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Snowed In (Kagetsuki- Haikyuu!! M)


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Hey guys! I'm finally back with a new fic. Sorry I was gone forever, finals were rediculous. Anyway here's some TsukiKage for you because it was requested and honestly really fun to write. Sorry it's so short but there are more parts to come! Here we go!



It was the middle of winter and Tobio had been having what was probably the most miserable day of his life. For starters, his parents had both gone away on business leaving him alone to fend for himself, Hinata wouldn't stop pestering him about their upcoming exams that they would both surely fail, he had a miserable cold, and to top it all off, he had been paired with Tsukishima for a school project. The assignment was to observe another person's daily routine and to infer how it relates to their personality. Everyone else had already picked partners by the time Kageyama realized he needed to find one as well and Tsukishima just happened to be the only other person without a partner. They had both reluctantly agreed to go to Kageyama's house as they didn't want to bother Tsukishima's parents. 

Walking home from school was a pain due to the freezing temperatures but it didn't help at all that Tobio had to stop every two minutes to launch into a sneezing fit. "HAhh... Heh-HEH...ATCH! Atch! At'chiew! A-cht! Eughh," his head spun as he attempted to gather his barring and continue on his walk. He silently wished he had brought a scarf to keep his dripping nose warm. Tsukishima was supposed to arrive at 4:00 so he had about 20 minutes to get ready once he got home. 

After many sneezes later, Kageyama slammed open the door and let out a heaving sigh. Snow began to fall outside, but he was in no mood to admire it. After stumbling up the stairs and rummaging through his dresser, he pulled out a XXL sweatshirt and a pair of fresh sweatpants and changed into them promptly. This lightened his mood, but he still felt awful and there wasn't any cold medicine left in his cabinet. He did however find several boxes of tissues and quickly blew his nose into several, hoping to gain some relief.

Glancing at the clock, he realized it was 3:54 and he shuffled back downstairs as quickly as he could in his weakened state. A brief glance out the window revealed that the snow was coming down more rapidly and the grumpy setter turned on the tv to the news channel in hopes of gaining insight on the upcoming storm. The forecast predicted 5-6 inches, baffling Kageyama who was completely unprepared to be snowed in, but it was too late to gather supplies and he cringed as he heard the doorbell ring. It was too late and now he was stuck with his least favorite person, Tsukishima Kei.

To be continued....

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Ohhhh... I'm so excited to see where this goes! I love the interactions between these two characters so I'm sure this is going to be interesting.

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I just love it when you post new fics on here!! :3

this one was worth the wait and I can't wait till you continue this! XD

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No joke I gasped in excitement when I saw the title!!  Good work getting threw finals sweetheart, and I am so happy you decided to write this<3  KageTsukki is one of my favorite ships and they don't get a lot of love.  I can't wait for more~

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Okay but honest it was so good I CANT WAIT FOR MORE

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  • 3 weeks later...

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