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Too Late to Say Goodbye (Supernatural - Castiel)


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There's a serious lack of allergic!Cas fics so I decided to write this little mindless fluff drabble. I hope you all like it :)


Too Late to Say Goodbye

Dean’s heart breaks every time he looks at Cas because they adopted a dog a week ago. It begins relatively normal with Cas taking Harriet out to pee while Dean sets everything up. He turns his head when he hears the patio door open and smiles as he watches Cas and Harriet come in.

The beagle is cute, yes, but Dean knows that he finally agrees to adopt a dog because of how happy it makes Cas. He loves Cas’ wide, gummy smile and it makes Dean’s insides melt and knot all at the same time. He knows that he would do anything to make his boyfriend smile because it reminds him of fireflies during the summer or a steaming mug of hot chocolate on Christmas morning. Dean already knows he’s a goner but watching Cas play with Harriet in the middle of the living room just makes it all the more apparent.

He doesn’t notice anything the next morning because Cas is always a grump when he first wakes up before he has his coffee. Although Dean should notice Cas’ infrequent sniffles and nose rubs as they both get ready for work, he’s too busy thinking of all the repairs he has to get done at Singer Salvage Yard. He doesn’t notice the few eye rubs either.

Dean doesn’t notice anything different until he comes home and hears Cas in the bathroom blowing his nose. He sets his work bag down and while he kicks off his dirty boots, the nose blowing stops and a few wet sniffs replace it for a moment. He definitely notices when he walks into the living room and his boyfriend greets him.

Cas’ icy blue eyes are bloodshot and his nose is a new shade of pink that he hasn’t seen since his last cold a handful of months ago. He seems immune to all of it, though, because his joy practically radiates off of him.

“I’m so glad you’re home,” Cas smiles. Dean doesn’t remember the last time he’s seen his boyfriend smile so much but the time he drops him off at the local cat cafe for his birthday comes to mind. “I taught Harriet a new trick! Come look!”

Cas grabs Dean’s hand and leads him into the living room to show him. Dean watches with amusement and as Harriet rolls over a second time, his focus turns to Cas when his breath hitches and brows knit together. Cas rubs at his nose with his wrist, sniffles, and the sneeze backs off. Dean doesn’t mention it.

Cas’ first sneezing fit is while they watch America’s Got Talent in the living room the next evening. Harriet is by his feet and he sneezes five times into his elbow, sniffling hard when he finishes. Dean glances down at Harriet then back to Cas, watching his boyfriend rub at his nose before settling back on the couch, and he blesses him.

Dean doesn’t say anything when the sneezing fits become more frequent. They’re the worst in the mornings and whenever Cas finishes playing with Harriet. It’s weird because Dean never thinks that he would hear someone’s sneeze so frequently that he memorizes it, but that changes with Cas. He learns that Cas’ breath hitches at least three times and his brows knit together as if he’s trying to fight it off before he sneezes. The sneezes are desperate, full, and never too loud. Sam's sneezes sound like a freight train and he hates it. But Cas’ are pleasant, though, as pleasant as sneezes can be.

Cas usually sneezes two times but sometimes it turns into three, four, and one time he reaches nine. He’s so congested after that fit that Dean tells him to blow his nose when he’s done. Cas is always congested now and Dean can barely make out his words sometimes unless Cas sniffs hard before he speaks. Since he’s always congested, Dean doesn’t tell him to blow his nose anymore because he’s always blowing his nose. They buy tissues in bulk now.

It’s an early Saturday morning when Cas finally admits the truth. Dean’s cooking breakfast, turning the bacon with a fork, when Cas comes in with Harriet trailing behind.

“It’ll be ready in a couple minutes, babe. Do you wanna get the orange juice out of the fridge for me?” Dean turns around and feels his heart break when he sees the pitiful state his boyfriend is in. Cas is still in his pajamas, holding a small wad of tissues in his hand, with messy bed head and a frown. Harriet is still by his feet. “You okay?”

Dean knows it’s a stupid thing to ask, especially since he knew that this was going to happen eventually, but it still hurts. Cas frowns even more.

“Dean, I’m allergic to Harriet,” Cas’ voice is full of congestion and as if to punctuate the fact even more, he sneezes four times into his tissues. He sniffs when he’s done, rubbing his nose on the tissues, and looks up at Dean with sad and bloodshot puppy eyes. Dean forgets the bacon and pulls Cas into a hug. “I can’t believe I just figured it out. I thought… I thought maybe we needed to dust.”

“You know I’m always dusting this place,” Dean murmurs into his boyfriend’s dark hair then tries to joke. “You called me a clean freak just last week.”

Cas doesn’t take the bait and sighs. “I know,”

The rest of the day is somber as Cas keeps his distance from Harriet while Dean cleans up their place, starting with the bedroom first. Dean puts Harriet out in the yard when Cas has his fifth sneezing fit before two in the afternoon. Cas rattles off people they could give Harriet to for the next two days from their elderly neighbor across the street to Gabriel because his brother could use the company. He suggests the Humane Society when they slide into bed for the night and sneezes twice afterwards. Although Cas keeps naming off places, he’s sad through it all. Dean never suggests anywhere.

Dean decides to clean the whole house the next Saturday when Cas spends the day with Charlie. He drops Harriet off at the groomer and gets to work, putting on Led Zeppelin to get him into the right kind of mood. Their house isn’t that large so it takes a little more than half the day to clean and he stops at Walgreens before getting Harriet. The beagle looks adorable in his new red bandana.

Cas doesn’t notice much when he comes home a little after eight-thirty because Dean always keeps their house clean. He rubs his nose out of habit when Harriet comes to greet him at the door.

“Dean,” Cas calls as he walks into the house, putting his Barnes & Noble bag on the couch. He turns with a smile when he hears Dean’s footsteps coming down the stairs a moment later. “Hey, do you want to see the books I bought today?”

“I’d love to,” Dean says and pets Harriet when the beagle won’t calm down. Cas decides to stop petting Harriet and although he hasn’t since last week, Dean knows that it’s killing the guy.

“I also bought her other book because….” Cas stops as his breath hitches and he only sneezes once before he sniffs. “Ugh, have you called the Humane Society yet?”

“Yeah, about that,” Dean starts and rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. He purses his lips then looks at Cas. “I thought we could keep him? You know, I’ve cleaned the house today and took Harriet to the groomers. You’ve only sneezed once since you’ve got home and…” he continues when Cas opens his mouth to object. “I bought Claritin. It’s in the bathroom.”

Cas’ face swells into a smile and it’s the same one that Dean remembers from the day that they brought Harriet home. “Yes, yes yes,” he drops down and starts petting Harriet with all of the affection that Dean assumes Cas bottles up. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! Yes, yes, yes, we’re keeping you!” Cas stops and the same pre-sneeze expression grows on his face. He sneezes three times then sniffs. He chuckles when he notices that Harriet is still smiling. “Yes, we are!”

“Why don’t you go take some Claritin before your allergies set in?” Dean smiles as he watches his boyfriend because he looks so happy. “I’ll go and start dinner, alright?”

Cas nods and stands up then wraps his arms around Dean’s waist. “I love you so much,”

Dean feels his heart flutter because no matter how often Cas says it, it still means the world to him. “I love,” He’s cut off when Cas sneezes again. He smiles when he starts a second time, taking in his red nose. “I love you, too, Rudolph.”

Cas rolls his eyes affectionately and just seals it with a kiss. Dean keeps the pet name because although Cas takes his Claritin every day, he loves that he gets one of his boyfriend’s bright smiles every time he calls him it. Dean’s heart shines whenever he looks at Cas because they adopted a dog three weeks ago.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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On 7/2/2016 at 0:28 PM, Voodoo huntress said:

Domestic destiel will always be a favorite ?


15 hours ago, EmilyRose said:

^ I second that! And allergic Castiel is so yummy. :) great job!



These are both so sweet! I don't think this is sneezy/fetish-y enough for the forum but oh well! Also, domestic destiel is a gem, isn't it? :)

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This was so heart-warming! Almost everything I know about SPN comes from forum fics, but Castiel having this kind of human-ish experience is definitely becoming more and more of a favourite theme for me! Particularly Cas needing some initial gentle prompting to blow his nose (aww), Dean being kiiind of oblivious to the possible cause, and... pajamas with bed-hair! :3 <3

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6 hours ago, TaurielRiver said:

This was so heart-warming! Almost everything I know about SPN comes from forum fics, but Castiel having this kind of human-ish experience is definitely becoming more and more of a favourite theme for me! Particularly Cas needing some initial gentle prompting to blow his nose (aww), Dean being kiiind of oblivious to the possible cause, and... pajamas with bed-hair! :3 <3




I'm so glad you liked it! I was going for an alternative universe fic, but I didn't specify that so... I could totally see this as a canon divergent fic where Castiel is human and he and Dean finally get together. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it! This comment is so sweet. :heart:

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On July 5, 2016 at 8:20 AM, sneezy_frnk said:

love love love this! :heart:

Thank you so much!!! :heart:

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