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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Vampire Allergies (Being Human US Aidan)

Melody Berry

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So I am completely new to this site so any help is greatly appreciated. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me. 

In this story, instead of garlic making a vampire "vamp out" they are just allergic to it. Josh discovers this when he cooks garlic chicken. This will be a one part story. 


Taking his sunglasses off, Aidan shut the front door with his leg. The first thing that hit his senses was the glorious smell of cooking chicken. Josh 's dinners always made him long for the feeling he used to get when his wife cooked for him back in the day. Of course that had been over a hundred years ago, so it was to be expected from the wife. He smirked at the idea of Josh reminding him of a house wife in the 1800s. 

"Aidan!" Sally came bounding up to him in her usual peppy cheer. "Are you going to join Josh and I in our New dinner tradition?" 

Aidan shrugged his leather jacket off and put it on the hook. "What did you just ask me?" 

Sally smirked. "I know it seems stupid because we don't eat, but we're becoming a family here and Josh just thought. . ." 

Aidan held up his hand. "Say no more. Who am I to say no to Josh and his motherly desires?" 

Sally smiled. "Werewolves are very food at the puppy dog eye thing."

Aidan joined Sally in the living room on the couch. A weird feeling came present in his nose and he found himself instinctively leaning forward. "Hsschoo!" He sniffed and blinked away the water forming in his eyes. 

Sally looked surprised. "The hell was that?" 

Aidan leaned back. "I sneezed," he told her in his that-was-a-stupid-question tone. 

"Since when do you do that?" she asked. 

Aidan shrugged. "I haven't done it in a. . . while. . . I. . ." the feeling was coming back, sending him forward again. "Hkchoo! Hkchoo!" 

"Tissues are right next to me," Sally told him, her previous puzzled tone even more prominent now. "I would pass them to you but. . ."

Aidan nodded, understanding. He reached across her carefully, knowing she hated it when people went through her, and grabbed a few tissues from the box. He blew his nose which was a new concept for him and it felt weird. 

Sally looked at him, concerned. "I thought you said vampires don't get sick."

Aidan shrugged. "We don't." His voice sounded funny to his ears and he was wondering what the hell was happening to him. He dropped the used in his lap and grabbed a clean one to sneezes into. "Hkkchooo!" 

"Aidan?" Josh came into the living room, oven mitts and all. "Is that you sneezing in here?"

"Who else would it be?" Sally asked as Aidan blew his nose. "I certainly don't sneeze like that. Besides, ghosts can't get sick." 

"I didn't think vampires could either." Josh took off his oven mitts and approached Aidan. He put his hand on his friend's forehead. "You feel cold." 

"Because I'm d. . . dead. . . HKCHOO! HKCHOO! H. . . kkchoo!" 

"You all right, man?" Josh asked, handing him another tissue which Aidan took thankfully.

"Josh, I. . . hkkchoo! I think you're making it worse." He blew his nose wetly. 

Josh patted his back awkwardly. "What do you mean?" He sounded hurt to Aidan's ears and he felt bad because he knew Josh was just trying to help.

Aidan sniffed and threw the tissue down with another sneeze. "It got worse when you came over here. I don't. . ." Aidan trailed off as he realized something. "Josh are you cooking with garlic?" 

Josh hesitated. "Well. . . yeah." 

"Josh v-vampires a-are. . . huh. . . hu. . . huckchooo! Allergic to. . . huckchoo! G-"

Josh cut him off and took a few steps back. "Seriously? Man, I'm so sorry. Are you going to be okay?" 

Aidan sniffed and blew his nose, standing from the couch. "I need to go outside while the house airs out." 

Josh nodded. "And I'll go shower."

With a final sneeze, Aidan left the house while Josh finished in the kitchen. 

Sally, meanwhile, was laughing her dead ass off. 


Okay, so I wanted to keep my first story short in order to test it out. Thank you for reading. I am not new to Fanfiction in the slightest, so it shouldn't be too terrible. I've spent the last three years creeping around on this site and decided to post something. 





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I loved this show, and I have to admit that would have been a much better version of Adien's garlic allergies than how it actually worked on the show. :P

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I have been searching soooo long for a US Being Human Aidan Sneezefic!!! Thank you so much!!! This is incredible! The characters all sound perfect! Aidan is so adorable!! ACKDSLFKJLAKSdjlkjlakjfsldkj I cannot express my appreciation and fangirling of this. This is so YES. :D Thank you! I hope you decide to write more Being Human in the future. 

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It's so long since I watched this show, and I hadn't realized how much I'd missed it!! You got the characters down, and I loved the story. Hoping there are more to come soon :)

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