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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Solangelo (Percy Jackson Heroes of Olympus)


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Why do I have a cold in the middle of summer? The middle of freaking summer. I hate sneezing in front of people, so I excused myself from sword fighting practice to go to my cabin. I hadn’t made it out of the training area by the time I went into a sneezing fit. They were completely silent because I didn’t want anyone to notice. I counted eight sneezes by the time I made it to my cabin. I went straight to my night stand table and grabbed several tissues, and put them up to my face, my breath hitching violently for my next sneeze. “Xxchuh, hehxxsh, shxxu, huhreshuoo, xxchuh” I let them all out into the tissue. It felt a lot better to let them out, since I was alone. My nose still tickled, but not as badly. I wiped my nose again, and threw the tissues in the trash bin. As i was trying to locate where I had placed my sword, I heard a knock on my door. “Nico, are you okay? You practically ran out of sword practice.” Will said from the door. No not Will, I have to sneeze again. Nico stifled two more silent sneezes so Will wouldn’t hear, and went to open the door. “Hey Will” Nico greeted. He hoped his face wasn’t red from his sneezing fit a few minutes ago. Will would probably freak out and get protective if he knew Nico were sick, and that was definitely not necessary. “Hey, have you been crying?” Will asked. Oh, so his face was red. “No” Nico replied simply. He didn’t want Will to think he’d been crying, but he didn’t want to tell him he was sick. “Can i come in?” Nico internally groaned. He was gonna sneeze again in a minute, and he didn’t want to do it in front of Will. Nico opened the door to his cabin wider, and motioned for Will to come in. “Why’d you leave in such a hurry?” Nico tried to come up with an excuse, but was struggling because the urge to sneeze was getting stronger. “I got tire-heh-d. I’ll be right back.” Nico told him. He got up and turned away from Will to walk to the bathroom. He placed a finger under his nose to prolong the sneeze for a few seconds. He entered the bathroom, and accidentally slammed the door in a hurry to get in. As soon as the door touched the wall, Nico was bent over at the waist, struggling to stifle the strong sneezes. They wouldn’t stop coming, and Will was knocking on the door asking if Nico was alright. “I’m gonna come in if you don’t answer me. Nico? Please answer. Are you okay? I’m gonna come in.” Nico didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want Will to see him like this, but he could stop sneezing long enough to tell Will that he was fine. His head was gonna explode from all of this stifling. “1… 2… 3… I’m coming in, Nico” Will told him. He heard the doorknob twist, and the door squeak as it began to open. “Nico are you okay? Why didn’t you ans-” He was cut off as he noticed Nico’s head bobbing up and down rapidly. Will ran over to Nico, where he knelt down next to where Nico was sitting up against the wall, with his knees up against his chest. “Nico, you have to sneeze. Just let it out, it’s okay.” Will told him. Nico tried to protest, but it ended up making a strange nasal sound. “It’s okay Nico, please just sneeze or you’re going to bruise your brain. “Hehxxch, i don’t wa- hixxchuh, chxx, reshxx, im sor- heckhxxu, I don’t want you to see this.” Nico finally managed to say as the tickle somewhat subsided. His face was not only red from sneezing, but from intense embarrassment of sneezing in front of Will. “Oh, Nico, why didn’t you tell me you were sick. Is this why you left training?” Nico nodded and got up to go sit on his bed. He layed down with his face down into one of his pillows. He stifled another sneeze. “Nico, you are going to kill your brain cells if you keep stifling like that. Why don’t you just sneeze?” Will asked, placing his hand on Nico’s back and rubbing small circles into it. Nico mumbled something Will couldn’t understand into his pillow. “What?” Will asked. Nico grumbled sleepily, exhausted from sneezing, and raised his head up. “I don’t like sneezing in front of people.” He told Will and shoved his face back into his pillow. Will chuckled at his stubborn boyfriend, who would rather sneeze continuously silently, than let out one sneeze. “Nico, I don’t mind you sneezing. Actually I think it’s cute. Please just let them out so you’ll get better.” Will said smiling at Nico. “Fine” Nico said and curled up closer to Will. Will continued to rub his back, and started to hum something his mom used to sing to him when he was sick. “Xxchoo, hehrshxx” Nico sneezed and then hid his face in the comforter. Will continued to hum to him until he was sure that Nico was asleep.

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This is really really really cute and I would love love love to see more. My only suggestion would be that it's kinda hard to read without separate paragraphs. 

Great job!!

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First off, welcome to the forum !

This is very cute, thank you for sharing :)

i do agree with Artemis, I would find it easier to read in separate paragraphs (plus, that makes it look longer :razz:)

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