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Flu Tony/Gibbs NCIS


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You know when you put in a request for a fic, but your brain won't let go of the idea and is like "I NEED THIS NOW!" That's what happened here, although I really hope others fill my prompt. Obviously this is slash, don't like don't read. Hurt/Comfort, Relationship fic, both are sick. There is also a brief mention of vomiting but it's not much, just wanted emetophobes to be prepared. I think I'm going to continue this, but we all know how that goes. (5,500 words so far, and please forgive formatting issues).

“Elevator. Now Dinozzo!”

Tony hadn’t been surprised to hear those words. He had tried to keep his coughs discreet, bending beneath his desk, using distractions and noise to cover it up; but Gibbs was on high alert since he himself was coming down with the flu, or more accurately put, had already come down with the flu. Not that the rest of the team knew of course. Gibbs never got sick, or so most people thought. They didn’t know he would replace his coffee with Dayquil, and everyone knew better than to touch Gibbs coffee. They knew he felt very protective of Abby when she got sick, but missed that he was often out to take care of her… and himself. Tony liked to think his perceptiveness was because he was a better agent, but if he was honest the attentiveness was due to attraction more than anything else.

Ziva and McGee looked at each other. They didn’t know about the relationship between the two men, but both were not oblivious to Tony’s symptoms, and they knew it was only a matter of time til their boss brought Tony to Ducky.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, Tony prepared for a headslap for not telling Gibbs he was feeling poorly. To his surprise, no slap came. Gibbs had turned immediately to the corner.

“iHTSCHHHH!” The sneeze bent Gibbs in half. Wet and directed into cupped hands, as he straightened a shiver coursed through his body. Tony wanted to slap himself in the head; he had been so focused on hiding his symptoms from the team he hadn’t focused on how much worse Gibbs was getting.

“Bless you Boss.”

“Thags.” No longer needing to hold up the façade, Gibbs leaned against the elevator snuffling into his well used hanky. Tony wondered how he hadn’t recognized Gibbs constant trips to and from the bullpen today. His thoughts were quickly interrupted though by the ‘ding’ as the elevator stopped at the basement.

Ducky was at his desk, filling out the last of the paperwork for the case they had just finished, and didn’t even look up as he acknowledged their presence.

“Ah, Jethro, I wondered when you would be down.”

Tony tried to clear his throat to speak but it turned into a cough. Ducky turned in his seat to view the young agent.

“I see you brought me another patient. I told you, you should stay at home to protect his immune system Jethro.” Tony and Gibbs looked at each other after Ducky’s rather stern reprimand. “It’s not your fault Tony,” Ducky said sweetly before resuming a slightly lower tone towards Gibbs, “I know he can be difficult to persuade sometimes.” Although highly observant, Tony and Gibbs weren’t going to let him know what the look was really about; staying at home would have been rather futile, since Tony had moved in with Gibbs a few months ago.

“Come now, hop on up my boy.” Gibbs found his guilt flash to anger for a split second. He couldn’t stop himself from thinking possessively, ‘MY boy’, even though he knew Dr Mallard in no way meant it personally.

A thorough examination had Ducky convinced the illness remained mostly in Tony’s sinuses and a postnasal drip was the likely cause of throat irritation. “This does not mean you are out of the woods lad, if you feel any tightness in your chest you go to the hospital, and you HAVE that inhaler for a reason, use it.” Tony had a special inhaler to help his lungs, but he rarely used it unless he was struggling, which was not its intended purpose. Gibbs swore to himself he’d get back on Tony’s case for not using it every day. “And I don’t think you should be alone, just in case things get worse quickly.”

“I’ve got it Ducky, I’m driving him to my place.”

“You sure, you really aren’t looking too good yourself; and don’t think your sneaking out of here before I get a good look at you too Jethro.”

Gibbs sighed in frustration, but knew there would be no escaping. He just hoped a thermometer wouldn’t be involved. Luck was not on his side.

“Jesus Jethro, what are you even doing here, your temp is at one hundred.”

“I took something a few minutes ago, it just hasn’t kicked in yet.” Gibbs lied, knowing he had taken pills almost an hour ago and this WAS them working.

Ducky eyed him skeptically, but it was hard to tell if his friend was lying.

“Okay,” he said hesitantly, “Tony, if you let him get to 104 without calling, or going to the ER, I will have Ziva come kill both of you.” The Dr had included ER, although he knew the chances of that happening before one of them was in the process of dying was basically nil. “And no work for at least a week.” Tony began to grumble but Gibbs had already began replying, “that’s okay Duck, we’re taking off two.”

Tony looked at Gibbs as if maybe he had been abducted and replaced by a replica.

“Team needs a vacation.” Gibbs answered, but this had been the first time Tony would be coming down with something nasty, considering how he was feeling, and he was taking no chances at having his agent and lover return to work too soon.

“I’m holding you to that Jethro, now go home, before I decide you can’t drive.”

“Thanks Ducky,” Tony managed to get out before breaking into another light round of coughs.

Gibbs was waiting at the elevator by the time Tony caught up after coughing. Tony was surprised to have his boss hit the stop button almost as soon as the elevator started.

“You alright, boss?”

Gibbs nodded as he faced away from Tony again, this time handkerchief ready.

“iHTSCHHH, KSHHHH,” Gibbs took a few more erratic breaths as his head tilted back, “EHnTSCHHH!”

“Bless you.” Tony moved in close and put the back of his hand against Gibbs forehead. “You didn’t take those pills a few minutes ago did you?”

Gibbs blew his nose hard before shaking his head no.

“Here,” Tony took out a handkerchief he had stolen from McGee’s drawer and dabbed at his boss’ eyes, soaking up the wetness without causing more redness. “I don’t know why you hide this from the team.”

Gibbs jerked away muffling another harsh sneeze into his handkerchief.

“Bless you. And how do you keep from sneezing in front of the team?” Since they had been together, Tony had started to see Gibbs sneeze more and more, but never around anyone else.

The senior agent dabbed his nose, hoping the redness would calm down before he had to face his team and cleared his throat. “Tongue, on the roof of my mouth. I can usually press to keep them at bay, but only for so long.”

“Maybe I’ll have to try that sometime.”

“No, if you don’t feel well I want to know.” Tony rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. “Ready?”

Gibbs stood up straight and nodded before Dinozzo restarted the elevator.




Back in the bullpen  Ziva and Tim were standing next to each other.

“What are you two doing standing around? If you’re finished with paperwork, go home, you have the next two weeks off.”

“Really boss.” McGee said in disbelief before Ziva elbowed him in the ribs.

“Don’t make him change his mind.”

Gibbs was almost thankful Ziva spoke up so he didn’t have to use his voice anymore.

“Right boss.” McGee resumed with renewed determination of following orders.

“I’m taking Dinozzo home,” as if it wasn’t obvious, “if you need something… call someone else.”

“It’s okay, we’ll take care of it.”

Gibbs nodded his thanks to Ziva and grabbed his bag. Dinozzo was already in the elevator, things in hand.

For once, Gibbs did not start sneezing right away, instead he let his body slide to the floor and placed his head in his hands. No way would he show his weakness around anyone else, but it wasn’t fair to make Tony be honest with him, and not have things the other way around. He also knew if he passed out, there was no way Ducky would let the two of them go home alone.

Of course this did not keep Tony from panicking any less.

“Boss, boss, Jethro” He almost yelled before kneeling caught in between worry and coughs that refused to let him get much air. As soon as the younger agent started coughing, Gibbs pushed aside his dizziness to lean against Tony and rub his back. Down in the parking garage the doors opened and both were thankful no one was there to see them. Gibbs stood and hit the close door button before stopping the elevator. Tony had quit the harsh chest seizing coughs but was still stuck between the almost silent ones accompanied by throat clearing.

Jethro sat back down beside his partner “Sorry Tony, just dizzy, should have warned you.”

“Yes, kff kff, you should have, kff.”

“You okay?”

Tony searched his pockets until he found a napkin. Clearing his nose as best he could seemed to stop the coughing.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Looking forward to tea and tissues.” Tony looked at his boss hopeful that the hospital wouldn’t be there next stop.

“It’s okay, Ducky said it wasn’t in your chest. Just need to know if you’re up for driving.”

Tony took time to examine his boss. He thought maybe the slight shake was worry, but it hadn’t stopped even though Gibbs seemed satisfied with Tony’s safety.


“Good.” Gibbs handed over the keys and stood to restart the elevator and open the door. Once the doors opened Tony got to his feet and walked to the car, focus never leaving Gibbs unsteady form.

The drive was silent aside from an occasional sneeze from Jethro. Tony kept his eyes mostly on the road, but glanced at his lover with every sneeze and change of position. He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe they would be needing that trip to the hospital.


Once home Jethro was the first to exit the car only to be stopped by a vicious sneeze that ripped at his throat. Tony was bracing himself for the onslaught of cold air, which even on the best of days caused his lungs to instinctually tighten for a second. Cracking the door he coughed twice, short quick bursts, that he was pleasantly surprised didn’t lead to more. Tony could see Gibbs shoulders visibly relax when Tony’s lungs appeared relatively stable. For Gibbs, the worry allowed him to momentarily push his feelings aside, only to have the soreness and dizziness flood back in when Tony seemed okay.

Tony could see the change in his lover, and now safely at home, he came by his side and gave a reassuring squeeze to his arm. “We’ll be okay.”

Gibbs nodded, allowing Tony to place a supporting arm around his waist, escorting him up the steps.

Inside Jethro collapsed on the couch. For now he was willing to acknowledge that he was the one in need of caretaking. Tony continued on with the routine they held for the last two days. He got them water and meds. Tissues and trash were already placed within easy reach of the couch. Normally he would have gotten them a snack, but he wasn’t particularly interested in food, and he doubted his lover was either.

“Jay,” Tony said as he approached the older man holding out two pills. Gibbs held out his hand and dry swallowed the tablets before accepting the water bottle Tony had brought.

“Don’t know why I let you call me that.” His smile said he didn’t care.

“So I don’t accidently call you Jethro at work, and because you love me, now scoot over.”

“True.” Gibbs nodded before giving Tony a little more room, who curled so his head was on Gibbs lap, allowing calloused hands easy access to comb through his hair; the mere presence of each other easing them to sleep.


Dinozzo was the first to wake, an incessant itch buzzing around his nose. What had Gibbs said, tongue pressing the roof of his mouth, “eKTSHooo heh’ he’NTSHooo,” well that didn’t work.

“Bless you.” Gibbs looked down smiling and brought tissues to Tony’s hands, still clamped around his nose.

“Thgs” Tony wrapped the tissues around his nose and sat up before trying to clear the remaining mucous out.

Gibbs did a mental inventory of himself; fever definitely down making it easier to think, still annoying prickle in his sinuses, his chest seemed to feel a bit tight and he hoped this wouldn’t be Tony’s fate. Looking over he could see Dinozzo with his head down slightly.


“Hmmm?” Tony looked up as Gibbs reached over and gently massaged the back of his neck.

“You’ve got a fever.”

“Probably, head is pounding.”

Gibbs sighed and pulled Tony to his chest, kissing the top of his head. “Sorry I got you sick, I should have tried harder to keep you away.”

“And you would have failed.” There was no question to that statement and Gibbs lost his frown as Tony’s lips met his. At first Gibbs leaned into the kiss but pulled back suddenly, barely getting his arm up in time.


“Bless you.” Tony reached down and plucked more tissues from the box for his friend before leaning back against him.

“Thank you.” Gibbs ran the tissues under his nose, realizing how raw it had become over the past few days.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Gibbs had wondered if Tony was about to fall asleep until the young man jumped up and bolted for the bathroom. He had forgotten what usually came with Tony’s fevers.

Taking a moment to clear the coffee table and move things to the bedroom, he tried to ignore the sounds coming from the bathroom. Tony usually liked his space at first, but he wore down pretty quickly. By the time Gibbs had water and pills, the young agent was ready to be rescued.

The knock was quiet, and both men knew no response was necessary, Gibbs would have come in had Tony been ready or not. He tried to smile up at his boss, but Jethro couldn’t bring himself to smile back.

“You ready to keep these down.”

Tony nodded and swallowed a bit of water with the medicine. When he lowered the glass, Gibbs was already propping himself against the tub, wet washcloth in hand. Jethro moved the glass a little further away and slowly smoothed the wet cloth along Tony’s face, down his neck.


“You have nothing to be sorry for kid.” Normally Tony would object to being called a kid, but he felt the care behind the words and closed his eyes, allowing Gibbs to resume his ministrations. When the cloth slowed, Tony opened his eyes. Gibbs head was tipped back a little and Tony could see the man’s nostrils flaring.

“Bless you.” Tony pushed himself up moving the washcloth covered hand to Jethro’s nose.


Gibbs scrubbed a little at his nose with the already wet cloth before smothering a fourth sneeze into it’s folds, “he’PSHHH!”

“Bless you.”

Gibbs gave a gurgly blow before shaking his head a little and looking down at the now dirty washcloth.

“Sorry.” The word slipped out without much thought, and Tony gently lifted his chin so their eyes were locked.

“You have nothing to be sorry for either, Jethro.”

Gibbs couldn’t hide his smile, both at the sentiment and the use of his name.

“Now, you think you could help me off this stupid floor?”

Gibbs chuckled and lifted Tony to his feet.

“Give me a minute.” Tony smiled, though his headache shown through his squinted eyes.


Gibbs left to throw the washcloth in the laundry and use their secondary bathroom, knowing it would take a minute for Tony to brush his teeth and relieve himself.


Oh wonderful beautiful bed. The two men looked at it longingly before looking at each other, knowing gazes passing over each others’ clothes. Drawers were opened and the men rummaged through their normal nightly options. Gibbs chose a pair of sweats and soft black sweatshirt for Tony, and Tony chose a pair of loose sweats with the marine emblem along the side and a light gray T-Shirt for Gibbs. A month prior, Tony had casually mentioned how much he liked Gibbs in sweats and Gibbs had jokingly said, “Well why don’t you just choose my clothes then.” It soon became a regular occurrence for the two to pick out the other’s clothes.

Gibbs smiled at Tony’s choice and was just about to change when his phone buzzed. A second later Tony’s did as well and both men looked down. Apparently Dr. Mallard had improved his texting skills, or he recruited Abby. Gibbs phone said, “Eat something.” Tony’s read, “I mean it.” As much as both men wanted to say they didn’t need the reminder, apparently they did.

Tony had tried to make a move for the door but was stopped by a solid arm.

“I don’t think so Dinozzo. You are getting in that bed and staying there.”

Tony wanted to fight, he was stubborn, almost as stubborn as his boss. He could have made a quick escape as Gibbs withdrew his arm to sneeze into, but he didn’t.


“What?” Gibbs was confused, still recovering from the sneeze, he briefly forgot what they were even talking about

“I’ll get in bed.” Oh yeah, wait, Dinozzo was agreeing.

“Are you trying something?”

“No, I just, I don’t know,” Tony wasn’t quite sure why he hadn’t pushed through. Fever, stomach, throat, yeah he felt awful, but rarely did that stop him. “You’re sick. I guess I don’t want to be difficult and make things harder on you.”

The older agent took a step forward and Tony instinctually let himself fall back and take a seat on the bed. He didn’t know what he expected but it wasn’t Jethro’s lips meeting his, soft and slow. When they parted Tony realized a tear was falling from his cheek. Definitely blaming the fever.

“Thank you.” The words were whispered and he was left breathless as the man he loved walked towards the kitchen.


When Gibbs came back with toast and chamomile tea Tony was in bed, true to his word, and shivering despite the thick sweatshirt and sweats. Gibbs wondered if maybe he should have pulled a shirt for Tony as well, but he knew the man was prone to throwing off clothes as his temperature stabilized.

“My favorite,” Tony smiled.

Gibbs laughed, “You say that for everything.”

“Everything you bring me.” Tony was glad he could make his friend smile.

Jethro rolled his eyes and set the tray down, handing a plate and cup to Tony before resuming his earlier mission of changing clothes.

Settling in together, everything felt right, except that blasted tickle in his nose.

“HR’SHHHH Urgh,” this was really getting annoying. He looked to Tony who normally would have offered a ‘Bless you’ by now, but apparently he was having his own sinus troubles.

Nose tented beneath the collar of his sweatshirt, his sneezes seemed small by comparison, but definitely more numerous.

“TSH, TSH he’TSH,” Tony’s breath hitched before his head resumed bobbing, “n’TSHH, TSHH,” again his breath paused as he brought up his head, sneezes coming slower, almost a second inbetween, “he’TSHH, en’TSHH,”and one final gasp before a larger, “hE’NTSHHuh”.

“Bless you.”

Tony waited a second to make sure he was done before lowering his sweatshirt, tears pooling in his eyes.

Gibbs grabbed a handkerchief from his bedside stack and dabbed at Tony’s eyes, like the man had done for him in the elevator.

“You okay.”

Tony started to answer yes but was interrupted by another erratic breath, allowing Gibbs to lower the handkerchief to envelope his nose, “yeAHMFSHHhhh!”

“Blow.” The words were once again whispered and his desire to be obedient overrode his embarrassment. Blowing with full force his nose gurgled as Jethro pressed harder against each nostril one at a time, before giving one final wipe.

“Bless you.” A quick kiss to his temple was another reminder that Gibbs really didn’t mind, so instead of apologizing, Tony just leaned his head against his mate’s shoulder and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Gibbs couldn’t help giving another peck to the top of Tony’s head before reminding him of food, “you up to a snack.”

Tony sat up straighter and nodded before taking a bite of toast. He could tell his fever was slowly lowering because his shivers had stopped, but it looked like maybe it was time for Gibbs to get another dose, a bead of sweat appearing on his temple.  Gibbs was already done with his toast by the time Tony had fiddled the cap open on the container next to him.

“Thanks.” Gibbs took the meds and downed them with a gulp of tea. “Stomach still a little iffy?”

Tony nodded as the other man eyed his half eaten toast.

“It’s okay,” Jethro gently guided Tony into his arms. Warmth filled the two men and as Tony’s breathing slowed, eyes shut, Gibbs could hear a faint whispered, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”


He felt like he had been drowning, arms flailed trying to grasp reality, as he tried to scream through his coughing gasps.

“Tony! Tony! WAKE UP!”

Eyes opened, he was unsure of where he was but he could feel his body braced against what he was sure was Gibbs chest, an arm was patting his back, as he continued to sputter out coughs.

Gibbs tried to calm himself, he felt warm bursts against his chest and he was terrified that he would look down and see speckles of blood. Tony groped around the bed for something as he continued to cough.

“What do you need?” Yup, the panic was still there.

“Tissues.” At least Tony was able to get the full word out between coughs.

Gibbs was worried Tony would suffocate himself trying to cover his coughs but reached for a cloth anyways. Tony forced Gibbs to bring it up to his nose, and the older man got the hint, helping Tony to blow his nose as he had done before. The coughs eased but it felt like it was taking forever for the man’s breaths to normalize. Tony sat a little straighter and directed the coughs into his sleeve. For the first time, Gibbs had a good look at his own shirt, and although he saw a few dark spots from saliva and mucous there was definitely no blood. He sighed in relief, though worries still swirled in his brain.

“Just a dream,” Tony managed to cough out. Gibbs was not convinced, his arm still protectively around the young agent. The coughs became more spaced out and as the adrenaline rush ended, Tony became more slumped. Gibbs manhandled his lover til Tony was almost in his lap and was better supported.

“kff, sorry boss kff”

“Just shut up and breathe Dinozzo.” Gibbs tried not to shake but adrenaline and fear were taking their toll on his body as well.

As soon as Tony was able to go a minute without coughing Gibbs spoke up, “We’re going to the hospital.”

“I told you,” Tony paused for a deep breath, “it was just a dream.”

Gibbs leaned on the headboard, Tony still against him, wondering if he could even drive to the hospital.

“n’TSHH, heh’TSHHH eh ehN’TSHhhooo.”

“Bless you.” Gibbs realized he still held the used hanky and gave it to Tony, who brought it up to rub and lightly blow his nose.

It was hard to blame Tony for his breathing when Gibbs could feel his own lungs struggling to breathe deep, slow and calculated, an unconscious attempt to right his body.

“hn’TSHH” The sneeze brought his focus back to the man in his arms.

“Bless you…”


“…again.” Gibbs finally smiled, able to acknowledge that, for now at least, Tony was safe in his arms. Sneezing, but safe.  Apparently his body also acknowledged the imminent threat had passed as his nose decided it was not happy either.

“HR’TSCHhaa!” He tried to turn and bring his arm up to protect Tony from the blast, but he was sure a little got through. “Saw-sorry HR’TSCHHA!”

“Bless you.”

“snff’ Thgs.”

Gibbs could feel Tony’s muscles relax a little and the two sat in silence as they listened to each other breathe until Gibbs broke the silence.

“You sure your lungs are okay?”

“They hurt a little but I’m pretty sure it’s just from the coughing.” Tony spoke without looking up, head remaining comfortably against his lover’s chest.

“You know I’m at least calling Ducky then.”

Tony glanced out the window. It was dark. Three a.m. shone brightly from the bedside clock.

“It’s late, we should wait til morning.” Gibbs had already made up his mind though.

“Hospital or Ducky?” There would be no arguing this one.


Gibbs eased Tony off his lap and against the headboard. He wished his phone had been with him, how had he forgotten that?

Tony watched as Jethro left and he struggled to not reach out and beg him to stay. It had been the dream right? Please let the pain be from coughing.


Gibbs found his phone on the coffee table and was angry when he realized he let the battery run out, thankfully Dinozzo’s still had some power left. He dialed.

“Tony. Is Gibbs okay?!” He could detect some gruffness in Ducky’s voice from being woken.

“Sorry Ducky, it’s me. He might be fine, but Tony woke up coughing and,” Gibbs paused trying to remember when he first woke Tony, “I think, I think it was about a half hour before his breathing normalized…” he meant to continue but Ducky interrupted,

“Don’t worry Jethro, I’ll be there in twenty. Click.”

Gibbs set the phone down and rubbed his eyes. Oh yeah, chargers. Turning on a light, Gibbs went through their work bags and grabbed phone chargers.

When he got to the bedroom he froze when Tony didn’t move, but a moment later he heard a coughed out breath and realized the young man was sleeping. Phones plugged in, Gibbs reached out to touch the agent, but pulled back. He should probably just let Tony sleep until Ducky got there.


Gibbs was pacing by the living room when Dr. Mallard arrived.

“I’m so sorry Ducky. I panicked.”

“It’s okay Jethro. Where is he?”


Ducky followed Gibbs but was surprised when they didn’t veer off into the guest room.

It seemed a little strange for Tony to be in Gibbs room, but he was even more surprised as he stopped in the doorway. Gibbs followed the Dr’s eyes, not to Tony, but to the picture on the wall. In his worry he hadn’t even thought about the photo. Tony was standing in front of Gibbs, their arms intertwined as he leaned into the older man’s embrace. Gibbs was… grinning… as he looked down and Tony’s face, upturned, also held a peaceful  smile, eyes closed.

“If you tell anyone I will kill you.”

Ducky brought his eyes back to Gibbs and ignored the malice in the man’s voice.

“Now now, Jethro, no need to be tossing around threats. I am a little disappointed I hadn’t figured it out sooner, but nevermind, let’s see the patient.”

Now that their secret was out Gibbs accompanied the Dr. to the bedside and lovingly ran his fingers through Dinozzo’s hair.

“Hey Sleepy.”

“Hey,” Tony brought his fist up and gave a light cough before looking at Ducky, “Hey Ducks.” His voice was a sleepy whisper and rasped a little.

“Can you sit up for me?”

Tony nodded and allowed Gibbs to place a hand behind his back in assistance, once up pausing to cough into his sleeve again.

“This is going to be a little cold my dear boy.” Ducky lifted the man’s sweatshirt to reveal his bare chest. The Dr. moved the stethoscope around with ease. Despite his specialty, Dr. Mallard was also well versed in the care of live patients, and had even taken a couple courses to brush up, considering the teams propensity towards injury.

“So is this thing… permanent.” Ducky motioned between the two men, insinuating their relationship.

Tony coughed and answered yes but Gibbs seemed to be particularly defensive.

“Yes, is that going to be a problem?”

“Will you calm down already Jethro. I don’t care, but if you are going to be together, you might as well come over here and listen to his lungs so you know what to look for.”

“Sorry Ducky.” Gibbs sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Tony being sick had clearly sent his protective instincts into overdrive. There was no need for him to lash out at Ducky.

“Come here Jethro.” Gibbs came closer and Ducky stood up and pulled his longtime friend into a hug before whispering, “It’s okay. I know you’re scared. He’s going to be fine, and I promise, I won’t tell a soul.”

Gibbs latched on to the older man for a second longer and with a tear in his eye gave a sincere, “Thank you.”

“Are you ready to listen?”

Gibbs wiped the tear away, this was no time for embarrassment, and nodded.

Ducky handed over the top part of the stethoscope and placed a hand over Gibbs hand, helping him move the amplifier.

“Hear how it is even and steady?”

“The volume seems louder mid breath.” Gibbs said worry etched on his face.

“That’s normal, it’s still smooth, like the sound of waves rushing and retreating from the shore.”

“So he’s okay?”

“Yes Jethro, he is okay. Now you at least know what normal breath sounds are.” Ducky removed the ear buds from Gibbs. “Now I want you to lean close and listen to his breathing from the outside.”

“It’s raspy.”

“A little. But do you hear how it crackles?” The Dr. waited for Jethro to nod, “that means he has mucous in his throat. If you heard that crackling in his chest, through the stethoscope, that would be bad.”

“Steady good, crackling bad.” Gibb’s repeated to himself, a look of intense concentration on his face.

“Try and relax Jethro.” Gibbs looked up and took a deep breath, shaking out his arms a little. Normally he was very aware of what his body portrayed, a necessary skill for interrogations, but now that he was sick, scared and safe among friends, he had let himself lose some of that control.

“You okay?” Ducky brought his hand up to his friend’s forehead; definitely warm but not too bad. “Still got that fever I see.”

“Guess so.” Gibbs felt a hand reach for his. Gripping it tightly he smiled at Tony who had been watching everything.

“Why don’t you two get comfortable.  Jethro, you really should be resting too. Had I known you were still so sick, you know I would have insisted someone else be here with you.”

“I’m sorry.” This really must have taken a lot out of the man for him to willingly apologize so much.

“I know. Have either of you taken any medicine recently?”

The two shook their heads.

“I’m going to get water and Nyquil.”

The doctor left before either could reply.


Gibbs had settled in, piling all the pillows behind himself, so he was propped up, supporting Tony.

“I only found pills.” Dr. Mallard entered, and if he was surprised at the men’s position he didn’t show it.

“Dinozzo hates liquid.” Jethro held the water glass while Tony took the first set of capsules. Satisfied that the younger agent was okay, Gibbs took the next dose.

“One more lesson before I take my leave.” Ducky thought he saw a glimmer of fear in Jethro’s eyes but he continued on with his statement as he sat next to the agent. “Listen to my breathing.” Ducky tightened his throat so that his breath wheezed.

“Like asthma?”

“Yes, if you hear a high pitched whistling or wheeze that also means a trip to the ER. Now, did you want me to stay for the night?” His eyes were on Jethro, but Jethro turned to look for Tony’s response.

Tony smiled at his lover, easily able to read his face, “I know you would feel more comfortable if he was here, just through the night.”

Gibbs gave Tony a quick peck on the lips before looking at Ducky.

“Would you mind?”

“Not at all. I’ll be in your recliner. Yell or call if you need me.”

Jethro reached out grabbing the man’s arm.

“Thank you Ducky.”

“You are quite welcome Jethro. Get some sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”


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Oh, boys! icky, this was fantastic! I loved all the interplay between Gibbs and DiNozzo, and how it changed based on what they each thought the other needed. And you did a great job of having them alone with each other, but with their team still close to mind. Plus, I adored all the stuff with Ducky: the man is practically unflappable, and the ONLY one who can get Gibbs to sit down and shut up with just a look. I really liked him teaching Gibbs the medical stuff, too; I'd love to know how long it took Gibbs to realize just how much of that was for his peace of mind, as well as being practical. Thanks so much for posting this! :)

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Awww. Like I know of the show but only watched some episodes. This was cute and I like how Gibbs us protective over Tony. 

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  • 1 month later...

THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I am just seeing this now. Thank you so much for writing this

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Thank you so much for the wonderful comments. It's so exciting when other people appreciate my fics. This next part is fairly short and has almost no sneezing, but it's what popped in my head. Hoping to continue this, but I currently have a lot on my plate so it will probably be slow going. And feel free to throw out requests/any scene ideas you have in mind. 


Morning shone through the cracks behind the blackout curtains Tony insisted they buy. Gibbs didn’t like them much because he liked to see his surroundings, but they seemed to improve Tony’s sleep, so they were worth it. Eight A.M. Apparently taking Nyquil around 4 in the morning would let his body ignore its 5am internal alarm. Good to know. Time to assess the situation; Gibbs listened. He could hear Ducky in the kitchen; and his partner’s soft snores beneath the comforter, where only little spikes of hair shown through. His sinus cavities right below the eyes seared with pain and he was almost scared to even try blowing his nose. Stuffing an extra handkerchief in his pocket, he grabbed another and blew lightly. It wasn’t as painful as he feared but the shift of mucous was uncomfortable and made his nose buzz. Tony rolled a little, but didn’t wake as Gibbs slid out the door.

“N’GSHHH!” Pain shot through his skull and Gibbs pressed the heel of his hand forcefully against his forehead, as if that would keep his skull from splitting open.

“Goodness Jethro. Bless you.” Ducky rounded the corner and had he seen anyone else in the state that his friend was in, he would have rushed to their side. But this was Leroy Jethro Gibbs, and he knew exactly what was wrong because Gibbs was a stubborn man and of course he let things get this bad.


Gibbs tried to give an icy stare. It was actually pretty convincing minus the tears of pain trickling down his cheeks.

“I brought them in my bag.” In truth, Dr. Mallard had had the antibiotics packed in his bag for about a week, ever since he first noticed Jethro was under the weather. Man couldn’t do anything half-way.

“Go sit down.” Still stubborn as ever, Gibbs stayed put.

“Don’t make me call Ms. Abigail.” Gibbs kept his glare, but knew when he had been beat. He didn’t want Abby to have to get in the middle of this too. Shuffling to the table, Gibbs worked on slowly clearing his nose into the handkerchief. He didn’t even have to look to know that the goop filling his sinuses had taken on a greenish hue. When he looked up the doctor was standing in front of him, two large white pills in hand.

“Two now, then twice a day for the next seven.” Gibbs knew the routine. “Showers, lots of showers, help clean out your sinuses.” The Dr. looked up before looking back down at Gibbs, “probably good idea for Tony too.”

Gibbs turned to see Tony shuffling in. The younger agent had their comforter wrapped around himself, tissue balled in hand. His eyes were glassy, and the bags under his eyes went well with his chapped nose. Basically, he was a mess.

Tony didn’t say anything as he walked in. His light coughs were so silent, few would have noticed them if they weren’t paying attention. No smiling, no joke cracking. Just slow shuffling til he reached the table, sat and laid his head against his comforter clad arm.

Jethro and Ducky eyed the man sympathetically. Gibbs made the first move, scooting his chair so his legs could touch those of his lover. Then he let his head rest on the table next to Tony’s. Ducky returned to the eggs he had been slowly cooking before Jethro had woken. He knew there would be plenty of time to check Tony out later and that there was nothing he could do or say to make things better at this moment.

It felt like an eternity to Gibbs, but Tony finally spoke. It was short and simple, but his breath wasn’t wheezing, and for that Jethro was extremely grateful.


Gibbs smiled back, “Hey. Sorry if we woke you.”

“Rule 6”

“I think that rule is temporarily off the table.”

“I suppose we are a little past the showing weakness part.” Tony smiled, before adding, “You didn’t wake me. Couldn’t breath.” Gibbs felt his heart drop, “It’s okay, not my chest, head full of gunk.”

“Sinuses hurt? Ducky has antibiotics.”

“Naw, just gunky.”

Gibbs lifted the back of his hand to Tony’s forehead as a shiver ran down the younger agent’s back.

“Fever’s not great, but not awful.”

Ducky interrupted, “I know you two probably aren’t very hungry, but I made food if you think you can eat.”

Gibbs nodded. The antibiotics were still sitting on the table and he knew taking them with food would be a wise idea.

Tony grimaced.

“I’ll grab some acetaminophen.” Gibbs stood and Ducky pulled him aside.

“It might be good to let the boy’s body fight the infection with the fever.” Ducky looked back at Tony.

“Not if you want his body to keep any of that food down.”

Jethro looked as if he knew what he was talking about, so the doctor worked on setting the table.


Tony mostly picked at his food. Eggs moved back and forth across the plate in little clumps. Aside from the sinus pain Gibbs was actually feeling pretty good. He finished off his eggs and toast and then picked some bits from Dinozzo’s plate, causing the man to crack a smile.

“Okay you two. I have some errands to run. Jethro, I’m leaving my bag here and there are some Eucalyptus drops for the shower. I’ll check back in later and we’ll go from there.”

“Thank you Ducky.”

Tony looked up and started to say thank you but his voice cracked, so the Dr came to him and squeezed his shoulder. “It’s okay, just take it easy.”

Tony nodded and Jethro followed Ducky out.


“Hey, wake up.”

His eyes opened, but things seemed blurry and out of focus.

“Come on kid.”

Tony pushed fingers roughly through his hair. Had he fallen asleep?

As if Gibbs could read his mind, “You fell asleep at the table.”

“Ngh.” He didn’t want to move, just wanted to lay back down.

“Nuh uh. We’re going to shower.”

Normally this would have perked him up or at least produced some dirty comment… but nothing.

Gibbs sat and laced his fingers through his lover’s, causing Tony to look him in the eyes.

“Dinozzo, talk to me.” Concern edged the direct command.

“Can’t focus.”

“Okay.” Tony let his body be pulled up by Gibbs and his feet moved forward as the older man pushed him along, forgetting the comforter as it slid off somewhere in the hallway. He didn’t care where he was going anymore as long as his body was in line with his love.

Next thing he knew he was sitting on the toilet lid. He remembered taking meds so it shouldn’t be the fever, but his mind still felt cloudy.

“What’s wrong with me boss?”

“I don’t,” Jethro was going to say ‘know’ but that turned into a string of curse words as he took off towards the bedroom, leaving Tony grasping at the sink to try and stabilize himself.

Tony was half asleep against the sink in the thirty seconds it took for Gibbs to get to the bedroom and back.

“I grabbed the wrong pills earlier. Hey, you still with me?”

Tony managed to crack open his eyes, but everything was swirling.

“Come on, back to bed.”

Tony was almost useless in keeping himself upright, but Gibbs held on tightly and somehow maneuvered the young man to bed.

Exhausted, forehead beading with sweat, the older man laid down next to his partner.

“Sleep well.” Never again would he put the Acetaminophen next to a knock off brand of nighttime cold meds, but hey, at least it had stuff for the fever.




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