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Hickory, Dickory, Chxtt!


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This is a fic I did for Tarotgal's new comment fic meme.

Hope you like it :) 


Hickory, Dickory, Chxtt!


"Urgh, Dean, this ground is like clay. This is gonna take us all night," Sam bitched, sticking his shovel into the hard ground with a huge heave.

Dean sniffed hard, sharp tickles weaseling their way through his nasal passage.

"Yeah, and that's if Jimmy the jackass ghost doesn't show up and slow us down."

A loud clap of thunder sounded in the dark sky above them.

Both brothers sighed simultaneously. It was going to be a long night.

It'd taken them over an hour and they'd only dug down about a foot.

"I swear this is like rah-rock,” Dean leant the shovel against his chest and pressed his knuckles against his nose furiously. He sniffed sharply trying to get rid of the tickle that had been taunting him since they got there.

“Dude, are you okay?” Sam huffed, heaving more dirt out of the grave.

“Yeah, ‘m fine,” Dean coughed lightly. What the hell was going on with him?

“Are you sick?” Sam threw over his shoulder, as he continued digging.

“What? No,” Dean rubbed the side of his nose, “Something’s bugging me.”

Sam paused to glance around, “There’s no cats around here, Dean.”

“Shut up. I know. It’s something else…”

“Well, figure it out and help me dig. I want to be finished before that storm gets here.”

Dean cleared his throat, tried to ignore the growing discomfort, and continued digging.

Twenty minutes later and the itch was hard to ignore. Like impossible to ignore.

“Son of a bitch,” Dean stopped again, scrubbing at his face with both hands.

“Dean, what the hell? Come on,” Sam was dripping in sweat. He’d been working his ass off. Dean’s arms were almost too weak to hold the shovel, all his energy focused on his this tingle in his face, throat, nose and eyes.

Dean’s breath hitched, chest expanding rapidly, desperately, “hih…hhh…huh’HUTSSHH! Heh’CHXTt!” They were weak, breathy, and barely touched the deep itch.

“Bless you. Feel better now?” Sam smiled, thinking that would be the end of it.

Dean cleared his throat, “Yeah,” he lied, wrapping his hands around the shovel and stabbing the ground. “Hit’KKSCHU!” Another one snuck out. Sam ignored it. Dean wished he could.

Ten minutes later the sky opened up and dumped water on the cemetery. Dean’s sniffs were no longer dry and grating, they were wet and snuffly. Whenever he bent forward to drive the shovel in, snot threatened to run out his nose. When he tilted back, it ran down his throat making him cough.

“Dean, I wish you had told me you were sick…”

“I’m dnot sigk,” he whined, voice nasal and thick. Speaking vibrated his sinuses, a hum running through his nose and behind his cheeks. He dropped his shovel in his hast to wrap his hands around his face.


“Whoa, ya’alright?” Sam said from somewhere beside Dean.

Dean didn’t have time to answer, bending at the waist, “Hhhh’HSCKUU! HETSCHUuh! UT’SCHEW! TTSCHX! Oh by god… hhuhh-CHXT!”

Dean was out of breath by the end of the fit. He opened bleary eyes to see Sam holding his bandana out to him.

“Thangks,” he grumbled, coughing afterwards.

“You wanna go wait in the car, and I’ll finish this?”

Dean blew his nose noisily, loud enough to be heard above the rain that poured on his head.

“Doh, I’b ogkay. Let’s keeb goig…”

“You sure?”

Dean glared at Sam and bent to pick up his shovel.

Heh’CHNXT! Huh’SCHUuh!

“Dean! You just threw dirt on me!”

“Sah-sorry, Huh’SCHHT!

“Seriously!” Sam threw his head back, wiped his wet hair back off his face, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I dahh-don’tknow, HUH’SHHHEw!

“Well, what are you allergic too? It’s just cats, right?”

Dean shook his head, trying to remember. Yeah, he was only allergic to cats as far as he knew- wait.

“Uh, baybe dot…”

“What else are you allergic to?”


Hickory? Like the tree?”

Dean nodded, burying his face in Sam’s bandana.

Sam stopped to look around, “Please don’t tell me that’s a hickory tree,” Sam said, pointing to the large tree just to the right of the headstone.

Dean nodded again, “Huh’CHUFf!

“Son of a bitch, Dean. Get away from it,” Sam ushered Dean towards the back of the grave.

Dean crumpled forward again, “Heh’TTSCHHuh!

“Dean, is that-?” Sam pulled Dean’s jacket collar away from his neck, shining his torch at his brother, “God, you’re covered in hives!”

Dean snuffled, too scared to remove the bandana from his face, lest he breathe in more poisoned air.

“Why didn’t you go back to the car when I said?” Sam huffed, packing up Dean’s duffle.

“Whad are you doig?” Dean mumbled, sniffing back liquid snot.

“I’m taking you back to the motel and then I’m gonna come back and finish this myself.”

“Sab –“

“No, you don’t get a vote.”

“Bossy,” Dean whispered.

“Do we have any Benadryl?”

Dean nodded, then cleared his throat, “There’s sobe in by – Hih’TSCHUCHEW! By bag.”

“Bless you,” Sam sighed, “Come on, sneezy. Let’s get you some drugs… and calamine lotion.”




Prompt: The boys are digging up a grave, but it just happens to be right next to a plant/tree that Dean's really allergic to. He's trying to work, because otherwise it'll take twice as long for Sam to do it by himself, but come on, Dean, it's already taking twice as long with you stopping to sneeze constantly. Just go wait in the car, okay?

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Very nicely done. Yes, this is good. I like this.

... Okay, so, I'm always a sucker for Dean sneezes, but, my God, he is stubborn and I love his... not so much stoicness and just plain stupidity :P

8 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

“Son of a bitch, Dean. Get away from it,” Sam ushered Dean towards the back of the grave.

... I have no idea why I love THIS so much of everything, but, yeah. Tis good.

Thanks for sharing!

(Also is there a link to the meme cos I totally didn't realise it was already April... Whoops!)

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Love love LOVE this! Omg Dean...how i find thee so more adorable withe allergic stubbornness... :wub: 

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AHHHHHH  This is just perfect. I love this so much.


I can't even explain how much I loved this whole part:

20 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

Dean’s breath hitched, chest expanding rapidly, desperately, “hih…hhh…huh’HUTSSHH! Heh’CHXTt!” They were weak, breathy, and barely touched the deep itch.


“Bless you. Feel better now?” Sam smiled, thinking that would be the end of it.


Dean cleared his throat, “Yeah,” he lied, wrapping his hands around the shovel and stabbing the ground. “Hit’KKSCHU!” Another one snuck out.

OMG yes. And then Sam giving Dean the bandana, and the hives, and the way Dean says "higory"  :laughingsmiley:  and take-charge Sammy at the end...ahhh, so many awesome things. And the title is adorable.  I love this  :D


12 hours ago, stephab13 said:

(Also is there a link to the meme cos I totally didn't realise it was already April... Whoops!)

Here ya go :)



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  • 2 months later...

Holy shit... I don't even watch Supernatural and... damn. That was hot.

Edited by Watercolor Daydreams
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allergy fics are usually not my favorite, but this was really great! and wet sam and dean makes it so so much better! 

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