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Solangelo Pinocchio (Sorta)


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"Hey Dnico," Will said. Nico looked up from his book, to his boyfriend. Will was wearing some navy blue sweatpants, and a yellow top. Nico hadn't seen Will yet today, and it was nearly 3:00pm. "Hey Will." Nico replied and moved over a little on the bench, so Will could sit down. Will sat down next to Nico, and Nico noticed he was shivering. "Cold?" Nico asked without looking up from his book. "No, I'm good." Will said getting up from the bench, and walking over behind Nico. Nico continued to read and almost forgot he was there, until he heard a little squeak from behind him. Nico turned around to see Will standing over near the lake. Will looked up from whatever he was doing, and Nico noticed his face was bright red. "What was that?" Nico asked. Nico looked around trying to find what made the noise. "I don't know." Will said. Nico decided to forget it and so he continued to read. He'd only made it a few paragraphs in his book when he looked up at Will because he heard him breathing strangely. He saw Will put his nose against his wrist, and almost silently stifle a sneeze. There was a tiny squeak at the end of it. Nico shivered because of how cute it was. "Bless you." Nico said looking at Will. Will turned around towards Nico with a bright red face. Will just nervously laughed it off. "Are you sick?" Nico asked. "Dno, of course dnot," Will said. Nico noticed that Will sounded a little congested. "Let's go to my cabin, and watch a movie." Nico said. Will seemed to think about it for a second, and then agreed. They both got up and walked to Nico's cabin. Will grabbed Nico's hand on the way, and Nico looked up at him and smiled. Will's nose was red rimmed around the edges. When they were nearing Nico's cabin, Will pulled his hand away from Nico's, and turned to the other side. Just before Nico could ask what was wrong, Will's face contorted into that of right before a sneeze. "Huh - hi..." Will looked back at Nico, seeming to have lost the sneeze. "Sorry." Will said quietly. "Don't apologize," Nico said. "I hope you'd tell me if you were sick. You are a doctor, you know" Nico said smiling. Will rolled his eyes at Nico and mumbled something incomprehensible. When they entered Nico's cabin, Will went to pick out a movie, and Nico sat down on the couch to turn the tv on. "Let's watch Hom- hih-nxx, huhxxch,  Home" Will tried to say while sneezing. Will tried to hide his face from Nico. "I know you're sick, Will, and you always get onto me for stifling my sneezes, now you're doing it." Nico told Will. "Just sneeze, and admit you're sick." "I'm not sick, I'm a son of Apollo, it's all this dust in the movie cabinet because you never clean. I'm only stifling because my sneezes are so loud, I'd make you go deaf." Will argued. "No you wouldn't. And as you say to me, 'you'll burst your organs'" Nico argued back. "Whatever," Will said after he put the movie in. Will came to sit next to Nico and they started the movie. Will had his arm around Nico and Nico was laying up against his chest. About 15 minutes into the movie, Nico felt Will's breath start to hitch. "Don't stifle," Nico warned. "Have- hih -to" Will said breathlessly. Nico quickly turned around and grabbed Will's hands to prevent him from stifling his sneezes. Will didn't even have time to protest, because Will's sneeze had already built up. "Haixhxchuo" Will sneezed barely missing Nico's face. "Nico why did you do that!?!" Will almost yelled. "Do you need a lecture on how germs spread?" Nico almost laughed at that last part. "Stifling is bad" Nico told him. "I'll do what I have to." They got back in a comfortable position, and put a blanket over both of them. After a while, Nico was starting to fall asleep. Will was enjoying the movie, but Nico was just enjoying Will. "Nxxxchu" Will Sneezed and woke Nico up. "I'm gonna steal your hands," Nico mumbled sleepily, and grabbed Will's hands. Will was already building up for another sneeze. "Huhxxch hihxhchu hah-huxxchuh" Will sneezed congestedly. When had Will gotten so congested. "I need a tissue" Will said. "Ok" Nico said. Nico held onto Will's hands and they walked to Nico's bathroom together. Nico grabbed a tissue and held it up to Will's nose. "Dno way" Will said trying to get away. "I don't trust you with your hands," Nico said. "Blow" Will shook his head but he could feel a sneeze coming. Will sucked in a big breath but he held it trying with everything he had not to sneeze. Nico could tell what Will was doing, so he moved to tissue a little bit closer, so it just touched the tip of Will's nose. Will couldn't hold back the sneezes anymore after Nico did that. Will let out some of the biggest sneezes he had ever done, "hahchauuxxu, hauuxxchiou, huh huhiauchuu, xxxxxchu" "Bless you, now blow," Nico said forcefully. Will couldn't take it anymore so he did. Nico could feel the warm moisture, but he didn't care. He kinda found Will sneezing attractive. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

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Dude! This is amazing! I'm hoping to see a whole new wave of Solangelo fics now that it's cannon. I hope you continue!!

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AHHHHHHJHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASDFGHJKL:LKJHGFDSA!!!!!!!!!!!!! THat was amazing oh my gosh, amazing!!!

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*dead* This is great :") pls continue 

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Hey, look, it's my first post! Also, this killed me. I am dead. I have finals next week, you can't kill me now! Wait. On second though, being dead means I don't have to go to school! Never mind, kill away! This was really awesome, to be serious.

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