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Wh13: HG's new nemesis


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This started as a drabble, but...well...it evolved into a long-ass oneshot in two parts, bc I'm distracted by homework. (how ironic) Enjoy!

If you're not familiar with Warehouse 13, the premise is...complicated. It's sort of like myths and legends manifest themselves in artifacts, which have specific effects. The Warehouse and its agents are in charge of finding, securing, and storing these artifacts. For example: Harriet Tubman's thimble, which allows the wearer to appear as whomever they choose. Or Beatrix Potter's tea set, which stimulates the user's imagination, often provoking panic attacks or the appearance of suppressed thoughts. The current warehouse is warehouse 13, but there have been many throughout history.

Warehouse 13's agents are:

Myka Bering: Detail oriented and very intelligent. Former Secret Service Agent. Avid reader, bit of a badass nerd.

Pete Lattimer: Impulsive, often childish, yet very capable and prone to astute "vibes", or gut feelings. Also former secret service agent.

Artie Nielsen: longtime member of the warehouse. Trained Myka, Pete, and later Claudia and steve. Grumpy old boss, who kinda cares but doesn't show it.

Claudia Donovan: 20something who got involved with the warehouse by hacking into it and demanding Artie's help. V. technologically talented.

Leena: Owner of Leena's Bed and Breakfast, where all Warehouse Agents live. Very empathetic and kind: not officially a warehouse agent, in that she doesn't go on artifact retrieval missions, but helps out at the warehouse when necessary.

And last, but certainly not least, the wonderful-

HG (Helena) Wells: okay, so, turns out HG wells was a woman writing under her brother's image. Yep. Also, she was an agent of Warehouse 12 in Victorian England before (Spoilers, naturally) her daughter was murdered and she went a bit mad with grief. She requested that she be bronzed--preserved yet trapped in bronze--and released in what she hoped would be a better future. She was eventually unbronzed by a bad guy, kinda became a bad guy herself, but then she redeemed herself and here we are. She's very intelligent and flirtatious; she and Myka have tangible chemistry.

With that introduction--that will probably measure larger than the work itself--I present the story!


10:03 A.M., August 22

Shrill ringing echoed off the warehouse's metallic walls, eliciting a groan from a newly awoken Claudia Donovan. She gracelessly rolled off the room's couch, and staggered to answer her blaring Farnsworth.

Since when does the Pete Cave get such good acoustics?

She flipped the metal cover, revealing Myka's grainy-but still smirking-face. 

"Myka, all of our lives better be in serious danger..."

Myka laughed, furthering Claudia's scowl.

"You should be grateful I'm making the call, not Artie-"

Fair enough, Claudia internally conceded.

"-and no, no impending doom of which I am aware. Just making sure you do eeventually show up to your actual job."

Claudia groaned. Work. Endless wonder was great and all, but what was the point of driving all the way to the B&B, only to get her inventory assignment, which she would need to come back to the Warehouse to do.

"No way it's Monday already...oh man, me and H.G. were on a roll-oh shit, H.G...is she there yet? Last I saw her she was still in the lab."

The "lab" was a heavily secured section of the warehouse, initially dedicated to scrap metal and assorted non-artifact machinery. The back portion was sectioned off, equipped with work benches, supplies and tools. This...err, last weekend, I guess-Claudia corrected, had been entirely dedicated to tinkering. If asked, Clauida would say  it would be nice to spend time with another techie type...but she also valued their engineering time as a bonding activity.

Myka's face turned a bit more serious, grin morphing into a concerned frown. 

"No, she's not here. Try to go check up on-"

Claudia sighed in histrionic exasperation.

"Ugh, Myka, I am not your girlfriend's keeper!"

Myka's blush translated into grainy gray dots that flushed her black and white cheeks.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's my co-worker, and yours too-"

Claudia interrupted Myka for the second time with an eye roll and a dismissive--

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Be there in 20."

With a casual flip of the wrist, the Farnsworth clattered shut. The sound resonated again, and she winced. 

Probably won't do that again. 

Claudia lethargically shambled out of the Pete Cave and towards the den of machinery. She entered cautiously, somewhat scared of what she would find.

"HG-? You up-?'

The rest of Claudia's tentative inquisition trailed away as she approached and spotted the woman collapsed on a stool, slouched over a cluttered metallic table-top. Claudia cleared her throat loudly, hoping it would wake the other woman. No luck. Not wanting to experience the wrath of HG's reactionary kenpo skills, Claudia took a step back and cupped her hands over her mouth.

"Wake up HG, it'S TEA TIME!!!"

At this, the bedraggled engineer jerked upright, toppling off the stool before narrowly catching herself. She looked around enraged, deflating when she saw the sheepish looking Claudia.

"Really? Was that entirely necessary?"

Claudia shrugged. 

"It's Monday. Time to get our asses out of gear, and legit go to work."

"Ah, the work force beckons."

Helena sauntered up to Claudia, and gestured forward.

"Lead the way, dear."


If not for the weary silence that accompanied them, Claudia likely wouldn't have noticed H.G.'s sniffles as they made their way through the Umbilicus. Claudia shot her a quick glance, which HG avoided. Huh. Their silence, however, was fleeting. As the exited the Umbilicus and made their way towards the Warehouse's Range Rover, H.G. walked about a foot before halting.


The sneeze, though caught and slightly muffled by HG's hand, took them both by surprise. H.G. blinked in surprise.

"I'm sorry, that caught me unawares. My apolo-eshhiew! hetSCHpp!" 

Claudia gawked at the woman in front of her. Who was she, and what had she done with actual goddess Helena Wells?

Whomever she was, she avoided eye contact and began striding closer towards the car. As soon as Claudia began to follow, Helena again halted.

"itsHMP! hetschuh! ESSHIF!"

The novelty of the situation had worn off by now, and Claudia was genuinely concerned...aka, she was trying not to freak out. She placed a hand on the other woman's arm and tried to guide her to the passenger seat.

"Uh, I'm just gonna help you in, okay?

Helena barely heard her over the sneezes she was desperately attempting to stifle into her cupped hands.

"nISHH! hapesch! HIITSCHIH! esschn!"

With HG safely seated, Claudia closed the car door and darted to the driver's seat, quickly climbing in and scrambling for her Farnsworth.

"come on, c'mon..." she muttered, waiting for Myka to answer.

"Shouldn't you--what's wrong, Claude?"

Myka's questioning tease was replaced as she saw Claudia's alarmed face.

"Uhh, it's HG, she can't stop sneezing and I don't know what-is it an artifact what should I do-"

Myka interrupted her with a reassuring, yet firm, tone.

"Claudia, just come to Leena's. Now."

Claudia nodded and the call disconnected. Determination partially replaced fear as the gripped the wheel any glanced at her now passenger, who was now coughing roughly.

Leena's. I can do that.



Edited by SexyGodlikeHair
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