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Gankyou!! (Haikyuu!!, Gen, Kageyama)


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First time posting fic on the forum! I'm pretty rusty and this is my first time venturing into Haikyuu!! so it may not be so great. It's also unbeta'd, so forgive any mistakes.

Can also be found over on my tumblr

Enjoy! Feedback is really appreciated!!


Kageyama is late to practice, a difficult feat given its convenient timing just after school. The only excuse for being late (apart from the ‘called-on-by-a-teacher’ trump card) is getting called aside by friends, of which Tobio has none outside of the team. His excuse, though not one made aloud—he’d left it at a simple, unsteady bow and a “Please excuse me!”—was that he was too sick to make it on time. Hinata knows this because he’d been the first to see Kageyama this morning, and was the one forced to deal with unappreciated babysitting the rest of the day. Why? Because Kageyama is clearly sick, and too stubborn to ever confess to it.

This, of course, means that Shouyou is late too, but with good cause! It’s really not his fault that stubborn old Kageyama absolutely refuses to admit he’s ill.

In the morning, Hinata had nearly bowled over the unsteady setter by gripping his shoulders for a jump boost, thrilled just at the idea of attending practice after classes. Kageyama paled. His dark eyes widened and shone with an unhealthy gloss, and Hinata stopped short of another springy leap to gaze astonished at Tobio’s sallow appearance.

Uuuwwwwooooo!” he exclaimed, taken aback. “Kageyama, you look really sick!”

“Shut up,” Kageyama bit back. His stare was lacking its usual fire, his expression dull and forgetful.

Hinata gaped, unabashed. He couldn’t tear his gaze from the bloodless hue of Kageyama’s pinched face. “You’re sick!” he said. “You! You’re sick, Kageyama. Why are you here if you’re sick?” Kageyama’s shoulders rattled with stifled shivers, his scowl deepening, eyebrows pulled close in frustration and obvious discomfort.

“I’m not sick, you dumbass,” he said. “Leave me alone.” He started to walk away, but Hinata wasn’t fazed at all. He trailed after him like a dumb dog. “Go away,” Kageyama growled. “You’re giving me a headache.”

“Or maybe you have a headache because you’re sick!” Hinata suggested. He earned a glower, but again the expression was lukewarm and unsuccessful.

After that, Hinata made a point of tracking Kageyama’s movements throughout the school day. Every time he brought up the illness clinging fast to his flushing cheeks and dull, rheumy eyes, Kageyama brushed him off. He even caught him struggling to pull an overused tissue from his pocket in time to catch a mutinous sneeze, but apart from the worsening blush indicative of embarrassment, Kageyama gave no response to Hinata’s questioning.

Shortly before practice, Hinata found Kageyama by the vending machines, ogling at the glass front. He didn’t seem to be looking for a drink so much as losing himself in the sheen of the glass.

“Kageyama,” Hinata addressed, coming up beside the ill teenager. Tobio didn’t respond, didn’t blink. Hinata thought his eyes must be dry from all the staring, but they actually looked rather wet and glossy. “Kageyaaaammmaaa.”

At the continued lack of response, Hinata pouted. “Kageyama-kun,” he commanded. Finally, the setter blinked as if waking, and turned to Shouyou with a disgruntled expression.


“You’re spacing out!” Hinata bit his lip, then glanced over at the vending machine. “Did you want a drink?” he asked. “You should try to stay hydrated! Fluids are important when you’re sick!”

Kageyama huffed, then froze to gaze glassy-eyed beyond Hinata. His brow pinched and creased in concentration.

“What?” Shouyou said, turning to look behind him. There was nothing there. “Kageyama-kun, are you hallucinating?”

Then, as if in indignant response, Tobio’s head snapped forward in a sneeze, and his hands groped his pockets for a tissue. He seemed to be carrying an awful lot of used tissues, not a single clean one left.

Fascinated, Hinata didn’t avert his gaze when Kageyama struggled with the mess spouting from his irritated nose. The skin around and beneath his reddened nostrils was chapped from abuse, and Hinata didn’t miss the wince that gripped the setter when his soiled tissue came in contact with the tender skin.

“Wow!” Hinata gaped.

“Sh-shut up,” Kageyama stammered, voice thick and rough.

 Hinata stepped forward, hand outstretched toward Kageyama. “You’re really flushed,” he commented. “You look like you have a fever!”

Tobio swerved beneath Hinata’s touch, but stumbled. He paled, supported himself against the vending machine.

“I don’t,” he insisted, even as his breaths grew shallower and finally hitched to make way for another sneeze, and then another. His tissue wasn’t doing much more good than his hands would have, so he switched it out for one only slightly less disgusting. “I’m not—n—hehh-ktschu! Huh-ktsch!” This started a certifiable fit of sneezes that shook Kageyama’s entire frame and sent him grappling for a tissue more sanitary than the previous one. By the end of it, he'd cycled through all his overused tissues and stuffed them back into his pockets.

Hinata stared. “Wow!” he repeated. “You’re really sick, Kageyama! You should go home.”

“I’m not sick,” Tobio protested, his voice hardly comprehensible through the gunk clogging his face. “Just—” Again, he was cut off, but this time by a wet cough. If the flinching was indicative, his throat was sore as well. “We’re—” he sniffled, shifting the congestion around, “—gonna be…” He coughed again, cheeks hallowing, face flushing.

Humor gone, Hinata’s expression faltered. “You’re—you really are sick, Kageyama.” How many times can he say this before it got through the setter’s stubborn skull? For some reason, the darker-haired boy clung tight to his translucent veneer.

So they’re late to practice. Normally, Hinata would be heartbroken to miss even a minute of it, but when Kageyama’s recovered from the brutal coughing-then-sniffling-then-coughing-then-sneezing-then-coughing cycle, he looks so poorly that Hinata can’t think about anything but how he can help. He tells Kageyama at least twice more to go home, but he refuses until Hinata decides his efforts are best focused on keeping his teammate upright and conscious until he’s finally willing to rest.

When they arrive, Kageyama is the only one to apologize—“Please excuse me,” and that polite, swaying bow—while Shouyou  hopes someone will pick up on his predicament.

Finally, Suga does, but it takes him quite a while to get close enough to see the sickness plastered on Kageyama’s face. When he does, Hinata breathes a silent sigh of relief to see his senpai’s face fall into a crumpled expression of concern.

“You don’t look well,” he comments, pressing his knuckles to Kageyama’s forehead before the sluggish kouhai can move out of his reach. Suga’s face sags in empathy. “You’re burning up,” he reports, throwing his gaze over to Daichi for backup.

The captain approaches, frowning, and reaches out to feel the setter’s forehead for himself. “He’s right,” he says. “You’re running a fever. You shouldn’t be practicing.”

Out of curiosity, Hinata skips forward and touches Kageyama’s head himself. He's saved from a strangling only by the lethargic state of Kageyama’s reflexes. He wants to sing that he’d been right all along, but he manages to bite his tongue.

“Kageyama,” Suga soothes, hand landing on Tobio’s shoulder and sending him toppling, “you could get even sicker, or seriously hurt, by pushing yourself when you’re not well. There’s no shame in taking a sick day.” Shouyou is pretty sure that Kageyama would like to contend with that statement, but he’s likely too weak and worn to exert the effort.

When the first-year has nothing to say to his senpai, Sawamura beckons Coach Ukai over with a hand gesture and reports that Kageyama’s not feeling well. The coach checks the setter’s fever for himself, and Hinata can’t help but comment, “This is the most physical contact Kageyama’s ever gotten during practice!” The captain shoots him a look that says he’s being unhelpful, but Sugawara offers a humored smile. Kageyama doesn’t seem to be listening, his eyes shining with distance, his nose twitching in a wet, subconscious sniffle.

Despite the evidence against him, Tobio reports that he feels fine, even as he wipes at his nose with his hand (he’d had to leave his tissues in the club room) and allows Suga to lead him to the sidelines.

Once there, his fellow setter supports him while they both move to take a seat against the wall. Hinata can’t help but follow, concern gripping control of his feet and steering him to where the setters rest; one flushed, one peaky with worry. The redhead sits facing the pair, chews on his lip.

“Hinata,” Sugawara addresses, brow creased, “you can still practice. Coach went to call Kageyama-san, and I can stay with Kageyama-kun.”

Shouyou nods, but doesn’t move. His eyes move to gaze at Kageyama’s shoes, and then trail back up to meet the setter’s hazy stare. He seems to be looking through Hinata’s retinas. He also doesn’t look particularly steady sitting up, even with his back pressed to the wall.

When Shouyou looks back to his senpai, Suga’s expression has softened in worried understanding, and he nods as if to drop the subject. If Hinata wants to stay he won’t question it, say the gentle eyes. Hinata is grateful.

Coach Ukai returns, stuffs his cell phone into his pocket. He looks frustrated as he approaches the trio sitting at the sidelines, so Hinata deduces that he couldn’t get a hold of Kageyama’s mother. He waves Daichi over.

“I couldn’t reach Kageyama-san,” he confirms, words aimed at Daichi and Suga more than anyone else. Maybe he hopes that the teenagers will have a suggestion. “I can run him home, but I’ll need you to take charge.” He says this to the captain.

“Of course,” Daichi replies.

Then, all eyes turn to assess the younger setter, to take in all the shame and disappointment painted on the flushed, feverish face. No one would want to be in this situation, but Hinata suspects that it must be particularly hard on prideful Kageyama to be so weak and troublesome. He must feel like he’s dragging the whole team down by being ill.

“It’s okay, Kageyama,” says Suga. Hinata had just parted his lips to say something to the same affect, but it’s likely for the best that kind-hearted Sugawara beat him to it. “Everyone gets sick, and we’d all prefer that you go home and rest rather than push yourself any harder.”

“Yeah!” Shouyou enthuses. “We’re your teammates, Kageyama! Let us worry about you!”

Daichi reaches out a hand to help Kageyama to his feet while Suga grabs his bicep to help support his wavering weight. Tobio looks worse than Hinata has ever seen him look, as if giving in to his teammates meant surrendering to illness as well. His face, pale but blotchy and fever-flushed, is pinched in discomfort, forehead creased and eyebrows drawn close together. Pink, irritated nostrils twitch and flare in an attempt to control the mucous discharge, eyes bat away defiant tears. When he stands, his eyelids fall down over his foggy eyes and his face blanches, knees weak and posture swaying with wooziness.

Hinata and Coach reach out to help secure the ailing first-year, and Daichi and Suga arrange him so that they each support a side of him. Before they make it out the door, though, Asahi skips over.

“Here,” says the kind ace, moving to trade spots with the captain, “let me help. You should stay here.” Daichi accepts, and soon Asahi and Sugawara are supporting a sagging Kageyama, whose eyes remain closed.

“I hope you get to feeling better quickly, Kageyama,” the captain wishes, gripping the setter’s shoulder. “Rest up and get well.”

“Oi!” shouts a voice from across the gym, startling Tobio’s eyes open. Tanaka swaggers across the gym. “Get better soon,” he says, “but don’t push it. If I see you back here before you’re in perfect health, I’ll kick your ass!”

Suga and Asahi exchange nervous smiles over Kageyama’s head, and everyone laughs, Hinata included. The air cleared, Asahi, Sugawara, Coach Ukai, and a dizzy Kageyama depart, sent off by a chorus of heartfelt well wishes that worsen the flush to Tobio’s cheekbones.


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Wow this was amazing to read!! I don't even know where to start, it's just too cute and I can imagine this is probably how Kags gets when he's sick

I'll be looking forward to read anything else you choose to write :D 

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And aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww  everyone looking after Kageyama is so cute and SUPPORTIVE BIG BROTHER TANAKA holy shit this is awesome I love <3 <3

And Shouyou being all attentive and concerned is amazing and I am dead now you killed me

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17 hours ago, bazzpop00 said:

Wow this was amazing to read!! I don't even know where to start, it's just too cute and I can imagine this is probably how Kags gets when he's sick

I'll be looking forward to read anything else you choose to write :D 

Thank you so much!!!

15 hours ago, Lonewolf said:

This was really cute! Thanks for sharing! I love seeing so much Haikyuu!! On the forum. 

Me too! Kags is my favorite though and there just wasn't enough of him floating around here. Thanks so much!

4 hours ago, Akahana said:


And aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww  everyone looking after Kageyama is so cute and SUPPORTIVE BIG BROTHER TANAKA holy shit this is awesome I love <3 <3

And Shouyou being all attentive and concerned is amazing and I am dead now you killed me

HE'S SUCH A STUBBORN LIL NUGGET I KNOW. I'm so happy you liked it!!! Sorry for killing you, though. Should I make funeral arrangements? ;) 

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This is glorious! I can't get over how cute it is! I'm glad to see more and more Haikyuu!! here lately. And I look forward to anything you write in the future!

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9 hours ago, BringDylanTheHorizon said:


AHHHHHH YOU'RE TOO KIND!! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment!!

9 hours ago, Tippy said:

This is glorious! I can't get over how cute it is! I'm glad to see more and more Haikyuu!! here lately. And I look forward to anything you write in the future!

Thank you so much for your time and kind words!!! I'm hoping to write some more soon if I get the time and inspiration!

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