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Birthday request?


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Hey guys :-) I really don't normally do this but... it's my birthday today and I've managed to lose my voice and *really* want to see that taken out on someone but don't actually have the energy to do it myself! Is anyone out there up to giving someone a cold with a side of laryngitis for me?

... I do have lots of fandoms - favs include Jake from Brooklyn Nine Nine (especially with Rosa brotp!!!), Matt from Daredevil, Janto from Torchwood, Malec from the Shadowhunters series (also I'm like 95% sure Magnus sneezes glitter! :P ), Dean or Cas from SPN, any of my Warblers, Tony or Bruce from Avengers... basically anyone I've ever written about with a few more! :P And now my exams are done and I've moved house and don't have placement (no wonder I got sick!) hopefully I can get back to writing soon... but if anyone feels inspired/wants to gift me, pretty pretty please feel free to do so :-)

Hope you're all doing well!!!

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Hey!!!! Of course I would be more than happy to write a B99 brotp laryngitis fic for you! It might take a couple of days but I will make it a priority. 

Btw, happy birthday! :D

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I'm also happy to take on a Cas or Dean fic for you!

Message me any details you want or just let me run free with it xD

Happy birthday though!

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Awwww thanks guys! I really appreciate it! 

(Also Bruyere, I'm totally Foggy in that scenario. It's terrible! Only Apparentky it's easier for me to walk around sounding like a goose than to stop talking.....)

thank nk you all though :-)

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