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"THIS TIME IT'S GOING TO BE UGLY" thought teahyung ,trying hard to ignore the lump in his throat ,taking deep breathes in order to calm his nerves down.chocked on his own saliva ,coughing harshly  till his face turned red gasping loudly he wiped tears off his face

'ok ,be brave teahyung " muttered to himself " here he comes"  a tall ,black haired boy approaching him with a wide smile on his face ,arms wide open for a big hug eyes shining with joy 

" hi babe " he cooed  getting close for a soft kiss on the lips ,the other boy dodge quickly leaving the younger one in a shock 

" what is it ?what's wrong?" the younger asked with a concerned look on his face 

" nothing,sit down jungkook " teahyung says  in  a raw and emotionless  way 

the other slumps down on the near chair not daring to get too close after the reaction he earned  the first time

teahyung gulped down hardly ,hands shaking sweat running down on his spine despite  the ice cold weather  chewing his lower lip so hard jungkook afraid it may comes off ,grabbed teahyung wrist ,snapping him out of his thoughts lifted the others chin up ,looking in his eyes searching for an answer found out noting ,only a blank and empty look which made him shiver unintentionally 

"tell me " he demanded feeling his vision getting blurred 

" let's end it" teahyung murmured

jungkook couldn't believe his ears begging for explanation

"babe what? could you come again?"

"lets fucking end it" he blurted out ,the others face fall ,eyes widen ,thought this as a sick joke ,burst out laughing 

"stop it ,your so silly" he says while grinding widely and playfully hitting the others arm 

"dead serious ,I AM"  the last sparkles of hope left the younger eyes ,and at that very moment teahyung could see as if it's the only truth in this whole  world  that something left junhkook's soul .something very important which will leave him injured for the rest of his life .

couldn't bear the scene anymore snatch his cap off the table .runs out of the dimmed coffee shop  in to the cold streets of Seoul ,letting the cold air of the night burns his lungs ,not looking back even for once he run till he reaches home.

busting the door open he rushes in not bothering to take off shows panting heavily calls out one certain name 

"JIMIN"  one orange haired  boy emerge from the kitchen holding a huge bowl while stirring something inside 

"you came back hon,left early from work?" Jimin asked excitedly ,but one look in teahyungs face was enough to make all his conclusions wash away 

" you told him didn't you" he asks ,teahyung nods aggressively

"oh I love you bae" Jimin screams as he rushes toward the other and attack his lips not in a smooth way but the other pulls back not even looking in to jimin's eyes

" not tonight" he mutters,leaving for the bedroom as he pushes the others back not able to take cloths off he collapses down on the bed .laying on his back lifts the blanket to cover himself with it a sudden tickle in his nose ,he lets out an earth shattering sneeze " heiatchooo"  

" stupid wool blanket " he kicks it off while hearing the other boy loud bless you from the kitchen ,he closes his eyes wish that this night ends in a flash.













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