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Cheating (Bill x Remus)


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Bill stopped in the doorway of his house, face to face with the awaiting stranger. "Who are you!" He bellowed at the shadowed figure. The figure was wearing a long black coat which was drenched by the downpouring rain.The figure stepped closer towards him. Bill raised his wand. "WHO ARE YOU!" He shouted again, louder this time, with more urgency in his tone. His hand began to shake as fear filled his body. Tensing every muscle, causing him to hold his breath and hope, just hope, that this wasn't and death eater and would not be the end of his. The awaiting figure, lifted the hood of his cloak to revel his chiseled face and sandy brown hair which was unbrushed and landed effortless in place on his face. The figure stood upright and made direct eye contact with Bill. Bill tried to make out the figure but it was hard in the darkness. Suddenly the figure lent forward and a loud sneeze erupted from his small form "HAT-ichoo." Bill recognised that sneeze, he had heard it many times before. He ran over and wrapped his coat around the man. "Remus?" he remarked "What are you doing here?" The older man let out a sniff before enveloping himself in Bill's touch. Bill was startled for a moment but allowed the man to nuzzle up to him. He looked the man up and down and took in his pals face and drenched clothing. The man shivered slightly. "You must be freezing, Rem" Bill stated, taking Remus's arm and leading him towards the doorway of his home.
Remus and Bill sat in Bill's sitting room, both had cups of English earl gray tea with honey between their fingertips and Remus was telling Bill stories of his recent ventures. The fireplace was lit and burning lightly. It was a warm, comforting sort of light that made people feel happy and relaxed to be around. The men sat side my side in matching arm chairs. Remus took another sip of his tea, being careful to finish it before it got cold but not to look too greedy as to not disappoint or upset Bill. "What were you doing outside my house, Rem?" Bill asked, looking deep into the eyes of Remus Lupin, as if he was searching in them for some type of answer. "I was in the area, I had just finished a nearby auror job and I thought that I would stop by. What with you being someone I consider to be my friend, I thought that perhaps you might appreciate my company." Remus replied. The reply warmed bill's heart, it was great to be considered someone Remus trusted, a friend, but how he longed to be so much more. Remus started to take another sip of his tea, before being interrupted by a sneeze "Hat-iZoo" the man sniffed before settling further into his chair. "Are you feeling alright?" Bill asked, obviously concerned for Remus's health, he had been sneezing a lot since had had arrived and occasionally let out the odd cough here and there. "I'm fine" Remus replied, letting out a yawn. "Just a bit tired". Bill didn't buy this excuse one bit. However, he knew that there was no point in arguing because all of his efforts would be pointless. Instead he helped Remus up from his chair and guided him towards the guest bedroom.
Bill and Remus lay in the four poster bed of the guess bedroom and stared up at the ceiling. There fingers were inter-locked and a smile laid on each other their faces. The moment was peaceful, silent, satisfying. Both men felt happy in each other's company "HAT-ichoo" a sneeze penetrated the blissful silence. "You should really get some rest Rem" Bill coaxed. He helped Remus to get under the duck feather duvet and tucked him in. He then went over to the wardrobe where he fetched some blankets and draped it over him. "Thanks Bill..." Remus muttered, drifting off into a deep sleep. Bill lay awake watching Remus for hours, stroking his hair and smiling to himself, happy to be in the presence of the man he loved. Remus turned over in his slumber, a smile on his lips, amongst his sleep talk garbage he muttered a phrase, which was unfarmiliar to Bill, but meant so much "I love you Bill Weasley." Bill had always loved Remus but had no clue whether he had felt the same way back. This had been the conformation the he had needed, that he had yearned for. He would keep fighting, hoping that one day, somewhere. They could finally be together. Bill moved himself closer to Remus and placed his lips of Bills. It was a slow passionate kiss and he could see Remus smiling even more in his sleep in his sleep. "I love you too, Rem" he told the sleeping man, aware that he probably couldn't be heard but it was still great to tell him, he wanted him to know.
When Remus woke, Bill was nowhere to be found. He lay alone on the bed feeling considerably worse than the day before. He felt like he had been hit by a bullet train. His head was pounding, his throat was worse than scratchy and his coughs sounded hoarser now. It had also began to hurt when he swallowed and he was sneezing just as frequently as the night before.It was worse than how he felt after a rough transformation, but he didn't want to make Bill worry. He knew that he was sick, this happened so often for him he didn't think it anything out of the ordinary, the transformation often left him in a state where he was vulnerable for illnesses. He lifted himself up slowly, fighting against his pounding head and aching body. It was a harder task than he first anticipated and took a few minutes to achieve and caused Remus considerable pain. He got himself to an upright position and off of the bed. Slowly but surely he began to dress himself. He pulled on some underwear and shorts, but he was too lazy to find a top to put on, bending down to find one would surely be a difficult task in his state and trying to pull a tight shirt over his head would only make his headache worse. Remus started to make his way down the stairs. Clutching the banister for dear life and taking each step slowly, taking care not to loose his footing. His legs felt like jelly and it took everything he had for him to not collapse on the ground. He had to stop once or twice, or eight times, to catch his breath before continuing his descent to the ground level of Bill's house.
A flash of light followed by a cloud of smoke presented itself near the fireplace. Out of the mist stepped Nymphadora Tonks. Her hair was  a brilliant shade of red and she had fury in her eyes. "Remus" she yelled, looking around the room and Bill's surprised expression. "Shhh, he's asleep" said Bill. Offering her a cup of tea and ushering for her to come and sit beside him. " Bill ,why didn't you tell me?" Tonks asked the older man, staring him straight in the eyes. Bill understood her concern, they were married after all. She must be worried about where Remus was and therefore is angry it him for not telling her that Remus was staying with him for the night. What Bill could not understand is how Remus had not mentioned her even once in the entirety of the time he had spent with him. Or informed her himself, Remus was usually the organised one who made sure that everything was achieved within a deadline so this was odd behaviour for him. "Sorry" Bill began "I thought he would have informed you previously about his arrangements to stay here and-" Remus was cut of by Tonks very abruptly, an annoyed look laid on her face. Tonks hair was begging to turn a darker shade of red, verging on Crimson. "Not that you daft hippogriff!" She stood up and began to stare him straight in he eyes, hard. She stood him lightly perhaps trying to knock some sense into him which Bill clearly didn't have. Bill didn't understand, what could Tonks possibly be talking about. He ran all the situations which he could think of over and over in his head, never once finding one that would be able to explain her brash behaviour. "The kiss Bill!" She replied seeing the confusion in his eyes. Bill didn't know what to do, he had never expected her to find out. He loved Remus and kissing him felt like the best thing in the world. He had not thought that it could  have resulted with this situation. "K-kiss" he tried to say but no words escaped his lips. He tried again and this time his voice came out stronger "I love him Nymphadora, you can't stop a man from loving someone, that love comes from inside then and they long to share it, so sorry if I kissed him. But last night I heard him and he said that he loved me too. Please understand, we both want this, let us have this, please." The last word came out small, bill was nervous he didn't know what had come over him. He knew his request was far fetched and Tonks did not look as though she was expecting this to escape his lips. "Bill-I....." Tonks began. "I'm sorry, I should go" she stood up and started to leave. "Tonks please, for me" he began again. He took her hands in his a pleading look in his eyes. "Fine, have it your way, just know he was mine first so if he ever wants me back you have to let him go." She said. Her face fell in a look of saddest as she said this. She was too confused to think straight and said the thing that would make it easier for her to leave, she didn't expect Bill to take it so literally. She wanted to cry but she didn't want to in front of Bill. She had to go.The next thing Bill knew Tonks was walking out the door and slamming the it behind her.
Remus neared the bottom of the staircase to meet the back of Bill Weasley. "Morning Bill" he began, sitting himself down in one of the arm chairs of the sitting room "sleep well?" Bill turned around at the sound of his voice "lovely thanks, what about you?" He too walked over towards the fireplace and sat down in the other of the armchairs, cringing at the mess of ash presented on the floor before him. "Great" Remus lied through clenched teeth. His head was killing him even more now that he was in the light. And Bill was looking at him even more intently than usual. He had to look perfectly alright other wise his cover would be blown. But how could he fool the man who noticed everything about him? All of a sudden Remus felt the sudden urge to cough. He tried of muffle them, but having no where to but his clenched fist his efforts were to no avail and they left his small form as loud as ever. His coughs were deep and harsh and left him struggling to breath. Despite Remus's best efforts, he could not seem to stop the coughs from coming and it was getting harder and harder to breath. His face was begging to turn a shade of purple. Bill, sensing his mate was in some discomfort, went into the kitchen to grab him a glass of water. As Bill rushed over to his friend, he handed the glass over and watched Remus drain it in one gulp. Remus gave him a relieved look and settled back down in his chair, attempting to act as though nothing had happened. But he knew his cover was blown. Bill was looking at him with even more worry now. Bill didn't buy this charade one bit. He walked over to the armchair and placed the back of his hand on Remus's forehead. It felt hot to the touch, but Bill had to be sure, Remus nestled in to the feeling of bill's hand on his forehead and felt disappointed when Bill moved it away after a few seconds. Bill walked off to the bathroom and fetched a brass thermometer from the top drawer, it was a family heirloom passed down to him form one of his great aunts as a Christmas present some time ago. Removing the cap he placed it into Remus's mouth and told him to hold it under his tongue. After a few moments the thermometer let out a low beep. "38.9" Bill remarked out loud " that's a fever, to bed with you" he continued, helping his friend up from the chair he was seated in. Remus made his way up the stairs slowly, leaning on Bill for support. His head was absolutely swimming and he began to get weaker by the second. Then it all got dark.


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