold his lazy other half.

Oh, he wasn't in the bed.  Steve's ears picked up on the sound of coughing from the en-suite bathroom.

"Oh goodness, Tony.  Are you still getting ready?  Come on, I'm sure your hair looks fi-"

As he entered the bathroom, he caught sight of a very pale and sweaty Tony leaning over the sink and splashing water onto his face.

"Jeez Louise.  You look awful.  What happened?"

"Really?  'Hineys'?  'Jeez Louise'?  Remind me again how the hell I'm married to you?"

"Don't try to change the subject.  When did you get this sick?  You were fine when we went to bed last night!"

"Seriously?  How did you not hear me coughing and sneezing all night?  You really do sleep like a goddamned log.  Then I finally got back to sleep and you went and woke me up again.  Anyway, sorry I'm making us late...again, I know.  You don't need to say it.  I just need to get my jeans on and I'm good to go."

"Absolutely not, mister."  He put a hand on Tony's forehead.  "Yep, you're burning up.  There's no way I'm letting you run around outside all day.  You go back to bed.  I'll bring Petey out for a short while and then we can all have a nice quiet family day curled up watching silly movies."

"Yeah, you might need to re-think that,"  Tony said, nodding toward the direction of the door.  "Just a hunch."

Steve turned around to see Peter, leaning with one shoulder against the door.  He raised his head and weakly flashed a sheepishly apologetic smile.  "Um...Pop? I don't think I can go.  I'm not feeling so good.  I'm sorry."

"Pop" meant Steve.  "Pop" was Steve and "Dad" was Tony.  Nobody could remember how or when this started, but it worked quite well, and so it had stuck.  Peter naturally gravitated toward Steve when he was in need of care.  It made sense, since such a role came so much more naturally to him.  Tony came in handier when it came to more practical advice, such as homework help.  He was also great for advice in the ways of the world-he was the one who had taught Peter to shave, how to get fitted for a suit, and even offered dating advice.  About girls, even.  It still blew Peters mind that Tony had dated a couple of those in his youth.  The thought of that was way too weird.

Steve floated over the door and put a hand to his son's forehead.  "Mmhmm, you're burning up too."

As if on cue, Peter raised the back of his hand to his nose and sneezed five times, in rapid, kittenish succession.

"Into the back of your elbow," Steve scolded automatically.  

 "Sorry, Pop, they kinda snuck up on me," Peter said with an accompanying wet sniffle, his voice rapidly becoming raspier by the minute.  "Um, could someone pass me a tissue please?"  Tony was closer, so he took the box of tissues from the back of the toilet and handed it to him. 

"Take the whole thing," he said, his voice just as scratchy and stuffy as Peter's. "You're gonna need it."  Peter gratefully accepted the box, plucking out one tissue, folding it tidily before blowing his nose wetly into it.  He wasn't really sure what to do with it after that, so he just balled it up in his fist.  Despite blowing his nose, he remained just as sniffly as before.

Steve had to think quickly.  It was his unofficial duty to keep the family's morale up, and he took that responsibility very seriously.  Fortunately, it was not long before a plan came to him.

"Right," he said, clapping his hands together.  "Everyone into the bed.  New plan."  

The bed-Steve and Tony's bed to be exact-was a massive luxurious monstrosity of a thing.  Tony's idea, naturally.  Steve preferred a smaller bed, better for cuddling, and could get a full night's sleep on a wooden board.  Tony needed comfort, and as much room as possible to thrash around like a fish.

Peter snapped his arm up to his face.  "KssshhKsshhhKsschhht!  Ugh...sorry."

That was it.  Operation Take Care Of Everyone was now priority number one.

"Double time, troops!  Into the bed, standard Saturday Morning Cartoon Formation."

That brought back memories for Peter.  He rolled his eyes bashfully, but a slight smile on his lips betrayed the fact that he was secretly looking forward to it.

Tony rolled his eyes and wholeheartedly meant it.

To be concluded in part 2! :)



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You don't know how happy I was when I saw that this was a SuperHusbands story. I'm honestly not surprised that Tony got sick as well, seeing that he's almost always in the public. That makes it very easy for him to get sick and milk for some extra attention from Steve. Also, Steve is great. I can definitely see him acting like a suburban housewife. :bleh:  I can't wait for the second part. 

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OH MY GOSH. Thank you so much for this!!! I finally get validated and I get a welcoming gift too! Thank you sooo much SleepingPhlox, I'm super grateful!

Edited by Voodoo huntress
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Thanks guys!  I have to admit to being nervous about getting something wrong trying to write this, so that means a lot to me. 

Here is part 2.  I have deliberately left it open ended just on the off chance I might feel inclined to come back to it.  I hope it has enough of the caretaking you were looking for, Voodoo Huntress. I did try, but backstory kept squeezing its way in. :laugh:



Part 2 of 2

Peter climbed into the centre of the bed and Tony reluctantly took up position to his left.  After Steve had raided the well-stocked medicine cabinet, he-still fully clothed-got into the bed to Peter's right.

Steve uncapped a traditional style thermometer and gave it a quick shake.  Despite Tony spending years trying to convince Steve to at least switch to a digital one, or perhaps the non-invasive body scanning device that he himself had invented, Steve still clung to the use of these old fashioned things.

"Open up," he said, and Peter obediently dropped his jaw, allowing his Pop to pop the thermometer underneath his tongue.  He clamped his mouth shut when Steve tapped his jaw gently.

"Now," Steve said.  "You just sit tight for a couple of minutes.   And stop looking at me like that Tony.  You know full well I have one for you too.  Open up."

Tony complied, clearly with some reluctance, though none of it manifested in the form of any actual arguing.  He knew that would be a fight he lost before it even started.  He held his thermometer in with a scowl, where Peter seemed to want to shrink down into the blankets and make himself as small as possible.  To see him, one would think that he was embarrassed at being under the weather, and that's exactly what it was.   He was ashamed at not looking after himself better during that busy first quarter at college, ashamed at letting everyone down, and very ashamed at having to be all snotty and gross, even if it was just in front of his dads.

Steve used a digital pad next to the bed to scroll through a list of movies.  That bit of technology, at least, Tony had succeeded in getting him to use.  He shot a sideways glance at Peter.

"Here's one for old time's sake.  Remember what you used to insist on watching any time you were home sick from school?"

Tony groaned, keeping his mouth shut tight around his thermometer, lest Steve force him to start all over again, although he wanted to beg, plead as loud as possible:  "Oh god, no.  Please no.  Not that.  Anything but that!"  It was terrible the first time.  It hadn't improved in any of the approximately twenty-seven million times he had been forced to sit through it.

A Goofy Movie.  A crime against eyeballs and brain cells everywhere.  Tony's hatred for it knew no bounds.

Oh well, Peter looked like he was happy, so he'd suffer through it.  Just about.  One thing that fatherhood and marraige had taught him over the years was that there were two people on this Earth that he'd happily place above himself.  Nobody was more surprised than him about that.

"Alright, open up.  Lets see those thermometers."  Steve took Peters first, then Tony's, holding them up against the light and squinting to read the numbers.

"Yep.  Well, you both do have fevers.  Not high enough to worry about, but definitely high enough to call for some bed rest until further notice.  There is a bug going around and I'd say that's what you've both got.  Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be too bad, just more or less a pretty rotten head and chest cold.  And you should be over it by the time you have to head back, Petey, which I suppose is for the best."

Steve smiled to hide his disappointment that this probably meant very little in the way of family outings and pretty much anything too strenuous.  He didn't want to upset Petey.  The kid was quite sensitive, and he would very much blame himself if he saw his Pop disappointed.  Gotta keep the morale up for the troops, Steve told himself.

He handed Tony and Peter a box of tissues to share between themselves, and a bottle of cough syrup for the nasty cough they both definitely had.  With the bottle there was a little plastic measuring cup, and an ordinary spoon.  Peter always preferred the spoon, while Tony found that method infuriatingly imprecise-when he could be convinced to take any medicine at all, that is.

Tony handed Peter the spoon and had him hold it out level while he poured thick red liquid from the bottle into it.  He waited for Peter to bring the spoon to his mouth to swallow that, then filled it up a second time, closed the bottle and put it on the bedside table.  Steve had to bite his lip to keep from commenting on how sweet that was-he'd only earn an eye roll from his husband for his trouble.

And, as he expected, Tony did not take any cough syrup himself.  Steve decided to say nothing and pick his battles-he'd stay silent now, but if Tony's cough got any worse, then he'd start insisting on the medicine.

The movie was just incidental in the background most of the time.  Once in a while it was drowned out by conversation.  Peter, naturally, was full of things about college he wanted to talk about.  He'd gotten home far too late last night to really have any proper time to catch up.

Sometimes, there was silence, as two of the three men present were far too exhausted to keep conversation going all the time.  Steve noted with some amusement that they both sneezed at nearly the exact same time.  Peter would start, then a fraction of a second later, Tony would join in.  They did it with coughing too.  Even more odd, they both sneezed in fits of around the same amount.  Steve suspected at first that Tony was doing it on purpose, but one glance at the contorted look on his face right before he launched into a fit of four told Steve that there was absolutely no on purpose about it.

"Hpptccht!  Hsssshhht!  Hpptchhht!"
    "Hehh'ktchhh!  Ktchssshhh!  Hehhh...ehhkTCHHH!"

"God bless both of you.  And Tony, use a tissue for crying out loud..."  Tony rolled his eyes.  Steve chose to ignore it.  "Anyone hungry for a nice bowl of soup?"

"Oh yeah, Pop.  Thad'd be gread!  I'b sdarvi'g!"


"What, just soup? *sniff*  Yeah, I guess so."

Steve left, and when he returned with a bag slung over his shoulder, plus two stacked trays and the official Get Over A Cold lunch of chicken soup, crackers, and orange juice for two, plus a glass of water and aspirin for each of them, he had evidently caught Peter and Tony in the middle of another simultaneous sneezing fit.

"God bless you both," Steve said out of automatic habit.

And at least Peter used the manners he had been taught by covering his nose properly with a tissue.  There was probably no hope for Tony at all at this stage of his life.

Also Steve could not help but notice that Peter's cheeks were flushed a bright red, nearly rivalling the tinge to his nose after blowing it nonstop all morning.  He made a mental note to check and make sure that Petey was not overheating while also making sure that he stayed warm enough at the same time.

Peter flashed Steve the best smile he could manage in his weakened state as Steve folded the legs of his lap tray out for him and put his food on it..  "Tha'gs, Pop.  Dad was just telli'g be aboud whed he was id college and he hacked idto the security systeb a'd-"

"Your Dad should not be telling you that story," Steve interrupted, flashing Tony a stern look.  After he had ensured that both of his ailing family members had their lunch safely and securely on their lap trays, he took from the bag one of the chicken and cheese sandwiches he had made earlier for his own lunch.

"So, you two," he said.  "Any idea what you want to watch for the next movie?"

"Actually, we already decided," Tony said.

"Yeah, we agreed betweed us while you were gode," Peter chimed in.

"Really?  You two actually agreed on a movie?  Okay, lets hear it."

Peter and Tony shared a conspiratorial look before Peter spoke up:  "The Magnificent Seven", although Tony immediately added "Yeah, but I want to watch Smokey And The Bandit after."

The significance of this was not lost on Steve.  He had developed a love of Westerns.  The good guys were strong and good always won, no matter what.  It was really no surprise that he had gravitated toward the genre.   And The Magnificent Seven happened to be his all time favourite.

"Guys, you don't have to-"

"Shut up," Tony interrupted.  "Pete and I agreed.  You have to take care of two sick people, one of whom is me, as in, not the easiest person to look after.  I'll admit that one.  So, you should get your movie too.  And I get to watch Smokey And The Bandit after."

Steve was genuinely touched.  He wasn't always sure that all of his efforts were noticed and moments like this when he was reminded of just how appreciated he was...they meant a lot to him.

"Thanks guys.  Eat up."  He smiled and sat back-looking at Petey, who had grown from a mischevious though highly intelligent child into a fine young man he could truly be proud of.  And at Tony, who had gone from partying playboy to settling down into domestic life with shocking ease, and someone he was proud to call his husband.  He would say neither of those thoughts out loud, lest be be accused of being, as the popular slang went, "lame".  But all things considered, whether they were out having a picnic at the zoo, or curled up watching movies they had seen so many times before, there was nowhere on earth he'd rather be.




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Thank you for filling out my prompt! I love superfamily sooo much, I just wish there were a ton more stories with them.

I really loved the thermometer bit, that was great to read!

Thanks for paying my rambling any attention!

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I love Steve/Tony but I'm usually not a huge fan of Superfamily, however I found this to be really cute and sweet.  I especially loved the simultaneous sneezing fits :laugh:  You are an exceptionally talented writer!! 

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