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This silly life we share (Haikyuu, IwaOi, (M))


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Hello there-

Another Haikyuu fanfic here :D 

Iwaoi request for a sic fic so here we go as promised. I decided to turn it into an after college AU because they don't go to the same university so why not. Any requests are welcome. Here we go!



His head throbbed, his nose ran. Eyelids drooping, Oikawa fought to stay awake. It was midday and the arrogant brunette along with Iwaizumi rode a mostly empty train to Nagoya where they currently shared an apartment. It had been about 3 months since the two of them reunited after going to separate universities for 4 years. Although they had stayed in touch and did their best to visit each other, it wasn't the same as the time that they had shared over this year's midsummer and fall. Oikawa had recently graduated in literature and was working as an editor for a rapidly growing company in the heart of Hamamatsu and Iwaizumu who had graduated with a degree in education was working at a local elementary school as a math teacher. Oikawa had confessed his admiration to the other at the end of high school and they managed to uphold a semi-functional long-distance relationship from then on. Now that they were actually living together, their bond had become much stronger. The Grand King was currently suffering from one hell of a head cold however and was running on far too little sleep. He sat side by side with his spiky-haired counter part, still about an hour from home. Iwaizumi had gone to meet Oikawa at work that day because he had the day off, but was not expecting to find him so miserable. Leaning his head on the other's shoulder, Oikawa groaned, "Iwa-chad, I'b so tired," stuffily. The elementary teacher wanted no part in a whiny Oikawa and wasn't afraid to mess with him, "Shittykawa, you're getting snot on my shirt," he provoked. "Iwa-chad! Snrf...So bead!" He retorted. Pulling out a disgusting looking  wadded up piece of toilet paper from his pocket, the chocolate haired man messily emptied the contents of his nose, groaning when he finished. The vibration caused by this action however caused a familiar tickle to grow in his sinuses. "Hih...hih'Huhh," he pawed as his nose some more, desperate for release. "Snf! Hih'Itchuu! S-scuse b- heh...hih'Ixt-chiew! Ishuuu!" He sneezed into his make-shift tissue and earned several glares from other passengers aboard the train. "Bless you, Shittykawa," was the only remark from the other man. The space nerd groaned and  closed his eyes, leaning on the other for support. Breathing out his mouth to avoid further disturbing his tormented nose. Slowly he drifted off on the rumbling train, focused on the heartbeat and steady breaths coming from his partner. 

To be continued...

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Oikawa yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas

This makes me so happy

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This is everything I wanted and more, omg I love the relationship between the two of them so much. I'm so excited for the next part, but for now, wow. This is so good! XD

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18 hours ago, bellows said:

Aw, this is sweet so far. Can't wait for the next part :D

Thank you!

16 hours ago, truth said:

i'm a sucker for oikawa, excited for more ! :wubsmiley:

I'll try to update by Friday :) 

11 hours ago, Akahana said:


Oikawa yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas

This makes me so happy

Glad you liked!


2 hours ago, bazzpop00 said:


This is everything I wanted and more, omg I love the relationship between the two of them so much. I'm so excited for the next part, but for now, wow. This is so good! XD

Thank god, I didn't know if it was what you were looking for. Writing it is so much fun so expect part 2 soon :D 

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On May 19, 2016 at 4:19 PM, BringDylanTheHorizon said:


Thank you!! Glad you liked it!

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Hey I'm back! Sorry for being a day late...Here's part two! 


Iwaizumi allowed the depleted setter to sleep on his shoulder, doing his best to ignore how close they were and what germs they were probably sharing. He shook the other when the were nearing their stop, hoping to rouse him. Oikawa remained still for a moment and then after blinking twice, he opened his mouth to say something only to be cut of by a sudden, harsh sneeze followed by a wet sniffle. "HIH'TGCHiew, snrfff!" The next time he opened his eyes, he realized to his horror that Iwaizumi had covered Oikawa's nose and mouth with his inhuman reflexes because he had already predicted that the other would be unable to cover. Flecks of mist were scattered upon his calloused hand and Oikawa looked on in horror as the other casually wiped off his hand on his shirt, already used to the bullshit that his partner presented on a daily basis. No further words were exchanged as the two walked off the train and toward their apartment. When Iwaizumi reached for their key, Oikawa intervened and attempted to form an apology. "I'b sorry for sdeezing on you, but it's kind of your fault for putting your hand there id the first place," he muttered stuffily. The response he earned was less than satisfactory, "Come on Trashikawa, if you're going to try to apologize to someone, at least follow through, you idiot," he huffed. With that he unlocked the door and flopped onto the couch emitting a tired sigh. Oikawa shuffled inside, setting down his bag and removing his shoes and curled up on the couch with his partner, making sure to slip his bare feet in between the others legs in seek of warmth. They stayed in that position for about 20 minutes while watching reruns of volleyball matches on tv while Oikawa quietly sniffled and watched intently at the images flashing across the screen. When his spiky-haired counterpart left to begin cooking dinner, he was finally able to release the sneezes that he had been holding in for what seemed like forever. The tickle was hardly noticeable, but certainly present. "Hih...hih'uh...snf!" he hitched, impatiently waiting for the impending sneeze. "Hihh...hih'ihhh," it was relentless, eating him up inside. Acting quickly, he unzipped the nearest pillow and drew out a feather, hoping to achieve some results. He got to work, slowly racing the rims of each nostril and then entering the left one delicately. It didn't take much to push him over and once he started he couldn't stop himself, "hihH... Itchuu! Eshuuu! Heh'XTChiew! Nxgt! Hih'ishuuu! G'TCHIEW!," the last one ripped through him and left him out of breath, nose running wildly. Getting up and going to the bathroom, he pulled out several tissues and did his best to empty out his tormented nose. He felt so depleted and ate dinner quickly, only speaking to thank Iwaizumi for the food. He figured the faster he would be able to go to sleep, the less he would have to deal with Iwa-chan nagging him. The two fell asleep shirtless in eachothers arms, quietly sharing body heat. 

To be continued... 

Edited by Lonewolf
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hhnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg~ Oikawa inducing himself with a feather HITS ALL MY BUTTONS OH GOD

and then Iwaizumi will probably get sick and his beautiful masculine face will be all flushed and his nose will be all red and sniffly and cute and I bet his sneezes scare everyone and I can't wait holy shit I love all of this

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2 hours ago, Akahana said:

hhnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg~ Oikawa inducing himself with a feather HITS ALL MY BUTTONS OH GOD

and then Iwaizumi will probably get sick and his beautiful masculine face will be all flushed and his nose will be all red and sniffly and cute and I bet his sneezes scare everyone and I can't wait holy shit I love all of this

Ahahahaha, you know me too well. I'll hopefully have the next part done by Wednesday, maybe I'll even work on it today :D 

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oh my god... I'm enjoying this WAY too much for my own good, but I don't care, I love it xD

3 hours ago, Akahana said:

and then Iwaizumi will probably get sick and his beautiful masculine face will be all flushed and his nose will be all red and sniffly and cute and I bet his sneezes scare everyone and I can't wait holy shit I love all of this

This is the best thing I have ever read about a sick Iwaizumi, probably because I can totally see him that way ^^

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Hey guys! Back with part 3 as promised and planning on continuing. I'll still take any requests you guys have so don't be afraid to ask. Here we go!


When Iwaizumi woke up, he felt like shit. There was no other way to put it. The first thing he noticed was that his head felt extremely heavy and he couldn't breath through his left nostril. Oikawa was still asleep and snoring peacefully, there was no point to waking him up yet and it was the weekend after all. Slowly he sat up and swung his feet over the edge of the bed causing his head to throb and him to feel dizzy. He sniffled subconsciously and cringed at how wet it had sounded. When the world finally stopped spinning, he proceeded to make his way to the bathroom step after step. After gazing into the mirror, the wing spiker immediately noticed how red his cheeks and nose were and how puffy his eyes were. That bastard Oikawa got him sick for sure. He secretly knew he couldn't be mad at the idiot for long but he was still pissed. The only problem is that there was no way he would be able to hide his illness due to the fact that he had the loudest and most unpredictable sneezes that could catch anyone off guard in a moments notice. There was no buildup, no hitching, absolutely no warning. Snatching up a piece of toilet paper, he cleared his nose and headed to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. Oikawa couldn't cook what so ever so if they weren't going out for food, then Hajime was left cooking. He sniffled thickly, cracking several eggs open and preparing the meal. Once he was finished, he made his way back to the bedroom to rouse his partner. Placing a hand on the other's forehead, he spoke softly, "Oikawa, get up I made breakfast," the setter's forehead burned and his nostrils twitched as he slowly opened his eyes. "Iwa-ah...AH'Hishuu! IH'Chmmph!" his first sneeze managed to spray Iwaizumi directly in the face causing him to cover the second one with the nearest pillow. "Shittykawa! At least learn how to cover your face, idiot!" the spiky-haired man hollered. After much bickering, they finished breakfast and curled up on the couch to see whatever was on tv.  Iwaizumi did his best to sniffle as quiet as possible but judging by the way Oikawa's eyebrow raised, he had clearly been heard. The chocolate-haired man didn't look too good himself, sporting a runny nose and watery eyes, however it was already common knowledge that he was sick. When Iwaizumi felt the focus finally shift off of him, he went back to watching tv and everything stayed quiet for several minutes until out of nowhere, the wing spiker exploded with a harsh, "HEICHIEW!...snrf," causing Oikawa to fall off the couch and straight into the coffee table. "Sorry," the older man muttered, clasping a hand over his mouth. He almost never sneezed infront of other people so this came as a shock to the setter who was currently waiting for his heart rate to go back to normal, his eyes still wide with startle. "Iwa-chad? Did you catch by cold?" he asked cautiously, still recovering. Iwaizumi took a moment to consider his response, this would surely be a long day...

To be continued... 

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This is so good so far, it had everything I can basically think of for a contagion fic. In my mind this is pure gold and this ship is just uugggghhh I need it!! Iwa's sneeze thou, I just wanna take a moment to truly appreciate that because it's just too good. Ugh I just love contagions and that both of them are sick now :rollfast:

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11 minutes ago, bazzpop00 said:

This is so good so far, it had everything I can basically think of for a contagion fic. In my mind this is pure gold and this ship is just uugggghhh I need it!! Iwa's sneeze thou, I just wanna take a moment to truly appreciate that because it's just too good. Ugh I just love contagions and that both of them are sick now :rollfast:

Thanks so much! I'm glad you like it, I'll try to update by Saturday with part four. Contagion fics don't come to me as naturally so I'm happy it's coming out okay. :D 

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*Pops in for the new update*

Gotta say I'm looking at a new favorite story here. Nicely written and detailed. Can't wait for more :)

*Skitters away*

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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssss~ this makes me so happy holy shit!!  Oikawa startling so hard he falls is the best I feel so cruel but I love it <3

AND IWA-CHAN yes the precious baby such a cute strong man!!

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Iwaizumi not normally sneezing in front of people has always been one of my head canons and now tHIS EXISTS AHHH 

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15 hours ago, Pyrus_Fangmon said:

*Pops in for the new update*

Gotta say I'm looking at a new favorite story here. Nicely written and detailed. Can't wait for more :)

*Skitters away*

Thank you!!

14 hours ago, Akahana said:

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssss~ this makes me so happy holy shit!!  Oikawa startling so hard he falls is the best I feel so cruel but I love it <3

AND IWA-CHAN yes the precious baby such a cute strong man!!

I love being mean to Oikawa, the poor bab. Writing this makes me so happy! 


5 hours ago, BringDylanTheHorizon said:


Iwaizumi not normally sneezing in front of people has always been one of my head canons and now tHIS EXISTS AHHH 

YAYYY GLAD YOU LIKE. Any more head cannons you got?

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Oh god his is perfect in every way!the characters are on point! Also the sneezes,golly hey are great too.

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Hey guys! Last part here! If anyone has any Haikyuu!! Requests I would love to write another fic after this. Enjoy!


Iwaizumi knew he had four ways to respond. He could say 'no' and have to deal with Oikawa stalking him to see if it was true, he could say yes and deal with the brunette's laughter and mockery, he could say maybe and seem suspicious or he could just go to the store and buy some cold medicine for the both of them. He decided on the first option which probably wasn't the best choice. "No, Oikawa. I did not catch your cold. Something just got in my nose," he said monotonously, attempting to avoid contact. "Hmm, I'b dot sure if I believe you, Iwa-chan~," Oikawa said giggling softly. This caused chills to run down the others spine, he knew that if he couldn't pull off a convincing act he'd be in for hell. The brunette shuffled closer on the couch and leaned his head on his partner's shoulder, he was in perfect range to hear even the slightest noise to come from him. Oikawa rubbed his own nose and looked up as Iwaizumi mischievously. "Ya'know Iwa-chan, if you really weren't sick then it wouldn't bother you if I did this, would it?" He said reaching up and pinching the other's nose while sticking out his tongue playfully. The pressure alone drove Iwaizumi's nose wild and it took all of his will not to explode right there. "Knock it off dubbass," he warned trying to swat away the hand that was currently tormenting him but loosing his strength to the impending sneeze. Oikawa slowly massaged the outside of the other's nose, making sure to find every soft spot. A small tear spilled out of Iwaizumi's right eye and his nose became a shade of bright pink. He reeled back, crawling to the opposing side of the couch and let loose, gasping for air, "EASHIEW! ETCHIEW! HAH'SHIEW! Snf...SNRF!" He sniffled thickly, in desperate need of a tissue. Oikawa giggled contently, "I knew it! You really are sick!" Iwaizumi growled impatiently, "Stop being an ass about it and get me a tissue," he grumbled. When Oikawa returned with a tissue, he cupped it over Iwaizumi's mouth and nose, "Here, blow," he calmly commanded. "What the hell, Shittykawa," the other retorted, however he truly needed alleviation. "Please~ for me?" whined the brunette as he persisted, he curled up closer to his partner and repositioned himself accordingly while giving his best puppy dog eyes. "Fine, just stop looking at me like that," Iwaizumi said as he gave in, blowing softly. He didn't understand how Oikawa could look so adorable even though he was sick. He sighed feeling defeated and accepted the way the rest of the day would go in the silly life they shared.  

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On May 28, 2016 at 2:39 AM, mariaib said:

Oh god his is perfect in every way!the characters are on point! Also the sneezes,golly hey are great too.

Thank you thank you! We should rp again some time

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ohhhHH NNOOOOoooo Oikawa inducing Iwa is too cute I'm dying~  And Iwa's masculine sneezes are even more attractive in a fit holy shit, I bet they leave his super breathless after a while

My god just the thought of Oikawa's soft fingers teasing Iwa's twitching red nose is enough to make me explode Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg~

Thank you for this wonderful fic I love <3 <3 <3

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15 minutes ago, Akahana said:

ohhhHH NNOOOOoooo Oikawa inducing Iwa is too cute I'm dying~  And Iwa's masculine sneezes are even more attractive in a fit holy shit, I bet they leave his super breathless after a while

My god just the thought of Oikawa's soft fingers teasing Iwa's twitching red nose is enough to make me explode Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg~

Thank you for this wonderful fic I love <3 <3 <3

YAYYYYYYYYYY just writing about them inducing made me so happy, glad you like it

my precious beans

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This is probably one of my favorite Haikyuu fics since I just love this ship so much (along side with kagehina but iwaoi is both adorable and HAWT).

I really appreciate that you took time to write this, it has so many great things in it! I know I've said I love contagions but can I just talk about the inducing for a sec? I just love it, and there's a little bit of everything in this fic to make everyone happy ^^ well done!!

Edited by bazzpop00
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