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Heavy sleeper (Part 3/?)(Haikyuu!! Kageyama and Hinata)


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Hi there :> this is my first fanfic so I apologize in advance if anyone seems OOC. This is a Haikyuu!! College AU and there is some Kagehina fluff (nothing too serious). I'm open to criticism and am planning on continuing this. Enjoy!!


Kageyama sighed impatiently. It was his second year in college and he and Hinata had been dating for about a year now. They were roommates, sharing a dorm and a volleyball team. Despite having two beds, they always slept together. It was better that way. Warmer. Kageyama had woken up to a ridiculous amount of congestion in his sinuses. Glancing at the bedside alarm clock, he realized to his dismay that it was 2:13 in the morning. Hinata was a heavy sleeper, so the redhead didn't mind Kageyama's usual snoring. Rather, he couldn't hear it. Hinata was clinging to the setter's side, the other's head on his torso and legs wrapped around each other. The raven haired boy's left arm was pinned and he was pressed against the corner of the room on his back. He began to sniffle, knowing there was no way to get up and out of the situation. Too worried to wake his partner due to the movement. The dark blue walls gave the room a feeling of serenity and the dorm complex was completely silent, he would hate to have to be the one to disrupt the peace. 

Running a finger from his free hand under his nose, he could tell this was going to be a long night. A prickle in his sinuses caught him off guard and he slowly drew in a breath. "Heh...," he waited in anticipation as his nose continued to torment him.  "ahaah...hHAhh!" This was getting ridiculous, he sniffled once more and finally managed to launch into a fit, spraying his chest in the process, "Hah'GIShuu!...GI'SHiew!... Snf. Hehh heh hehH...GiShiewww!" He groaned, wiping off his hand on the navy hoodie he fell asleep in. His nose began to run like a faucet and soon, just sniffling did not do enough to hold back the mucus from spilling out onto his lip.  The persistent tickle proved to be relentless as he found himself hitching again. "Hehh...HA'MPPPT'chiew. Snf...snf," he attempted to muffle into his free arm. He slowly opened his teary eyes and tried to breath out of his nose. He failed. He had to sniffle more frequently to avoid making a mess. The tickle tormented him further, refusing to release him from his misery. "Hih hihhh... Hih ha'AHhh! Snf, AH'TChiew! G'tchiewww! Snf...snf, haAh... Snf IsCHiew!"
He panted, gathering his bearings. He could have swore he saw Hinata open his eyes for a second, but he was too preoccupied with his nose to pay attention to it. 

To be continued... 

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FINALLY A KAGEHINA FIC!! :jump:omg, you have no idea how happy this makes me, btw this looks amazing so far and I can't wait until you continue this!

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9 minutes ago, bazzpop00 said:

FINALLY A KAGEHINA FIC!! :jump:omg, you have no idea how happy this makes me, btw this looks amazing so far and I can't wait until you continue this!

Thank you!! Haikyuu is my life so I promise there will be no shortage of ficus from me :D. I may even start a Drabble thread once I'm don't with this too. I'll probably add part two tomorrow.

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Jesus Christ you have no idea how excited I got when I read the title, MY HAIKYUU BABUES I'M SO HAPPY

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Hi again :D. Back with part two and I have no idea how to edit the title, if I don't figure it out within 10 minutes I probably need help haha. I'm exploring a headcanon I've had with Hinata having the fetish so bear with me. More parts to come in the future. Here we go!

(mod note - topic title now edited)



Hinata had been sleeping peacefully. That was however until he felt his human pillow jerking upwards and a light mist on his fluffy orange hair. It didn't take the genius he wasn't to figure out what was going on here. Kageyama was sick. Hinata would have ignored something like this except there was one issue. He had been keeping a secret. The redhead had been planning on telling his boyfriend about his fetish for about a month now, but he couldn't find the right way to say it. Now, he was pretending to be asleep while his boyfriend basically sneezed directly on him. What was he supposed to do? 

He tried to stay calm, not letting Kageyama even know he was awake. Perfectly still and silent. That would be extremely difficult for the hyperactive middle blocker. He listened closely as the setter attempted to muffle a sneeze into what was presumably his arm and sniffle several times. Hinata mentally high-fived himself for falling asleep in this position cuddling Kageyama. His boyfriend drew in several more watery sniffs before gearing up for another set of sneezes. Each release rocked both Kageyama's body and Hinata's world. Once the fit had subsided, the red headed wonder simply could not take it anymore and stole a glance at his boyfriend. Puffy, watery eyes, bright red nose, he had the complete package. The setter panted and peered down at him before beginning to hitch again. 

Temptation called and Hinata answered, slowly shifting up towards the others' face and tracing the rims of his nostrils in hopes to coax out another sneeze or two. In hindsight, this wasn't the best idea, knowing the potential wrath of an angry boyfriend, but he was usually understanding of Hinata's absurdities. Unsatisfied with his current results, the ginger cautiously slid a fingernail just into the entrance of Kageyama's nostrils, being careful not to scratch him. At long last, the raven haired boy let out a wet triple, attempting to shoo away Hinata's hand and only partially succeeding  "hAH'ATChiew! HeH! GI'SHiew! G'tchiew!... Guh," he sighed tiredly. And then came the scolding, "Hinata, Dumbass! What were you thinking? Now you're going to get sick! I can't b-believe y-you...heh...you did...heH'TCHiew... Thad," he sniffled again thickly, this time not being very affective. Hinata reached over to the bedside table and grab a tissue, gently pressing it to his boyfriends nose. "Blow, (dork)," he instructed, mumbling the last part. Hinata blushed furiously despite being so forward. "You're acting weird," Kageyama remarked after he had finished blowing his nose and Hinata had disposed of the tissue.  He knew he would have a lot of explaining to do and hoped the other would be accepting.

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On May 4, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Lonewolf said:

He listened closely as the setter attempted to muffle a sneeze into what was presumably his arm and sniffle several times. Hinata mentally high-fived himself for falling asleep in this position cuddling Kageyama.

I LOVE this! This story is really good! I think they're both perfectly in character. I'm excited to read more.

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4 hours ago, Marlett said:

I LOVE this! This story is really good! I think they're both perfectly in character. I'm excited to read more.

Thank you!! I'll update again some time in the next couple of days. Glad to here everyone seems in character :D 


On May 4, 2016 at 10:31 PM, Akahana said:


Jesus Christ you have no idea how excited I got when I read the title, MY HAIKYUU BABUES I'M SO HAPPY

I'm Haikyuu!! AF lmao. It is my reason to live. Glad you enjoyed it! :D 

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This keeps getting better and better omg, I'm loving this so much I need MOORRREEE XD

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I'm game for Kageyama being appreciated by everyone for everything he does because he is the cutest bab and deserves to be loved by all

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Aaáaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! An haikyuu fanfic!i was só happy when i first saw this! Its só good,also hinata XD we all get you~

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Hey guys! Part 3 here! Thanks for all the support, it's looking like this will be the end of this story. I will totally write more Haikyuu fics and other fandom as well. Leave any Haikyuu request and I'll probably get to it. Here we go!


In response to Kageyama's remark, Hinata panicked, despite the trust they had, he had never told anyone this secret. "N-No I'm not! You're the one who's sick! Why didn't you tell me, Bakeyama?" He said with an accusing tone. This caused the setter to get defensive but also take responsibility, "Quiet down, dumbass. Besides, I only realized I was sick now. Use your brain if you even have one," he whispered angrily. Things were quiet for another minute or two, giving Hinata a moment to collect himself. This moment was rudely interrupted when Kageyama began hitching again and Hinata couldn't help but watch in fascination, "HAhh... Hih.. Snf! Hihh...HAH'GIShuu! Ishuu! GI'Chiew! Ugh," the raven haired boy couldn't just ignore his boyfriends obsessive stare. "What's going od? Why is your face all red?" The middle blocker froze up, would this be the moment that he would confess? It would indeed. "W-Well... You see I... I kind of find it really attractive when people sneeze. Really just you. N-Not in a weird way though! I just... Think it's cute I guess?" He blushed furiously. He had never really told anyone about his fetish and he had no idea what kind of reaction to expect. Kageyama sighed tiredly, "You could have just told be dhat. You cad tell be adythig dubbass. Snrf! Hih'Gishiew!" He sneezed through the open air onto Hinata's chest, "I'b sorry. Do you like dhat or is dhat just gross?" He asked sincerely through a congested voice. The redhead grabbed another tissue and after helping the setter blow his nose again he awkwardly said, "Y-Yes I l-like it. A lot actually," and with that, Kageyama pulled his trembling boyfriend closer, wrapping him in a protective hug, "I love you no matter what," he whispered into the other's ear, sending chills down his spine. Hinata slowly peppered the raven haired boy with soft gentle kisses, he knew he had picked the right lovable idiot to fall in love with. They fell asleep to the rhythm of eachothers heartbeats and even breaths. Despite being sick, Kageyama drifted off quickly in the arms of his lover. The room returned to silence once again. The end~

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This was amazing~ Such a sweet ending, I can't wait to see mor of your fanfiction in the future! :D

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0w0 now that was adorable! I love kagehina so much and this was just so fluffy and perfect to read ^^ 

As for a request... I really like iwaoi but I haven't seen many sickfics for it so yea, maybe give it a try? :3

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3 hours ago, bazzpop00 said:

0w0 now that was adorable! I love kagehina so much and this was just so fluffy and perfect to read ^^ 

As for a request... I really like iwaoi but I haven't seen many sickfics for it so yea, maybe give it a try? :3

Thank you thank you :3 I would love to try out an Iwaoi sickfic, I'll get to work soon!

18 hours ago, bellows said:

This was amazing~ Such a sweet ending, I can't wait to see mor of your fanfiction in the future! :D

Thanks so much! I'm sure there will be no shortage of fics from me :D

On May 11, 2016 at 10:20 AM, mariaib said:

Aaáaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! An haikyuu fanfic!i was só happy when i first saw this! Its só good,also hinata XD we all get you~

Haha. Glad you liked it!


On May 9, 2016 at 6:45 AM, Akahana said:


I'm game for Kageyama being appreciated by everyone for everything he does because he is the cutest bab and deserves to be loved by all

My precious babs deserve all the love. Kags will never stop being adorable XD

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