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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Vanilla (1/?) (Torchwood - Ianto!)


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Hey guys! I've been... well, planning on participating in Tarotgal's meme, and one of her prompts has inspired this. She was after a character that, well, hates being sick but struggles with change, and the cold medicine they normally take it out and they can't get it. So my first thought was, ooooooh, OCD/ASD/other disability AU (because who doesn't love that bit of extra representation, right?) andthen JANTO. JANTO ALL THE WAY. Sooooooo I have this. So far just an intro, definitely based in the early days of Janto (when he's starting to show off that snark. That's my favourite Ianto. Still uncertain but with tiny ripples of sarcasm that sometimes break!), and not much "routine" yet but... it will come. Ever so slightly AU... But anyhow. Hope someone out there enjoys it! And more will come. Just... once I've moved house. And finished exams. And then maybe processed the rest of my life falling to pieces around me. Anyhoo!



Ianto really was very vanilla.

He was vanilla in every aspect of the word. His coffee was always milk, one sugar. His favourite meal, judging from the sheer amount of times it had been cooked for Jack when he visited, was shepherd’s pie. The TV (assuming some disaster wasn’t striking and the need for 24 hour news was not prevalent) would usually be fixed on Neighbours or Misfits or Friends reruns. His car, his clothing, his favourite sex position – they were all very… simple, very human. Comforting, yes, and charming, but predictable nonetheless. Even his complexion was comparable to a milky vanilla cream.

Not that that last bit could be said for today, Jack amended, frowning as he saw Ianto’s body wrench forward and back up again. His eyes are a little red, but that complexion is much more like porridge. Weeks old porridge at that too. He watched closely as Ianto raised a fist to his mouth, torso jolting in what was surely a coughing fit, before his head ducked down towards the desk, fingers splayed and pressing into his forehead.

But not for long. As Jack made his way to the office door, Ianto’s head wrenched upwards, fingers preparing to catch his nose. He stuck his head out just in time to catch the soft, “choo’ohhh” of the stifle, and Jack’s guts clenched.


The man managed to raise a finger, a quick hold on as his breath hitched. Then a strong, “Heh-EPT!-choo’ohhh,” followed by a couple of soft coughs, released almost as though of obligation than desperation and a tiny moan which Jack only caught because he was listening out for it.

“You good? Can I bless you now?”

Ianto shrugged, before another, “Heh-hehhh… Heh-EPT!PTCHOO’oohhh…

“Ianto…” Jack clucked. He moved forward, soft cloth of his trench coat slipping off his shoulders, down his arms, playing through his fingertips as he walked over to the younger man and transferred the wool onto his body. “You know that sick leave isn’t just there to satisfy the union, right? It’s there to be taken.”

Ianto managed a cross between a cough and a laugh. “I wasnd’t like this ind the mborndnigg.”

“You certainly weren’t well this morning, either.” With a quick glance to satisfy that they were, indeed, alone, he slid an arm down Ianto’s back. “God, you’re hot!”

Ianto could only sniff pitifully in response.

“Come on. What do you say we get out of here? Get you some medicine… soup and tea… We’ll have you back to perfect health before you know it!”

Heh-eehhhEPT-choo! EPT-tchoo’uhh!

“I’m taking your sneezing as assent.” Jack reached a hand into Ianto’s armpit before the other man had time to protest. “Come on, up you get…” Ianto stumbled, swaying, but Jack was ready, arm tight around the man’s chest, pulling his weight into his side. “I’ve got you… You’re alright, I’ve got you…” he murmured, bracing himself for the slam of cool Welsh air

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I'm so happy this is a thing! They're one of my favourite pairings and this is so sweet :)

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Aw this is so cute! Maybe jack can get sick at some point too? I love this pairing but I can't help but adore a sick jack 

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Yay!!!  I'm so happy to see/read this.  I'm a huge JANTO fan and still crave fanfiction involving this pairing.  I'm loving the pace and tone of this story so far.  Can't wait (but will :) ) for more.



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  • 3 years later...

So, I'll admit to panicking there for a bit...thought I'd lost forever the ability to go back and re-read these little Torchwood nuggets, when the forum went down.  Love these boys.   Love re-reading this.  Love the gentle humor Jack brings here, the steadiness, with his, "I've got you---"

...and you know, this just asks to keep going, right, Stephab13?  It really does...

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