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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Add To Injury (Criminal Minds, JJ)


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I'm writing another story at the moment, but the main character of that one is very shy so I have to glance at it from the corner of my eye, so to speak. Which means in order to write that one, I have to write something else beside. This started out as a drabble from sophie83540's drabble prompt thread, as the prompt INJURY. Got a bit longer, and whatnot.

Squint at it a little and you might see what I saw. Blake/JJ pairing. But if you don't see it, or don't want to see it, it's fine. :P Implies contagion as well, if you're into that stuff.

ONESHOT, meaning it will NOT be continued.


“How are your hands, JJ?” Blake asked. “Do you need anything?”

JJ held up her bandaged hands. Some blood was already seeping through on the right one, but for the moment she felt more numb than in pain.

“No, I’m good.”

Blake leaned in closer and put both hands on JJ’s shoulders, spearing the other woman on her sharp stare.

“Are you sure? I know you’re not supposed to take painkillers before a doctor has looked at it, but it’s one hell of a long ride back, most of it on bumpy roads. I’ll drive as carefully as I can, but…”

JJ broke eye contact and tried to turn away as she felt a tickly sneeze coming on, but Blake’s grip on her shoulders was too firm and she was still a bit dazed from the events that had recently unfolded. Under ordinary circumstances she would have at least tried to stifle, but the urge was too strong and too sudden for any evasive manoeuvres.


Blake blinked, and JJ’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment when she realised that she had just sneezed her colleague right in the face. For a moment the two women just looked at each other, both surprised, awkward and unsure what to say.

Then Blake smiled and quickly wiped at her face with her sleeve.

“Bless you. Move over a little so I can buckle you up.”

JJ, still blushing, moved and allowed Blake to lean in and help her with the seat belt. As the other woman was bent over her, JJ felt the need to sneeze return. Her nostrils flared wildly and her entire body tensed up as she tried to aim the sneeze into her own shoulder. She did succeed in not spraying her colleague again, but the space was so cramped her body spasmed against Blake’s with each forcefully restrained sneeze.

“NnkkTt! NktSHh! HEH-nTSSHHew!”

“Oh my God,” Blake sighed, but not in a way that indicated annoyance. She dug through her pockets and fished out an almost empty pack of tissues, took out one of the few remaining ones and held it to JJ’s nose.

“Blow,” she commanded. JJ looked back at her, feeling more awkward than ever. “Just do it JJ, you can’t hold a tissue yourself and you’re starting to, uh, leak.”

As much as JJ wanted to pull back and assure her colleague that it wasn’t necessary, she knew it was. So she obediently emptied her runny nose into the Kleenex in Blake’s hand, feeling very self-aware. Blake might have felt every bit as awkward, but JJ wasn’t sure; the older woman was still often a mystery to her, her thoughts and feelings hidden even from the team of the sharpest profilers in the country.

“There,” Blake said as she wicked the remaining wetness from JJ’s nostrils and folded up the tissue. “Better?”

“Yeah.” JJ forced herself to look her colleague in the eye. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Blake frowned as she walked around the car and climbed into the driver‘s seat. “Are you coming down with something? You’ve seemed a bit, I don’t know, off, all day.”

JJ didn’t really want to admit it, because, well, she had just sneezed Blake in the face, sharing all the viruses that were currently brewing inside her body, but she felt too exhausted to even try and lie.

“Henry’s got a cold. I feel like I might be catching it.”

“Ah,” Blake said, nodding. “The Petri dish commonly referred to as day-care.”

“Yeah. I apologise in advance if I just infected you too.”

“That,” Blake said as she started the car, “is an issue for another day. Right now those burns on your hands are my top priority. Honestly, I can’t believe you would stick your hands into a fire to save evidence.”

“So you wouldn’t have done the same thing?”

“Of course I would have. All I’m saying is that it was reckless and stupid, and...”



“It’s just flesh wounds. Really, I’ll be fine.”

Blake released a breath through gritted teeth.

“I know. I… I know. I got worried, that’s all.”

JJ was just about to respond when her nose began to tickle again. Oh it was maddening and she couldn’t rub at it to try and ease the irritation either. She crossed her arms in front of her face and sneezed wetly against her own chest, grateful that she was at least spraying herself rather than someone else this time.

“Heh…. EISSHHew!”

“We should probably get more tissues as well,” Blake commented, and now she sounded completely in control again. JJ sighed. In control was probably the last thing she felt like at the moment, but maybe it was okay to let someone else take command for once.


Edited by Chanel_no5
missed a word. *facepalm*
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Just now, silentdreamer789 said:


Thank you, I'm glad you liked! :yay: 

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I love it! Well I love all of your stories but this one is especially great! Thanks for sharing.

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Wow that was great. I really wish you would continue it. 

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