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Back in the Saddle (Poldark, Demelza) Updated 4/26


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I don't know if anyone else has seen Poldark on BBC (also on PBS and Amazon Prime) but WOW it is soooo good. I do want to write something where Ross is ill or has allergies because...well, damn he's hot, but he's the caretaker in this first story because that seems more natural and I'm still trying to get the hang of these new characters. This story has a sick Demelza and is set very early in the series. 

Back in the Saddle

“Demelza, you look weary to the bone,” Ross said as he came into the kitchen. After fastening the last button on his vest, he sat down at the wooden table. He was dressed for going into town, his good hat on the bench next to him. Demelza was kneading bread, her hair a mess of unruly curls as usual but she wasn’t singing and her face lacked any color. She wiped her hands clean and set out his breakfast as though she hadn’t heard him. “Demelza?” He placed a hand on her arm to keep her from walking away.

“Yes sir?”

His eyes narrowed as he looked her over.

“Have you eaten?” he asked, though he suspected he knew the answer. She kept her eyes downcast.

“Uh…no, sir.”

“Hmm. Sit down—eat now.” He’d done this before, invited her to share a meal with him simply to make sure she ate. Normally she’d inhale whatever he put in front of her, but this morning she mostly moved the food around on her plate, only taking an occasional bite. “Are you not hungry?” he asked. She shook her head and pushed her plate back. Ross got up from his seat and came over to her side of the table, taking a seat next to her. “Are you ill?” he asked, pressing a hand to her forehead.

“No, sir.”

“Are you sure?” He tilted her head towards him and frowned when he saw dark circles underneath her eyes. While she was always pale, normally her skin had a soft blush across her cheekbones but today there was nothing. “If you’re not ill, you’re on your way,” he said, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her eyes before he could stop himself. As soon as he realized what he’d done, Ross stood up from the table and cleared his throat. “Don’t go out and work the fields today. I want you to stay here and rest. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard lately and you’re worn down.”

“But sir, the south field needs—”

“Trudy will do it. It’ll be the first scrap of work she’s done since you got here.”

“It ain’t necessary, sir.”

“I believe that it is,” he said. “I’m going into town for the day.” He paused at the door and turned back. “I do hope to find you feeling better when I return.”

The sound of his horse was fading in the distance when Demelza straightened up the kitchen and went outside to begin her daily chores. A little fatigue was no reason to skip an entire day’s work. Master Poldark was overreacting and she wouldn’t give Jud and Trudy any additional reason to hate her.


She’d made slow but steady progress all day, clearing and tying off bundles of barely in the south field. She could feel autumn’s chill threatening, so it was vital that they get it all done before the first frost. She paused and wiped the sweat from her brow and shivered. Her body was growing sore as the day wore on and there was a tickle in her nose that was threatening to make her sneeze. That she would have to hide from Master Poldark. Demelza yawned and rubbed her nose against her wrist, then got back to work.

Either she lost track of time or Master Poldark’s business concluded early because she soon heard him galloping down the path that lead from town towards the house. Any hope that she had that he’d keep riding past her were quickly dashed when he pulled up short a few feet away.

“Were my instructions this morning unclear?” he asked from the back of his horse.

“Not unclear, sir.”

“Then why are you out here working instead of at home as I requested?”

“There’s a lot that needs getting’ done, sir. No reason to—” AhhKTshhoo! KTschhoo! HihKTSHHoo! Demelza quickly sneezed three times before she even had a thought to stop it. She heard Master Poldark get down off his horse and cut through the field towards her.

“God bless you.” He took a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. She took it with a quiet thank you and watched the man in front of her. She’d seen this before—anger and compassion waging war in his eyes. In this case she wasn’t sure which one would finally get the upper hand. While she waited, her nose was continuing to be uncooperative and she brought the handkerchief up to her face again.

hhktshhoo! K’TSHH! TSHHoo!

“Bless you, Demelza.” Ross sighed and bit back the urge to yell at her. He knew she was eager to prove herself, still afraid he would find her lacking and send her back to her father. However, working herself to the bone was untenable. “Come on,” he said, directing her towards the waiting horse.

“Ain’t nothing wrong with my legs,” she said with a sniffle.

“Would you just not argue for once?”

“Alright then.”

He helped her up into the saddle and then got up on the horse behind her. A flick of the reins and they were off towards the house at a gentle trot. Demelza felt herself growing drowsy now that she had stopped working and she leaned back against her master’s chest, letting her head rest just below his shoulder. Ross tightened his hold around her and frowned when he felt her shiver. It wasn’t the first time he’d felt a rush of tenderness towards the young woman, but it was certainly the first time he’d been worried about her. Demelza shuddered as she sneezed again and he whispered a blessing in her ear, tugging his jacket to try and cover her bare arms.

Ross took the horse right up to the front door of the main house before dismounting and holding a hand out to Demelza. She got off the horse but the quick movement made her head swim and she reached out blindly for help. He had an arm around her waist almost instantly, keeping her steady as the dizziness passed.

“Thought you send there was nothing wrong with your legs,” he teased.

“Ain’t my legs that’s misbehaving, sir. S’my head,” she mumbled. Ross smiled and helped her into the house. He was pleased not to have to deal with Jud or Trudy but he could see nothing in the house had been touched all day.

KTschhoo! Hihtshhoo!

“God bless you.”


"Bless you, Demelza. Perhaps I should send for the doctor.” He got her a glass of water and tried to coax the fire in the kitchen back to life so he could make tea.

“Just a cold, sir. No need for the doctor.”

“What did you eat today?” he asked. When she didn’t answer, Ross turned back and saw she’d gone white as a sheet. He just managed to get to her before she passed out.



Edited by matilda3948
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I've never watched it but I'm in love with it! They're so cute even though they're not together. His concern for her is wonderful 

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I have never heard of this, but it seems like I've seen it because of your beautiful writing. I can sense the relationship between the two characters and their personalities. Wonderful job. I hope to read more. :)

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Ahhh I'm a huge fan of Poldark!

3 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

“Trudy will do it. It’ll be the first scrap of work she’s done since you got here.”

Truer words were never spoken :laugh:

3 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

“Were my instructions this morning unclear?” he asked from the back of his horse.

Commanding!Ross is a little scary and a little sexy, and I love that Demelza has the backbone to defy him (even if it is only to try and please him more). The anger and compassion bit is so true about his character and their relationship. 

4 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

“Thought you send there was nothing wrong with your legs,” he teased.



“Ain’t my legs that’s misbehaving, sir. S’my head,” she mumbled.

She's still so quarrelsome and it is PERFECT.

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I love sneezefics set in this era, and this is really great. I especially like it when someone is trying to hide the need to sneeze...

On 4/11/2016 at 2:10 AM, matilda3948 said:

Her body was growing sore as the day wore on and there was a tickle in her nose that was threatening to make her sneeze. That she would have to hide from Master Poldark. Demelza yawned and rubbed her nose against her wrist, then got back to work.

...from someone they are nervous of sneezing in front of :D

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On 4/11/2016 at 2:10 AM, matilda3948 said:

“If you’re not ill, you’re on your way,” he said, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her eyes before he could stop himself. As soon as he realized what he’d done, Ross stood up from the table and cleared his throat.

Aww Ross.

On 4/11/2016 at 2:10 AM, matilda3948 said:

Demelza felt herself growing drowsy now that she had stopped working and she leaned back against her master’s chest, letting her head rest just below his shoulder. Ross tightened his hold around her and frowned when he felt her shiver. It wasn’t the first time he’d felt a rush of tenderness towards the young woman, but it was certainly the first time he’d been worried about her.

:wub: This whole section is just gorgeous.

On 4/11/2016 at 2:10 AM, matilda3948 said:

Demelza shuddered as she sneezed again and he whispered a blessing in her ear, tugging his jacket to try and cover her bare arms.

Dies and is dead. This is both very lovely and very hot.

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Mffffh poldark send help


this is very well written & I am certainly looking forward to more caretaking Ross, not to mention that fic about him you mentioned earlier,......,,

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/11/2016 at 9:16 PM, supernaturalfragalistic said:

I've never watched it but I'm in love with it! They're so cute even though they're not together. His concern for her is wonderful 

Thank you! They're freaking adorable in this show. The chemistry is just too lovely.

On 4/11/2016 at 9:49 PM, Sophie83540 said:

I have never heard of this, but it seems like I've seen it because of your beautiful writing. I can sense the relationship between the two characters and their personalities. Wonderful job. I hope to read more. :)

Thanks! It's a great show--definitely worth watching.

On 4/11/2016 at 1:13 AM, queenie said:

Commanding!Ross is a little scary and a little sexy, and I love that Demelza has the backbone to defy him (even if it is only to try and please him more). The anger and compassion bit is so true about his character and their relationship. 

Commanding!Ross is awesome. But you know there's that sweet softy underneath.

On 4/12/2016 at 1:00 PM, NoV said:

I love sneezefics set in this era, and this is really great. I especially like it when someone is trying to hide the need to sneeze...

...from someone they are nervous of sneezing in front of :D

Thank you. I'm usually not a huge fan of this time period but this show has totally changed my mind. I binged on that show in about a week.

On 4/17/2016 at 3:33 PM, Bruyere said:

Aww Ross.

:wub: This whole section is just gorgeous.

Dies and is dead. This is both very lovely and very hot.

Thanks! I just love them. 

On 4/18/2016 at 8:00 PM, ToothTen said:

Mffffh poldark send help


this is very well written & I am certainly looking forward to more caretaking Ross, not to mention that fic about him you mentioned earlier,......,,

Oh, I have a plan for Ross. It's likely going to have some sassy Demelza in it too.

On 4/18/2016 at 6:48 AM, AnteatersOnParade said:

This is beautifully done! Definitely one of those fics that makes me wanna check the show out!

Thank you. You should totally check out the show. It's only 8 episodes so it's not a massive commitment yet. Though I'm now dying for season 2.


I really appreciate all the comments. I finally was able to come up with an ending that made me reasonably happy. It's very tough to get a handle on new characters. Here's the second (and final) piece of the story but I'll write more in this fandom. 


Ross glanced over at the bed when he heard Demelza sniffle and roll over, but she remained asleep. After she fainted in the kitchen he scooped up her and tucked her into his own bed. He told himself it was so he could work at his desk while keeping an eye on her. He told himself that she shouldn’t be on her own while she was ill. Truth be told, he knew it was just a cold and fatigue and she would have been fine in her own room, but he had to admit that the sight of Demelza nestled down in his bed was… Ross shook his head and bent back down over his work. He couldn’t focus though. Every time Demelza shifted or sighed or sniffled he found his attention disrupted. He frowned when he saw her shiver. Worried she might be developing a fever, Ross got up from his desk and sat down on the edge of the bed. He brushed a few curls away and put his hand on her forehead. He was pleased to find she wasn’t feverish but she definitely had a chill. Ross sighed and ran a hand over his face, glancing around the room as if it held an answer to how to make her more comfortable. His sight fell on the window that overlooked the barn. Ross only doubted himself for a moment before going to the front door of the house. He raised an eyebrow when he found the mangy dog laying just a few feet from the door as if awaiting an invitation.

“Come,” Ross said and the dog followed him inside and back towards the bedroom. Garrick didn’t even wait for permission; he jumped up onto the bed and curled up against Demelza. She rolled onto her side and hugged the dog in her sleep, making a contented noise that did something strange and warm to Ross’ heart.

He managed to get some work done, lulled by the rhythmic sound of Demelza’s congested breathing. The sun was beginning to set and he went into the kitchen to fix himself something to eat. While he’d grown used to having Demelza cook for him, he certainly was capable. He lit a few lamps so he had enough light to eat by and when he was done he checked on Demelza one last time. She finally seemed peaceful and sound asleep now that she had her dog next to her. Ross grabbed a spare blanket and made himself comfortable on the floor next to the bed, asleep moments after he’d blown out the light.

The sky was light but the sun hadn’t risen yet when the sound of her coughing woke him. Ross got up and helped Demelza sit up. It took a second but the coughing stopped and she looked around.

“What…what I’m doing in here, sir?”

“I put you to bed after you fainted.”

“But—Garrick! No! Get down!” Demelza said as soon as she noticed the dog at her side. She tried to get up as well but Ross put a hand on her shoulder.

“Slow down, Demelza.”

“But sir—ht’kshh! KTschhoo! ahhtshhoo!

“God bless you,” he said, taking a handkerchief off the bedside table and handing it to her. She sat on the edge of the bed and blew her nose. “You’re not well,” he said. “And I wanted to be able to keep watch during the night and make sure you didn’t get a fever, so I brought you here. I was able to work make sure you were comfortable at the same time.”

“But if I was in your bed, where did you sleep?” she asked, her nose twitching in a way he found rather amusing. He nodded towards the blanket on the floor. “You shouldn’t have done that, sir,” she said before turning her head and sneezing into the handkerchief.

Ahh ahhTSHH! Tsschhoo!

“Bless you,” he said. “Please get back into bed and I’ll bring you something to eat.” Demelza shook her head.

“T’isn’t right,” she said.

“If you start talking like Jud I am calling for the doctor,” Ross said. She smiled briefly but quickly turned serious again.

“Sir, people’ll talk,” she said.

“People do little else,” he said. “Let me worry about that.”

ahhTSHHoo! Ktschhoo!

“God bless you, Demelza. Now lie down.” Both Garrick and Demelza complied with his command.

A few minutes later and Ross came back in with a simple porridge and a cup of strong tea for both of them.


“God bless,” he said, putting her food down on the table next to her.

ahhTSHH! KTschhoo!

“Bless you again, Demelza,” he said, concern creeping into his voice.

“Can’t shake the sneezes this morning,” she said with a sniffle. Ross handed her a bowl and spoon then sat down in his desk chair to eat his own breakfast.

“Other than the sneezing, how do you feel?”

“Oh, loads better, sir. Ain’t been that tired in ages.” She spoke with her mouth full and he was glad to see her appetite was back as well.

“You need to take care not to exhaust yourself,” Ross said, taking a sip of his own tea.

“Didn’t mean to do it,” she said, keeping her eyes downcast. “I just…” Her voice trailed off and when it became clear she had no intention of finishing, Ross prompted her.

“Just what?”

“I just don’t want you thinking I’m no good. Sending me back to my father.”

Ross put his breakfast down on the desk and came around to the side of the bed. He sat on the edge and waited until she finally looked up at him.

“I will never make you go back there, Demelza. Ever. If you never lift a finger again I won’t send you back there.”

“I ain’t Trudy,” she said. He laughed.

“Thank God for that,” he said.  Demelza ate her last bite of food and then put the bowl down on the bed for Garrick to lick clean. Ross cleared his throat and she looked up, her eyes wide as saucers when she realized what she’d just done.

“Oh! Sorry, sir! Garrick, give that back.” She reached for the dish but the dog quickly jumped out of her reach. Ross smiled and stood up.

“Might as well let him finish,” he said.

“Master Poldark, I’m real grateful for your looking after me. Ain’t nehh Ehh hehTsshh! Ktsshhoo! Never had no one do that for me.”

“God bless. I am sorry you don’t feel well, but I’m glad I could help some. Now lie back down and get some more sleep.” She glanced at the dog hesitantly. “Let him stay. Just this once,” he said.

“Thank you, sir.”

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This story was very sweet. I would enjoy seeing more from this fandom in the future. 

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Great end to the story :D I agree with Sophie83540 - any time you want to return to this fandom, you will definitely have a reader here :lol:

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