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I Can't Think of a Title [Seraph of the End, Yuu/Mika]


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Hey there ! So I've been writing this fic in pieces for a while now and I decided it was time to share it. I ended at a weird place because I didn't want to add anymore into one post and I couldn't find a good spot to close, apologies.

It's a college! au (though they're actually on break) and it features 0 straight people, sorry. also it's kind of a trainwreck, i started with more plot and then was like 'actually no let's get to the sneezing i cant write slow burn' but i do hope you can find something about it you enjoy. If you're stumbling across this and have no idea what Seraph of the End is, it's an anime/manga featuring very gay and fluffy characters, 10/10 would recommend. Also if you're not a fan of mess, this fic might not be for you. And... yeah ! (help me im so awkward even when online)


As soon as Yuichiro climbed into his boyfriend's car, he knew something was off. For one thing, Mikaela's usually bright face seemed unusually tired. He still greeted Yuu with a smile, but turned his head so Yuu pecked him on the cheek rather than on the mouth. 
As Yuu was buckling his seat belt, a crumpled tissue in the cup holder caught his eye. Oh.
Mika had never been easy on himself, always selflessly putting others before himself, even if it meant his own suffering.
Before he had been adopted by Krul and Ferid, back in the orphanage, Mika had always picked up odd jobs and other things, doing whatever he could to help the others out. When he was around Yuu he sometimes dropped his guard, but not always. Yuu thought that Mika being abused by his parents must have had a deeper psychological impact on him than he would ever admit to, or even knew. While Yuu's struggles had made him stronger and pushed him to achieve his goals, Mikaela's had only hardened his walls.
Though they both had long since left their pasts behind them, deeply ingrained habits remained - even if they showed up in simple ways like this. This wasn't the first time Yuu had seen Mikaela try to push through illness and he wasn't looking forward to seeing it again. 
"T'shiiew!" Mika turned away from Yuu and his arm flew up to catch the sneeze in the crook of his sweater. He sniffled quietly after and resumed facing forward, kyanite eyes meeting Yuu's for only a fraction of a second.
"Bless you." Yuu said cautiously. Was he supposed to ignore his sneeze, or was it okay if he just didn't make a fuss about it? He ran a hand through his dark hair a bit anxiously. It was times like this that he didn't quite know how to deal with Mikaela. The blond was always surprising him, even though they'd known each other for nearly their whole lifetimes.
Mika didn't answer for a moment, focused on the road. When he did, it was to change the subject. Had their been a subject to begin with? In Yuu's head, it sure felt like it.
"Ferid convinced Krul that we needed to stay in a nicer place. We're actually not going to the hotel I said we were, he's paying for us to rent our own beach house." Mika reached a hand up to press one finger under his nose briefly, then continued. If Yuu wasn't hyper-aware of Mikaela's health right now, he might not have noticed at all.
"I tried to tell them that we weren't even planning on going to the beach, it's too cold this time of year, we were just going to the boardwalk, but they wouldn't take no for an answer."
"That's how they usually are." Yuu laughed. He was actually pretty excited to hear they would get a whole house to themselves. The plan for this holiday break was to get together with Shinoa, Yoichi and the others. They'd only just met last year, freshman year in college, which was actually when Yuu had been reunited with Mikaela, they hadn't seen each other since Mikaela was adopted. The beach house would be a great space to hang out, he didn't know how big it was, but maybe they could all stay there, or at least have dinner or something.
"Yeah." Snf. "And it turns out Ferid had booked it in advance, but just hadn't told Krul or me. That man, I swear. He said I should count it as a Christmas present. Even though we don't even celebrate religious holidays."
"Wow." Yuu replied, eyes visibly widening. Ferid and Krul really liked to spoil Mikaela, which they probably shouldn't, but Mikaela was always very grateful and loving towards his parents and Yuu figured they just genuinely liked making him happy. They also were multi-millionaires, so it had occurred to Yuu that maybe they just didn't care about money the way most did. And Ferid, the older of the two, was barely pushing 30, so there was that. They were a strange family, but Yuu was glad they made Mikaela happy.
As the car ride went on - it was a three hour drive - Mikaela's sniffles grew less and less frequent and he didn't sneeze again, but Yuu thought by the end of the drive the blond's voice sounded much more hoarse then he remembered it sounding in the morning, and he wondered if Mika had a sore throat as well. 
Maybe this wouldn't be that bad, Mika barely seemed sick, hopefully it would just be a minor thing. Yuu should really stop worrying about him so much. Maybe he was just imagining it altogether, maybe he just had some morning congestion. Maybe.
Mikaela pulled into the driveway of a small two-story house and parked the car. "Here we are. So glad I invested in a GPS for this thing." He patted on the dashboard.
Yuu hopped out of the car and went around to the back to get their bags. He was honestly astonished that Mikaela's parents would pay for something like this. With his adopted dad, Guren, money had always been tight. He couldn't help but to feel a small twinge of envy. He knew he shouldn't, things hadn't exactly been easy for Mikaela, but still, both boys had come from the same orphanage, but had led very different lives for quite some time.
As he brought their bags to the door of the dark brown rental home, he realized Mikaela still hadn't gotten out of the car. "Oi, Mika!"
The blond hurriedly stepped out of the car, one fist clutched around a tissue. "Sorry." Mika fished out of his pocket the key they had picked up earlier and unlocked the door. He pushed it open with the hand holding the tissue, and gave Yuu a guilty glance when he realized it was still in his hand.
Yuu pretended not to see, but as he brought their bags upstairs, he realized that this meant Mika really was sick, if he was looking guilty like this. Towards the middle of freshman year, when Yuu and Mika had reunited, Mikaela had gotten sick, nothing serious, but Yuu had gotten pretty mad at him for not taking care of himself and they had a big argument that had ended in Mikaela agreeing to take better care of himself. Which was pretty ironic, it used to be the other way around. The older man probably felt like he wasn't doing that right now, which had Yuichiro kind of frustrated. If he felt badly, why couldn't he just say so? The blond must have felt a lot worse than he was letting on, since he barely appeared under the weather, he seemed to be taking care of himself.
"Yuu!" Mikaela came up the stairs after him, kyanite eyes bright. "I finally read the information on this place. We have our own living room downstairs, and up here-" He gestured to the room they were in - "Is a kitchen-slash-bar and living room area and-" He pointed to two closed doors. "There's a bathroom, and that one's the bedroom." He glanced down at his phone. "And there's a guest room downstairs, if anyone needs somewhere to stay or something, that'd work."
Yuu couldn't help but grin at Mikaela's excitement. It kind of felt like they were a serious couple, moving into a new house. Yuu, himself, and probably Mikaela too, wasn't interesting in settling down for certain yet, but it was a nice feeling.
"There's only one bedroom here, besides the guest one, and Ferid booked for us." He pointed out with a laugh. "Your dad is totally cool. Guren probably would make us stay in different houses all together."
"Your dad isn't bad either, he just thinks you're still 13." Mikaela smiled gently, but his expression suddenly changed and blond hair fell over his eyes as he covered the lower half of his face with his elbow. "He'tSHhh! Hi'GGshHew!"
Yuu couldn't exactly ignore this one. He went over to the sink and looked underneath, hoping to find tissues, but expecting paper towels. Expectations met, but not exceeded. Yuu tore off a couple sheets of paper towel and handed them to Mikaela, who had a hand covering his nose. "Thanks." Mika answered, pressing them to his nose and walking over to the sofa. His voice sounded much more congested then it had a moment ago.
Yuu stood awkwardly facing Mika's back as the man blew his nose; one thick more gurgling blow and a couple softer 'shh's. He decided not to say anything, for now. "I'm going to get the food out of the car." He said, heading towards the stairs, and that was that.
Two hours later and the living room was buzzing. Shinoa and Mitsuba, who were a cute couple, but lacked class, where sitting pretty much on top of each other in an armchair, their limbs intertwined. Yoichi and Kimizuki, who weren't dating, but everyone thought they were, had claimed one half of the couch and Yuu and Mika were next to them. Actually Mika was upstairs, getting more drinks for them. That was his excuse at least; but Yuu was pretty sure the blond just needed to blow his nose. He had been sniffling a lot in the minutes before.
"Yuu. You're spaced the fuck out, man." Kimizuki nudged Yuu's leg with one socked foot. He was usually pretty rough with him, and at first Yuu had actually thought Kimizuki didn't like him, but that was before he told Yuu he had a crush on him, and Yuu realized he was only rough because that's how he flirted. Well, Kimizuki hadn't exactly told Yuu, it was more Shinoa had figured it out and then asked him in front of everyone, but... Mika still hadn't come back down.
"I'm going to go see what Mika's up to. He's taking a while with those drinks." Yuu stood up and went upstairs, pausing when he got to the top. He could hear water running from the bathroom. He went over to the door and knocked cautiously. "Mika?"
The water abruptly stopped running and the door opened. Mika's nose was visibly red, and he coughed into his elbow before speaking. "Sorry, was I taking long? Had to use the bathroom." 
Except it came out more like "Sorry, was I tagig log? Had do use the bathroob." 
And Yuu just wanted to scoop Mika up and wrap him in a blanket, stuff him full of cold medicine and then cuddle him. He didn't, but he couldn't leave this alone any longer.
"Are you alright? If you're not feeling that good we can stay in tonight. We've got a whole week to go to the boardwalk." Yuu was giving Mika the rope, now the older man just needed to grab it. 
Mika, ever stubborn, shook his head. Snf. "Yoichi's only staying tonight, he's visiting his family for the rest of the time." Snf.  "We should go out tonight." Mikaela had taken the rope, alright, he'd just tied it around his neck like a damn noose.
Yuu sighed. "Okay. Let me know if you start feeling badly."
He was about to add that they should probably get back down to the others, when the others came up to them. "Are you guys getting it on up here? If you are, I swear-" Kimizuki said as he rounded the corner, the other three in tow. 
"I want my beer." Declared Shinoa, opening the fridge, and her girlfriend and Kimizuki followed suit. 
Yoichi hung back. He'd never been a drinker, but that wasn't why right now. "Are you okay, Mikaela?" He asked, hovering behind Yuu anxiously. Yuu started to move to cover Mika but then - fuck no. If Mika wanted to hide his cold, he could, but there was no way Yuu was going to help him.
He stepped back and went over to one of the bar stools with the others, but kept an eye on Mikaela. The blond looked rather defeated, wisps of hair coming out of his ponytail and a slumped over posture. 
"Just tired... long drive." Yuu heard him say. The older man straightened up and smiled softly at Yoichi. "Sorry if I worried you, I think I just need something to eat. I saw a pizza place next to the boardwalk on the way in?"
Yoichi said something Yuu couldn't hear and then they rejoined the others. Mika retied his hair, asked everyone if they wanted to go for dinner, flashed a gentle grin, and he was back to normal. Or so it looked, at least.
Mika wasn't listening to Yuu. Well, he technically was listening, he was nodding and adding appropriate comments here and there, but his eyes were glazed over and he hadn't contributed anything of his own to the conversation with Mitsuba and Kimizuki for a while now. No one else seemed to have noticed, probably because it was usual for the Mika they knew, but it wasn't usual for the Mika Yuu knew.
Without really thinking, Yuu reached across the table and placed a hand to his boyfriend's forehead. It was definitely warm, but they were sitting in a crowded restaurant, so maybe he was just being overly cautious.
"Yuu!" Mika drew back from his hand abruptly, as if jolting back to reality. He sat up straighter and pushed a strand of hair behind his ear, glancing around the table.
"You doing okay, Mikaelaaa?" Shinoa said teasingly, drawing out the boy's full name, but she seemed somewhat serious. "Your boyfriend over here seems worried about you." She reached her hand out to touch Mikaela's forehead, but he swatted it away.
"I'm fine!" Mikaela's voice rang out rough and raspy, which wasn't helping his case. He seemed to realize this and took a sip of his water. "Just tired." He managed a smile.
Shinoa looked a little suspicious but shrugged. "Whatever." She seemed to move on from it almost instantly, as she asked the group after if they wanted to check out the boardwalk before it closed and didn't bring it up again as they made their way to the waterfront.
Yuu, however, did bring it up. "If you're feeling badly we can just go back to the house. You've already stayed through dinner, it's fine if you want to go." 
Mika, who had been rubbing his nose with his shirtsleeve, dropped his hand and became quickly defensive. "I'm taking care of myself, okay? And I'm just fine, so leave me alone." 
"Okay." Yuu's response was quiet and a little hurt, even though he had known Mikaela would probably push back.
They got to the boardwalk and bought a funnel cake to share from one of the vendors. They found a quiet spot on a bench and ate it there, the group decision had been to save attractions for another day, so they were just hanging out. Mika, who was usually a huge fan of sweets, stayed pretty quiet and Yuu speculated that the blond couldn't taste the dessert. It took the action of Yuu physically biting his tongue between his teeth to keep from commenting on this. 
Mikaela shivered slightly and wrapped his arms around his torso. "It's cold tonight." He said with a quiet sniffle.
Yuu scooted closer to the older man and curled his own arms around him, nesting his chin on Mika's shoulder. Despite his complaining of being cold, his body radiated heat and it would have almost been uncomfortable if it truly hadn't been so cold tonight.
"Don't." Whispered Mikaela, turning his face away from Yuu as his body shook with another shiver. His hands moved to grab Yuu's, but to pull them away from him.
Yuu didn't say anything, but pulled back from his boyfriend reluctantly.
"Fine, Mika." There was a dangerous edge to Yuu's voice and he hated himself for being pissed when Mika was clearly miserable, but he wished the blond would stop with the bullshit, quite frankly. He hadn't even said anything about Mikaela being sick, he just wanted to cuddle his boyfriend.
"Want to walk around?" They spoke at almost the exact time and Mika turned to meet Yuu's eyes for a brief second, something unreadable in their glassy blue depths. Then they seemed to decide something and Mikaela flashed a grin at his partner and reached for Yuu's hand as they stood up.
"They say couples start to become more si...simi...similar." Mika stopped walking, his free hand came up to rub his nose and his eyes became distant. The taller man blinked quickly and sniffled sharply, hand hovering in front of his face. "Excuse me..." Mika buried his nose in his elbow. "... Heh'GGSHUH!" Mikaela's hand tightened around Yuu's. His sneeze was his usually breathy one, but Yuu noted he sounded much more stuffed-up.
"Bless you, angel." The pet name slipped out before Yuu could think to stop himself. It was usually only reserved for times Yuu was feeling extra mushy, since the two weren't big fans of cutesy nicknames. They called each other 'babe' on occasion, but that was more of a while-I-slap-your-ass-the-morning-after kind of babe.
Mikaela sniffled into his elbow and awkwardly pulled his head away from it, turned completely away from Yuichiro. "Yuu..." Mika's voice was congested, but also heavy in a different way, as if he was dreading what he was going to say next. "I need a tissue."
Mika faced Yuu again, hand-in-sleeve held under his nose. It was too dark to really tell, but Yuu knew his boyfriend was blushing. At least he was finally admitting to something, but that was only because his nose was literally overflowing with mucus. If it was any one else in the entire world, Yuu would have been repulsed; only he wasn't, because it was Mikaela, and nothing Mikaela did could ever be disgusting.
Now, with a sympathetic (but decidedly self-satisfied) smile, Yuu pulled a paper napkin from his back pocket and held it out to Mikaela, who removed his hand from Yuu's and took it, bringing it up and wiping his sleeve before holding it under his nose and dabbing it it rather delicately.
"I took it from the restaurant, thought you might need it." Yuu said, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. They were cold now that he didn't have Mikaela's warmth.
"Thank you." Mika replied and his eyes wouldn't meet Yuu's. The napkin was still under his nose. The blond shifted awkwardly and wrapped his arm not holding the napkin around his torso. He shivered again.
"How are you feeling, now?" Yuu tried again, softly as he could, not seeing how Mikaela could avoid saying he was sick now.
"Not... Not that good." Mikaela sniffled and tightened his arm around his chest.
Well, that was a victory worth a million, in Yuu's mind. He stepped close to Mika and wrapped his arms around the man, sort of an awkward hug and an attempt to stop the blond's shivers. "I know, I'm sorry." He brushed his lips against Mika's cheek, and he felt the man relax in his embrace.
"Now blow your nose, and then we'll head home, okay?" Yuu squeezed his partner's shoulder lovingly.
But Mikaela shook his head behind the makeshift tissue. "Can't. It..." Mikaela struggled to find what he wanted to say. "I need more than this." He was much too stuffed up for a napkin to suffice.
"Ah. Alright then we'll just head straight home, it's only a couple minutes away." Yuu only then realized he had no idea where their friends had gone. They must have headed off without Mikaela and Yuu when the couple bought the funnel cake. It certainly made things less embarrassing for Mika, with just the two of them again.
Mikaela nodded and his free arm slid around Yuu's neck and pulled him closer for a moment, his shivers calming against the younger man. Then he released him to cough into his elbow.
He was probably going to regret this when they were about halfway home, but Yuu slipped his hoodie over his head and draped it over Mikaela's shoulders. The blond gave Yuu a guilty look and tried to hand it back to his boyfriend, but Yuu shook his head. "Take it, please. Let's just get home quickly." He grinned at his boyfriend and rubbed the goosebumps from his now bare arms.
They were only about a half a minute from the boardwalk when it started to rain. Of-fucking-course. Because Yuu wasn't cold enough already, and Mikaela wasn't shaking with fever chills. This was definitely just what they needed.
"What do the gods have against us?" Yuu groaned and set his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering as the first droplets fell. It didn't seem to be a heavy rain at first, but they were barely a few paces further when the sound of rain got louder and it started pouring. Mikaela answered with a wet sneeze into his napkin, which was pretty much useless for catching it. He pulled Yuu's hood over his head. "S-sorry I have your jacket... Hii'CHEEW! Fuck."
"Don't apologize, you need it more than I do." Yuu broke into a jog, brushing soaked bangs out of his eyes. It was times like this he wished he wore his hair back like Mika did, instead of long and loose. And  currently dripping cold water down his back. He hoped Mikaela was staying at least a little dry.
"Yuu..." Mikaela was stumbling over his own feet and hurrying to catch up with his boyfriend. Yuu slowed to a brisk walk; Mikaela's fever was making him less coordinated and slower than usual.
"God-d-damn it." Yuu's teeth chattered as he spoke. He had never known the phrase 'chilled to the bone' to hold much truth until this very moment.2
"I'm sorry." Mikaela's voice cracked like he was going to cry, which was a red flag for Yuu. Mikaela never cried, his fever must have really been bad.
"It's okay, you can't help it." Yuu assured him. Just another minute or two. They could do this.
"I just-" Mikaela's voice waved again and he nearly tripped into Yuu, catching himself on the younger man's arm with one hand, the other still clinging to the remains of the napkin.
"We're almost there, then we can get you warm and dry." Yuu wasn't sure if he was comforting Mikaela or himself at his point. His boyfriend was still clinging to his arm. A sneeze caught the blond off-guard and he let it out uncovered. "He'shheeW! Sorry, Yuu."
They rounded the corner to the street their rental was on and Yuu thought he might actually cry with relief. Unlike Mikaela, he cried quite a lot. So much so, in fact, that Shinoa had dubbed him 'Crybaby-Yuu'.
Yuu raced for the door and shaking fingers inserted the key in the lock. It felt like ages until he had actually unlocked it, and Mikaela came trailing behind him, his whole body taken over with shivers.
Mikaela stood in the doorway for a second when they got into the house, and Yuu nearly shouted at him to go upstairs and change. Yuu, on the otherhand, didn't waste a moment before stripping off everything and dropping it in the entrance-way. Then he ran up the stairs after Mikaela and changed into dry bedclothes. He rushed to the bathroom for a towel for his hair and when he walked in he found Mikaela sitting on the floor, curled up in a ball.
The blond had shed only Yuu's jacket, his own sweater and everything else were still on him, soaking wet and clinging to his skin. A paper towel was clamped over his nose, but he didn't seem to know what to do with it. When he saw Yuu his eyes filled with tears. "I don't feel good, Yuu." He almost whimpered.
"Ohh, Mika..." Yuu knelt down beside the man and brushed his light hair back from his face, planting a kiss on his forehead before beginning to get the man out of his clothes. As with Yuu's, the water had made everything skintight and with Mikaela barely helping, it proved to be quite a task.
"You should take a warm shower... actually there's a bath in here, isn't there? Take a bath. It should help with your congestion, too." Mikaela's body was shaking so much it made Yuu nervous. They didn't have a thermometer with them, or any type of cold medicine to help with fever and other symptoms. He supposed he could run down to that convenience store they had passed on the way in. Should he leave Mikaela alone, though? Yuu didn't want him drowning in the bathtub or something. Eh.
Yuu flicked on the faucet in the tub and closed the drain, then helped Mikaela in and rubbed the blond's shoulder's. "I'm going to get us some supplies, okay?" He spoke softly. His boyfriend nodded and drew his knees up under his chin.
As Yuu turned to head out, he thought better of it. It really didn't feel safe to leave Mikaela alone. He went downstairs to retrieve his phone and texted Shinoa - "Send help, preferably in the form of cold medicine and soup. Would do it myself, but don't think Mikaela should be left alone."
He was slipping his phone in his pocket when he heard a large thud from upstairs. "Shit..."
Mikaela was in underwear and a robe, hair shoved messily in a ponytail, and sitting on the floor. "I'm sorry, Yuu, I just tripped, I wanted to get some tissues from my bag...and I fell..."
Damn, his boyfriend was fast for a feverish mess. Yuu hadn't been gone but a minute. "Shh, It's okay. I'll get them for you." He knelt down and helped the man up. Mikaela leaned on Yuu's shoulder. "I love you, Yuu-chan." He said happily.
"I love you, too, sickie. Let's get you to bed." Yuu had only seen Mikaela with a fever twice before, and he had been just as 'drunk' both times. Leaving the blond to his own devices never ended well.
Yuu tucked Mikaela into bed and leaned down to kiss his forehead, when the man sneezed unexpectedly.
"T'shiiew!" He felt Mikaela's sneeze mist his cheek and lips. If there had been any doubt about them sharing the cold, it seemed pretty likely now.
"Bless you, angel." Mikaela was scrubbing at his nose and Yuu handed him a stack of tissues.
"Yuu-chan..." He whined. "I'm so stuffy... I can barely breathe..." He sniffled for emphasis and blew his nose into the tissues. It sounded very productive, but Yuu doubted it had cleared the man's sinuses. He hoped Shinoa would get here soon.
Mikaela bent an elbow over his mouth, coughing sharply. The other hand yanked Yuu down onto the bed. "Cuddle with me..."
Yuu smiled gently and slid under the covers beside his boyfriend's frame. He could feel heat practically radiating off him, but he slid his arms around the man and kissed his cheek.
Mikaela hummed in pleasure and cuddled closer. He wiped his nose against Yuu's neck and closed his eyes.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ahh it's been quite a while since I've logged on here and I'm so happy to see more Owari no Seraph! Mika is so cute and vulnerable here, I love how he got weaker and weaker as his cold got worse hah... and if you ever write a continuation of this with Yuu caring for sick Mika I'd love it :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

!!!! I'm glad I decided to check on here for Owari No Seraph again, because this was just :drool: :inlove:

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