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This is why I hate skipping practice (Haikyuu!!, iwaoi)


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I know I said I was going to write a blue exorcist fic but I hit a bit of a writer's block so I took a break xD 

My friend got me into the Haikyuu fandom and now I can't escape it especially with IwaOi being one of my favorite ships and I need a bit of happiness after what's gonna happen (nope not gonna spoil it to anyone that doesn't know yet). Anyway enjoy!


It wasn’t like Iwaizumi to skip practice without telling anyone. After about half an hour in the gym waiting for the ace to show up, the team eventually started practice without him. The team had just finished a tournament and had no intents on having a very hard practice.  With the ace being a no show, the captain decided to ask around and see if anyone had seen him. After four people, he gave up, all saying that they hadn’t seen or heard from him. The setter pulled out his phone during a water break and reread some of the texts between him and Iwa-chan, the last one from Iwa was sent at 7:13 pm (the ones that had been sent after that text were all from Oikawa himself, a good 14 texts) Without a second thought, he bolted out of the gym leaving the rest of his team and headed in the direction of Iwaizumi’s house.


The setter panted as he ran but the sounds of his puffs were masked by the sound of pouring rain. He was drenched by the time he got to Iwa’s house. The house seemed to be dark except for one light that had been left on, from past experience Oikawa could tell that it was in the living room. He knocked on the door and attempted to wring out his wet clothing before the door could be opened.


Iwaizumi got off of the couch sluggishly and rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t been sure if there was a knock at the door or if he imagined it. Without moving a muscle, he waited with his half blocked ears for another knock just to be sure the fever wasn’t messing with his head like it had been all day. There was no longer a knock at the door, there were frustrated bangs. The brunette had no motivation to answer the door until he heard Oikawa yelling, “Iwa-chan! I know you’re home, now answer the door!”  The spiker grunted but got up unsteadily and hugged the wall to stay upright. After some effort, he opened the door and leaned heavily onto the frame looking at his partner.


“Waaah!” Oikawa was taken aback, “Iwa-chan!? You don’t look so good.”


If Iwaizumi had the energy he would have said ‘no shit Sherlock’ but he settled for a simple nod.


“Are your parents home?” Oikawa peeked past the man and looked around.


“No, they won’t be back for a few days at least, they had to go to a business meeting.”


“Oh,” a short and simple phrase Oikawa blurted before continuing, “So you’re alone?”


Iwaizumi could have slammed the door in the guy’s face but he just stood there tired, irritated, and done with this conversation. When Oikawa looked like he was ready to continue speaking, Iwaizumi took a step back into his house and shut the door.


Oikawa stood straight and stared at the door completely silent. His face went from blank to upset as he started to bang on the door again, “Rude! Iwa-chan, Open up! Someone has to look after you and you’re lucky since it’s me~!”


Iwaizumi scoffed as he threw himself back onto the couch, “No one ever said that was good luck.”




This is probably gonna be a three part fic but I'm not sure yet, but definitely expect more to come :D 


Edited by bazzpop00
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Haha wow Iwa that IS rude~  he'll be grateful for it later though <3

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