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Psych (Shawn Spencer) 2/2


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Hi there! ^_^  I wrote a Psych fic instead of writing my term paper soooo...here you go. Constructive criticism is absolutely welcome. Hopefully the format is okay even though I uploaded it from my phone. Also I might do a second part because Gus isn't even in this part. :cry: 


Anyway, I hope they're in character! :) 


“Did you get all that, Spencer?”

Shawn Spencer forced his irritated eyes to open to form a more attentive expression. 

With the clearest voice he could manage, Shawn said, “Of course I did, Lassie.”  Out of habit he turned his head as if to ask Gus for backup before remembering that his best friend was at his “real” job today. Oh yeah. 

Lassiter shot him a look anyway.  

Apparently he expected everyone to pay close attention to his briefings.  He needed to think of an obscure reference-preferably from something from the eighties-before someone noticed he was acting a bit off.  In a few hours, Gus would be there with his Blueberry and everything would be fine. 


Another look from Lassie. 

“...last seen driving a black Subaru…”

Who the hell makes a getaway in a Subaru?  Didn't he see one this morning...somewhere?  

With bleary eyes, Shawn looked at the picture of the perpetrator from the security camera.  The symbol on the man’s hat was the same as the one on the man he had seen only an hour ago.  

Shawn put his fingers to his temples. “Oh...I'm getting something...A348I...and E...yes, the spirits are sure of this.”  

If Lassiter hadn't looked pissed before, he certainly looked it now. Nevertheless, he hesitantly asked Buzz McNabb to run the plate number. 

“Let's catch this bastard.”  Carlton Lassiter finished. “Dismissed.”

Feeling the itch in his nose return with a vengeance, Shawn clamped his hand over his mouth and nose. “HihTXshh!”

“Bless you.” Juliet O’Hara said, appearing next to him. 

“Thank you, Jules.”

“Where's Gus?”

Shawn made an overly-dramatic groaning sound. “He had to go to his “real” job or he'll get fired.”

“He still has that job?”

“Apparently so.”

McNab handed something to Lassiter. 

“It's his sister’s car, but she hasn't reported it as stolen.”  Lassiter told Juliet. 

“Shawn, can you sense where he went?

I can sense that every window in this place is open. 

“He…” Shawn put his fingers to his temples again, “Was driving aggressively, but wasn't driving too fast. W?  WWW dot?  No...ihiht’s...w-west...by the w-Htishhew woods.”  He sniffled wetly. 

“That must be where his hideout is!”  Juliet said. “Shawn, do you think you can find him?”

“Don't be ridiculous, Jules!  Of course I can.” 

Lassiter rolled his eyes. “There's no time to lose-let’s go now!”  They ran out the doors and into the parking lot where Carlton Lassiter’s newly-repaired car awaited them. 

“No eating in my car!”  Lassie yelled at Shawn, despite the fact that the latter had no food, before they piled in. 


h...ETshhu!  hITshhx!

“Spencer, stop sneezing in my car.”  Lassie growled. 

To be fair, Shawn was surprised he hadn't complained sooner. Juliet shot her partner an exasperated look. 

“Sorry.”  The psychic detective said, holding his hands up in mock surrender. 

Lassie almost missed the turn in the road. Did he just say “sorry?”

He focused back on his driving. 

“Are you...okay, Shawn?”  Juliet asked him, turning her head to look at him. His eyes were swollen and puffy, and the rims of his nostrils were chapped with a tint of red irritation. 

“Yes, Jules.”  While it was obvious that he wasn't really okay, it wouldn't help much to say so. After all, they were in the middle of tracking down an escaped convict who's the prime murder suspect of their case. Lassie must have had the vent on in the car, because his symptoms were continuing to flare up. 

Juliet turned back around, absolutely unconvinced.

“Hey, can you turn on the radio?”  Shawn asked, hoping the two detectives would ignore the blatant congestion in his voice. 

“Absolutely not. This isn't a nice drive to the beach, Spencer; we have to be alert.”

In the time it took Carlton Lassiter to respond, Shawn had successfully stifled three sneezes to absolute silence. 

“Lassie,” Shawn sniffled, “has anyone ever told you that you're quite the fun vacuum?” 

“Is he in the woods or by the woods, Shawn?”

Dirt on the car, fresh-looking scratches on the lower part of the doors...

“In the woods.”  He started humming “Over The River and Through the Woods to Grandmother’s House We Go.”  

Carlton Lassiter turned on the radio. 

Once again, flinging his hand over his nose and mouth, Shawn sneezed twice. “H-TSHihh!  hn-EHkshoo!”  

“Spencer.” Carlton warned. 

“Just...just hTShh!” Shawn sniffled, pulling a tissue out of his pocket, “Havi’g a fight with a few spirits.”

The head detective put on his “I-can't believe-this-is-part-of-my-job" face.

Shawn held the tissue to his twitching nostrils to soak up some of the liquid that had begun to leak out of his nose.

“O’Hara, look!”  Carlton said after driving for a few minutes in the woods, “It looks like tire tracks.”

Shawn inwardly groaned at not discovering it first.  Stupid allergies. 

“I'mb sedsi’g that he's close.”  Shawn said, cringing at the sound of his own voice. He coughed lightly and suddenly remembered something. “Lassie...he had and accomblice...his sister!”  His voice cracked on the last syllable of sister. 

“I was thinking she's involved in it too...oh my God.”  In the distance, the trio were able to see a cabin with smoke coming out of the chimney.  When they were yards away from the back of the cabin, Carlton brought the car to a halt and called for backup. “Stay here, Spencer.”

What?  But I-” he ended up cutting himself off with a coughing fit. 

“Sorry, Shawn.”  Juliet said before running off with Carlton. 

“I can't believe we're leaving him in my car.”  Carlton muttered to himself as he ran. 


When the two detectives were out of range, Shawn finally relaxed. Pulling out his last clean tissue, he began to blow his nose as thoroughly as possible. Unfortunately, this triggered a tickle in his nostrils which caused him to sneeze yet again. Out of the corner of his eye, Shawn watched as a woman climbed out the back window of the cabin and began to make her way to the car. 

Shit, Lassie took the keys. Is there no trust?

She shot one of the car’s tires. 

This is bad bad bad. 

He knew he wouldn't be able to run without getting shot, but leaped out of the car and started sprinting anyway. 

“Stop or I'll shoot!”  She yelled, running after him. Shawn’s lungs spasmed as he continued to run away from her. 

If we go back around to the cabin, Lassie and Jules can take her down. 

She fired her gun two times just barely missing him, or so it seemed. 

Keep running zig zagged. Keep going. It's okay. 

He started moving through the trees and finally moved his course to closer to the cabin where Carlton and Juliet had the shooter’s brother in handcuffs. 

A little further. 

Keep going. 

Almost there. 

There was another shot that hit the tree next to him. 

Oh no. 

“S.B.P.D!  Drop it!”  Carlton yelled, running towards the two, leaving Juliet with the man. A few police cars appeared on the scene, and the woman broke down, placing her gun on the ground. He slapped a pair of handcuffs on her while Shawn doubled over in a particularly violent-sounding fit of coughing. Juliet and Carlton gave the criminals to Buzz McNab.

Spencer?”  Carlton said, almost uncertainly to the psychic detective. 

Shawn tried to stop the spasms in his chest long enough to answer. “Yeah, L-Lassie?”  He wheezed in between coughs. His eyes were almost completely filled with tears due to the irritating pollen. Standing up straight, the blood rushed to his head, and Shawn would have fallen were it not for the two strong arms belonging to Carlton Lassiter. 

Carlton steadied the psychic and looked at him with disbelief. “Aw hell, Spencer.  Take it easy!”

“Carlton,” Juliet greeted with a nervous look in her eyes, “She shot your tire.”

“SON OF A BITCH!  I JUST got that car fixed!” He seethed before remembering that his screaming probably wasn't helping Shawn at all.  He released his grip on Shawn before muttering something about having a spare.  Carlton went over to his car to change the tire. 

“Shawn, you look terrible!”  Juliet told him, her eyebrows furrowing with concern. “Maybe you should sit dow-”  Before she could even finish her sentence, Shawn lowered himself to the ground and put his head between his knees. 

“Sorry, Jules...I forgot that I left my allergy meds in...The Blueberry. Just need to catch...my breath.”  He continued to try taking slow and steady breaths, only to be met with his lungs’ protest. 

Juliet knelt down and put a hand on his shoulder. “Shawn, just tell me next time.  I'm sure we would have been able to find you some.”

Shawn tried once again to steady his breathing, this time with better results. “It's alright, we needed to leave fast. Next timb...actually there wod’t be a next timb.”  Shawn turned to her and grinned sheepishly. Was it just him or were their faces rather close together now?  “Jules, ihTSHEWw!”  He managed to turn away from her and sneeze into his elbow. “Whud timb is id?”  

“Almost three.”

“Perfect, it's still five o’clock somewhere,” he said half-heartedly. Gus’ shift would end at six, and they'd likely be back at the station around four. 

“How did you get to work today?”  Juliet asked suddenly. 

“Rode my motorcycle, why?”

“You can't drive home like this!”

“Jules I'mb a psychic I'll be find. I-hTshhx!  I've driven with worse conditions.”  He said with a smile. 

Juliet was not amused. 

“Okay, we're all set!”  Carlton said, proud of his handiwork. He had taken his jacket off, and there were dirt stains on the knees of his pant legs. 

“Carlton,” Juliet whispered, “Give him a ride home.”  

“Spencer, are you going to your apartment or the Psych office?”  Carlton asked.

“Psych. I told Gus…” he paused to cough, “that I'd meet himb there.”

“Fine, it's on the way anyway.”

No it isn't. 

Wh-” Was Lassie being...nice to him?  "Okay, tha’ks, Lassie.”  

“Yeah, yeah.”  Carlton rolled his eyes. “Let's go.”  

When they got back to the car, Carlton picked up his jacket and stuck his hand in its pocket. Without a word, he subtly handed his handkerchief to Shawn. When Shawn opened his mouth to thank him, the head detective shot him a glare, thus making him shut his mouth for once instead.

Juliet started a conversation with her partner to shatter the uncomfortable silence. Carlton seemed rather pleased with how they had apprehended the duo. 

“It feels good to put scum like that guy in his place.” Carlton said with a smirk. 


“Bless you.”  Juliet and Carlton said in unison. Shawn thanked them, but raised an eyebrow at how differently Carlton was reacting to him compared to an hour or two ago. 

After a few more minutes of trying to listen to his colleagues’ conversation, Shawn let himself drift off as he rested his head on his hand.


When Shawn woke up he had forgotten that he was in Carlton Lassiter’s car. The radio was playing classical music and they were just a few blocks from the police station. 

“Actually Lassie, you cand jus’ drop me off here.”  Shawn slurred, completely exhausted. 

God, his head hurt. 

“Yeah, like hell I can. I will not be responsible for you getting in an accident.”

He came to a stop at the station. 

“O’Hara, can you tell the chief that I'll be in soon?”  Lassiter said. 

She looked at Shawn longingly before sighing. “Sure. Feel better, Shawn.”  

“Thanks, Jules.”

She got out of the car, leaving Shawn and Carlton alone. 

“I think you scared the hell out of her today, Spencer.”  Lassiter said. 

“I think I scared the hell out of both of you.”  

“Don't be ridiculous, Spencer.”  Carlton said in a tired voice. 

“But that's my thing.”  Shawn retorted before wiping his nose with the handkerchief. 

They pulled up at the Psych office. 

“Just don't do it again.”




“S-Shut up, Spencer!”  He looked flabbergasted to say the least. “Just don't do anything stupid or I'll get in trouble for leaving you alone.”

Shawn smirked and stuck his tongue out at the older man. “I'mb a grownd-up, Lassie. I wond’t d- heh-ekTchhew!”

Lassie rolled his eyes again. 

“Later!”  Shawn said, finally leaving the car. 

“Don't come to work like that again, Shawn.”  Carlton muttered under his breath. 

Edited by Pollen Girl
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Oh my God. You write the characters so well! I can sooooooo see Shawn saying all of those things. 

36 minutes ago, Pollen Girl said:

Also I might do a second part because Gus isn't even in this part. :cry: 

You should totally do a second part!

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please do a second part! They're all so good and I can totally see this happening!


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Hey guys!  Thanks so much for all of your support! :hug::heart:  It totally brightened my day to see all of your nice words. Here's the second and final part!  



Shawn jolted, waking up from his nap. The first thing he saw was his best friend Burton Guster. 

“Jeez, Shawn-I've been trying to wake you up for like five minutes.”  Gus said, shaking his head slightly. After a moment of thought he stated, “You look awful.”

“Tha—” Shawn’s body cut him off by choosing that moment to go into yet another fit of coughing. The entire couch trembled from the sheer force of his chest spasms. 

“Oh my God...you forgot your allergy medication, didn't you?”

“Wow, Gus!  Are you a—” he coughed a few more times, “psychic detective, too?”

“Very funny, Shawn.”  Gus said. 

“Sorry, mand.  I left my meds in The Blueberry.”  Shawn replied before sitting up. His head immediately throbbed in complaint and he let out a slightly-exaggerated groan.  He couldn't even think about breathing from the left side of his nose. 

“Don't you have more stuff than that?”  The pharmaceutical salesman asked. At Shawn’s expression that read “what-do-you-think?” Gus just sighed and told Shawn he'd grab the medication for him. 

Shawn almost went back to sleep in the brief time it took his friend to return. 

“Which ones do you take, Shawn?”  Gus asked referring to the three different bottles and two boxes of tablets he had in his hands. 

“Whud timb is it?”


“Thend two of the twelve-hour nasal decogestad one of the twelve-hour antihistambide, and one of the chest decogestad.”  Shawn rattled off seemingly without much effort. 

Gus handed him the pills he asked for and got him a cup of water. 

Propping himself up again, Shawn accepted the offering. “Tha’ks, buddy.” He said with a look of relief on his face. He hadn't realized how dependent he really was on those capsules until this very moment. In two relaxed motions, he swallowed the pills and leaned back into the couch. “So,” he cleared his tired throat, “how was work?”

“It was horrible, Shawn!  My boss freaked out today because someone switched the coffee to decaf and he just couldn't handle it!” Gus ranted, “I don't like decaf either, but I mean it was so un—”


“Bless you. So unprofessional and unnecessary.”  Gus shook his head and stood up. “And then, he blew up at the sweet girl...the one with the boyfriend...and she quit on the spot!  Now he has to get someone to fill her position so it completely backfired. Turns out the boss’ nephew was the one who switched the coffee anyway because—”


“Bless you.  The nephew figured he'd do the company a great service by saving money by buying the cheaper type of coffee. That's irony right there, Shawn.”  Gus finished, crossing his arms, satisfied with his rant. It wasn't often that Shawn gave him the opportunity to talk about his job. 

“Wow.  So basically, you wand real coffee now.”  

“I kinda do.” Gus admitted, “My boss dumped all the decaf stuff down the drain. Wasteful is what that was.”

“Your boss defididely has a few screws loose.”  Shawn said, ignoring Gus’ incredulous look. “Oh also, we're gunda ged paid soond because we caught the bad guy today.”

“Good!  We need all the cash we can get. Don't think I don't know about last week’s spending spree!”

“Gus, those were totally j—juhhTSHHh!  ISHHhuh!  Th—HISHhuh!”  Gus stood up to grab the box of tissues on the table. It was obvious that Shawn was nowhere near done with his allergic fit. “O-Oh, th—TSHhhUu!”  He snatched a handful of tissues and held the wad against his irritated nose. “EKtSHHh! Hihh...hh...Dambit!”  

Bless you.”  

“Tha’ks but...you know you like the gummbi bears!”  Shawn gestured to the many bowls of the colorful gummy candies, “And the new toaster!”

“There was nothing wrong with our old toaster, Shawn!”

“It was a hot plate!”  Shawn yelled, making himself launch into a fit of coughing. 

“No, we have a toaster right here!”  Gus stormed over to the old toaster.  “I don't know where you got that hot plate!  How much toast do you need?”  

“As much as it tahhkes.”  Shawn returned, fighting a tickle in his nostrils. With his right hand he rubbed the bridge of his nose, hoping that the urge to sneeze would dissipate. Although he knew that by holding it off he was prolonging the inevitable, he was just so tired of his body’s outbursts. He hoped that the medication would just kick in already. 

“Shawn,” Gus said, “Maybe you should go home and take a shower. You're probably all covered in pollen.”

As if the mention of the allergen itself were enough to cause a reaction, Shawn finally was overcome by a rather harsh sneeze which made Gus jump.  “You're...probably right.”  He looked closer at his skin and t-shirt to find spots of dirt from the forest. “Cand we get coffee first?”


Shawn could tell that his own silence was freaking Gus out, but every other time he said anything he'd erupt into a terrible fit of coughing. His chest and abdomen he'd and he vaguely wondered if he was getting a workout from this. It'll totally impress Jules. 

Gus brought his car to a stop in front of the nearby Starbucks.  While he would normally ask for a bunch of crazy flavored to be added to his coffee, Shawn just ordered a regular with milk. Gus got a cappuccino and they sat down at a table. 

“I don’d see why we can’d just—”

“It's a company car, Shawn!  I don't want you to spill coffee everywhere!”

“Suck it.”

“No, you suck it!”

“Gus, cand you either pick me up tomborrow or drop me off at the police stationd after this?”  

“Sure...why?”  Gus said after burning his tongue on the rich liquid. 

“I,” he cleared his throat, “Left my motorcycle at the station.”

“You walked to the Psych office from there like that?”  

“Lassie gave me a ride.”

“What the hell did I miss?”  Gus asked. 

“A lot actually.”  Shawn took a sip of his coffee and sniffled. “We found the guy in the woods and his crazy-ass sister chased after me. A’d not in a good way!  She probably wanded me as her hostage but I rand. Thend,” he sniffled again—the steam from the hot beverage was making his nose run all over again. “Lassie and Jules thought I'd die drivi’g to the office or homb a-and yeah.”

Gus looked surprised and mildly disappointed. “I was gonna ask that girl out; she seemed so nice yesterday. I guess Serena really wasn't very serene.” Gus leaned back in the chair as if he had made a really clever observation. “And I agree with them, it probably isn't a good idea for you to drive home right now...and especially before when you didn't take the meds!”

“I w-wouldhh've beend fide.”  Shawn protested, throwing away his now-empty cup. 

“Whatever, Shawn. I'll drive you back. 

“G-Great…HTNXih!” He tried to stifle the sneeze but ultimately failed. At least the caffeine from the coffee would help the tablets kick in. 

“Alright,” Gus said, standing up, “Let's go.”  He threw away his own empty cup. 


Shawn’s apartment was still a mess from his frantic search for his medicine earlier in the morning. While he knew he had left his main stash in Gus’ car, he had hoped he would've had the foresight to put at least one bottle away somewhere. He set his regular allergy meds down on his counter and went to his bathroom to take a shower. 

When he was about to take his pants off he remembered that he still had Carlton Lassiter’s now-thoroughly-soggy handkerchief. He put it to the side so that he'd remember to wash it.  If he's going to annoy Lassie, it's not going to be because he didn't return his stuff. He was far more creative than that. 

He was convinced that a hot shower had magical healing powers, because when he exited, he was able to breathe almost-completely freely from his nose. 

Immediately after he finished putting a clean shirt on, his phone rang. Did I forget something else in Gus’ car?  Wait this is Jules!  He quickly answered the phone.

“Hey, Jules!  What's up?”  Shawn greeted, happy that his voice sounded less hoarse and pathetic than it did earlier in the day. 

“I just called to make sure you got home okay...you sound a lot better!”  

Shawn could feel his face growing hot.  He didn't particularly want to talk about his major moments of vulnerability. “Yeah? Oh, sorry about before...that usually doesn't happen.”  He could hear the slight congestion in his voice, and hoped that it wouldn't further worry Juliet. He rubbed away a small tickle in his nose to prevent himself from sneezing. 

“Don't even apologize!  You don't have anything to be sorry for.”

“How about for making you all worried about me?”  Shawn suggested, waggling his eyebrows. 

“Well...I...fine, apology accepted.”  Juliet replied.   He imagined that she was either rolling her eyes or blushing. “I...uh, I'll see you tomorrow, Shawn. I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow!”  


She could be so cute sometimes. 


The next day Shawn remembered to take his allergy medication, and Gus came to pick him up. 

“We don't even have a case, Shawn!”  Gus protested when the psychic detective started walking into the police station. 

“Then we'll just have to snag one! Besides we have to get our paycheck.”

“True.”  Gus really couldn't argue with that. They walked over to where Juliet was sitting and greeted her. 

“Hey guys!  Gus, we missed you yesterday!”

“Believe me, I missed you guys more. Yesterday my boss went crazy.”


Gus chose not to elaborate. “It's alright though. Just never ever switch the coffee here from regular to decaf.”

“Ah, okay.”  Jules said with an amused expression. 

Meanwhile Shawn strolled over to Carlton Lassiter’s station. 

“Thanks, Lassie.”  He said handing the head detective the now-clean handkerchief. 

Carlton opened his mouth to give him a hard time, but changed his demeanor. “Nah, you can keep it.”

“O-Okay, well thanks.”  Even the “psychic” didn't see that coming.  He went back over to where Juliet was so that he could hit on her. 

“So, Jules...what's the haps?”

“Nothing really—the caseload’s pretty light right now.”  

“Dangflabbit. That truly upsets me.” Shawn said in a matter-of-fact voice. “Then allow me to tell you a story about my childhood.”

Juliet gave him a wary look. 

“How about a story of Gus’ childhood instead?”

“Shawn no!”  Gus protested. 

“When Gus was eight he—HTchh!”  Shawn snapped his head into his arm. 

“Shawn, did you forget something?”  Juliet asked him wryly. 

“I did not, Jules. That was a normal sneeze.”

Riiight.” She said, rolling her eyes as if she didn't believe him. 

“Shawn, there's Chief Vick!  Let's get paid!”

“C’mon son!”

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Omg! This was adorable! :D I love Psych so much! I enjoyed each and every part! They were definitely in character (Lassie made me laugh so hard!) Love it :)

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On April 26, 2016 at 3:26 PM, hugmebrotha said:

Omg! This was adorable! :D I love Psych so much! I enjoyed each and every part! They were definitely in character (Lassie made me laugh so hard!) Love it :)

Thanks, hmb! :hug:  I'm glad you liked it—that really means a lot!

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