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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Over Worked {Evanstan}


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So I decided to try my hand at a little bit of Chris Evans / Sebastian Stan RPF. I have some Chris/Anthony/Seb stuff over on my AO3, but none with any fetishy content, mostly just illness and hurt comfort. So. Here's some Evanstan for you all, and I hope you enjoy!! Also! THERE ARE NO SPOILERS FOR CIVIL WAR IN THIS STORY. (PS- Anthony and Mackie are the same person for anyone who doesn't follow the MCU cast.)


They've been together for three years, and it still amazes Chris how Sebastian can be so in tune with his fans, so grateful even after long shoots and over-zealous paparazzi. They're on the press tour for Infinity Wars, and it feels like they've been going non stop. Different countries every few days, different time zones, an overabundance of people and fans and things to do. 

Amazingly, everyone's been holding up like champs. It's only been four weeks in, and nobody's been seriously injured or hurt, no interviews have gone awry and everyone's been friendly towards each other, despite the close quarters and endless hours spent together. If anything, it feels like the cast has somehow gotten even closer. 

They're currently in London, a day to themselves before the premiere tomorrow, along with numerous interviews and photo shoots. Anthony and Frank have been rooming together, and the Russo brothers have graciously allowed Seb and Chris to room together. Everyone knows not to keep them apart. Chris's anxiety will shoot through the roof, Sebastian will be dazed and far off, often speaking in Romanian instead of English. They need each other. 

Their day off has been pretty slow so far. It's nine thirty in the morning, and Chris is texting Mackie, working on a plan of what they'll be doing today, where they're eating and going. Sebastian is, surprisingly, still asleep. Usually the younger man is awake before Chris, reading over emails or just simply watching the handsome blond. But not today. Chris is sure it's because of all the traveling. It's no secret Sebastian hates flying with every ounce of his body, hates being trapped in the air. He's probably had trouble sleeping, needs it now more. 

As the morning goes on, and the minutes tick by, Chris grows antsy. He's not going to be the one to wake up his obviously tired boyfriend though, so he slowly gets out of the covers, gets changed, and goes to meet Anthony for a jog around the resort. An hour later both boys are heading back to their rooms to shower off before going out to lunch. Chris walks in to the overly-large suite that was provided, happy to see that his boyfriend was no longer asleep. But before anything else can happen, he frowns slightly at a sound he's not used to hearing. 

It's common knowledge to the cast and crew of the Marvel Universe who gets sick easily, who's clumsy, who's late and so on. Sebastian never gets sick. Ever. Chris can't recall a time in their five years of knowing each other, three years of dating, that he's ever seen Sebastian unwell. Even during the filming of Winter Soldier, when nearly every member came down with the flu and production halted for almost a week, Sebastian was healthy and watching over Chris who felt miserable and feverish for days. 


His feet lead him to the bathroom where he can hear his boyfriend getting ready. Stepping in, he takes in the picture in front of him. 

Sebastian's half naked, a towel wrapped around his waist, low and slightly revealing. There's a hair dryer, along with hair products, a tooth brush and toothpaste on the counter, but what catches Chris's attention is the sight of his boyfriend pressing a tissue up against his slim nostrils, eyes half lidded. His skin is a shade paler, barely noticeable but still there. It's obvious Sebastian's struggling against another sneeze, obvious he's not aware Chris is right behind him as he presses the tissues up harder against his nose, breath hitching. 

"Heh...ehhh...uh..hu'GGNXT! huh'TCHH!" 

There's a sniffle right after, thick and wet, and then Sebastian's eyes open and his frame jumps slightly, seeing Chris suddenly there. 

"Bless you," Chris offers, not sure what else to say. He's still wearing a worried look but Sebastian waves his efforts off. 

"Thank you. Where have you been, I've missed you. Woke up to an empty bed," the man pouts playfully, throwing the tissues away and washing his hands. He's never been one for anything but perfect hygiene. Congestion is just barely there, little enough to make Chris wonder if it's really congestion or just his accent. 

"Went for a run with Mackie since you decided to become comatose," Chris teases back, rolling his eyes fondly, pressing a kiss to the mans exposed shoulder. Seb leans back against his boyfriend, not minding the fact he's sweaty. 

"Sounds like a grand time," he says sarcastically. Though Sebastian is fine with working out, running has never been his favorite. 

"I'm going to shower really quick, and then we're meeting up with Mackie, Frank, Scarlett and possibly Robert for some lunch and exploring." 

He swears for a split second he can see pure exhaustion cross Sebastian's face, but it's gone so fast that he's sure he's imagined it. 

"Sounds wonderful. I'll finish drying my hair and get dressed." With a quick kiss, Seb starts the hair dryer up, working on taming his always uncooperative hair. 

Within thirty minutes, they're both dressed and walking down to the lobby to meet up with the rest of their friends. Hand in his boyfriends, Chris looks around, smiling when he spots the rest of them waiting over by the small drink bar that's in the corner of the lobby. "Took you guys long enough," Scarlett smirks, a suggesting comment unaired but still known. 

Sebastian rolls his eyes and laughs. "I wish. Chris just takes way too long to pick out what he's going to wear." 

Chris makes a noise but shakes his head and they all head out, piling in the large van provided for them. Scarlett takes the middle with Robert, and Mackie, Chris and Sebastian take the back. In retrospect, it's quite ironic, the three biggest always ending up in the back. Chris thinks one day he'll bring it up. It's nearing lunch time so they decide on food first, and after some debate, a pub is picked, one that has the best reviews on google, according to Robert. Chris takes in everything around him, looking out the window. He loves England, loves visiting, especially when it's sunny like it is now, and not dreary. 

Shifting his gaze, he looks at his coworkers, smiling internally. Mackie is making everyone laugh, another far out story told in his loud and dramatic fashion. Chris looks at Seb, lips turning downwards when he sees his boyfriend's unfocused gaze. Pink lips parted, eyes glassy, Sebastian's nostrils flare and he swallows, jaw clenching before a look of relief washes over his previously tense features, and he looks at Chris. 

"You look deep in thought. Care to share?" 

Chris just smiles and shakes his head, pressing a kiss to Seb's cheek. "Just love you is all..." 

"Get a room, you disgusting teenagers!" Robert squawks. 


Lunch goes well, when Chris considers all the things that could have happened. They're only met with a few fans, not dozens like previous times. There's maybe two paps, and everyone seems relatively content ignoring the actors as they eat. Everyone orders hearty plates, full of fish and chips and meat, even Scarlett who's been talking about some diet she wants to try. Sebastian orders half a sandwich and soup, admitting to Chris he's not very hungry, that the dinner they'd shared together last night must have filled him up. 


They've been walking around the streets of London, looking in little shops, stopping at landmarks, and Sebastian is starting to think that yeah, he might be coming down with something. Earlier that morning, he'd woken up tired, not well rested, but brushed it off to all the travel and press. He'd sneezed a few times, but London's air was different. But now? Now he was starting to feel that generally unwell feeling through his body. His bones felt heavy, his head was thudding with dull pressure. His nose was getting stuffy, running every so often and there was a twinge in his throat that liked to jab at inopportune moments like as he was talking or drinking. 

Walking along side Chris, hand in hand, he feels a prickle in the back of his congested sinuses. Subtly, he rubs his wrist against his nostrils but it doesn't help, doesn't really do anything but irritate them farther. Chris is talking to him about a museum he wants to check out if they have time, and Sebastian's trying to keep up, trying to listen but the tickle is growing stronger. 

"I'm sure we'll have tuhh...'" Sebastian trails off, taking in a shaky breath before he quickly lets go of Chris's hand, uses both to grab at his neck hem, raising it to cover his nose and mouth. 

"Huh'PTCHH!" He barely gets a breath in before he's stifling another sneeze, face scrunched up in a loosing battle. "Huh'GXNTT'uhh!" 

His sneezes aren't loud by any means, quieter than most people's in reality. But there's a stuffy quality that makes Chris worry and fret. 

"Bless you Basha...you alright?" 

Eyebrows knitting together, Sebastian hopes he doesn't let on that he's not feeling his best. "Of course I'm alright," he says with a slightly confused tone. "Why wouldn't I be fihhh'GXCHT'nuhh!" The sneeze takes him by surprise and he doesn't have time to cover properly but he manages to bring the crook of his arm up over his face and turn away from Chris, muttering out "La dracu.." before he turns back around, nose a light shade of pink. Chris thinks it's beyond adorable, and kind of hot, but also worrisome. 

"Excuse me," Sebastian blushes, sniffling softly. By now the rest of the cast has stopped walking, looking back at the couple. "You guys coming?" Scarlett calls out, making them hurry back up. 



Part 2 up soon!!! 




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mmmmmMMMPHHHH this was so cute!! this was really well written!! chris and seb are just the cutest <333

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I didn't know how badly I needed this until now, dang! I'm looking forward to part 2 ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I first read this I enjoyed their relationship and the descriptions of personality. After rereading it a few times, I fully noticed the wonderful fetish descriptions and the beginning symptoms of a cold. I enjoy this story a lot so far and am looking forward to a second installment. 

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  • 1 month later...

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