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Adult!Zukoa drabbler for Bananagirl


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Hey guys! This fic was the second end of my “Hakoda Pleez” drabble request.  It’s an adult! Zuko drabble, about 15 odd years after the 100 year war, when plans for Republic City are being built. This is not really a drabble , but more like a small fic.

You’re going to love the plans I came up with for the Southern Water Tribe cultural center.  There’s  going to be beautiful tiers and pillars, and we may even erect a statue infront of it. Finally, the Southern Water Tribe is going to make its mark on the world.” Sokka couldn’t help but grin at his statement. Age had done little to temper his enthusiasm- if anything, it only made him wiser and more charismatic, and not to mention even more handsome than he was before.   The cracks in his voice had stopped, leaving a smooth, deep timbre.

Eventually, they came to Sokka’s “bedroom”- the temporary housing the city had set aside for him anyone else involved in the conception of Republic City. He opened the drawer that held the plans, and a huge ploom of dust entered the air. Zuko scrubbed at his nose lightly, brushing his knuckle against the pointed tip.

Sokka payed him no heed, spreading out the plans on top of his bed and explaining. Zuko eyes slid to half mast, lips parted, nose twitching as his nostrils flared. His breath hitched slowly hiiihh..hhhh

Hah-EASHOOoo!” He turned to the side and caught the itchy sneeze in the bend of his arm, tossing the hair out of his eyes with a light sniffle.

Sokka’s head jerked around to face him. “Bless you.” He replied absently, turning back to explain the building mainframe.

Zuko couldn’t answer, because another sneeze caught him by surprise. “Huh…u’RUSHJ-uh” . He didn’t have time to use his arm, and caught the sneeze in his cupped hands.

“Twice.” Sokka replied, turning around. “You okay?”

“Thanks, fine, I’m just…gonna go…wash my hands.” He declared sheepishly, slinking around to the bathroom to clean his tainted hands.

Hope that covers it. I love adult Zuko being less awkward and better mannered, and I really hate the idea of “firesneezing.”



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Gnnnnhhh I love that Sokka blessed him. :inlove:

Great pre-sneeze details!

This was adorable!! Thank you!!

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