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What Makes You Happy (Agents of Shield Simmons, Skimmons)

The Kneezle

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I've been dying for some Simmons and some AoS fic in general, and evilduckling got me going with their Peggy Carter drabbles, and I couldn't resist!

Skye bit her lip, hand hovering over the bottle. “Are you sure?”

“Quite,” Jemma said decisively, nodding and beaming an encouraging smile.

“But, like, really really sure? Because if it’s going to make you miserable –”

“Skye,” Jemma said and her voice was tender. “Nothing that makes you happy could make me miserable. I promise.”

Skye nodded, a grin finally breaking out on her face, and she raised the bottle of perfume, giving two strong pumps. She watched Jemma carefully, anticipation zinging through her as the mist settled over her and the bedspread and pretty much the entirety of her tiny bunk. Jemma’s nose wrinkled, a crease forming between her brows. Her lashes fluttered. One hand reflexively fanned her face.

Hah-chu!” her delicate, high-pitched little sneeze wracked her whole body. And that was just the start. Three more breathy, ticklish sneezes burst from her in rapid fire. “Shu! Shu! Eshu! Oh!” she gasped, looking adorably surprised by the strength with which the perfume had hit her.

“Alright?” Skye asked, sitting down next to her and placing a hand at her back.

“Yes, yes,” Jemma assured her. “I just – Ash-IEW! Ex – excuse me – ESHu! My, it’s quite potent isn’t it?”

“Do you want to wash it off?” Skye asked anxiously. She had already gotten quite the show.

“Am I not doing it right?” Jemma asked, blinking at her apologetically through very watery eyes.

Skye couldn’t help the swell of fondness. “Are you kidding me?” she asked, letting her desire show a little in her voice.

Jemma beamed. “Then of – of – hahhh…Hah-eshu! Eshu!” she sniffled delicately. “Of course not.”

They scooted backward on the bed to lean against the wall, and Skye wrapped Jemma in her arms, guiding her head to rest on Skye’s chest. She could feel every fluttery breath the scientist took and when she launched into another forceful fit, every convulsion rocked Skye’s frame, too.

Eeshsh! ESHoo! ESHuhOO! ShiEW!” She sniffled and rubbed her nose roughly with a palm. “Excuse be.”

Skye curled her toes at the stuffiness clogging her normally-clear, light voice.

“Bless you,” she murmured, rubbing circles into her back. “How does it feel?”

“Awfully tickly,” Jemma said breathlessly, rolling so that her head was in Skye’s lap and she was looking up at her. “Ishu! Oh! My whole face itches,” she reported, scrubbing at her cheeks, too. “I can – can feel it – heh… heh-iiishIEW! Sorry,” she panted, having turned to sneeze into Skye’s stomach. “I cand feel itd in mby ears, too. Itd’s a ndice smell, though.”

Skye chuckled, running her fingers through Jemma’s hair. “Only you would praise the thing currently wreaking havoc with your immune system.”

Jemma grinned and sniffled wetly. “It is quite good at wreaking havoc, I’ll give it that,” she admitted, rubbing again at her flaring nostrils. “You wouldn’t – wouldn’t – Esh! Esh! Esh! Heh-esh! Esh! Esh! Heh-ESHu!” This time she turned away from Skye, but her body spasmed in Skye’s lap with a pleasant rhythmic pattern. “Uhn,” Jemma groaned softly, rolling her head back to stair up at Skye, a hand covering her mouth and nose. “You wouldn’t happen to have a tissue or something?”

Grinning wickedly, Skye reached over to the bedside table and plucked one from the box, but dangled it out of Jemma’s reach when she tried to grab for it. “Let me?” she asked.

She helped Jemma up into a sitting position, this time draped across Skye’s lap, head wresting at the crook of her neck. Skye held her with one arm and pressed the tissue to her face with the other as Jemma shook with rapid volleys of sharp, delicate, but clearly very very itchy sneezes. Eventually they slowed to one or two at time, though quite powerful, and finally stretched to very breathy bursts with long, torturous buildups and false-starts in between.

“Wow,” Skye breathed when Jemma panted the last “heh-heh-hehISHuu!” into the crook of her neck. Jemma was exhausted, head drooping against Skye, but she managed a proud smile.

It became their signal. When Skye wanted to get Jemma alone, she would wear some of the floral perfume, catching her eye when the scientist fanned her face and ducked into a sharp sneeze. And when Jemma wanted to get Skye alone, she would daub a little on the inside of her wrist, being sure to be a little melodramatic in her desperate buildups and floating a comment about how there must be something in the air because she simply couldn’t seem to stop sneezing. It reached a point that if anyone on base heard Jemma’s delicate sneeze, they expected not to see the girls for at least an hour or two and knew better than to knock on Skye’s door.

ISHiew!” Jemma gasped into the crook of her arm. She gave a soft groan and sniffed as quietly as she could.

“Bless you,” Fitz said warily from across the room. “Does this mean I’m on my own with the analysis?”

She blinked up at him. “Why would you be on your own with the analysis?”

He rolled his eyes. “You have many talents, Simmons, but subtlety isn’t one of them.”

She was distracted by another sneeze that sounded very congested indeed. Sniffling and peeling off her gloves to pull a tissue from her pocket, she gave him a nonplussed look.

“I’m afraid I’m a bit lost.”

Fitz sighed heavily. “Just go find Skye and get back here as soon as you can. You know I’m rubbish with the cell slides anyway.”

Understanding brought color rushing to Simmons’s cheeks. “Oh – no –” she sniffled again, fighting the congestion valiantly. “No, I think I caught a chill,” she explained, face flaming.

Fitz raised a skeptical eyebrow. “You’ve got a cold?”

Esh-shu! It would appear so,” she sniffled and muffled a light cough in her fist, grinning at him embarrassedly. “Skydiving is not one of my favorite activities,” she said distastefully.

“But Skye-diving certainly seems to be,” Fitz smirked, satisfied with her mortified “Oh my god, Fitz.”

“Go on, then. If you’re ill, you ought to be in bed, not contaminating my samples.” He chivvied her out of the lab, ignoring her protest that they were her samples, actually, and he was only going to mess them up. “Go let your girlfriend make you feel better,” he ordered through the locked glass lab door.

Jemma made a face at him, but had to turn away to sneeze twice into her lab coat. Sighing in defeat, she decided she might as well look for Skye. A day in bed with her girlfriend didn’t sound like such a terrible plan, really. And, well, there was something to those Pavlovian experiments after all, she thought with a guilty smirk as she sneezed again and a pleasant warmth filled her low in her belly.

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This story made me want to go away and watch the series just to find out who these characters are :D Love the way you write those rapid-fire fits. 

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iTS AMAZING QUESTION fic or drabble for AOS from me

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This is AMAZING; I love how you've captured their personalities so well in two different situations. Also, the sneezing as an obvious sock-on-the-door is so unique and amazing. I'm so excited for more! :doublethumbsup:

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Oh. My. God. This is literally amazing I love it so much this is adorable! I've been craving anything skimmons recently and this is so cute I can't even express how much I love this! The spellings were great and the little tickly kitten sneezes fit Jemma so perfectly. Also Skye-diving is like the best. Awesome job! I'm honored to have inspired you and I do hope you'll be writing more in the future. :D

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