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The Golden Snitch (Hermionie x Harry)


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Breakfast was almost over and Hermione, still wasn't down yet. This was odd, hermione was usually the first one up every morning so she could get a head start on the extra credit which she would be set that day.
Harry had sent Ginny to check on her just moments ago and had not received any type of reply.
Harry concluded that he might as well go and check on her himself, he had some time before potions began and he might as well spend it indulging in his curiosity.
Harry entered the common room and instantly spied the stairs which led to the girls dormitory. After some persuasion, Ginny levitated him to the top of the stairs before muttering something about needing to practice for quidditch trials and exiting the common room in the direction of the pitch. As Harry walked into the girls dormitory at the Griffindor common room for fifth years he was confronted with a low moaning sound. "Mione'?" He questioned referencing to the lump of blankets on the young girls bed.
"Hello Harry" she croaked trying her best to hide the hoarse tone in her voice, pale face and glassy eyes. Harry felt concerned, she didn't look or sound well at all.
He reached forward and felt her head, it felt hot, she had a fever. Immediately his caring instincts kicked in for the first time in his life, having never had anyone look after him before he had always longed for someone to take care of him. The Dursleys were harsh and cruel and would only go as far and leaving medication outside his cupboard door as not to 'contaminate' the house. On the other hand, when Dudley was not feeling well, Harry had to look after him hand and foot. It must feel good to have someone care for you with that level of helpfulness willingly. Hermione was his friend (he wished she could be so much more) and he wanted to give her that opportunity, it was the least he could do. He loved her and wanted to see her healthy and happy again. He decided to give the more practical approach to the issue by getting the most responsible suggestion and method of getting hermione's health back up to normal out of the day way to ensure a speedy recovery. However, Harry knew that Hermione was not very fond of the hospital wing and would go to great lengths to avoid going there. This was going to be difficult to get her to co-operate. 
"You need to go to the hospital wing" he coaxed attempting to help up hermione. Acting as fast as he could in hope she would be too disorientated to object. He placed his arms around her and gently began carefully lifting her upwards, keeping in mind this may cause her discomfort due to her aching body and pounding headache he had heard the girl mutter to herself about when he had first entered the room. He almost got her onto her feet before being pushed backwards.
" I'm fi-ne" she said, her reply being interrupted by a few sneezes "HATI-CHOO" followed by a coughing fit, she seemed defeated . This would go against proving her point to Harry. That was all it would take, She didn't sound good at all and Harry was not about to give up without a fight. He took a seat in a spot next to her on the bed. Hermione, sensing that her objections were all in denial move closer towards Harry, cuddling him, appreciating the heat of his body and how warm and comfortable it made her feel. Harry noticing this, put his arms around her as she buried his head into her stomach.
"I don't feel so good Harry" she remarked giving in to herself as she curled up into a tight ball, clutching her stomach. She let out a soft moan an Harry could see the discomfort in her face. The young girls face began to turn a pale shade of green
"Good godric!" Hermione suddenly called out clamping her hand to her mouth and bolting completely upright before running into the lavatory and emptying the contents of her stomach. Harry stood behind her and held her hair rubbing slow circles her back with his hand. Whispering calming phrases Into the young girls ear, his worry was beginning to sky rocket.
"Looks like you have the flu" Harry told his ill friend, carrying  her bridal style back into her bed. She nestled up under the covers shivering slightly, Harry walked across the room and grabbed a blanket from the nearby wardrobe and gently laid it over her tucking her in and making sure she was both warm and comfortable.
"I will go and get Madame Pomfrey" he told her as he stood up and left the room. He cast one last glance on her before leaving the room. She lay there peacefully. Asleep.
A few moments later Madame Pomfrey returned
"Okay Granger, what are your symptoms?" She asked, analysing her with her healer magic.
" stomach cramps, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, sneezing and coughing" hermione replied before letting out a few more sneezes "HATIC-HOOOO"
Madame Pomfrey nodded" she's running a fever of 38.9 (yes I am British) degrees" she told Harry a concerned look on her face. " I'm afraid she has a case of the flu. I'll write a list of all the potions you need and when she needs to take them and will have Professor Snape brew and send them up shortly"
" thank you " Harry remarked before turning his attention back to Hermione. The young girl looked very vulnerable in her fragile state and Harry couldn't help himself. He leant over and kissed her on her pale lips. She looked up at him, her fever glazed eyes twinkling.
"H-Harry?" She began starting to sit up. He pushed her back down before blushing beetroot red.
"S-sorry couldn't help myself" he muttered. Hermione only smiled up at him before returning the kiss. She pushed her lips against his softly, savouring the perfect moment.Harry began pushing his tongue against her lips awaiting approval of entrance. getting the hint, Hermione opened her mouth slightly, allowing his tongue to slowly make its way inside. There tongues brushed against each other and fought lightly. There eyes met for a moment. Filling both teens with uttermost joy and lust for the other. The kiss seemed to last forever, but all good things end. eventually. Hermione pulled away, a smile resting on her pale face.
"You should rest" Harry reminded her, helping her to lie back down in her bed. Brushing her hair out her face. The sound of a man clearing his throat sounded from the doorway to the girls dormitory. Harry turned his head to look into the cold dark eyes of professor Snape.
"Hello Mr Potter" Severus sneered. Harry blushed again embarrassed for his ignorance and lack of realising that his actions would not do well to assist in the older professor gaining some sort of liking for him. "Good Morning Proffesor" Harry replied, knowing that Snape was annoyed at him for his unannounced absence in potions. "I see you have retorted to your usual habits" the older man retorted eyeing the boy with a look of disgust in his eyes. He was accustomed to comparing the boy with his father whom he shared a strong distaste for. "I'm sorry sir!" Harry began "hermione wasn't feeling well so I thought I would stay here with her and-"
"Miss Granger" Snape said, cutting Harry off from his rampage of failed apologies. He turned his attention to the girl lying on the bed in the back of the room. "Granger, I have your potions" he said turning towards the bed and lifting up the vials in his hand so that the girl could clearly see them from where she lay. He seemed to have disregarded the previous point entirely. Harry couldn't understand where this side of Snape had come from. How could her have disregarded him so suddenly. Perhaps Snape had simply just not had the strength or patience to deal with him, but that didn't sound like the Snape he knew. He had always thought of Snape as being a cold hearted man with no forgiveness. The fact that no points had being taken from Griffindor and that he had not received a detention from his professor baffled him. Harry and Snape helped Hermione to sit up before handing her the vials of potions which Snape had prepared. Harry tried to make eye contact with the older man, in hope to better understand the man's strange behaviour. Hermione drained the vials before snuggling against Harry's bare chest, breathing in his heavenly scent. She weakly raised her left hand to touch his face, he took it in his and kissed it gently, passionately, lovingly. Harry abruptly pulled away, realising that the presence of the older man was still in the room beside him. "I, best be going now" Snape remarked, moving his eyes away from Harry's penetrating gaze. He stepped towards the doorway and made one last look upon the young couple before exiting the room
The morning sun shone through the windows of the girls dormitory window, illuminating the room and causing the young Griffindor to wake up from her slumber. She sat up and looked around her spying Harry asleep next to her, his hand entwined in hers. She felt a lot better today, she would have gone to class had it not have been a Saturday. She brushed her hand against Harry's face, moving his long black shaggy hair from his face to revel his dazzling green eyes. She blinked and placed her hand on his forehead. He was burning up. She cradled him in her arms and kissed him gently.
"Mi-one," he muttered half asleep, fluttering his eyes open slightly.
"I'm here Harry, I'll always be here, your my golden snitch and I'll always catch you," she smiled before falling back to sleep. The couple lay together, almost angelically, both of them perfect ally happy and content in one another's company.

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On 15/06/2016 at 9:44 PM, Snowydays said:

Awh this was cute!! :) 

Glad you liked it, any suggestions for more stories, i can do any fandom/ship and a oneshot like this one a multiple part story. :)

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