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Sneeze Fetish Forum

An Old Fanfiction I found-Rhett and Link

I love Alan Rickman

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I was searching through the notes in my phone, deleting unnecessary ones, when I came across a Rhett and Link fanfiction that I wrote a year or two ago after watching a Good Morning Chia Lincoln video where Rhett was sick, a little after I had just found out about my sneeze fetish. It has to do with sneezing, so I thought I should share it, unedited, with you guys. I think I've gotten a lot better at writing, but I still thought I should share this. I never finished it, but I got quite a bit done. If you think I should continue it when I finish my current Snape fanfiction, tell me, and I probably will. As always, enjoy! :) 


After the crew left, Rhett James McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln "Link" Neal III sat at the Good Morning Chia Lincoln studio after the show on January 31, 2011, while Link studied Chia Lincoln. The only sounds were the occasional coughs from Rhett. Finally, Link broke the semi-silence with, "Chia Lincoln has like a reverse-mohawk."
"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go home now," Rhett said in his now slightly Johnny Cash-like voice and getting up from his chair. He accompanied that with another harsh cough.
"C'mon Rhett, don't leave," Link begged. "Even though you're sick, doesn't mean you have to leave."
"This isn't just a mild sickness Link," Rhett complained. "It's severe. My throat has been killing me, and.." He turned his head and coughed over his right shoulder again then continued, "..and I'm coughing constantly. Not only that, but I got my cold voice and my nose is running like a faucet."
"Have you tried that Neti-Pot?" 
"No, but I'm thinking about it."
"You really should do it soon. I'm no doctor, but I'm gonna say that it'll probably help your sinuses a lot."
"I agree," Rhett replied, "but I haven't got the ti-" His voice trailed off. Suddenly, he turned his head to his right and sneezed forcefully, barely catching it in the crook of his elbow. 
"Bless you," Link said kindly. 
"Thank you," Rhett took a tissue from behind the powered off camera and dabbed it at his nose. "I haven't got the time to do it yet," he finished. 
"Well like I said before, you should probably do it soon."
"I heard you the first time."
"I'm just saying."
"Well I'm just saying that I heard you the first time," Rhett replied. He blew his nose loudly and threw the now used tissue into the trash can. He coughed again and said, "You sure you want me to stay around you with this? I don't want you c-catching this t-huh-too." He sneezed again, this time right over his shoulder, unable to catch it.
"Bless you again. And thank you for caring about my health, Rhett, but I'd rather get sick with what you have than you having to try to drive yourself home with that violent sneeze and cough," Link replied while handing Rhett another tissue.
Rhett blushed and accepted Link's offer. "Thanks buddy."
"Thanks for the tissue or for offering to drive you home?"
Rhett chuckled. "Both."

Link led Rhett to his car, and sat down in the driver's seat. "Shotgun!" Rhett said. 
Link couldn't help but laugh. "Okay Rhett, but try not to sneeze or cough on me."
"I'll try my best. I'll bring some extra tissues so I can sneeze into them if my sinuses start tickling."
"Good idea."
Rhett climbed into the shotgun seat and buckled up while Link started up the car. Link backed up the car and pulled out of the driveway. He and Rhett talked during the drive, Rhett coughed a couple times over his shoulder during the drive, and once they arrived at Rhett's, Rhett opened his door. "Thanks for the ride, buddy," he said.
"No problem." Link smiled.
Once Rhett stepped onto the threshold, he swayed on the spot. Link quickly ran over just in time to hold him up. "Need help walking to the door?" Link asked.
"Yeah, thanks," Rhett said feebly, leaning on Link.

Link helped Rhett walk to his front door. When they reached the door, he felt Rhett suddenly go stiff and heard a slight intake of breath from him. Link quickly handed Rhett a handful of the tissues. Rhett nodded his thanks and sneezed wetly and violently three times. "God bless you," Link said.
"It's getting worse..." Rhett complained after blowing his nose. He shook his head. "I usually don't do that."
"You want me to take you to the doctor before I go home instead of me just leaving you here?" Link asked Rhett. "I can tell Jessie what's up."
"Okay, sure. Thanks a lot," Rhett said, coughing over his right shoulder again.


When Rhett and Link arrived at Rhett's doctor's office, Link signed Rhett in for an appointment. A couple minutes later, Rhett's name was called, and Link followed the doctor while Rhett followed Link.
Rhett was diagnosed with a severe cold.  Oh great, Rhett thought. I hope I can still do Good Morning Chia Lincoln tomorrow. And I should probably do that Neti-Pot tonight.
Link must've read Rhett's mind, because he said, "Don't worry Rhett, you'll still be able to do the show tomorrow."
"Just be sure to get plenty of water and sleep," the doctor told Rhett. "It should help your cold subside."
"Let's hope so," Rhett muttered. A couple seconds later, he felt a sneeze tickling his sinuses. "Link, can I have a ti-ti-huh-ti.." He quickly turned his head to his right and caught the violent sneeze in the crook of his arm. "..tissue?" He finished miserably, turning back to Link.
"Gesundheit," the doctor said while Link handed Rhett a tissue. "Yes, that sneeze is definitely one of a severe cold."
"Thanks for the information, doctor," Rhett said, then blew his nose. Link opened his mouth to speak until Rhett gave him a warning Don't-even-get-in-this-conversation look. Link closed his mouth and put his head down in a sorry expression.

When Rhett and Link finally left, Rhett told Link about his idea of doing the Neti-Pot that night. "That's a great idea!" Link exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm hoping it'll help me to feel better tomorrow."
"Let's hope so."
Rhett thought it had been just a minute when his house came into view. "Thanks again for the ride," he said to Link."
"No problem. That's what friends do, right?"
"Yeah, but still, thanks so much. I couldn't have gotten home safely without you."
Link gave Rhett a pat on the back and said, "Take care. Try to get some rest and lots of water like the doctor said so that you're at least a bit better tomorrow."
Rhett sniffled a bit, dabbed at his nose with an unused tissue, sniffled again, sneezed into the crook of his elbow, blew his nose, and then apologized for "all the immune system trouble." Link laughed and said, "It's fine" and drove away.
 Rhett walked into the house, pale and unsteady, and found Jessie and the kids. Jessie walked over to him and whispered, "Honey, are you alright?" with a concerned expression on her face. 
"I got a bad cold," Rhett replied honestly.
"Go into our room and rest. I'll see you in the morning," Jessie replied. She led Rhett into the room, and it was 9:30p.m. Rhett walked to the bed, thanked Jessie, who said, "Good night. Sleep well." She gave Rhett a kiss on the forehead, and Rhett smiled a weak smile, his last words before passing out, without even changing into his pajamas, being "Thanks. I love you, Jessie." 
"I love you too, Rhett," Jessie replied, looking sympathetically at her now unconscious husband.

Rhett didn't sleep very well. He woke up at 1 in the morning and got into a sneezing fit, waking up Jessie on his sixth sneeze, but luckily not the kids. They were too busy being in deep sleep to be awakened, but Rhett still was nervous even while sneezing (he didn't know that it was possible to be nervous while in a sneezing fit) that he would wake the kids. He eventually was able to stop to breathe after twenty-five sneezes into the crook of his elbow. Afterward, he felt extremely light-headed and was on the verge of passing out again-which he would be fine with since he wanted sleep-when  Jessie asked him, "Are you all right?"
"It's just the cold again," Rhett replied nasally. He sniffed and coughed almost at the same time and continued, "Thank God I didn't wake the kids."
"Yeah, that would be a disaster,"
Jessie agreed.
Rhett suddenly got up out of the bed, startling Jessie. "Sorry, but I almost forgot. I need to use a Neti Pot to help get rid of this cold," Rhett said.
"Okay, just be sure not to wake the kids, and take it easy," Jessie replied.

Rhett walked out of the bedroom with his robe on and found the Neti Pot. He filled it with water and warmed it up in the microwave. Then he mixed in some salt. The whole time, a violent sneeze was building up in his system, but Rhett struggled and held his breath to keep it from exiting his body. He didn't want to wake Shepherd and Locke at this time of day. He went into the bathroom to use the Neti Pot. He grabbed the camera in the meantime to record it and show it on Good Morning Chia Lincoln later on that day. 

After using the Neti Pot, Rhett felt wonderful. His sinuses were cleared out, and he went back to bed, the sneeze that was tickling his sinuses finally gone. He got comfortable and passed out again after telling Jessie, "I love you."

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