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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wario's Revenge :P


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Just another silly Mario-based sneezefic, except aside from having Mario sneezing, there's a sneeze from Wario as well.

I came up with this sometime after I watched a certain cutscene from the 2013 game, Game & Wario. In case you're curious, the cutscene (the one where a mouse makes Wario sneeze with pepper) plays before the mini-game Arrow begins. Anyway, enjoy :)


It was just another normal day, and Wario had fallen asleep on an easy chair in the living room. The fat guy had been trying to come up with ideas for his new video game, but he got just about nowhere. As he was brainstorming, he realized that he couldn't come up with anything, so he decided to take a nap and started having a weird dream.
While he was busy in dreamland, a small mouse wandered over to the back of the easy chair, and climbed to the top. When it got there, it noticed that it was just behind Wario's head. The mouse had always been picked on by Wario, who attempted to get the rodent out of his house every time he saw it. With him asleep, the mouse figured that it would be a good time as any to punish him for all of his past actions.
Without its victim suspecting a thing in the world, the mouse proceeded to get out a pepper shaker. Like all of its friends, the mouse knew that pepper could make anybody sneeze, but it took the risk. Turning the shaker upside down, the mouse started shaking as hard as it could, sending a cloud of pepper directly into Wario's face.
Although Wario didn't try to sniff the pepper, the effect was just about instant. He absolutely needed to sneeze. Without even waking up, Wario began to inhale as the sneeze took him over. Realizing what was happening, the mouse dropped the shaker and ran away from the chair, trying to find a place to hide before it was too late.
"Ahhh... Aaahhh... Aaahhhh...! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH--!! CHOOOOOoooooooooo!!!"
Wario released his sneeze that was so forceful that it startled him awake. A few seconds afterward, he regained his breath, opened his eyes and quickly looked around. What the heck could have made him sneeze so hard? It was just unnatural for him to sneeze like that, even for his character. All Wario saw was the pepper shaker on the floor, which made him realize that was what made him sneeze.
But he didn't think it was the mouse that caused it. He thought it was someone who wasn't even there. "Mario..."
"I will get you for this, Mario," Wario said to himself as he picked up the shaker. It still had some pepper inside, which gave him an idea. He could get his revenge. If he thought Mario came over just to make him sneeze, then he would come over to Mario's just to make him sneeze.
The mouse stuck its head out from where it was hiding to see Wario heading out the front door, with the pepper shaker in his hand. The mouse was happy to see that its prank had worked, but what was Wario up to now that he had woken up?

Wario made it to Mario's house, and then looked through the window that led to the living room. Mario had fallen asleep on the couch, and although the TV was on, it didn't wake him up. Wario assumed that Mario had been excessively bored from what he was watching on TV, whatever it was. But either way, Wario was seeing his chance. It was revenge time.
Trying to be as quiet as possible, Wario made his way toward the front door, and opened it slowly. He couldn't believe that the door was unlocked, but he didn't care. Once he made it inside, he closed the door just as slowly and quietly as he opened it. With no one suspecting a thing, he snuck into the living room.
How was Wario going to do this? He slowly, silently went up to the back of the couch where Mario was. Raising his free hand, he lightly grabbed Mario's nose and pulled it upward, revealing his nostrils.

"Care...fully..." Wario thought as he used his other hand, which had the pepper shaker in it, to shake pepper directly into Mario's nostrils. He had to do everything slowly and cautiously to keep him from waking up, but he made sure that the pepper intake would be enough to make Mario sneeze.
He continued until he heard a small but audible whimper, followed by a couple of sniffles. The pepper was doing its magic, causing Mario's nose to twitch and his nostrils to flare up from the burning sensation. In fact, Wario even saw his victim's eyes open, and knew exactly what was going to happen. "Oh, crud!" Wario thought as he let go of Mario's nose and ran off for somewhere to hide. Aside from being afraid he would be found out, he was also afraid that the sneeze would be huge and loud. Mario did have a big and loud sneeze, but if it were from pepper, it would be even bigger and louder than what you would normally hear from him. Once Wario had found a good place to hide, he put his fingers to his ears, hoping he wouldn't hear the sneeze.
Mario managed to wake up, but he had no power against the pepper. He was too late to rub his nose or do anything to stop the sneeze, and all he could do was just surrender to his fate. With his eyes watering, and his nose twitching in furious irritation, he began to inhale for the sneeze that was building up. It was going to be a big one.
"Aaaaaahhhhh... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!! CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Mario sneezed theatrically, throwing his head forward as the sneeze echoed throughout the entire house. The sneeze was painful. He had no chance to cover his mouth, and although the sneeze blew out a good amount of pepper from his nose, it wasn't enough relief. Tilting his head back, Mario prepared to unleash a few more sneezes, most of them with just as much strength as the first.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Due to the amount of pepper inside his nose, Mario had to enter a sneezing fit just to get the right amount of relief to stop. Each sneeze he fired blew out varying amounts of pepper from his nose, but he continued to sneeze repeatedly. The strength of the sneezes started to decrease as he neared the end of his fit. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOooooooooooo! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH-CHOOoooooooooooooooo!"
Wario couldn't help but laugh to himself as he heard Mario sneeze. Just hearing them happen from Mario, of all people, was simply hilarious. When the fit got close to the end, Wario opened the front door and ran out, shutting the door behind him and heading home as fast as he could. He really hoped that nobody knew he was here.
Back in the living room, Mario managed to reach the end of his sneezing fit, and struggled to catch his breath. Thanks to the amount of pepper he was forced to inhale, not to mention the harsh sneezing fit that resulted from it, his nose had turned a bright red. Mario rubbed his nose with a forefinger, cringing as he did. Even with a minuscule amount of pepper left, the insides of his nose were still burning. Taking a tissue from the box on the coffee table, Mario blew his nose, but that didn't seem to help. He removed the tissue, sniffled once and sighed. He didn't know who or what caused him to sneeze like this, but he certainly wasn't happy. The fact that he had been pranked was one thing, but having to wait for his body to recover from the sneezing fit was another.

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