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Stevn Universe Cold Fanfiction


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This is a fanfiction that i wrote and anyone else can continue it if they want!

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You seem kind of confused about how to post things onto the forum, is there something specific you're finding yourself befuddled by or any way we can help you?

Edited by Junia
a word
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3 hours ago, LetsFangirl567 said:

This is a fanfiction that i wrote and anyone else can continue it if they want!

This is a sentence expressing confusion regarding said 'fanfiction'.

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I don't know what's going on. Send help.

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I was about to upload it, but it won't let me and i have tried a ton of times



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26 minutes ago, LetsFangirl567 said:

I was about to upload it, but it won't let me and i have tried a ton of times



That's not how you post stuff. You just copy and paste it into the text box, like you can see literally everybody else on here who has posted stories has done.

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All y'all chill they're trying okay


You can link if you want, but that's typically only when it's published elsewhere. If you're trying to paste on a mobile device, try on a  computer.

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Simultaneous Sick Days: A Steven Universe Fan Fiction


Steven woke up from a long day of playing in the rain. He was still very cold, but he expected because the rain was pouring down. Connie and Steven were splashing in puddles, but Connie had a pretty blue raincoat on. Steven on the other hand, just has a small umbrella.  He seemed to be colder then the day before, but that was quite peculiar. He tried speaking, but his throat was hurting so he stopped himself. His nose seemed to tickle too, but it wasn’t too bothersome. He then went into a small coughing fit, but he usually wasn’t one to complain.

            He grabbed his blanket, wrapped it around himself, and went down to the couch. He looked to his right and saw Amethyst surrounded by plates of food. She was also covered in food, and she had seemed to make a mess everywhere. Which he knew that Pearl would be enraged about.

 “YO Steven! I made us some breakfast! Even the pancakes have smiley faces!”

She looked at him with a look of concern. “Whoa, Steven you don’t look to good, you feelin’ ok?”

“I don’t know” Steven said with a raspy voice. “One day I was happily playing in the rain, the next my head hurts, it’s super cold, and it’s kinda hard to breath”

“Hmmm, PEARL! GARNET!! GET OVER HERE!!!!’’ Amethyst yelled so loudly it seemed to worsen Steven’s headache, which was shown by his small moan.

            Pearl and Garnet walked in with irritated looks on their faces. The petite gem turned to Amethyst and saw the complete mess she made in the kitchen.

“Honestly, Amethyst, what’s so important that you couldn’t come get us yourselves? Ugh, this mess is going to take forever to clean up! Well, at least we’re all down here, we have an important mission for today. We are going to-”


            Pearl then noticed Steven on the couch, and ran to his side. Garnet slowly walked behind.

“Oh my gosh Steven are you okay? Here, put this in your mouth!”

She then pulled out a thermometer from her ribbon, which she put there after Steven got sick when he was younger.

“Hmmm, 100 degrees!” Pearl looked at him with a glare of concern.

“There is now way Steven is coming with us on this mission, he’s too sicko! But we can’t just leave him here alone, and Greg Is out of town…

            Then, they heard the door swing open and close. It was Peridot, coming over with an excited look on her face, but it was soon changed to a look of confusion.

‘Why has Steven wrapped himself in a cocoon?” she asked.

Amethyst Pearl and Garnet stared at each other all with the same idea.

“Well, Peridot, it seems Steven is feeling under the weather today, but we need some ne to take care of him. And that’s exactly what you’re going to do.”

Before Peridot could say anything, the gems had ran to the warp pad and left.

“Well, I guess your stuck here with me” Steven said hoarsely.

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Simultaneous Sick Days: Chapter 2


Peridot stared at Steven with a look of confusion. Why was he wrapped in a cocoon of wool? Why was his face pink? And why did his voice sound so strained when he spoke? He wasn’t as happy go lucky as he usually was either, which seemed even more peculiar.

“Why did Pearl say you were under the weather? This roof is clearly shielding you from the light drizzle falling from the sky.” Peridot asked.

“Well, it means I’m sick. And the gems have to go on a miss-

Steven then went into a large coughing fit, resulting in a small groan.

“What do you mean by take care of you?” she asked.

“Like, I don’t know. Maybe you coul-Hehhschoo!”

Steven tried to sneeze into his elbow (AKA antibactoral fossa) but his reflexes weren’t fast enough and he sneezed all over Peridot’s face. This caused her to jump backwards in disgust.


“Oh, I kinda just sneezed on you. Sorry Peridot. I was wondering if you could get me that tissue box over there. And could you maybe be a bit quitter, it’s making my head hurt really bad.”

As Peridot ran over to get the small cardboard rectangle filled with small blankets that he pointed to, she decided not to say anything, in fear of worsening his headache. She grabbed one of the tissues an examined it, but she shortly put it back in the box. She noticed a tiny tickle in her nose and throat, but it didn’t seem important.

‘Thank you” Steven then proceeded to blow his nose, and throw the tissue in the trash.

“Well, what does one do when they’re “sick” as you are now” Peridot asked.

“We usually just sit around, and read a book or play games or watch TV or something”

“Do you have a preference?”

“Well,” Steven began. ”Connie really wanted me to start reading aeries of books called Bethany Treinga, and the first one is called “Bethany Trienga and the Scepter of Magic. And I’m not the best reader, so I was wondering if you could read it.”

            Peridot grabbed the book and sat next to Steven on the couch and began to read it. As soon as she finished the first page, she felt something fall on her shoulder. It was Steven, sleeping while making some strange noise that sounded as though it was hard for him to breathe. “She suddenly felt as though she was becoming warn out, even though she didn’t need sleep. It had rapidly just become way colder, and it was a bit harder to breathe through her sense sponge. 


Suddenly, a flash of bright light came from the warp pad, as Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl walked in.  Just as Pearl was about to speak she was shooshed by Garnet, who saw that Steven was fast asleep next to Peridot.  Then, Amethyst heard a noise coming from his general direction.

“Did you guys hear that?” Amethyst asked. 

“Haschew! Haschew!”  Peridot sneezed into a tissue and dumped it in a trash bin next to her. Amethyst noticed that the bin was filled with used tissues, and they seemed to be coming from Peridot. She went into a small coughing fit, which caused Steven to wake up.  

“Peridot, what happened?” He asked.

“Nothing Steven, go back to sleep.”

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