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godfather (HP)


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SPOLIERS!!! THIS HAS A SPOILER, I THINK. You Have been warned.

Well I am reading Harry Potter year six and it is making me sad, so, since Sirius is one of my favorite characters, I wanted to write a little Harry Sirius one shot!! Yay so here we.

 Sirius runs in from the rain, shaking his head like a dog and smiling cheekily at Harry who was sitting on the old sofa trying to do homework.

“ Harry, come on, it is awesome outside, you have godda see the collection of trolls I have to bat with,” he says, his energy level about the same as the black dog he is. Harry looks at Sirius with longing, he wanted nothing more then go bat with trolls with Sirius but he had homework he really needed to get done.

“Sirius, I can’t,” he holds up his half done essay.

“Oh, yeah, being mature. Harry, you do not come bat with trolls until you finish that homework,” he says in a mock serious voice. Harry rolls his eyes and gets up, walking out with him. He wouldn’t get any work done with his godfather bending over him. Hermione could get pissed later if she wanted to.

   “That was awesome!” Sirius crows, running back into the house, shaking his hair out of his face and trying to dry it like Padfoot would. Harry comes in behind him, shivering. He was freezing, Sirius hadn’t mentioned the freezing rain.

“Don’t ya thing, Harry?” Sirius says smiling and bouncing on his feet. This must have been what he was like before he got put in Azkaban. He turns around and sees Harry shivering, hitting himself in the face. Of course Harry didn’t have the dog to keep him warm.

“Shower now,” he says, his voice serious. He watches as Harry walks up the stairs and hears the shower come on. He sniffles, rubbing away the moisture underneath his lip. Harry would be warm again soon. He was good godfather. Sirius starts tea on the stove and sits down to wait for it, yelling at Kreacher. He was trying to steal stuff again. Harry walks down the stairs about ten minutes later, toweling his hair dry. Sirius sniffles again. The damn rain had gotten in his nose.

“Better?” he asks sliding a cup of tea laced with a generous amount of fire whiskey to Harry who had taken a seat but was looking distinctly worse for wear. He looked tired.

“Yah,” he says, rubbing his nose and taking a sip of the tea. It felt good on Harry’s sore throat. HE hadn’t been feeling great but he wasn’t sick. He never got to see Sirius, no way was he sick.

Sirius frowns, Harry didn’t sound too good either. This wasn’t good, he had broken him! How do you break a kid? He hears Harry sniffling but can tell that he is trying to be quiet.

“Why don’t you go work on your essay, I’ll entertain myself for a few hours,” Sirius says, going and sitting down on one of the chairs across from where Harry sat to work on his essay. The boy was looking down but Sirius heard him sniffling every few seconds and more than once saw him rub at his nose or pinch it shut.

  He took almost two hours before he gave himself away. He sniffled but it didn’t do anything to get rid of the itch. His breath started hitching very quickly after that and there was no time to do his totally silent thing. He brings a hand up to his nose, head rearing back.

HEpshoo hepshoo hepshoo!” There was no way Sirius had missed that. He held his breath in hopes though.

“Bless you, Harry. Are you okay?” Sirius asks with a frown. Harry sniffles and rubs a hand under his nose.

“Thanks, yeah, I’m fide,” he says. Sirius raises and eyebrow.

“Really? Say fine.” He sits back, crossing his left ankle over his right leg, smirking.

“Fide. Urg! Fide.” He sniffles hard but it seems to do the opposite of what he had wanted. “hepshoo hepshoo hepshoo!” he sighs and rubs his forehead.

“Bless ya. I think it might be about time to put the essays up and go to bed,” Sirius says. He didn’t like seeing Harry upset or worn down and now he looked both.

“Ndo, Sirius, I probise, I’b fide,” he says, looking distinctly panicked. Sirius frowns.

“Harry, it’s okay if you’re sick,” he says slowly. Harry’s eyes were already half closing and his head was rearing back.

hepshoo hepshoo hepshoo!......hhhh….hi…hi…..hi….hepshoo hepshoo hepshoo!” Harry looks down at his now wet hands. He then looks at the couch that had a small wet spot where he hadn’t covered quite fast enough.

“Sirius, I’b sorry, I didn’t mead tdo,” he says, looking at Sirius with distraught eyes as if he thought his godfather might actually be mad. Sirius walks over to him and puts a hand on his back.

“Bless, Harry,” he says. “Bed. Now.” He watches as Harry gets up, looking like he had just been sentenced to a dementors kiss and trudges up the stairs. Sirius waves his wand and puts on more tea and a pot of soup. He calls to see about getting some Pepperup. He nods when they said it would be there tomorrow. He waves his wand and a train of tissues, soup and tea marches up the stairs to Harry ahead of Sirius himself.

  Harry had been in the room trying to decide where to go to be the least burden on someone. There really wasn’t anywhere and he wanted to just sleep forever but no way would Sirius want him here now. He was shocked into silence when the parade of supplies came into his room followed by a smiling Sirius.

 Why was Harry packing? Sirius shakes his head and Harry sits on the bed. The wand comes out and the bag unpacks.

“You were gonna leave your poor lonely godfather to his fate weren’t you?” Sirius jokes. Harry still looked shocked as all the stuff situates itself in different places around the room.

‘”hepshoo hesphoo heshoo….hi….hhhh…..hi…..hu…hi….hepshoo.hespoo…hepshoo!” Harry sniffles and pulls a tissue out of the box, blowing his nose. Sirius sits down beside him, enchanting a book to dance around the room, entertaining them both.

hepshoo hepshoo hepshoo!

“Bless ya, Harry,” Sirius says, putting an arm around his godson and smiling. He hadn’t broken him after all.

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Oooh I like this. Could you maybe do an allergy scenario please? Btw I really like the sound of his sneezes 


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