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My first Snape fanfiction

I love Alan Rickman

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I was scrolling through some awesome Snape fanfictions from here from a while back and thought I should give it a shot and try to create one by myself. I'm open to everything you think about it. Enjoy! :)


Part One:

Severus Snape sat quietly in his office, gazing down his long hooked nose at a blank piece of parchment. On a regular day, he could easily plan out the day's potions lessons, but today was not one of those days. He felt a tickle in his sinuses, which slowly crept it's way down his nose. He ran a single finger under his nose and sniffed, fighting the urge to sneeze. He had to get this lesson written out before breakfast. He glanced at the clock, which read quarter to six. Yawning, he decided to take a break. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night, and his head was pounding like crazy. The urge to sneeze was becoming harder to suppress, but if he gave in, he would wake up the whole dungeons. He took out his handkerchief and tried to get rid of this sensation by blowing his nose. However, it only made it worse. "Heh...hehuh...huh..." The sneeze was messing with him. There was no way it was going away. He closed his eyes and ducked down under his desk where it was dark. He waited there for a little bit until his eyes adjusted to the dark then quickly popped back up, staring into the light. "Heh..ah...errSHH! ArrSHH! Kuhhuh...KERshh!" Snape had always relied on looking into a bright light if a sneeze wouldn't come, which would always do the trick. Though he isn't very fond of sneezing, sometimes he just has to let it go.
He sniffed subconsciously and walked to his door. Peering out, he realized that his sneezing didn't appear to have awaken anyone, thank goodness. However, just as he went to close the door again, a violent sneeze caught him off-guard. "ErSHH!" He sneezed freely and immediately fidgeted for his handkerchief, bringing it up to his nose to catch the next few, "HitCHOO! IsSHOO! Heh...HehSHH!
He sniffed and backed up into his office when he heard someone walking down the corridor. He quickly closed and locked the door, sniffed, and blew his nose. He walked back to his desk and looked at the parchment, picking up his quill as he heard a knock at the door. Snape's feverish pale face turned even paler at the sight of Draco Malfoy's concerned face. "What do you think you're doing out of your common room this early in the morning?" Snape asked coldly as he walked to the door and unlocked it. He sniffed softly as Draco walked in.
"Sir, I was...I was just..." Draco began. He gulped when he met Snape's eyes with the flushed cheeks and paler-than-usual skin. 
"Spit it out," Snape said impatiently.
"I just...I heard you sneeze," Draco looked away from Severus. He knew his professor doesn't like to show weakness. "Bless you, s-sir."
"You come into my office this early in the morning just to bless me? How disappointing. Surely, you came to discuss something much more prudent, Mr. Malfoy?"
"Um, y-yes sir. Are you getting ill?"
Snape leaned over Malfoy, drawing up to his full height and said with as much intimidation as he could muster while on the edge of a sneeze, "Is that ihiht? Well, I assure you that I am p-perfectly fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to uh-atten...," The sneeze did not want to stay any longer. Snape sniffed wetly and ran a finger under his irritated nose, "attend...HIHshh! IsSHOO! Ack...UHshh! Sniff! IHshoo!" Snape had just barely had time to pull out his handkerchief and turn away from Draco when the sneezes came. He hadn't had time to try to stifle them, and when he turned back to Draco, who was red from embarrassment, he stuffed away his hanky and said while brushing his black hair out of his eyes, "I have work to attend to" as if nothing strange had just happened in front of his student. 
"I see, sir. I-I'll leave you alone," said Draco, and he half-ran, half-stumbled out of Snape's office.
Snape sighed and locked the door after Draco left. He took his used handkerchief and blew his large nose into it with the sound like a trumpet. He walked back to his desk and put his attention back to the parchment. According to the clock, it was now quarter after six. He only had fourty-five minutes until he and his students would be called down to the Great Hall for breakfast. He racked his brain for ideas and eventually settled on having the students brew a batch of Wiggenweld Potion.
Snape laid his head down on his desk and closed his eyes. His head was throbbing, but he insisted on trying to get some extra sleep before breakfast. "Ihshh! Hih..hihshh! Hihshh! Sniff!" He laid his head back down and dozed off.


Snape awoke with a start to Minerva McGonagall yelling his name. "Miderva, whad was thad for?" He sounded congested, and his throat was scratchy. "I was trying do sleep."
"Severus, that's the whole point! You're late for breakfast!" McGonagall called back.
Snape moaned, tiredly saying, "Jusd five more midutes," and laid his head back down.
"Alohomora!" McGonagall said from behind the door, which flew open at the touch of her wand. She looked at Snape, who was even paler than last night, if that was even possible. "My goodness, Severus. What happened to you?"
"I'm gedding a cold," He admitted miserably.
"I see. Would you like me to have Poppy get you a PepperUp?"
"No," He sat up quickly. His vision blurred, and he fell backward, his head pounding harder than ever. "I'm...find..." he said breathlessly when McGonagall walked over to him. "Just...sat up too fast...Sniff!"
"Severus, you need to eat."
"I'm nod hungry."
McGonagall picked Snape up by the arm and let him lean against her. As she went to leave the office, she felt him stiffen. "What's wrong?"
"Heh...heh...hehSHH!" He sneezed over his shoulder to avoid spraying her. Then, he pushed her away as he reached for his handkerchief, his nose twitching furiously. "HihSHH! Huh...UhSHH! KerSHH!" He couldn't reach his handkerchief in time, so he sneezed freely. "Sorry aboud thad," he apologized, and he finally got out his hanky and blew his red nose into it.
"Let's just get you breakfast," McGonagall replied, not showing any sign of being grossed out by what just happened. She led him to the Great Hall, and he was able to stand up straight again. He stifled a few sneezes on the way, and once they arrived, they took their places at the staff table.
Dumbledore gave his normal lecture before the plates were filled with food. Even then, when seeing all the delicious food, Snape wasn't hungry. However, McGonagall insisted that he would eat. Therefore, he ate little, but reluctantly. 
Halfway through breakfast, Snape couldn't stand holding in his sneeze any longer. He bowed beneath the table with his handkerchief in his hand and tried to get it to come. "Huh...huh...hih...HihSHH!" He sniffed and made sure no one was watching. Even Dumbledore was still focused on his food. Snape blew his nose softly and emerged from beneath the table. His eyes met those of Harry Potter, who immediately looked away to break the eye contact. Snape swore under his breath. 
Thinking of how Potter should be punished if he brought this up, Snape waited impatiently for the end of breakfast. When everyone was dismissed, Snape went back to his office, laid down at his desk, sneezed, and dozed off, hoping this time to not to be awaken by anyone or anything but his own circadian rhythm.

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  • I love Alan Rickman


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  • stifledsneezelover


Oh! I rather enjoyed this immensely! I am such a sucker for a sick Snape, he's definitely by far my favorite HP character! Do continue? :) 

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3 minutes ago, sneezyholmes said:

Oh! I rather enjoyed this immensely! I am such a sucker for a sick Snape, he's definitely by far my favorite HP character! Do continue? :) 

I'm glad you like it! Yes, I love sick Snape, which is why I decided to write it. I'm definitely planning on making more parts in the future. :)

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4 minutes ago, I love Alan Rickman ? said:

I'm glad you like it! Yes, I love sick Snape, which is why I decided to write it. I'm definitely planning on making more parts in the future. :)

Yay! I shall eagerly be awaiting! :D 

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So excited for more parts to this!! I love this so far! Keep up the great work :thumbs_up:

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22 hours ago, stifledsneezelover said:

So excited for more parts to this!! I love this so far! Keep up the great work :thumbs_up:


18 hours ago, Timberlane said:

Very well done!  I like the back and forth with Draco, well written!

Thanks for the feedback! Sorry that I took forever to write this. I've been so busy and haven't had much time to sit down and write. Finally, here it is! Part two at last! :D 


Part Two:
Snape awoke two hours later and looked at the clock, which read half past ten. He was surprised that no one had woken him for his first year class. His parchment with the class plans from about three hours earlier was gone, and the door stood ajar. Apparently, the supposed substitute for Snape had taken the plans and left the door open.
Snape did not like this. He immediately got up and looked around his office, making sure everything was still in place. Everything seemed in position, which was odd since the door had be opened for hours while Snape slept. His throat was still hurting him, and the familiar tickle in his nose was starting to come back. He closed his eyes and pinched the end of his nose with his index finger and thumb, longing for the tickle to vanish. However, it continued to crawl down his nose until it reached the tip.
"Heh, hehuh...huh, huh...hih...HIHshh! ERshh! IHshh! Hih...HitCHOO!" Snape's breath hitched like crazy until the sneezes finally came. He sniffed and dabbed at his nose.
"Why, bless you!" The sound of Dolores Umbridge's voice made Snape jump. She was standing right next to the open door, which Snape had just noticed he had forgotten to close and lock.
"Headmistress. 'Tis a pleasure to see you," He lied, as it was the worst time to see her when he was in this weakened state. However, he said it with a respectful bow of his head. 
"Severus, you had better return to your classroom before your third years arrive. Remus isn't very into teaching potions."
Having heard that Remus Lupin was filling in for him, Snape's eyes widened. Why had they let the werewolf back into the school to teach for him this close to the full moon? Snape gathered up his things and head off to his classroom.
When he arrived, Snape saw Lupin reading a copy of Advanced Potion Making until he noticed Snape. "Hello, Snivellus. I guess I'd better head off now that you're here." He noticed Snape pull out his handkerchief. "Pretty used, is it not? I'll take care of that for you." Lupin gave his wand a flick in the direction of the hanky, which became good as new. Snape nodded his thanks as Lupin strolled out of the room, leaving Advanced Potion Making lying open on Snape's desk.
Snape blew his nose softly into his handkerchief and sat down at his desk. He himself read some of Advanced Potion Making while waiting for the fifth years to arrive. By the time he'd coughed around ten times and gotten to the chapter of how to brew the Draught Of Living Death, Snape looked up from his book to see some students filing in. 
Snape straightened up and put a scowl on his face when students were to look at him. He waited impatiently for the bell to ring so he could say his short introduction and have less of an opportunity of all his students noticing his weakness. The bell finally rung. "Today, you will be brewing a Wiggenweld potion. 'Tis a very powerful healing potion that it has been kn-known to counteract the..." Snape ran a finger under his nose to try to delay the sneeze and continued on, "Draught Of Lihihving...D-d-heh...heh...HERshh! Huh...HUHSHH!" Snape turned around quickly to bury his nose in his handkerchief to block the sneezes from his students. When he was done, his eyes were watering slightly from the force, and he blew his nose softly before turning around to continue feebly and breathlessly, "Draught Of Living D-Death...You may b-begin."
Most of the students looked away from their professor immediately, but some-mostly Slytherins including Draco Malfoy-stayed looking for a second saying, "Bless you" before looking down.
Sitting at his desk, Snape pretended to be reading Hogwarts: A History, but he was really fighting the urge to sneeze again. Apparently, his nose was not fine with him sneezing only twice. It wanted more. He looked up to make sure no one was watching before squeezed his nose, trying to get rid of the tickle. After what felt like forever, the tickle subsided, but he kept holding his nose to make sure it wouldn't come back. When Draco looked up at him, he quickly brought his hand down and acted as if nothing happened, returning the gaze with a very intimidating one before Draco looked back down at his cauldron, whispering something that was inaudible to Snape. 
Snape looked at the clock and walked around the room, starting with Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Pansy Parkinson. He saw that all the cauldrons had a potion the perfect shade of green. "Twenty points to Slytherin," Snape called out while moving on, leaving the four Slytherins beaming with joy.
Next, Snape came across the group of four Gryffindors at the back of the room, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville. He leaned over Neville, who slouched down. "Mr. Longbottom, I believe your potion is supposed to be green, not purple," he said with a lazy flick of his wand, and the potion disappeared. Draco and his friends were laughing hysterically, and Neville sank deeper into his chair until the lowest you could see of him above the table were the bottom of his eyes. Snape walked over to Harry's direction.
"Why, your potion disgusts me, Mr. Potter," he said with a slight sniff. "I reckon it's almost as bad as Longbottom's." He ran a finger under his ticklish nose and continued while trying unsuccessfully to sound imitating, "C-Clearly you need...heh...to learn to...Sniff!...follow the direhehctions in your book a-and..." His nose twitched and a blank look replaced the cold one on his face. He tried hard to finish his sentence as his brow furrowed, "and make...heh...heh...." His eyes started to close, and he took out his handkerchief, swiftly turning away from Harry and the other students, "ErSHH! Ah...AhSHH! HetCHOO! Ih...IHshoo!" He blew his nose and turned back around, glaring at Harry, whose eyes were wide in shock. "And make a proper potion," he spat and turned to Hermione.
"Not too bad, Miss Granger, but I'd suggest you add a little less salamander blood at the end. Your potion is more blue than green," and with a flick of his wand, Snape caused the potion to disappear, leaving Hermione standing there looking into the empty cauldron in disbelief. Finally, Snape turned to Ron.
"Well, well, well. What a potion, Mr. Weasley. Seems you don't know even the difference between left and right. Only way to get an orange potion by following the directions would h-have to be by stirring the opposite way each t-time." With that, Ron's potion disappeared as well. Harry watched as Snape walked over to more Slytherins, rewarding them points for how well they did. As Snape was walking back to his desk after scolding some more Gryffindors, Harry noticed Snape's nose twitch. He turned away from his students with the handkerchief, his head shooting forward causing his black hair to fly in his face in two violent but inaudible (to Harry at least) sneezes.
The bell rang. "Due tomorrow, an essay on the properties of moonstone and its uses in...p-potion maki...heh..." he sniffed and turned away from his students, burying his twitching nose in his handkerchief, "HehTCHOO! KerSHH! Hih...HihSHH! Sniff! Potion making..." He finished, tears streaming from his eyes. 
"Bless you, professor," Harry said as he walked out the door with a smile on his face, walking past Snape, who was trying to blow his nose without being noticed. Snape scowled at Harry with his teary eyes and sneezed.

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Ooooo just noticed a little mistake as I was reading through it myself. I can't find a way to edit it, so I'll fix it here. Umbridge was supposed to say "before your fifth years arrive" not "before your third years arrive." No idea how I made that mistake. Lol. Enjoy the rest!

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On June 8, 2016 at 4:16 PM, sneezyholmes said:

Yay! I shall eagerly be awaiting! :D 

Almost forgot to tag you as well. :P Sorry

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Snape! !!!!!!! I love him all sick and stuff. Poor man needs to get rest. And ugh....Dolores Umbridge......I dislike that woman and her pink. (No offense to anyone who does like pink) I would totally be Harry. Something about Remus calling Snape that horrible name. I don't it just runs me the wrong way. Like I see Sirius saying that. But not lupin. But love love love how you keep Snape in character. I'm superseded you didn't have Dumbledore offer the man a lemon drop.  Lawl!!!

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1 hour ago, Artygirl22 said:

Snape! !!!!!!! I love him all sick and stuff. Poor man needs to get rest. And ugh....Dolores Umbridge......I dislike that woman and her pink. (No offense to anyone who does like pink) I would totally be Harry. Something about Remus calling Snape that horrible name. I don't it just runs me the wrong way. Like I see Sirius saying that. But not lupin. But love love love how you keep Snape in character. I'm superseded you didn't have Dumbledore offer the man a lemon drop.  Lawl!!!

We got plenty more parts to come. I'm glad you like it so far! :D Do you like Snape trying to tell Harry he doesn't like the potion while fighting a sneeze? That was one of my favorite parts so far 

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4 hours ago, I love Alan Rickman ? said:

Almost forgot to tag you as well. :P Sorry

Oh! What a delightful update! I'm practically dying at 'Snivellus'! Thanks for tagging me!

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Omg yes. Like do not show weakness in front of these children....especially Harry Potter.  That's totally what Snape was thinking. 

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14 minutes ago, Artygirl22 said:

Omg yes. Like do not show weakness in front of these children....especially Harry Potter.  That's totally what Snape was thinking. 

Lol yes :D 

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Oh my gosh what a lovely update! I love sickly Snape :wub: the description is fantastic and the characters are all perfect to the originals! Can't wait to read more :thumbup:

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On June 17, 2016 at 0:33 AM, stifledsneezelover said:

Oh my gosh what a lovely update! I love sickly Snape :wub: the description is fantastic and the characters are all perfect to the originals! Can't wait to read more :thumbup:

Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm going on vacation today, so I won't have as much time to write once we get there. However, the car ride is like 5 hours, so maybe I can work on it then and get two parts done in that time! :o

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On June 15, 2016 at 10:35 PM, Timberlane said:

Another fun post, keep it going!


On June 17, 2016 at 0:33 AM, stifledsneezelover said:

Oh my gosh what a lovely update! I love sickly Snape :wub: the description is fantastic and the characters are all perfect to the originals! Can't wait to read more :thumbup:


On June 15, 2016 at 10:30 PM, sneezyholmes said:

Oh! What a delightful update! I'm practically dying at 'Snivellus'! Thanks for tagging me!

So happy this car ride was so long. I finished part three! I hope you like it! :)

Part Three:
Snape awoke, still in his potions classroom. He didn't remember passing out, but he could feel his heart pounding hard in his chest, his arms and legs tingling. He rubbed his eyes and sniffed before picking up Hogwarts: A History and going back to his office. On his way, he once again saw Lupin. "Nice to see you, Severus. I was just coming in to check on you again. Harry told me you'd passed out at the end of class without warning when he was leaving, so I've been checking on you every ten minutes. Seems you've finally woken. Also, sorry about what I called you earlier," he apologized and added with a yawn, "I think I'm going to need a Wolfsbane potion pretty soon. Starting to feel nocturnal again, you see? But, if you can't make it in your current state, I'd understand."
"Current state?" Snape asked, raising one eyebrow. "I assure you that I am perfectly fine, Lupin, therefore I will be making you your potion."
"Perfectly fine when you're passing out in class? I don't think so, Severus. I'd recommend you get some rest."
"Well, Lupin, you do realize that I am the only one who can make you this potion?"
"I can go as a werewolf for once as you recover. I don't want to keep you up because of this and cause you to be more ill. I know you don't like to show your weakness in front of Vol-"
"DON'T...say...the name!" Snape had quickly whipped out his wand and pointed it at Lupin's throat. "The Dark Lord is back, and if you transform and he sees you coming from near here, he'll be sure to have Greyback interrogate you. For your information, I have been brewing you these potions so he doesn't know one of Greyback's kind is on our side."
"He'd be sure to find out soon," Remus retorted.
Snape backed up slowly, "Well, obviously it would be better for him to find out later than now. I would recommend you go as I brew the potion," and with that, Snape turned and walked away, leaving Remus standing in the corridor shaking his head.
Snape walked back to his office, and when he arrived, he sat down at his desk and looked at the clock. He still had twenty minutes until class with his third years, the last class of the day. He was tired, despite having been unconscious for almost forty minutes after passing out at the end of class. If he took a nap now, he'd miss class, and Remus would have to fill in again. 
Snape had almost completely forgotten about the tickle in his nose that had been bothering him constantly throughout the day. He blew his nose hard, trying unsuccessfully to relieve the tickle. Sniffing, he turned over his handkerchief and gave into the sneeze. "Heh...HehSHH! EhSHH! KerSHH!" His head snapped forward from the sneezes, and he blew his nose again. He wiped his black hair out of his eyes and sat with his head in his hands. He stayed there for a long five minutes, wondering whether or not he should go down to forth period and teach the third years. Maybe Remus was right. Maybe Snape was too sick to teach. In fact, he knew he was too sick, but he was too stubborn to admit it. If he told Remus that, he wouldn't be able to brew that potion, and as a result, You-Know-Who would interrogate Remus.
Snape stood up and walked out of his office to go to his classroom. He would teach this class, then he would sleep. He sat down at his desk in the classroom and waited for the students to arrive. His plans were that the third years would brew a Girding Potion this time around.
After waiting for a couple minutes, the third years started filing in. Snape gave his short lecture and watched them carefully while fighting the urge to sneeze again. Why couldn't it wait until class was over? He ducked under his desk while his students were all looking down at their cauldrons and gave in to the urge, stifling three violent sneezes. Afterward, his eyes watered, and his throat hurt, but none of his students looked up. They all seemed to have not noticed what just happened.
Snape walked around the room, barely paying any attention to the potions. Mostly, he was paying attention to the fact that he was going to sneeze again. He paid so little attention to the potions that he gave points to a Gryffindor whose potion was yellow instead of golden.
Walking back to his own desk, Snape felt dizzy. He swayed on the spot but was able to steady himself to sit down. He said with a sniff and while slightly dazed, "Homework due Wednesday: Gather the ingredients for a Wiggenweld potion..." He paused, a blank look spreading across his face, "C-Class dismissed." He bit his lip, trying to hold back the sneeze until all the students exited the room. As the last five students were gathering their things and starting to leave, he wouldn't hold it any longer. Snape turned around quickly with his handkerchief to catch the oncoming sneezes, "OhSHH! Heh...HEHshh! ErSHH! Uh...uhSHH! KerSHH! Sniff!" Snape's look that he gave the five students as he was dabbing at his nose could've killed. They didn't dare stay lingering any longer and ran out of the room with their things.
Snape followed his students until he got to his office. He walked in, closed the door, locked it, and went over to his desk to sit down. Coughing, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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I'm gonna need a moment! This was another marvelous update as usual and once again, you've left me chomping at the bit for more! My darling Snape, quite being so stubborn! :D:heart:  

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2 minutes ago, sneezyholmes said:

I'm gonna need a moment! This was another marvelous update as usual and once again, you've left me chomping at the bit for more! My darling Snape, quite being so stubborn! :D:heart:  

I'm glad you like it so far! I couldn't have done it this quickly if I didn't have a five hour drive to work on it with. :P I'll see if I can work on it at all this week. I'll try but I probably won't be able to. :( I will asap, though

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Just now, I love Alan Rickman ? said:

I'm glad you like it so far! I couldn't have done it this quickly if I didn't have a five hour drive to work on it with. :P I'll see if I can work on it at all this week. I'll try but I probably won't be able to. :( I will asap, though

No rush, haha! I understand a lack of time..believe me. :) 

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3 hours ago, sneezyholmes said:

No rush, haha! I understand a lack of time..believe me. :) 

Yeah. I just like to work on it, though. I want to work on it asap is what I meant :P

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1 minute ago, I love Alan Rickman ? said:

Yeah. I just like to work on it, though. I want to work on it asap is what I meant :P

Oh I see :P Yeah, I get that way about art~

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Another marvelous update! Take your time writing, I definitely know the feeling of having a lack of time to work with. We will still be here waiting for another update whenever you're ready! I can't wait!! :wub:

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On June 20, 2016 at 3:18 PM, stifledsneezelover said:

Another marvelous update! Take your time writing, I definitely know the feeling of having a lack of time to work with. We will still be here waiting for another update whenever you're ready! I can't wait!! :wub:


On June 18, 2016 at 4:10 PM, sneezyholmes said:

I'm gonna need a moment! This was another marvelous update as usual and once again, you've left me chomping at the bit for more! My darling Snape, quite being so stubborn! :D:heart:  


On June 15, 2016 at 10:35 PM, Timberlane said:

Another fun post, keep it going!

So, I finished part four on the drive home! Since it takes place in Harry's fifth year, I decided to base this part on Occlumency lessons, as there were some pretty perfect parts in the movie for a sickly Snape moment and/or a Snape-y point of view in general. Tell me what you think, and as always, enjoy! :thumbs_up:

Part Four:
When Snape awoke, he looked around the room and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He felt a little better than before he fell asleep, but not much. Then he remembered, Dumbledore wanted to see him.
Snape strode off to the stone gargoyle of the Headmaster's office. "ERshh! Guh...uh...ah...AHshh! IRshh!" He just barely got his handkerchief up to his nose to block the sneezes. He sighed. He rubbed his nose on his sleeve and whispered the password "Fizzing Whizzbees" under his breath. The gargoyle brought him up to the office. He walked in and looked around slightly, ignoring Harry, and rested his eyes on Dumbledore, "You wished to see me, Headmaster?"
"Severus, I'm afraid we can't wait. Not even in the morning. Otherwise, we'll be vulnerable," Dumbledore said.
Snape knew what this meant. He needed to teach Harry to control his emotions. He looked at Harry and took ahold of his wrist, leading him out into the corridor and to the dungeons, down the spiral staircase, and to his office, explaining the connection between Harry's and Voldemort's minds. With a sniff, he sat Harry into the chair, still explaining and taking out his wand.
Harry looked at Snape, "You mean, if he knows about it, he'll be able to read my mind?"
Snape stood still, "Read it, control it, unhinge it." He turned around to look at Harry, his black eyes seeming to bore into Harry's soul. Lily's emerald eyes stared back, making it hard for Snape to concentrate. "In the past, it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims, creating visions designed to torture them into madness." He slowly walked closer to Harry. "Only after extracting the last exquisite ounce of agony, only when he would have them literally begging for death, would he finally...kill them." He stared coldly down at the fifteen year old sitting in the chair below, feeling another sneeze starting to build at the bridge of his nose. He continued, "Used properly, the power of Occlumency will help shield you from access or influence. In these lessons, I will attempt to penetrate your mind, you will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself!" He took out his wand, silently praying that the sneeze would go away. "Legilimens!" He yelled out. Immediately, he was in the head of his student. He saw some things that stood out: dementors, dummies, Miss Granger, even Voldemort himself... "Concentrate, Potter...Focus!" He went back into Harry's head, seeing Harry, James, and...Lily. Lily, his love, who was...gone. Gone, because of the Dark Lord. He shook his head, trying to brush off the thought, to stay serious about the lessons, but seeing Lily standing with James made his face burn with anger. He walked up between Lily and James behind the Mirror Of Erised. "Feeling sentimental?" Then, he was back in the real world, looking at his student.
"That's private!" Harry said.
Snape was getting angry as well. If Harry didn't appreciate him doing this, maybe he shouldn't take these lessons just yet. This is Lily's son. Remember what Albus said. You need to protect him, Snape thought, scolding himself for the recent thought to not help Harry. "Not to me," he replied. "And not to the Dark Lord if you don't improve." He walked to Harry and got right in his face. Trying his hardest to sound intimidating, he continued, speaking fast to try to get it all out before the sneeze came, "Every memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you. You wouldn't last two seconds if he invades your mind." Disgustedly and backing away, he said, "You're just like your father. Lazy, arrogant..."
"Don't say a word against my father!" Harry said angrily, standing up quickly.
"I'm not weak!"
"Then prove it! Control your emotions. Discipline your mind!" He was out of breath from trying to hold back the sneeze. He stared into those emerald eyes for what felt like an eternity before yelling for the second time, "Legilimens!" He saw Sirius, Dumbledore, Voldemort, James, Lily...Lily...Yes, that was definitely her again...Harry and Sirius in an embrace..."I may vomit," he said while thinking about Harry's last vision.
"Stop it!"
"Is this what you call control?"
"We've been at it for hours. If I could just rest..."
Snape ran up to Harry, who backed up in surprise. "The Dark Lord isn't resting!" Seeing Lily's green eyes so hostile made Snape wince. Trying to hide it to seem like disgust, he said quickly, "You and Black, you're two of a kind. Sentimental children, forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been." He started walking closer to Harry and continued coldly, "Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair. Your blessed father knew that. In fact, he frequently saw to it."
"My father was a great man!"
Snape was tired of it. He grabbed Harry by the shirt and pushed him across the room saying, "Your father was a swine! Legilimens!"
And Snape's own mind was being taken over by his student...showing his vulnerable young self...Showing Harry's father bullying him with Snape's own spell, Black and Lupin cheering...Everyone calling him that horrible name...Snivellus...Snivellus Greasy..."ENOUGH!" he bellowed. "Enough..." he growled again as Harry stood up from his seat. Snape turned away from Harry, and his eyes closed tightly. He shielded his face with his hands cupped around his nose as his hair flew into his face, "EHshh! Ih...IHshh! KERshh!" As if that memory wasn't bad enough to show Harry, showing even more weakness with sneezeswas even worse. And that wasn't where it ended, either. The sneeze still tickled his sinuses. As Snape tried unsuccessfully to get his handkerchief out with one hand, the other one still clutched to his face, Harry watched with surprise as his cold professor was now caught in an uncontrollable fit. "HIHshh! ERshh! Ah...AhSHOO! IHshh! Sniff!" Snape finally was able to take out his handkerchief and blew his nose hard. He turned around, his anger with Harry doubled. He walked over and gripped Harry's shirt tightly, "Your lessons are at an end..."
"Get...out..." he said furiously, his eyes watering from his fit. He waited for Harry to walk away and close the door before walking back to his own desk. His cold was getting harder to control, even though he had felt a little better earlier, and there was nothing he could do about it but hope it would back off before anything else like this happened.

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